?"W9'W7'SVf 5SW(i t lie tSmt- ftiWM.'-Ww i5 V '(; The Commoner VOLUME 6, NUMBER 16 7' --.-vvoo., O HP r Touch With the World For the benefit of Commoner readera who desire to avail themselves of a general line of reading so far as newsnierB Id periodicals are concerned, The Commoner has arranged a number of specl clubbing offers This plnT. has Jroven to be very popular and thousands of Commoner readers have taken advantage of the loyr rate.. tllU8 mTtPCommoner is prepared to mate some very tempting offers in the way of "subscription bargains." Be low will be found a Hat of clubbing offers which are the best terms that can be obtained anywhere. The char acter of the newspapers and periodicals, the arrangement of the clubs and the really low prices all combing to provide an extraordinary opportunity to those who are anxious to obtain at a reasonable price a line of reading that will keep them ever in touch with all phases of life. SUBSCRIPTION BARGAINS Combination Offers CLASS A Roirtihir Price Coromorclnl Appenl,Mcinplife,(wk) $ .r0 A merlon n. Nitslivlllo.uviu w .Spiitliorn I'Vull Grower. Olmttiinooffa.(mo) 50 Farm, Stock & Homo, Minneapolis, (soini-mo).. .50 Homo it Farm, T.oulsvlllc, (semi-mo) 50 Mo. Valley Farmcf, Topeku.(mo) 50 TlioIIomo & State. Dal!iiN,(mo) ' 50 Modern Farmer, St,.losepli.(ino)i 50 Prairie Farmer. Chjeatro.(wlc) 1.00 Farm & Home Sentinel,lntlianapolls,(scmi-mo) .50 Central Fat mcr, Lincoln. (n:o) 1.00 Kansas Farmer, Topeka,(wk) ; 1.00 Reliable Poultry Journal. Quincy.Oho) 1.00 Ai?rlcuUurnllCpltomist, Spencer, Ind.(mo) 25 Farmer's Wife, St, Paul. (mo) 50 Metropolitan & ltural Home, New Yorli.dno).. .25 Vick's Family MaKazine, llocliestcr, (mo) 50 Farm News, SprliiKllekl, O., (mo) 50 Poultry Success, Springfield, O., (mo) 50 J CLASS B The Commoner And any one In Glass A $1.00 The Commoner And any two In Class A 1.55 Three Extraordinary Offers NUMBER ONE THE COMMONER $1.00 "Povtotir rf TJotrtnnra Mow Vnnlr O K( Cosmopolitan, New York 1 .00 ( Our pHce No Substitutes Permitted In Auovo. $4.50 in Va,u 2.S0 Yovlc,(thrioe-a-weclO r $1.00 " 1.00 J World, Now Constitution. Atlanta. (tlirice-a-wkK Ennuiror. Cincinnati. ( wk) 1.00 Farm, Field & Fireside. Chicago, (wlc) 1,00 Miohiuan Fanner, Dotrolb.(wk). .. l.oo Practical Farmer. Philadelphia. (wk) 1.00 Windlo's Gatlinir Gun, OhlouKo.fmo) 1.00 Cosmopolitan, Now York City, (mo) l.oo Pearson's, Now York CJty,(mo) l.oo TJin.cs, scatuo, wasii.twu; t.OOJ The Commoner And any ON15 in Ci ?C Class B P1.00 The Commoner $1.85 And any TWO in Class ii The Commoner S nnd ( The Commoner J and I The Commoner i and I Any ONE in Class A with any ONE in Class B Any ONE in Class A with any TWO in Class B Any TWO in Class A with any ONE in Class B 1 $1.60 $2.10 $1.85 NUMBER TWO THE COMMONER $1.00 Public Opinion, New York (New) 3.00 Live Stock Journal 1.00 NUMBER THREE THE COMMONER .....$1.00 World, Thrice-a-Week, New York 1.00 The Housekeeper, Minneapolis, mo).. .60 Missouri Valley Farmer, Topeka, (mo) . 50 J $0,00 in vaIue Our price 3,00 $3,10 iri value Our Price Jf$5 NOTE All subscriptions to Public Opinion must be new; we can not accept renewals. The Housekeeper or Campbell's Illustrated .Journal may be substituted 'for TheLive Stock Journal in Nd:"2?"la lo. 3 The World-Herald, Cincinnati Enquirer,' Seattle Times or Nebras ka Independent may be substituted for The Thrice-a-Week World. Suggested Combinations iniw Svnnffi 11S s?nt to (1lffc,r,cnt addresses If desired. Your friends may wish to i i. ft Jnscncllnir for n coxrbinntlon. All sulscrintions are for one year, and If S rt miSmuS?,1 munlcr unless otherwise directed. Present subscribers f Sri SSl ?earl 1 roS eSim tondito?na CXPlr0, nfcDCWalS rCCe,VCd nW wiU b entered Foreign postnuo extra. wnviii 1!'bbiniiT?OInblrl?IVon.?,or.l)rcmium offcrs in which the Thrlce-a-Weelc World. Wo ld-IIciuld. or Kansas City World, or Farm. Stock & Home appear are not onen to the residents of the respective cities in which the papers Earned ?Spublfshed. Miscellaneous Offers Publisher's The Public. Chicapo. (wk) PiJ Constitution Atlanta, (thrico-a-week) ...'.'.'.'.'Vim Good House-Keep nir i'XX World. Kansas City, (dai v excont Si ndavV 12 Rocky Mountain NowSlUes?8enve? (i ?"ffi Sentlnel.ltullanapolls. (dally),.!.?. .."' ' " w ?,m WllUIlCO'S It'urmnr n..u Allr, .... I ...i. w Live Stock Journal, Chcaeo()YZ $ ?nTO,lt' Johnstown, (wlc). ".....- "ffi Worlrt.TTirnlil n. ,)., tnU,i ...i. lw Poultry Success, Sprinjihekl. "6. mo" . V." 1 ' Literary DiBest, New York City ?No vY(wkj "j;: n Nebraska independent. Lincoln (wk) . ?' Campbell's llhist.rutri .in,lmi M.i. ' '.!L",''' ! The Housekeeper, M nned no is funof ,V ' h WOtniin'sHomnCnmiiMlnn e.u...i"iV'A"V." V ! Success, New York Cit mo) .. "cm' "" vmo' !'9 lm. Pattle Cieek. Mich., (mo) .....'.'."..: iny srlptlons to The Literary DIKost & 'L'ho Public must bo n'ewVwo'can'uot a 00 50 00 00 1,00 GO 00 The PUcii Noto-Subscrli: Our Price with The Commoner $G0 1.35 1T43 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.50 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.00 3.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1,45 - 1.45 1.C0 1.15 iccopt renewals Tin Commoner $1.00 Farmer's Wife 50 Reliable Poultry Jnl. 1.00 Pearson's 1.00 The Commoner $1.00 Thrlce-a-Wk World,. 1.00 Nebr. Independent.. 1.00 PrairieFarmer 1.00 Cosmopolitan 1.00 ' The Commoner $1.00 Wlndle'sGutlinKQun 1.00 Campbell's lllus. Jnl. 1 00 Modern Farmer. 50 T lie Commoner $1.06 Farm, Field & Fire side 1.00 Pacific Monthly . 1.00 Send us only $1.70 for the four Send us only $2.75 for the live Send us only $1.85 for the four Send us only $1.95 for the three Tlie Commoner $1.00 World-Herald 1 . 00 The Housekeeper... .00 Tho Commoner $1.00 Public Opinion(New) 3.00 Woman's Homo Com panion 1.00 The Commoner $1.00 So. Fruit Grower 50 Home & State 50 Commercial Appeal. .51 The commoner $1.0C Cincinnati Enquirer l.OC Public 2.0c Missouri Val. Farmer .5 Send us only $1.70 for the three Send us only $3.00 for the three Send us only $1.60 for tho. four Send us only $2.70 for tho fout Changes Allowed in Combinations In the above offers, these periodicals may he substituted one for another: Com mercial Appeal, American, Southern Fruit Grower, Farm, Stock & Homo, Home & Farm, Missouri Valley Farmer, Homo & State, Modern Farmer, Prairie Fnrmer, Farm & Home Sentinel, Central Farmer, Kansas Farmer, Reliable Poultry Journal, Agricultural Epitomist, Farmer's Wife, Metro politan & Rural Homo. In the above offers, these periodicals may be substituted one for another Thrico-a-Week Now York Worl.d, Cincinnati Enquirer, Farm, Field & Fireside, Mictngan Farmor, Practical Farmer, Windle's Gatling Gun. Cosmonolilan Pearson SeatUe Times, Live Stock Journal, Johnstown DemS, Om ha World-Horald, Poultry Success, Campbell's Illustrated Journal, House keeper, Thnco-a-week Atlanta Constitution. PfiEfaiUS OFFERS FOR flSBW To any one sending us one now annual subscrlntion to th blip SCRIPTION t Liuivi vie) ini 1-lK wn rmm tMrnt mnntini ..iw. t4.i x .. new annual suhsorlnHnns to THE r.OMMnMco ,A t ,.'..,.. ,v,r,NtKf r a bm in nin. "tT i? : , . "V'T. r'V.V.w. .Ul Vl J"? momus" subscription to --- j-i a. & .. a Vj v iivjit inn liii viiiiiwiiii 111 iriTin tv tt ij rr m r nil rw & THE gommonpr ;;J r,uu.ul"ss A For two new annual subs """SIT pSLT1e ZZT1,S "TwyWoZ aZr.sorll,tlon may take tl,e p,nco ?r the ""'" .) & A 11 nrlo.n 4. -L 11 -""""""on suDseriptlons Pieaso etato plainly wlmt premium la dealrofl. All o.ders must be addressedto The Commoner, Lincoln, Nebraska m 8 O i'-A ' , m 'ftmmmaammiuaaxi . .. UJ- .!.. -t-Li JW