tJ .ft. knttf w,..4u nnwxi w'kittli$mmmritt.,'t toAt MiwwawiJwi&iiiijoiiii The Commoner. . VOLUME 6, NUMBER 14 10 V RT. , Grief in Boyville (.Tamos A. Bailey, Iho famous circus man, dfod nt his homo In Mount Ver non, N. y. on April 11.) What boots it now if empire full - And kingdoms all decay? , -. ' What matter now if faming :pall LqavH sorrow in. it way? For greater . gi'lofj ..tlMin. these can : hring; '. O'ftr, fooyhobft now 1b preHd, frbr James A. Bailey, circus king, J'" Lies silent, cold and dead. . gambling gaitios Lot kings their " -pursue With human lives for uittKm;' Lt war's alnrmi ring through the blue" flffnUI the wholo world Quakes. 'lMi uoi of flifle ths. sntell 'box. fanUto "Wrtfi bowed nrrd sorry Ueftd; ,- Me tint en with 'heart that lonily bfeedg That Jam os A. Bailey !s dead. Let drama Ijo hoard with tnuflled beat, Let dhgcrii All ttflfAir'; ' Lid fu6td trapptngl-ffll Hic'-stl&pl. ? Flnfs half-masi eTOryrbore, vr -. The sheets of iioyville reohrirlm Woe ;Ar for Hi with sorry Iroad, w The llttlo, folk in sllenco fiO For James A. Bailey's deal. H, n V.' finally rallied and the spokesman ven tured to say: ' "Then we may count' upon your company's active support in this great reform?" ' "Gontlomcn, you may," said the Great Man. "You may herald f6rth to the world that wo believe 1ntho election of senators by the people, and that this great corporation wJU do all that lies in its power to bring such a result about. Gdod day." Cheerfully, yea, hilariously, the com mittee withdrew. When tho elevator landed the committee at the oottom floor the Great Man smiled grimly and trtfitterod : ' ' " ' "Elected by the rteoplc! To be sure. But It mtMf continue to be understood that we arc the peojple." firt cifW'intr ho nrnrondnfl trii fiidtate la few letters ' to tfftd antra's nolili ,'PfiI - lwiefcmen in he'; various logisla- nve ciismcrs, miorming vnem ymt Senator GraUail must be reelected ftfe any cost, , ' . A Poor' Bluff No king. in panoplied array ' , iw ;, ui .wa cv, ills .,nik Cetrhi feanse a greater woe today If W flown dfcad snouldtiati. , A moment would vthooldSKOUUpause, Then would he be forgot. T.ul Dalley's name will win applause . , Wiiile (here's a circus lot, W Ptroela of BoyvHM roek with won. vt mournful trapping fly: Tn i!'.nco down tho fctrp.t hnvk ir vi!lc toons bedim oarh eye. 'i king who ru-led iu outpdus power v. iv goicl crown on ua lka.3 Y i ttve-i mourned a singly 4iOur l.tue James A. Bailey death Explained i , Tl'. re was great 'excitement in the r stete of rndBalvauya, it having bt.n reported that tho head of the am ilgnmalpd trusts had declared in f.uor of the lection of senators by tlu- people. Mon gathered' in groups on tho street corners, and. discussed tho situation, and simultaneously a do, on cities selected delegates to Uif the headquarters of (ho amalga mated trusts and inquire into' tho truth or falsify of the reports. . Theso committees mot and select ed u spokesman, and then walked blithely to tho hugo stone building wherein tho amalgamated trusts did business. Thoy woro ushered into tho presence of the Great Man. who pre sided over the financial and political destinies of the corporation and of the state, and ho greeted thorn. onwUnii,, Gentlemen, this is indeed a pleas ure," hq declared. "Be seated. Now what can I do for you?" "Sir," said the spokesman, "it has uwuu lupurieu mat your great cor poration, speaking through you, has lwd?id wt0, support tho proposition that United States senators should bo true l (Ul'ecUy by the noonle- Js " "Gentlonfen, it is true," replied tho Great Man. "But why should this be surprising? We have always believed tnat this is tho proper course to pur sue in electing our senators." ine committee was dazed, hut i ... The ex-newspaper -inan wandered in, toolt his 'accustomed place in t;he Ahrnpr and nicked tin ntt ftyotort-htre. .Afterreading a few mintites he threw tne paper aame m disgust. "What's the matter now?" we asic.ed. ;"Same old chestnuts," he replied. "That paper's got the same old gag tn thin affoM that ?P Hin AdttrkV fnlrl veveryUiin he knew therd wothd Ije a aozen uisappearances, a Jiqore oi dlvorouu,.-alot of bit9Hkess,;'fftWe6, three J.fQur. doen broenanJHo ments.nd a lot more similar toepmy- rot." ' "XZ41Y," we ventiired, meaiife that we wanted the rest of it. "Nothing to it," spluttered the ex ilewspapefman. "That's the old gag lba.t an, editor works off when he is Cop lazy to get out and hustle news. He puts it forward as an excuse for not filling his sheet full of good stuff. Jsvery lime i see it I picture the edi tor as always pleading for 'support,' and wondering why the people don't appreciate his efforts to nmihl up the town.' It's time to' call that" ' old bluff." ' ' " .. Kicking tho exchangesto 'one side he appropriated 'the -usual' ambmit of tobacco, from the box filled his pipe and wandered forth. -. . Highly Immoral ."I think Smoothim is the most dis honest man I ever mot," declared the insurance magnate with great passion. "What makes you think so?" "I gave him $3,000 to influence the legislature to enact into law a bill I had prepared in the interests of my company, and "Smoothim spent it on a sea voyage for himself. It's getting so you can't tell whom you can trust." The Limit you to build your new railroad you would give us competition and en able us to get lowor freight rates?" "Indeed I did not," replied the suave manager of the new road. "Well, what did you tell us?" "I told you," replied the manager, "that if you helped us to build our now road, competition would bo pos sible aild that freight rates could be reduced. You will admit that wo may compete if wo so desire." Pondering on the subtleties of our wonderful language the irate shipper and taxpayer thoughtfully wandered homeward. v ' Seasonable Now. doth tho future grH'tale - Begin to fret and wonder How he can save the foolish world From many a fatal blunder. But soon lie'll change to other views And seek another billet He'll wonder how to get some grub To grease therewith the skillet. Easy Frettsn Fidget "Unless something is done soon Niagara will- be drained dry." ' Shorin Lamb "O, don't w6vry. When the time- conies we'll just run a ditch from Wall street to the falls, and then apply tho squeeze." "I think Bilkins is the-meanest man I over met." "What makes you think, so?" "Ho told his boy he would go fish-' ing with him if the boy would dig the worms, and then when the boy consented Bilkins told him just where to dig. The boy dug all right, and got the worms. But Bilkins made him throw them away and then made gar den on tho spaded ground." The Explanation Look here!" shouted the irate Bhip per and taxpayer. "Didn't you tell us that if we voted bonds and helped f , The Reason , "Hpw did Schrecherly succeed in his. efforts to cultivate Ills voice?" ' "He "scored a failure." .-"How was that?" "lie irrigated it too much' Subcfucd "Why don't you. -answer me?" . de manded Mrs. PenhepK. r "It's impolite to interrupt- a' lady," muttered Mr. Penheok, dodging' -behind the piuno. ' ,, -.J L V' -Brain Leaks . A hobby is no$ a mission,. ,' , '' j Earned bread , is never bitter., f" Heaven iy earned, not accepted.', The best sermon ,is a .good 4e&d.. The average excuse is a poor ex planation. No. .credit is deserved for accidental- goodness. The course of true love that runs smootfi seldom .runs far. ' Tho religion that "fits one's desires is usually full of flaws. Worry has short shrift when hope is given the right of way. Tho Christianity that Vnust bo ' ad vertised lacks essentials. r . - The sermon that does no't hit is the sermon that does not help.. Honest toil may soil the hands, but dishonest work soils the character. The older a man grows tho more uncomfortable he feels in a new suit. A good way to test a. man's sincer ity is to express your honest opinion -of him when he asks you for it. It is seldom that you see poverty more aggravated than In the case of those who are dissatisfied with their lot. There are thousands of God's poor who. never saw any lilies like those that decorated the churcnes last Sunday. The fact that you have two ears and only one tongue is a silent ad monition to repeat only about half what you hear. About the most useless thing in the world is a new father when the good old ladies of the neighborhood drop in to see the new arrival. When you see a city man hiking homeward with a hoe, that is a sign that lie is going to buy the spring vegetables he expects to raise. When we see a yard decorated with dahlias, verbenas, portulacca, moss roses, hollyhocks nnd ol,ni, m -,.-, fashioned flowers, we feel like going ngnt up to the door and askintr If we can stay to dinner. h ir (ifltiii MHHi Remarkable Discovery that Culs Down the Cost oJ Paint Seventy-Five Per Cent. A! Free Trial Package and a-Big Book Telling All About Paints and Paint-Wakinrf aro Mailed Free to Everybody Who Writes. A. L. Rico, a prominent manufacturer of Adams, N. Y., has discovered a process of making a new kind of paint without tho use of oil. Ho calls' it Powdrpaint. It comes to you a dry powder and all that is required is cold water to make a paint weatherproof, fireproof and as durable as oil paint. It ndheres to any surface, wood, stone or brick, it spreads and looks like oil paint' and yet only costs one-fourth ns much. For many pur pose, it is much better than oil paint and is indis penr able to every propurty owner. Write to Mr. A. L. Rico, l-MorthstroaUUlamR N. Y.. and he will send you a free trial of h?3 new -discovery, together with color cards and his valu able book on Painting-, all free. This book lets you into all the secrets o psynt-makins, exposes fake paints, tells you what kind of paint to use for different purposes and shows you how 'you can Gave and make a good mauy dollars. Writo.todny and the book aud free trial of Paint will bo stt you by return mail, ORES mm Gin"" vl vMmm This is a fccnuino offer made to Introduce the PEOPLES CREAM SEPARATOR in every neighborhood. It Is tho bost and sim plest in the world. Wo ask thatyciu show It to your neighbors who have cows. Send your name and the namo otha nearest frclRht office Address PEOPLES SUPPLY CO. Oept. (77 Kansas City, Mco HWf'H?' 8MiJBrjacKZi-Cr.'MWg.Wg fill Ala""'" I JL .'"timn i a nmtear- -- -i itMe-S-BBi ffn " Manlove SeHrOpcning Gate ALWAYS IN ORDER. f'.ntJL U'' J,.. ', ','ji .,...' ri,rf8 jl-ijjb ruve t-an uc piaceu at any urirewaiv e,r 'Wt full control of reins and team, acoidonti uRj avoids. ,. ';-' It Adds to thft 4ctn.iifA. vn.1uv nftt' nnl frin. . v$niti)oexof any home. Manlove Oat Co., 272 Ji Huron St.. QlUcnjto.Hl. DO YOU KNOW that tho namo Lindeman in the piano world is near Jy a century old? DO YOU KNOW that the first Lin deman piano was made in Dresden, Saxony, in 1821 by the justly noted piano builder, William Lindeman? DO YOU KNOW that his son Henry Lindeman has for many years been acknowledged to be one of the great est living experts in the scientific construction of superior high grade pianos, and that his grandson S. G. Lindeman, is one of the most progres sive of the younger generation, of piano makers? DO YOU KNOW that the Henry & S. G. Lindeman piano of today is the best High Grade piano proposition the market affords . when relative quantity and price are taken into consideration? Write for Catalogue and name of your nearest agent to HENRY 6- S. G. LINDEMAN Fifth Ave. & HOth St New Yorlc, U. S.A. l'--VJ" irjMMi.wliMtfttiiiiiiin '- d