r 1 -J- w ,N V ""f "." ;-' , j-v '5VOLUME 6, NUMBER" "ii 2 $ '--' informed mo Unit not more than one1 nWivjii ft hundred could write a lottorand that not more than one in ten could understand a letter when read to him. . , it . . The object of I ho Hchools, such as they had, was to cultlvato tho memory and to teach the pupils to writo essays expounding tho doctrines of tho Chinese sages. AH of the schools used tho name text book, the primer .In universal uso having been prepared over eight hundred years ago. Education was limited in the number who received it and limited In the amount provided, and tho course of Instruction was fossilized. None of tho students wero taught anything about the outside world and but few of the people wore students. It in sufficient ovidonco of tho absolute foilure of their educational system to compare this groat empire, containing approxi mately one-fourth of tho population of the globe, with oven tho smaller states of IDuropo in the production of scientists, scholars and poets. China has had diplomats and astuto statesmen, but theso have been developed In the school of experience rathor than in halls of learning. Con sidering tho educational opportunities furnished, It is astonishing, that she has produced any great mon at all. China has her religions and they have doubt less oxorted a moulding influence upon tho peo ple but tho influence has not been an unmixed good. Take, for Instance, ancostor worship; it contains a germ of good In that it teaches re spoct and caro for parents, liut the spirit has been lost in tho obsorvanco of the letter until tho welfaro of tho living is neglected that sense less sacrifices may' be' made to the dead. At Canton wo visited c place called "The Place of tn,q Dead." It is connected with a Buddhist temple and is just outside the city wall. There are somo four hundred rooms in tho group of buildings and nearly every room contains a qoflln. Hero tho well-to-do deposit the body of an ancestor and keep Incense burning as long as they can afford to pay for it. Rent must bo paid for the rooms; the light must bo kept bright; food and drink must be offered to the departed erteh day and tho incense must be paid for. As someono has roiriarked, it costs more to car.o for a dead ancestor than a live one. We saw 6ho coffin that had cost three thousand dollars fit had been in the building for sixteen yeard and had been moved from one apartment to another, a cheaper ono being chosen each time as tho resources of the family declined. In some cases Jie families have become so poor that they can neither pay rent nor buy a burying plot. There Ib also at Canton an ancestral hall where for a specified sum tho name of an an cestor may bo inscribed on a, little Wooden' tablet; incense is also burned here too. For eign residents relate instances where servants nave spent three years income in burying a S f llQ money being borrowed and gradually lepald from the earnings. Besides the first cost of burial, there must be frequent pilgrimages to vEV 1S wlthm th0 bounds V truth UmnvL l th moly expended in elaborate lunerals, n sacrifices to tho dead, and in period- 1,!, lgH magfS l2 tombs would ""ve gone far toward the educating: and enlightening of each tor fhf St,0n""n?d7 wlu Sfiy " respec foi the dead can better be shown by formal ceremonies than by a proper regard for tho wel iaro of tho descendants? Tho tombs of tho royal familv jlvp niwnva objects of interest to the' toSrist The most lamous of these tombs are north of Pekin and so near to tho great wall that they are usuaSv visited at the same time, three or tour days be- gi2uirod f0r trlp' There are oer ton?te of less renown still nearer to Pekin while tho tombof tho first emperor ot the MlnJiiiLSS s just outside the walls of Nanking & Some of these tombs are more masses of masonrv now but all were once richly carved. The avenuS leading up to these tombs are lined vl5ilaS stone figures of men and animals. These a?o arranged in pairs, ono on either side of ho road -two huge warriorstwo priests, two elephants standing, two elephants kneeling, two camels standing and two kneeling, two horses standi and two kneeling, and lions, boai-s and othe? A i, toinb tlmt the ruler mav bo qiinniin,i wMtTT"? hiS PPs T"he spirit world. And speaking of tombs, the worihln SrawJa7f t now1 l maU 0&Z n im i ' ' tls n,ow' graves cannot be disturbed It will bo remembered that the Chinese coin ment cautioned tho Russians and Japanese no to trespass upon the graveyards it Mukden where a number of Manchu emperors are biS' The graves of tho masses aro as sacredly ?e garded although distingulshed-merely, by n cone shaped mound. In the neighborhood of the ?a?ge t Th?e Commoner. cities the cemeteries cover many square miles, and as they are constantly added to and never diminished, they occupy an ever increasing area. In the agricultural districts the burying grounds aro scattered througli the fields, each family hav ing its own plot. Sometimes when the family has died out,, tho mound Is neglected and the coffin Is exposed. At Shanghai and at Nanking we saw a number of coffins in tho fields, ,neyer having been covered. Tho temples of China , are interesting, but are gonerally in a state of decay. Tho Confucian temple at Pekin Is visited once a year when sacrifices are made to China's supreme sage. The court of the temple Is filled with gnarled and knotted cedars of great age, in which a colony of crows was chanting a requiem when we were there. There are also in the court numerous tablets of marble, each resting on the back of a stone turtle and bearing Inscriptions; there are other tablets bearing quotations from tho writings of Confucius. At Canton our guide took us to the temple of tho five hundred gods. They represent Bud dhistic saints, are life size and each has an in cense urn before him. Ono of the gods lias a very lone arm, he being the one who puts tho moon up at nights; another represents a saint who cut open his br.east and exposed an image of Buddha to prove his fidelity to the faith. -, (Our guide at Canton was, Ah Cum, who ''has conducted travellers through the city for more than forty years and has brought up his 'sons !to the same profession. I mention his name for the benefit of any readers of these lines who may chance to visit, as every tourist should, ' this most Chinese of Chinese cities.) There is in the vicinity of Pekin a temple with several thousand images of Buddha but they are small and made of clay, the original bronze images having been carried away by the foreign , troops during the Boxer troubles. Close to the walls of thp city of Pekin stands what is called the Yellow Te,mple, a rare work of art. The carved figures representing incidents in the life of Buddha are very skillfully wrought and one can not help feelirtg indignation at the vandalism of the foreign soldiers who, during the Boxer troubles, defaced this ,ancient monument. By far the most impressive and elaborate re ligious structure in China is the "Altar of Heaven," not far from the city of Pekin. It ' was built under the Ming dynasty five hundred years ago and is still visited twiqe each year by the emperor, who here offers sacrifices to heaven. The sacrificial altar is built entirely' of white marble. It is a triple circular terrace, the base being a little more than two hundred feet In diameter, the middle terrace' one hundred and fifty feet an'd the top terrace- nearly a hundred feet, each terrace being enclosed by a beautiful carved balustrade. It stands about eighteen feet high, and the emperor ascending to it alone, kneels at midnight and as the representative of the whole people makes his offering to heaven. A bullock without blemish is used as the offer ing on these occasions. In architecture tho altar reminds one of the Greek structures, while some of the features of the ceremony recall the rites of the Israelites as described in the Old Testa ment. Near to this altar is a pagoda, standing upon another triple but smaller marble terrace - it is popularly known as the "Temple of Heaven." Here on the first day of the Chinese year the emperor offers his supplications to heaven for a blessing upon the year. This is the most graceful and symmetrical pagoda in the empire, n,? in the Orient, and no one who visits tho capital should fail to see it. Both the altar and the temple are surrounded by a high wall ami thG WuCL ta ha7by veferanaceda?sd v-iJ of Bn??hIsmmha,s been regarded as the eligion of China, Taoism has also influenced the thought of the nation. It teaches the ex istence of spirits but has degenerated into su perstition and the attempted conciliation of evil spirits. For instance, before each official resi dence and before many private residences will X?n?T2 T11' h,ghop and wItlGr tha the lront door, tho purpose of which is to keep out the evil spirits, which aro supposed to travel only in a straight line. When a building is to be made inore than two stories high, "bun&ies" of leaves ""are often tied to the top of the noleJ used for scaffolding to deceive the evil sKs and make them believe that it is a forest n. stead of a building, they being supposed to be hostile to high buildings. After the roof is on however, the building is safe, but the ridge pole must curve up at the ends to keep the spirit! from descending. Boys are very much at a premium in China, because the duty of guard- ing the grave devolves upon the oldest son if a man loses a boy or two, he sometimes dresses -v. ttie,jiext boy like a girl in order to deceive tho spirits; for a girl is, or at least used to be, beneath the notice of even evil spirits.- A very intelligent Chinaman explained the disinclina tion of the ordinary Chinaman to rescue a drowning man on the ground that if the evil spirits were trying to drown the man, they would resent and punish any attempt to save him. But more potent than either" Buddhism or Taoism has been the influence of Cpnfucius and his commentators. This great philosopher was born 551 B. 0., and Mencius, his greatest , dis ciple, nearly two hundred years later. The moral principles discussed by them were not presented as original conceptions but rather urged as the principles of previous emperors whose lives were regarded as ideal. In another article, in the dis cussion of China's awakening, I shall speak of the ethical teachings of Confucius, but it " is worth while to note at this time that his ut terances with regard to government fall far shor,t of the generally accepted doctrines of today. While he insisted that rulers owed certain duties to their subjects, and were good or bad in pro portion as they set an example of virtue ana" governed wisely,, he did not intimate that', tile people have either the right to, or the capacity for, self-government. His doctrines support the idea that classes are necessary the "superior" people governing and teaching, the rest doing the manual labor. Confucius taught that those who were not in office need not concern themselves about tho administration of the government a doctrine which paralyzed the patriotism of the masses and Invited abuses on, the part of the officials. The system by which officials were chosen was also calculated to breed selfishness and in difference t6 the public weal, as well as to im pede progress. The course of instruction, .as before stated, contemplated merely the memoriz ing of the Chinese classics, composed of the say , ings of the sages, poetry and Chinese history.-, The aspirants for honors were not required to think for themselves, to wnderstani'i ilm nrnh. lems of their generation or to. know anything of the science of government. To compose a good essay upon'what Confucius said," upon what Men-' ciiis' thought, or upon what Shun, or Wan or Woo -"did was sufficient. This naturally chained, each". , generation to the past and locked' the door",t'o'-" advancement. , i-;.-i 'The successful candidate felt that his ap- -' pointment was due to his own merit ana that ho was under no obligation to 'anyone except the " ' members of; his family who had furnished the money necessary to enable him to take the vari- ous examinations. Neither the securing of the', , rthe retaining of It restejJ up6ll-hjg ability tp devise wise policies or upon his in- "" terest in the people at large., The emperor with -" unlimited power was above, him, and the people with unlimited patience were below h'im In later years the examinations have some- -times become a farce and rank has been offered to the highest bidder, bidding being .encouraged by an Intimation that this might be the ".last -chance. But even when hpnestly conducted ; the civil service system of China was not calculated . ' to develop the official or to secure a good, wise " and progressive government. . . ' ' -' Copyright JJJ 'a'-. A FARCE FROM THE-BEGINNIM fa From, the .beginning the proceedings with r.espect .to , the beef trust have" been farcical -Commissioner Garfield, sent 'to : investigate" promised the packers immunity, and then 're- -'.-ported that there was no beef trust. Garfield's .promise of immunity was used by the packers as a method, of escape before 'the federal judge and now the federal authorities, must be content- -with proceeding against two or three corporations ' ,i named in fh'e indictments'. We are told that the" " trial of these, corporations will last for a long ' time, and that at least two thousand witnesses will be summoned.' In the event of a conviction tho penalty would b a fine, and in the mean- time the beef trust wilL continue to put unon the consumers the same old impositions. , If Mr. Roosevelt really ameans business "in -is antitrust campaign, he will do well to -iiS- his administration of Commissioner Garfield wif in the light of the court proceedings at Chlcaen .he continues to hold Mr. Garfiold in office ffiS president needvJiot fce surprised if many neoiilft who have heretofore had confidence in his "trust -busting" program concludo that ho is not after all, sorious- itf the fair words ho speaks n'sarnV I rust evils: tamst T - " Tmwt ' r i i v-io . - .i.K 'Vs - 0k. m ra.'B'fW-'. JCl IE 53 L.V )S "' V T'-, K- M .