The Commoner. 8 m " ' "'" VOLUME 6, NUMBER 10 Unseen, Yet Loved Slov us J journey on from day to day, I como on other wanderers in my path; Somo Had, sonic singing; somo in bitter wrath; And some walk with mo but a little way Not very far. Perhaps wc see That one step moves too slow, and ono too fast; Somo I have overtaken; others, I have passed. And somo thorg were who would not wait for mo. Somo touch my path but once. Across the lawn I hear a footstep; wo shall almost meet! Alas, wo may not more than greet! A nod, u pleasant word; my friend Is gone. JIow many thousand friends there aro whoso lot Keeps thorn outside my path for life's short while! But through the distance and the darkness I can smile For I can love them, though I see thorn not. . Selected. or of growing girls and boys, the young folks gradually fall into tho Hamo habits, through unconscious Im itation, and it Is too often the case that, when tho mother realizes (if she ever does) her mistake, and sees to what it is leading, she Is In a measure powerless to undo the mis chief, as her children have lost re spect for her judgment In such matters. Social Chat . A woman should not only regard it as a privilege, but as a du(.y which she owes to herself and her associates, to make as pleasing a picture of her teolf as possible. In order to appear well, a woman must give some thought and study to tho becomlngness and suitability to nor years and to the wear for which it is intended, of the garment sho prepares. Women, while young, aro not apt to slight this duty, but as they grow older tho majority of them drift into indifference, until, almost unconsciously, I hey acquire not only careless, but too often, slov enly habits of person and apparel. Often, under a misguided Idea of economy and lack of time, a woman Bottles down to wearing ill-fitting uressos, shabby wraps, rusty hats and frazzled gloves, while she discards neckwear as altogether liniinnnnnnrv to hor toilet; especially do women got tins nabit who stay at home, thinking it their duty to wear the chain of domestic drudgery so tho husband and children may have the clothes and the spending money with which to enjoy themselves. Anything will do for hor, sho thinks, and thoy got to thinking so, loo. Too often such a woman drifts into habits of untidiness which are positively dis reputable, and of which she seems ut orly unconscious, though they render her absolutely offensive to the eyes of her more wide-awako friends. ,T,ll8f ls a woeful mistake, as It robs her of her one attraction at a time when her youth Is gradually fading away, and sho looks old and spiritless and unattractive when sho should bo In her prime. Her friends soon take her at hor own valuation, and, though hoy may not bo positively ashamed, they certainly nro nf ,.r,i i ' Her family unconsciously let her drift out of their affairs, except as a neces sary part of tho home machinery, tak ing, her self-denial ns a matter if course, losing all pride and Interest in her, Then, too, if she be the moth. AN OLDANnWRl.T.Tniwn .,,. MM, WINBLOW'SSOOTIIIKO Hvtiitt. f -kh tutblng Hhoulrt alnaysbo used8 KhlfdroS'te leothlnr. Itsoftens tnoguina. allays all "? wind colic and Is tho bos "remedy fWirrK" Twenty-OTocentsa bottle. 7 rrhce. To bo well and becomingly dressed does not necessarily meyn a large out- f lay of either time or money; neither does it call for, the latest "creation" of style or material. Often, the simp lest and most inexpensive materials, mado up with regard to tho suitable ness of style, color and fabric, adap tation to the figure and to the age, aro the most becoming and effective. A simple five-cent calico or lawn can bo made into a very dressy and be coming garment, while a bit of lace or llnon about tho neck, and a touch of color at the throat, combined with dainty personal cleanliness, will make the plainest of women attractive. Do not bo in too big, a hurry to "dress according to your age," for ono will grow old fast enough, and it is just as well to hang on to a remnant of youth as long as one can, even If one has to resort to simple artificial means to accomplish it. Personal cleanli ness is an adjunct to good looks above everything else, and a woman should give proper attention to this feature. It is. all nonsense for a wonian to claim that she is "too old," or too poor, or too overworked to care for her personal appearance. She should resolve not to grow old; not to be too poor to use soap and water and a wash rag, or an emollient for the cleansing of the face, neck and hands, or for the proper dressing of her hair. Sho should take, as her right, a few minutes every day in which to prop erly attend to her toilet, and learn to regard a pleasing personal appear ance as much of a necessity as the getting up of the family meals. This duty she owes to herself. It is not so much what "others say" about us that should influence us; we should approve of ourselves. Deny it as one may, a becomingly-dressed woman irresistibly compels our atten tion and commands our respect, be she young or old, and neatness of person and apparel is a passport into refined society. We Instinctively pay homage to a wonian who respects Herself. Moreover "looks" have a moral and spiritual effect upon one, and tho woman who knows she is pleasant to look at feels pleasant, and is pleasant, because In attracting ap proving attention from others, she feels respect for herself which noth ing but tho assurance that she "looks well" can ever give her. Cleaning Garments If one has n iiiMr io ... i,..i looks very stringy and limp, let her try the following mtv,,i V' . " atlng it: Rip it up and wash it in gasoline and dry; then proceed as follows: Carefully iron each piece on fSLWr?ng 8id0' Pulling ifc int ahapS then place over it a damp cloth and iron until the cloth is nearly dry? Re move the cloth and Iron until aX dry. It will then be as crisp as when now. Always darn any torn places before washing it, ana remember tliat gasoline must not be used in a room wheree there is the least light? S . For cleaning dainty silks or crepe waists without ripping, place several quarts of gasoline in a clean bowl or jar; place the soiled garment in it and gently squeeze and work until the soiled spots are gone. It is a good way to mark tho soiled spots before washing, by tacking a basting thread in them. When clean, rinse in clean gasoline. Do not be sparing of the gasoline, and if the rinse looks dirty, rinse it again in clean fluid. Squeeze out all the gasoline you can, but do not wring, and then hang the garment out to dry. As it dries (the gasoline evaporates), carefully pull tho trimming into place. Let it hang until the smell of the fluid is about all gone. Tho gasoline should be left to settle and the clear gasoline poured off for use again; but it should not be used for white goods. For cleaning ribbons, the ribbons may be placed in a fruit jar with the gaso line, well Bhaken until clean, rinsed, and then wrapped around a bottle to dry smooth. I tho tonuo and the small Tinf nr .n i u.v . v, TIV71JU exclusively. The close-fitting toque in felt, beaver and the chenille braids is adapted for every-day wear and for dressier occasions; the smaller size is worn made in silks, jets, tulle and laces. An irregular line across ho front of a toque is much more becom ing to the elderly woman than is a severe outline above the face. Ladies Home Journal. Recipes Wanted "T. W." wants recipes for making Chili Con Carne and tamales like the Mexicans make them. The recipe here given may not be what is wanted but if not, I hope some one may sup ply them. Chili Con Carne. Take a common sized soup bone and boil until the meat is perfectly tender. Remove the meat from the kettle, strain the stock and return it to the stove to boil. Pick and chop the meat flno and return to tne boiling stock. There must be enough stock to well cover the meat, and if necessary, water must be added. Let boll up, and add chili pepper (which comes in small tin boxes) un til the soup is red. If this is too much, use less. Salt to taste and serve hot. "Hot Tamales." Use either beef or chicken. Boil until tender; salt to taste; if chicken, cut the meat from the bones, discarding all fat and skin; chop as fine as possible; grinding is better. Seed and parboil a pint of chill peppers; cool; add half a pod of garlic and chop fine; scald a pint of corn meal with a cupful of the water in which the meat was boiled. It may take more than a cupful, but the meal should not be mushy, but just wet through. There should be two pounds of the .chicken or beef, chopped fine. Cut some corn husks into pieces 4xG Inches, and put on them a layer of the mush first, then a layer of meat, a tablespoonful for each; roll the shuck, making three turns, fold in the ends and tie carefully. Lay in a steamer and steam two hours and serve hot. It may require a little pi notice before one can fold them To clean old oak, whether furniture or paneling dust it thoroughly and then wash it with warm beer, using a bo SZh f01: CarvhlgS' MeaSw-Si boll together two quarts of beer one ounce of beeswax and one ounce of moist brown sugar until the wax and sugar are perfectly dissolved ThSn apply this with a large loft brush and when quite dry, rub if nnn bright with clean, soft clo hs Some people, after washing with the tS?r when dry polish it with a cloth sS ly sprinkled with paraffin oil; g Headwear for an Olrf i a.. The bonnet has completely dtain itotraoi(ror-Si,'Tl;;o7,;?o Try this for the complexion, as well as for the general health: Every morning, take a pint of hot water, squeeze into it the juice of one lemon and season with a half teaspqonful of salt. Drink slowly half an hour be fore breakfast, every morning for two weeks; keep this up for three months, every alternate two weeks, and it will clear the complexion, clean a coated tongue, tone up the stomach and act directly on a torpid liver, without in juring the health, as the use of strong cathartics or quantities of "liver" medicine would do. Ex. About Women v T (From otir Exchanges.) Julia Ward Howe is 87 years old, but is as interested as ever in 'the questions of the day, and declares that one is never too old to love and Work for the best and truest things of life. Mrs. Paul Kennedy of San Francisco is the third daughter of Robert Tyler, a son of ex-President Tyler. She has considerable literary talent, and has contributed, under an assumed name, to many of our leading magazines! In Siam, they have no unmarried women. When girls reach a certain age, and are still unmarried, tiiey'are turned over to the king. He goes through the prisons and finds a m&n, and offers him his liberty if her will marry the girl, and thus, finally, all girls are paired off. (Perhaps this is not true.) It is interesting torecallthe names of the splendid women who have .done so much for the 'people of this.' cen tury without being either wives "or mothers." Among them, we find Flor ence Nightengale, Susan B. Anthony, Frances Willard, Clara Barton, Har riet Martineau, Frances Cobbe, Mary Lyon and Jane Addams. Not only women who are interested in the suffrage question, but thou sands of others are preparing to hon or Susan B. Anthony upon the anni versary of her birthday, February 15, when she will be 86 years old. The celebration will take place at tne Church of Our Father, in Washington, D, u, Mrs. Ann Gridley, mother of the captain to whom Dewey said, at "Ma nila, "You may fire when ready," is among the clerks in the land office at Washington. She is the widow of a. gallant naval officer who was killed in the fight between the Monitor and the Merrimac, during the Civil war. For forty years she has worked faith fully at her desk, and she says she will keep on working until she is a hundred. " Requested Recipes j Graham twists are tnade of. three or four parts of graham flour to one part sweet cream. Whole wheat flour may be substituted. Sift the graham flour, and, if very coarse add half white flour; have flour cold and in a basin; have cream cold and, drop ping into the flour, stir briskly with, a fork, allowing no wet pools to form. This should make a very stiff dough which should not stick to the board while being kneaded one-half hour, or until a piece will give a snapping BETTER THAN SPANKING T8.?ftH1J)I?do08nt,?.ur2ch,,dronof bed wotting. If it did thoro would bo fow ohlldron that wmilrt dn It Thoro IhaconBtltntlonalcaufiofor lb 'Mr? AUSummors.Box 118. Notro Dnino. Ind. will son hor homo treatment io any motlior. s lo nivK raonoy. Wrlto hor today if your chlldrifn tnblS you In this way Don't bfumo tho oliFlrt ufa chanccearoltcan'thqlplt lM0 "m' ih y,,- kwmwmmMit ""Sk .,') 'Jf'nStlJll, rfcr- -Si. r