The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 23, 1906, Page 12, Image 12

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    . V
The Commoner.
coal this fact when every man, woman
and child knows it Is so. Now every
body wants tho truth told horo and
why don't you toll It? Evory tub
ought to stand upon its own bottom,
and you folks ought not to dodge this
ciuostlon further." Tho witness re
fused to answer, howovor.
A mass mooting of socialists was
hold In Now York protesting against
(lie Imprisonment of certain members
of tho Western Federation of Miners
In connection with (ho murder of for
mor Governor Steunonberg of Idaho.
Resolutions were adopted announcing
tho arrest as a conspiracy, and urging
wngo-oaniers to rally to the defense
of their comrade.
Judge Julius B. BIssoll, former
judge of tho Colorado court of ap
peals, died at Denver.
General Wood cables from' tho Phil
ippines and says that tho slaughter
of women and children In the recent
battle with tho Moros was unavoid
able Ho said that many of tho women
woro trousers and that tho children
wore used as shlelda.
Tho tostimony given boforo tho in
lorstato commerce commission at
Kansas City revealed that tho Stand
ard Oil company was allowed to lay
Its pipe lino along tho right of way
of tho Santa Po railroad for hundrods
of miles; that a Standard representa
tive was present at tho meeting at
which tho rail rate was advanced to
a prohibitive figure, and that Independ
ent producers are unable to ship out
6ldo tho stato of Kansas.
Senator Rayner of Maryland ad
dressed the sonato in behalf of rate
legislation. Ho charged that tho rail
roads had a joker inserted In tho
rate bill, and a heated debate fol
lowed. Sonntor Rayner said that the
democrats would favor an amend
ment providing specific jurisdiction to
roviow decisions of tho interstate com
morco commission to the extent of
deciding whofher a prescribed rate
Is "just compensation," and striking
out tho words recognizing the rights
of the courts to suspend an order.
He declared that tho joker was the
suspension clause in tho Hepburn bill.
Senator Foraker demanded to know
who put tho joker in the bill, and Ray
ner replied that tho Ohio senator
Know tho man very well and if he
Insisted upon it ho (Rayner) would
after the senate adjournment give the
names. In closing'his speech Mr.
Itaymer said if ho had any influence
ho would advise tho railroads to con
sent to allowing the suspension feat
uro to bo struck from tho bill, be
cause If the people wero aroused
through tho failure of adequate legls
ation tholr wrath in the end would
be fatal to tho railroad companies.
This brought both Senators Lodge and
Foraker to their foot. "What do you
SS?? I refGrrlS, as you havo, to
getting the consent of tho railroads'"
demanded Senator Lodge. "Do you
mean to say the railroads can say
what shall or shall not be? Are to
railroads sitting as legislators? Do
you mean to say it?" "i mean JJ?
claimed Senator tc. i,,n' ox
final, ,,. .; ,.V"J""1' HU1UK as a
iY.7 T ue valll'ads met to
night and agreed to strike out tho
words 'to suspend' they wmUd be
struck out." y um UG
Ily tested boforo tho supreme court
of tho stato; Negotiations with tho
companies during the period tho
legal proceedings are under way look
ing toward agreement as to tho value
of tho tangible properties and tho
fragments of franchise grants still
hold by them; the incorporation of a
company under tho laws p Illinois
by fivo persons to bo selected by tho
city council, who shall be trustees for
tho peopjo of Chicago and shall as
sume at onco tho responsibility of
acquiring tho traction properties
through tho use of Muellor certificates,
if, as tho mayor believes, these certifi
cates shall be held valid by tho su
premo tribunal; tho operation of tho
streot railway lines, as fast as taken
over, by this municipality created
company, and tho turning in of all re
ceipts to the city treasury; Gradual
oxtonslon of tho municipal system,
radical improvement of tho service
and eventual wiping away of the cer
tificate obligations; ultimate opera
tion of all tho surface roads in Chi
cago directly by the municipality."
C. I. Illldobrand has been nominated
as a republican candidate to succeed
Representative Scroggy from the
Sixth congressional district of Ohio.
It is said that neither republican can
didate will bo nominated In the same
district, owing to a party quarrel.
Senator Tillman reported the rail
road rate bill to the house March 15.
Ho made a strong argument in favor
of tho proposed reform.
Judge Alton B. Parker, who was
the democratic nominee for president
in 1905, delivered a speech March 1G
at Charlotte, South Carolina. Judge
Parker pleaded for "conservatism"
and said that over since 1896 the
party had failed of victory. He said
that tho democratic party must now
turn to the south for a leader.
Representative Shackleford of Mis
souri undertook on March 1.6 to give
i -nr "" ""iv uijuu ouu-man
rule. Mr. Shackleford referred to the
manner in which Representative
Brooks succeeded in bringing up a bill
rnirbr , luUHe OI 'uuu acres
of Colorado land to a rubber company
According to the Associated Press
report Mr. Shackleford said "The
gentleman was not recognized until
h?h di fl,rsA surrendered his consti
tutional rights as a representative of
tho people and crept into your private
room, Mr. Speaker, there to suppli
cate you to extend to him your grace
aVoTnf " ,SUbmIt any ma"er to
SJl i f thG llouso until he shall
first have sought and found favor In
your sight. The constitution contem
plates that the speaker shall be the
servant of the house. In defiance of
the constitution you havo made your
self its master. You have packed
every committee so that no bill can
be reported withoufyour consent. Un
less you aro willing no member can
move to discharge a committee from
tho consideration of a bill and take
it up in tho house. You sit an on
throned despot, subjecting the rights
and destinies of this great people to
the dictates of your own unbridled
will. Who stands today between a
progressive, enlightened people and
tho statehood to which they are en
titled? You, sir, only you. You crack
your whip and a majority of this
house cowers at your feet. You turn
your thumbs down and the house
deals a death blow to prostrate, bleed
ing Oklahoma." Here Mr. Shackle
ford said he had read in the morning
papers that "Uncle Joe" had given it
out flatfooted that he would not per
mit the house to concur in the senate
amendment on the statehood bill, and
then proceeded: "A horrible an
nouncement to be made in a free
country!" The press repbrt says:
"The confusion in tho house through
out Mr. Shackleford's remarks was
such that very few members knew
what ho had said, when Mr. Tawney
stopped him with an objection."
It Is announced in the White House
that as Justice Brown" will not retire
until June, when the supreme court
will take a vacation until October, the
president will take further time to
choose Justice Brown's successor.
The president is evidently anxious
that Secretary Tat take the place,
but Mr.Taft's friends think he should
become a candidate for president.
A wreck on March. 16 resulted from
a head-on collision of two passenger
trains on the Denver and Rio Grande
railroad, four miles east of Florence,
Colo. The trains met on a sharp curve
and were less than two hundred vnrris
apart when the engineers discovered
tnat a collision was Imminent. All
of the crew of the east-bound train
were killed. Fire "swent over the.
wreck and the scenes that followed
were heart-rending. Twenty-five peo
ple were Killed, while twenty-fotir oth
ers were injured.
Friends of the ship subsidy bill are
calling the attention of congressmen
to the fact that the war and navy de
partments are deeply interested in the
passage of that measure.
Terrible stories come from St. Pe
tersburg showing acts of brutality to
ward men and women in Russian
.In view of the recent charges bv
the united States supreme court
Mayor Dunne of Chicago Is now map
ping out a program for the acquire
ment by the city of tho stroot rail
ways, lie says that the people w
endorse the Mueller law certificates
L ? fmimicInal measures now submit
to the Chicago Record-Herald, is
about as follows: "The arrangement
of a friendly suit by which the Muel
lor law certificates, ,$75,000,000 of
which are to be issued, will bo speed-
As this copy of The Commoner may
bo read by some one not familiar with
the details of the primary pledge plan
it Is necessary to say that according
to tho terms of this plan every demo
?fci ,811a;Jced t0 nled&e Wmself to at-
. .,, yiuvouieu, anu to secure
a clear honest and straightforward
evl av'anH the Party'a Potion on
every question upon which the voters
dof?in,?arty dGSlre t0 spealc' Tso
write to The Commoner approving
w,?J?0t,0f th0 ganizaSSn aSd
asking to have their names entered
mal th U,i ?P i0", Can fll1 out ad
mail the blank pledge, which is
printed on page 14. 1S
The following letters are self-explanatory:
Dr. J D. Case, Dorchester, Nebr
S?h8flin? Sncl0sed Pry pledge
Jith thirty-five signatures. could
Rot more if I had the time to give to
it, as every one seems pleased with
the plan.
Thomas Darnall, Cobden, 111. Find
herewith primary pledge bearing
thirty-five signatures.
J. W. Stogsdlll, Many Springs, Mo.
Enclosed find primary pledge and
order for ten subscription cards. Will
..u.b ,, ouuu ua Bum. i am m linn
with Tho Commoner.
W. H. Tisch, Grass Lake, Mich.
I enclose twenty-six primary pledges
properly signed. This makes seventy
four pledges I have secured. I ap
peal to every young democrat in this
great land to enlist in The Com
moner's great plan by carrvinV
Primary pledge sheet in n? pocket
I always carry one in my pocket and
ask every democrat I meet to sS
and as a result I get his alctinS
mUile least Wt'oUrouVeMany
si4 ift,Slnd t0 EOt a chance to
$50 if It Suits
if it
That's hoTrvrencll our SplH HUIuhy Special Tap
By lay. Though it's tho Baftgy known for. merit in
ovorjr toctlon of tho country, and yon know what
70a bay, fltlll 70 can hT one to nae for 80 days
boforo 70a docido. We make good, flrst-olaaa Top
BuRgioa $35.00 up to ourfamouaJGO.OOSplitHIokOrf
Special. And all other kinds or vohlolcs, and har
ness too. It takes 180 blgnagca to show all these I n
our now 1000 catalogue. We toU you this book wUl
save 70U monoy and no want to
Bnt wo must havo 7our name and atfd raw, where
can wo roaoh you lotus know today. Thisishond-
auartors. Wo make vohicles end harness and ship
ireot to yon to try. You enn't got a moro liberal
B reposition and you savo middlemen's profit of a
lirdto half by dealing with hoadquartors. Our
guarnntoo isalegallylnndlngono betrwoenyonand
us. You know tho yours of ozporlence and long
Buccoasful business behind it. Now we want to
pond you thnt catalogue) so you can pick out what
you want to try then it's op to the goods. Your
addrose, please, at once.
BT. O. PHELPS, Pres.
Station 12 Clnetnnall, O.
DCD UnNTrl 8aln,? 3porday-for
I LI I mUnl II oxponsos.Mentotra
yol, post signs, adrortlso andloavosam-
nlnfl. ACTA nnri nmQnnfnmhtntfmnnf
Kuhlman Company, Dopt. C, Atlas Blfc. Chicago.
SHHAI KM Kd np tl o Greatest Subject
OUUrlLIOm of tho day. lOofora whole year.
Tho Loading Socialist Magazlno of tho World.
300,000 Circulation. WILSHIRKS MAGA
ZINE, 5 Boach Bldg., Now York City
nhnwa In NATITIlAT.VYTjnPa
CMVtlirfltalV flnatriHaa iiIm 9
frll Rnnil fnr.Miptnmiiinf i1lDtlhiit(nn
"We want sere uImmm. Btark Bra's, LtaisiaMi, K.'
Tin Itch and Skin Oisoasis
To cure the itch In three Says use TRACY'S
GERM DESTROYER, a specific in nearly- all
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germ and all parasitic skin diseases. Cures ec
zema, tetter, scalp humors on children by rub
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postage paid, any part of the United States.
Prices 25c, 50o and $1 per bpx. Snodffrass &
Bracy, Little Rook, Ark.
ilOO. O to 8 In. $1 13 to 18 ln..GO.
.100, 8 ft. f 10 prepaid. 100, 4 to O ft.
TcuiU 1,11:3, tu. lUCaOICO I'TUIC nroc8, WJ
Tu.wi.-uua, iw. .ornamental oi ifruic
Trees. Cataloguo and prices of 60
goat bargain lots strlT FREE.
HILL, i;K Dundee, 111.
jji Tnis Is a crcmiine offer M'Mm Kb k
1 YYlfirln f A IntrnrlnAA 4-.
r-tuLtb UHEAM SEPARATOR In every
neighborhood. It is tho best and sim
plest in tho world. We ask that you
show it to your neighbors who havo
o the nearest freicht office. Address
Dept. 177 Kansas city, Mo
All about the wonderful govern
ment in. New Zealand can be learned
from the book entitled "Politics in
New Zealand' published by C. F.
Taylor Baker Building, Philadelphia,
Pa. Price only 25 cents. It is a
hSS?J'fU1Bt0!7' and itfl wading will
S? f,alitpuo democrats. Mon
rTo" " any Purchaser and
reader should be disappointed.
Where to Buy
Steamship Tickets
Write me for rates on uny Steamer
Lino on tho Ooean. I will quote you
very low rates for Eastbound or "West
bound passage, also Railroad rates via
the line having best and nearest Depots
to Steamer Docks.
G. W. BonnH. C. P. A.
Corner 13th and O Sis.
'll'riilmy.iiiiw.M 1 . i