-, OlPBJL 20, 1006 The Commoner. 15 flow Deaf People Sound Magnifiers Invented by a Kentuclrian Invisible, Tfhen., Worn, ,but Act " Like Eye -Glasses. . ,m -, - j. , . t Brer boo a. p;tr of 3omd MafftilOfltld They ur&eft feofiu tb&eitr oae oau't toll flfcy are 'Wyorind tb'.m. , ' , . . . Andnoonec UponriteM, th?r, Wr-auWthey r- weak hcavfnir vlit ,)ectActe ewe tot!eik Lr'ft, ' Bfleniwu thr-.f ntnwoiiucl mairtttrs,.Jurft S .glOMftl trPiJit ntiiunlfict"!. Tl)y rcHt Uio t:tr Nervn by- taking theMrwrla.olJ lhii -'.liiHti'.ilu ol li-yln;: to hear dhu.Founri. Thty. run L vut'nUiitie o,ins r mcer-oU La a minute,'. 3nt us comfortably us epeptaoles uu ha put ou KUt! )fr. ' " -u ' . And lhry can Ko worrifb.r woflfis ntrn 8n, t)CaSNi Uiy are vhtt1Vl. tuiu-o f!n Ur"uMeSty ire nDfwltwoii l: tUn.utnd reel tus tno -totfhw. Tbey Who' iroMJf 'iay nvr lnoH putts of ttw evr from wind or ctW, ifu t o BuddvQUua,iUorofbtf oouudt. . "I ... ' '' .. - , - ... The prlnlpXsU' .; U.t ift teUpItobeft hi to mtiti It n pnicticnt for ;i Ov :;H,tv!an fb hv. wv wfcnvls iw-epectitrteftiiiftV-lt, e.iy to'rarttt jflft ?nnt. And tbo longer on wera-.UiUtU i4;iillj(K.tiL.JHJi tilioulrt irro-tr... bofAti&o liiv Okr uu wi'l flrr nvthfii Uie earnerves, JTomt n-wetf er f ci-6hUuMg. is uk reinnqn swiirr.jen wrm rcnr w rji(XTi . . Wlleta!1 C F?:' ni'iiota r-vfc the Knr Nirrirv h ffiftV! tbGBoruuWlnu.-itT. V oHii vat-y to Mui!ci'.inii with out tpyjnrf uud nrutr.rr.- Iivcy utiicfe dv.-tf rwp!e cneemuana ooni talk wrthllitlrfn! oUB.OtiCk iiMUv .lt)K. M lilt fe OSim? f.HJ ,t.;ii"io. PNSiL1 L MlllMK rwiiHiii X IW H4I4C, lie boenns anch" pfopio c"-. 1 1 Imif mm hi upi'-tHW T?Sr.li efi fl'ffiisbf -r'Ai 4 , ; v VTllOn'S Fir Dnran tvaVr nil tho4K)tind nti ko hird ou-th&cQnUt' i!uhiuiu oir drum IiUmiI of BpEnadjn ft w. ul.'.y rll over tbo turWco. It diuft "totUieslbe center t (lie human ear dr. an vltrut linHinasiMn',h if l'i amo aOnpl fcrv.Tt (ho wbolo drum hi'ad. It; H thl vibration of Iftf uur lr urn that carriH iunl tri tliehOaiJng nerves. Vhu wo ma&othodriiO. .vibrato hsn tioioa 10 unnorsinrn. UuctLnOPR, Jnunmivons", ftar-" acli, bmiUtjg h-i'-fd imbo hotid. 'itnd runtifnflr fvirfT, broken ear diniUi.i mid rthti ' oar trnublRB nt o re!uv (1 m.d cHroaly tuo uh of thcue cnnl'ortiiblo UiJI o!ir-rwt-os -i and 8onrd-ljiasTUI'rM. The Picture 1 1 tuu hkuwi Jim now cuoe ittlb sound m u fir ni f iorfl como to yon, with tha ltrt in"iitH for pl;ic IngUiain In 4 bo our UoIok, and tbo ploturo at llio eldo bbovisi ono of them In actual Ufo. A L'onsiblo book about Deafness tolls how they aro madoi and has nrlnb'd in It letters from uundredn of people who are tHlniruiem. Olorfi:ymon. Liwypie, rbyslclans, Tolctjrnph Operators, Trnlninen, Workers in $oller f-hopa and Foun dries four hundred people of all ranka who woro Doafi tell their expe rience In this freo book. They toll how their hcarlntr watt broncrht back to thorn almost instantly by the proper use of Wilson' h Jiar Drnnu. Somoofthoso very people may Uvo nonryou, nnd bo well known to you.Whut they have to Bay la xnlghty Blronu proof. Thla book baa boon tha means of relieving thou cands of Doatpeoplo. It will bo mailed freo to you If yon merely writ" a pout card for It today. Don't put ofT trottlntr back your hoarlntr. Write now.,whllo you think ot It Net the freo book ofproof . Wrltoforit todav to Tho Wilson Ear Drnm Co., , 1132 Todd Building, LouIbvIIIo, Ky. THE BAKER'S DOZEN w?$. II- . "V J T I .' s0df SBITt. Jm, Hrt'a library has another story of its origin: Jan Pielersem, of Amsterdam, was a good churchman, hut nevertheless he was afraid of being hewilchod. On the last night of- 1G54 ho sat in his baheshop trying to keep out tho evil spirits by priming himself with a glass of good spirits. Sales had boon brisk. There were no customers in the shop for tho moment, and he sat back, meditating on the gains he would make- on the morrow, when the fresh New Year's, cakes were put on sal. He wa startled by a sud den rap. An, ujdy. woman pushed the door open. ', "Grt mer a -down New Year's cookies," fihe cried in a shrill yoiee. The"shrillneB8 of her voice did not mean anything to , his slow Dutch mind. It, only annoyed, him. "Well, then, you need'nt speak so wuu, DU'U UOUl X tli. HUl, UCHIi Thi Ibs X:td Listen I I am now receiving thousands of letters of appreciation from spectacle - wearers all over the world, in which they cxpresi their sincere thanks for the perfect fight they now enjoy with my famous Perfect Vision ipectacles. - I Want your testirftonial also, and am there fore making yu the following very special offer. : . 4 .; .- .Qrrl m wniif nam'flnrl AtrSTnA T: iattft 't-maW , T),.r-i. rilft'a Bbzfea. Jfwe'ardr only twei.w Home Eye Tester, foC mtt sfftita you retuc )&. tit o Tester with your test, I wUl; etitl yott it complete? five Mfy family set of the Dr. Haux famoui, ferfecV'Vttloii spectaclei ipt only $1 (whLh is an actuai saving of f4 to you), and this will include a pair of my handsome Rolled Gold spectacles -lbsoiutely free, of charge. Thla set Will l?st youi-self and family a Htlm With these famous Perfect yteton spectaH .m&-m to read the iilintii A BILLION OF. NICKEL' Hor tjinn 04-e billion passengers w.ere carrieti on. the surface, elevated and subway roads Uf Greater New York lfiHl year. - 'Ttfe exact, number of., paid fares vas .l,U71;151,(i98, an increase of 93,498,451. Of these fewer than a Quarter were transferred. The increase in transfers fell far below tho .increase in paid faros, which is somewhat accounted for by the in creased evasion of the free-transfer law by the transportation companies. On the basis of total car mileage there were six passengers paying a 5-ceut fare for every mile that a car traveled. Increase In care mile age about kept pace with the Increase in passengers, showing that the cars are now crowded to the limit of traffic.- New York World. T WolI, tht?n, twelve is a 'dozen.'" "One raorei I ant a dozen.'' HWtll, -tltea, if yott want another, go to -the devil and get it." The , haa lefU the ahon. but from J;hat night Jan had : trouble. The .vbqp. -peemed te, be bewitched. Hlr cakes were stolen. Either his bread was so light that it soured im the Lctifamey, ov so heavy that the ud- r - .4 -B 4-1 -T m.. Jtt- i. , ' ' a mJ 1 . ". w V t -1 3" . . . I 'a . .. JJ - rm m . . . W iMjiuj.vi ui. yy gave way upneam nnesr, pnniust aseasy as, vqu ever aa in your iite. ana i vvia return '-- .- v.,4. asq ti . wwuvAftd vtwaji. j ii' 'IIl 9M J-tf i:. tt . i" . . SN - . j his children wettt wild: THis :cade 7ou y9r ouav wunngiy :ix ou yourseir aonrt nna tnem IO De tno beU Ltook'wu.2P-,;-0?! you Jiavte ever bought anywhere, at any priced' t n 11 m pTr:i var . I'nruo ninna rnn nifi ' .' . it mm m . mmb . woman rexurmea,.anfl .atir .umo' was - ..cuu,j,v ui cp y .ww .FwA. i: rtpwtr: ' -. HWrebftBd to the.-dwirf sanctuhl, At rn vrr.mt a&rir l?r v i .' " .tarUtJ, n.UUi cr " rrNttrc. i ' last, in ttespair tho baker .e&uea.upiW? i-Tf v.f ibfvj. ..w:-viti vsyi, ayv rable natron of. Dutch feasts delivered a lectnr&ron. Charity, telling the tfem whero. My agent? ncd tto.llccneoasIJwnHhth necsryioiants v.ili an a.'fsontfit, ling--jaji.hfe' WW' awpue ln;:'hd - '" "-i1 '-'"iJ 'f -'""" '. v-.r." , ."IA";1 "' future. Tlion ;he jvanished, and in his plaaft .stood the hag, who ..repeated Mcfed, whef fcixplfe ThC eK?if?imed 'heitfpeliJrJiliiilleii ft-oto this time --. one dozen. is thfrtaaxL!' TiUng fiDjn, the counter a ingtertVeah e?;f&y of St. Nionp!a3, she made the subdued Dutchman , lay &istymd.ufccm ft snd swear to prlve more libelai measure ia the f lUure Sinc' that time thirteen has been eallfea ttoe' bakers dozen. New" Yoik Tribune. )OOOOClk?OOOOOCOOCQQ CX50CXDOCX5POOOOOOOCXX) ,-jw r -j- V1K H Hi- Dfea ead? 'ft.tf.. ni:.,rW',li'lVi 3S Gladstone Saidi ' 'V ? t. .( I ' a few en- to think originated considered Some .persons, including cyclopaedists, are inclined that the baker's dozen when the heavy fines were necessary "to counterbalance light weights, and the bakers, in order to insure full weight, took the precau tion to add an additional unit. Some have called it the devil's dozen, be cause thirteen was the number of witches who used to ride their broom sticks to the "Black Mass" of Satan. The baker's great book in the Astor f CONGRATULATIONS General Wood, having slaughtered 600 Moras, including women and chil dren, has been congratulated by the president. It is safe to say that he will not receive., the felicitations of congress or of the people. Corralling 600 Moros. in a crater and hauling cannon to tho rim with which to mas sacre them, is as bad as anything of which we charged the Spaniards when we went to war for humanity and benevolent assimilation. Honolulu Advertiser (republican). .."BoWs arVa dollfctitful society, -'tl yau q juto n room anjt fli:-! ot books, without even inking tliom hami from the!r shr-lv. - n0crh to apeak to you td biJ yon wfclcdmA They fcem'to tell Vou t have gbt something Iitelde the r covers that vfill be .foatltor you, ai i they are willing una deflrou to lmparjt to yoxi. .,. - v- ,7 ''Another purpOne of boolfM Is to onlarse U mhfd, M -ftrC$ fi ,,,;' '' lo enable the-people to n;id plauiirf. uoj; onls Ln.Llxa vejiUicsn,- ni...air but la hard work, In. the stlfC' thought of literature. 'J'he liard won. of literature cor.veys to those 'who T'Urinio it In slhceilty ah'J, truth, not my utility, but also real enjoyment' ."". UN .EUROPEAN TRAVELS, LECTURES, SPEECHES OTHER FLAGS55 By William J. Bryan ThlsJjook Is a complin 1 1 on of Mr. Bryan's reports, describing his European tour and a number of hl'J most popular lectures, ills European letters are four teen In number, descriptive of the tariff debate In England, Ireland and Her Leaders, France and Her People, The Switzerland Republic. Germany vmd Socialism, Russia and Her Czar, "Tolstoy, tho Apos tle of L,ove," together with other and equally Inter esting accounts of Mr. Bryan's trip abroad. Bourke Cockran delivered a speech in the house in which he defended railway rate legislation and. ridiculed the "constitutional lawj'ers" in the senate. Under Other Flags, Neatly Bound in Cloth, 400 P. Octavo, Postage Prepaid , $1.25 With The Commoner One Year $1.75 AGENTS WANTED Address. THE COMMONER. Lincoln. Web. 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