'gtawy&agwwiittiu j t , "IP? 2 rv J 'IF ? 8 Pl K fc i ? m -J8m!( 'SX yV for half nn hour, It gave mo the best opportunity Unit I could have had to become acquainted with tlio marquis, who 13 the moat influential man in Japan at proHGnt. Ho is president of the privy council of older statesmen and is credited with being tlio most potent factor in tho shaping of Japan's demands at Portsmouth. When Huron Komura stepped from the launch upon tho soil of his native land, he was met by Marquis I to and each greeted tlio other with a low how. The baron then saluted tho other officials In tho same manner and, turning, bowed to a group of Japancso ladies representing tho Womnn'8 Patriotic association. Dr. Jones and I stood some feet in the rear of tho officials and woro greeted by tlio baron after ho had saluted hln own countrymen. Ho extended his hand to us. Tho Incident is mentioned as illustrating tho difference in the manner of greeting. For who would bo moro apt to clasp hands, if that were customary, than those two distinguished states- 'men whoso personalities are indlssolubly linked togethor In the conclusion of a world renowned treaty? A brief account of tho reception of Admiral Togo may bo interesting to those who read this article While at Toklo I visited tho city hall, at tho Invitation of tho mayor and city council. Whilo thcro Mayor Ozakl informed me that he, in company with the mayors of the other cities, would ten dor Admiral Togo a reception on the following Tuesday, and Invited me to bo present. Of course I accepted, becauso It afforded a raro opportunity to observe Japanese customs as well as to seo a largo concourse of people. As I witnessed the naval review In Yokohama the day before and the illumination at night, I did not "roach Toklo until tho morning of the reception 'and this led mo into considerable embarrassment. 'On tho train 1 mot a Japanese gentleman who could spoak English. Ho was kind enough to find me a 'rikisha with a pusher and to instruct them to take me at onco to Uyeno Park. Ho then loft me and (ho 'rikisha men followed his instruc tions to the lettor. They had not proceeded far when I discovered that Admiral Togo had arrived on the same train and that a long procession had fprmod to conduct him to tho park. Before I know it, I was wliiskcd past an escort of dis tinguished citizens who, clad in Prince Alberts and silk hats, followed the carriages, and then I found my 'rikisha drawn into an open space between two carriages. Grabbing the 'rikisha man iu'front of mo, I told him by word and ges turo to get out of tho lino of tho procession. He could not understand English, and evidently thinking that I wanted to get nearer tho front, ho ran past a fow carriages and then dropped into another opening. Again I got him out of the lino, omploylng moro emphasis than before, only to bo carried still nearer tho front. After repeated ohangos of position, all tho time em ploying such sign language as I could command and attempting to convey by different tones of voice suggestions that I could not translate into iangungo, I at last reached the head of tho pro cession. And tho 'rikisha men, as if satisfied with the success of their efforts, paused to await the starting of the line. I tried to Inform them that I was not a part of the procession; that I wanted to get on another street; that they should take mo to tho park by some other route and do tso at once. They at last comprehended sufficient. , ly to leave the carriages and take up a rapid gait, but get off of tho streot they would not. For threo miles they drew mo between two rows of expectant people, wIiobo eyes peered down tho street to catch a glimpse of tho great admiral, oiix u, million people; tliey represented every . class, age ami condition. I saw more people than I ever saw before in a single day. Old men and old women, feeble, but strengthened by the?r en in!!?TV yii(111 aged ,non ana women whow iimphs of tho navy; students from the bovs' schools and students from the girls' schools with nffjr1 b,rlIV!ers' littlG cWW clressed in a tho colors of tho rainbowall were there -Ami could imagine that each one ofThem S d'enotg to think, was wondering why a foreigner was intruding upon a streot which tho police bad cleared for a triumphal procession "if1 some one bad angrily caught my 'rikisha men and thrust them through the crowd to a side street I shJiTd not have complained-I would even have felt -e-Moved but no one molested thorn or me and I reached tho park some minutes ahead of the miral How glad I was to alight, and how wut ingy I rewarded the smiles of tho rikisha men with a bonus-for had they not done thel? duty as thoy understood it? Ami wi ," . (mty given me, in spito of my protests, such a view The Commoner. of the people of Toklo as I could have obtained in no other way? At the park I luckily fel In with some o the council men whom I had met before and they took mo in hand. I saw the procession arrive, heard the banzais (the Japanese cheers) as they rolled along the street, keeping paco with Togo's carriage, and I witnessed the earnest, yet always orderly, rejoicing of the crowd that had congre gated at the end of the route. When the pro cession passed by us Into the park the members of tho city council fell in behind the carriages, and I with them. When we reached the stand, a seat was tendered me on tho front row from which the extraordinary ceremonies attending the reception could be witnessed. Mayor Ozaki, the presiding officer, escorted Admiral Togo to a raised platform, and there the two took seats on little camp stools some ten feet apart, facing each other, with their sides to the audience and to those on the stand. After a moment's delay, a priest clad in his official robes, approached with cake and a teacup on a tray and, kneeling, placed them before the admiral. Tea was then brought in a long handled pot and poured Into the cup. After tho distinguished guest had partaken of these refreshments, the mayor arose and read an address of welcome. As he has the reputation of being one of the best orators in the empire, his part was doubly interesting to me. As he confined himself to his manuscript, I could not judge of his delivery, but his voice was pleasing and his manner natural. The address recited the exploits of Admiral Togo and gave expression to the gratitude of the people. At its conclusion the hero admiral arose and modestly acknowl edged the compliment paid to him and to his officers. Admiral Togo is short, even for the Japanese, and has a scanty beard. Neither in stature nor in countenance does he give evidence of the stern courage and indomitable will which have raised him to the pinnacle of fame. When he sat down the mayor proposed three times three banzais and they were given with a will by the enormous crowd that stood in the open place before the stand. While writing this article, I am in receipt of information that Mayor Ozaki has secured for me one of the little camp stools above referred to and has had made- for me a duplicate of the other. They will not only bo interesting souvenirs of an historic occasion, and prized as such, but they will be interesting also because they contrast so sharply with the large and richly upholstered chairs used in Amer ica on similar occasions. From this public meeting the admiral and his officers were conducted to a neighboring hall where an elaborate luncheon was served. With the councllmen I went to this hall and was pre sented to tho admiral and his associates, one of whom had been a student at Annapolis. By the courtesy of Hon. Lloyd Griscom, the American minister, I had an audience with tho emperor, these audiences being arranged .through the minister representing the country from which the caller comes. Our minister, to whom I am indebted for much assistance and many kind nesses during my stay at the capital, accompanied me to the palace and instructed me, as they say in the fraternities, "in the secret work of the order." Except where the caller wears a uni form, he is expected to appear in evening dress, although the hour fixed is in the day time. At the outer door stand men in livery, one of whom conducts the callers through long halls, beauti fully decorated on ceilings and walls, to a spa cious reception room where a halt is made until the summons comes from tho emperor's room Ihe emperor stands in the middle of the receiv ing room with an interpreter at his side. Tho caller on reaching the, threshold bows, he then advances half way 'to the emperor pauses and bows again- ho then proceeds and 'bow a third erolgn? " extended hand of the bov- c mT1ig cowersation is brief -and formal, con sisting of answers to the questions asked by his majesty The emperor is 53 years old about five feet six inches in height, well hull t and wears a beard, although, as is the case with most Japa nese, the growth is not heavy. On retiring tie caller repeats tho threo bows ie"ng the We were shown through the palace and hnv inS Se,6U tb? old palace at Kyoto" which was the capital until tho date of the restoration Afl I was struck with the diflWno nSr i n 1868)- be c monial. One meets tea on Ws arrival !??" constant companion during hia si I h 3 mingled with the farewells Zt i?1?, Ifc is was Jaw KT:5 5 VOLUME 6, NUMBER 3 fused. This custom prevails in the larger stores and is scrupulously observed, at public buildings and colleges. The tea is served in dainty cups and taken without sugar or cream. The tea drinking habit is universal here, the kettle of hot water sitting on the coals in tho brazier most of tho time. At each railroad station the boys sing out, "Cha! Cha!" (the Japanese word for tea) and for less than two cents in our money they will furnish the traveler with an earthen pot of hot tea, with pot and cup thrown in. The use of tea at social gatherings dates back at least six hundred years, when a tea ceremonial was instituted by a Buddhist priest to soften the manners of the warriors. It par took of a religious character at first, but soon be came a social form, and different schools of tea drinkers vied with each other in suggesting rules and methods of procedure. About three hundred years ago Hideyoshl, one of the greatest. of the military rulers of Japan, gave what is described as the largest tea party on record, the invitations being in the form of an imperial edict. All lov ers of tea were summoned to assemble at a given date In a pine grove near Kyoto, and they seem to have done so. The tea party lasted ten days and the emperor drank at every booth. According to Chamberlain, tea drinking' had reached the luxurious stage before the middle of the fourteenth century. The lords took part in the daily gatherings, reclining- on tiger skins, the walls of the guest chamber being richly orna mented. One of the popular games of that day was the offering of a number of varieties of tea, the guests being required to guess where each variety was produced, the best guess winning a handsome prize. The tea ceremony answered at least one useful purpose it furnished an inno cent way of killing time, and 'the lords of that day seem to have had an ahundance of time on their hands. The daughters of the upper classes were trained to perform the ceremony and dis played much skill therein. Even to this day it is regarded as one of the accomplishments, and young ladies perfect themselves in it much as our daughters learn music and singing. At Ko goshima, Governor Chikami, one of the most scholarly men -whom I have met here, had his daughter perform for my instruction a part of the ceremony, time not permitting more. With charming grace she prepared, poured und served this Japanese nectar, each motion. being.Mflccord 1 ing to the rules of the most .approved sect,- for there are sects among tea drinkers. - -. The theatre is an ancient institution here, although until recently the actors were consid ered beneath even the mercantile class. Their social standing has been somewhat improved since the advent of western ideas. The theatre building is very plain as compared with ours or even with the better class of homes here. They are always on the ground floor and have a circular, revolving stage within the larger stage which makes it possible to change the scenes instantly. The plays are divided into two kinds, his torical ones reproducing old Japan and modern plays. The performance often lasts through the entire day and evening, some of the audience bringing their tea kettles and food. Lunches, fruit, cigarettes and tea are also on sale in the theatre. The people sit on the floor as they do in their homes and at public meetings. One of the side aisles is raised to the level of the stage and the actors use it for entrance and exit. In this connection a word Bhould be said in regard to the Geisha girls who have furnished, such ample material for the artist and the deco rator. They are selected for their beauty and trained in what is called a dance, although it differs so much from the American dance as scarcely to be describable by that term. It is rather a series of graceful poses in which gay costumes, dainty fans, flags, scarfs and sometimes parasols play a part. The faces of the dancers are expressionless and there is no exposure of the limbs. The Geisha girls are often called in to entertain guests at a private dinner, the per formance being before, not after the meal pur first introduction to. this national amuse ment was at the Maple club dinner given at Tokio by a society composed of Japanese, men who had studied in the United States. The name of the society is a Japanese phrase which means the "Friends of America." The Maple club is the most famous restaurant in Japan, and the Geisha girls employed thero stand at tho head of their profession. During tho dancing there is music on stringed instruments, which resemble the banjo in tone, and sometimes singing. At the Maple club the Geisha girls' displayed American and Japaneso flags. We saw the dancing again at an elaborate dinner given by Mr. Fukuzawa editor of the Jiji Shimpo. Here also the flags of J)oth nations ,w.ere .used. Tn what words can I adequately describe" tho MLBSWatW-" l