The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 09, 1906, Page 19, Image 19

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MARCH 9, 100I.'
The Commoner.
that the attorney general begin pro
ceedings to annul the charter 'of
the Interborough-Metropolitan Holding
company, wnder "which the merger of
the New Yorlitraction companies is
intended effectuated. The at
torney general holds that the pro
posed merger will constitute a mo
nopoly of the present elevated, surface
and subway systems in Manhattan and
the Bronx, but that such monopoly
in street transportation is .permissible
under laws of the state."
The house of representatives has
passed the army .bill appropriating
A pugilist by the name of Tenny
died shortly after a prize fight in
Ssfn Francisco;
Stuyvesant Fish will be chairman
of a committee that will .make an in
dependent investigation of the Mutual
Life Insurance company.
John R. Walsh, former president of
the Chicago National bank, and own
er of the Chicago Chronicle, was ar
rested March 2, charged with convert
ing to his own use bank funds amount
ing to $3,000,000. He was released
on $50,000 bail. '
J. E. Markel of Omaha testified be
fore the senate canal committee, that
Senator Millard's son is interested
with him in his canal Contract.
Joseph Medill Patterson, son of the
owner of the Chicago Tribune, has
resigned the position ot commissioner
of public works under Mayor Dunne
in Chicago.- Accompanying his resig
nation Mr. Patterson says that he is
a socialist. ' j
General John' 'Mv .Cofield; iamous
in the", civil war and acting"secretary
of war in'l8G8- and 1869,ia dead:
James S. Hogg, former' governor of
Texas, died at. Houston March 3.
God never would send you the dark
ness, V'
If He felt vou, could bear the light;
But you would not cling to His guid
ing hand,
If the way were always bright;
And you would not care to walk by
Could you always walk by sight.
'Tis true He has many an anguish
For your sorrowful heart to bear,
And many a .cruel thorn-crown
For your tired head to wear;
He knows. -how few would reach
heaven, at -all
If pain did not guide them there.
So He sends you, the blinding darkness,
And the furnace of seven-fold heat;
'Tis the only way, believe me,
To keep-pu closeto His feet,
Tor 'tis always so easy to wander
When our lives are glad and sweet,
Then nestle your hand in your Father's
And sing if .you can, as you go;
Your song may cheer some one be
hind you
Whoso courage is sinking low;
And, well, if your lips do quiver
God will loye. you better so.
Yourself of V CI L CI I I II
While cnRaKcd in the general practice of medicine I had many patients sufferintr from
catarrh whom I wus unable to cure, although I prescribed for them by the rules taught in
medical books and colleges. I saw that the methods of treatment were wrong. I reasoned
that as Catarrh is produced by breathing cold and damp air, so it should bo cured by breath
Injr a warm, medicated vapor.
After nine years of Investigation I discovered a combination of healing herbs, leaves
and flowers, which, when limited, and the warm fumes inhaled, would Instantly relieve undln
a short time cure catarrhal diseases. The ACCOMPANYING ILLUSTRATION shows how
the warm, healing vapor is carried directly to the very parts affected. This remedy tights and
lulls Catarrh where liquids, sprays, douches, salves and medicated creams cannot possibly go.
It Is the only reliable treatment ever discovered, and is so simple and convenient that it
can be used at home by man, Woman or child.
It will cure nlnety-flvc In every one hundred cases. v
My discovery proved so successful that I was obliged to give up my general practice
and for thirty-one years have made Catarrh my specialty.
Relief for a Penny
Write me a postal card (or a letter) and I will send you by mall a liberal
trial treatment entirely free. If you HufTer from Catarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma,
Catarrhal deafness, or any other Caturrhal trouble, you cannot afford to neg
lect the use of this grand remedy. Catarrh, If neglected, will extend to the
lungs, finally leading to consumption.
My remedy will cure Caturrh of any and every form In the nose, head, throat,
middle ear or lungs. No matter who, or what remedy has failed, this will cure
you. I speak confidently because I have cured thousands of cases.
When you try mv freo sample and see how the warm, pleasant medicated
vapor goes to every spot and gives immediate relief, you will be convinced.
Many write me that they were cured by the freo sample alone,
The full treatment Is not expensive. The regular packsre containing enough to last one
whole month Is sent by mall postpaid for $I.0J. It Is not on sale at the drug stores, as I wish
my patients to get the medicine fresh from my laboratory or from my speclul local agents.
Remember a postal card, with your name and address will bring you this free trial treat
ment. It will also bring you free my interesting book "Plain Pacts About Catarrh."
Dr. J. W. Blosser, 371 Walton St., Atlanta, Ga.
Write Today. Address
ETOTOlfc. ' m
ftJMiiiffim fiWliTT
J & r 11.1 Iff Vn W lllllllwfl
Contain nothing injurious.
Relieve bronchial irritation.
Cure sore throat, in boxes only.
i pJkSHt H
General Frederick D. Grant was
praising the intelligence of a certain
"He is it' he saitf," "of whom they
tell the church parade story.
"His men were drawn .up for
.church parade one Sunday morning,
but the church was undergoing re
pairs and could not accomodate all.
" 'Sergeant major, said the colonqi,
'tell all the men who don't want to go
to church fall out on the reverse
"About sixty per cent of the men
quickly and gladly fell out Now,
sergeant major,' Bald the colonel, 'dis
miss the men who didn't fall out, and
march the others into church.-- They,
need it most.'" Washington Star.
"Woman was the last grand scheme
of the divine Sculptor and that is
why she is unsurpassed among all
the beauties of creation.
Many a rich man would "swap his
fortune for a good night's rest.
A lazy citizen is in everybody's
Bury the past and make each day
a starting point toward a higher life.
Every man should be in haste
whose journey leads home.
Kindness is the very soul of a gen
tleman. If you want to keep your good looks,
keep your good nature.
The man who eats mince-pie at mid
night must anticipate many novel
suggestions during his sleep.
Jealousy knows no sense of justice.
Wind every clock in the world and
set them right, and they will all go
wrong again.
The man who allows his child to
grow up in indolence commits a crime
against the race.
When a man is determined to rise
in the world, it is hotter not to stand
in his way. .If his purpose is right,
he will be a dangerous wrestler.
You are nearly half defeated when
you tell all your plans.
There is nothing like addressing
mon at the proper time.
An individual who lives for himself
alone should live by. himselfalone.
Say- 'Yes" and "No" to a child, and
stick to it. This is the beginning of
disoiplTneVr-Creswell Maclaughlin.
Do You Read?
Gladstone Said :
"Books are a delightful society. If you go into a room and . find it full
of books, without even taking them down from their shelves, they
seem to spealt to you to bid you welcome. They seem to toll you that they
have got something insldo their covers that will he good for you, and that
they are willing and dcBirous to impart to you.
"Another purpose of books Is to enlarge tho mind, to brace the mind, to
enable tho people to find pleasure, not only in tho relaxation of literaturo,
but In hard work, in tho stiff thought of literature. Tho hard work of
literature conveys to those who pursue it In sincerity and truth, not only
utility, but also real enjoyment."
By William J. Bryan
This book is a compilation of Mr. Bryan's reports,
describing his European tour and a number of his
most popular lectures, His European letters are four
teen In number, descriptive of tho tariff debato in
England, Ireland and Her Leaders, France and Her
People, Tho Switzerland Republic. Germany and
Socialism, Russia and Her Czar, "Tolstoy, the Apos
tle of Love," together with other and equally inter
esting accounts of Mr. Bryan's trip abroad.
Under Other Flags, Neatly Bound in Cloth, 400 P. Octavo,
Postage Prepaid . $1.25
With The Commoner One Year $1.75
Address, THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb.
JLl II Ml fl'll I ' J
t- I nnOrLvlnL auk obtkhkd on tiiu
Standard QUEEN Incubators aad Brooders this MobIIi
Only the price is "lower"-they are the same high-grade machines
the kind that fissure success to all who use them, because they are
the only perfectly ventilated machines made. You can't afford to
miss this chance of getting a "QUEEN" at a greatly reduced
price. Write today for special offer and catalogue.
PINKERTON MFG. CO., Box 38, Lincoln, Nebr.