M mj WlmS3tmBZ222ZZZ r H"HMWir J W ?PfeA' ' j- ."to 6 The Commoner. VOLTJISIE 6, NUMBER 2 'If !-iA J A' t &:' ' !' -k i, ' ii if 1- f w n The Commoner THE PRIMARY PLEDGE PLAN ISSUED WEEKLY WiM.TAM .7. UltVAN OifAULKs'w. JJltYAN Kill tor and Proprietor. HiaitAui) L. Mkivalvu AsHodiito Editor. Publisher. Editorial Rooms and Business Onico .'121-330 So. 12th Street. ICntorcd at the iiostofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second class mail matter. Ono Year $1.00 Six Months SOo In Club.i of 3 or more per Year 75a Thrco Months 25o Single Copy 5o SAtnplo Copies Free Foreign Postage 52o Extra. SUBSCRIPTIONS am ho sent direct to Tho Com moner. Tiioy can also bo acnt through newspapers whlcli have advortlaed a clubbing ruto, or through local agents, where sub-agents have i ocn appointed. All remlttanccH tihould bo Hent by postqlllco money order, oxprofla order, or by bank draft on Now York or Chicago. Do not oend Individual checks, stamps or money. R.ENEWALS. Tho dato on your wrappor shows when your subscription will oxpirc. Thus, Jan. 31, 0G, meant- that payment has boon received to and includ ing tho last issuo of January, 1900. Two weeks aro required after money lias been received boforo tho dato on wrappor can bo changed. CHANGE OF ADDRESS. Subscribers requesting a chango of address must glvo OLD as well as tho NEW address. ADVERTISlNG-rates furnished utfon application. Address all communications to THE COMMONER; JLlnooIn, Nob. "Profoasov" Qimioii seems to have oiled his statistics. Mr. Rogers has made a fine start for a Jimmy hydo finish. -' Mr. Rogers and Mr. Rockefeller seem to make paraffn witness. It is sai'o to say that Mr. Rogers never forgot (o cash his semi-annual dividend certificates.- It appears thaf tho opposition to Governor .Cummins in Iowa-is feeling very Blytho and gay. Another fresh and impetuous republican con 'STruK ihero:fUnI Champ Boston claims to be the largest lobster mar ket in tho world. This claim is calculated to wring a protest from Wall street. It seems that the Sioux City Journal is cet--ting away from its antl-standpat views in an effort to get a better gubernatorial view bo aSeirrs? SL Hc Sh",rt nary trades unionist WZ, Marshall P. Wilder declares thnr ,, no now jokes hnr tha ,. , lmt UlGre are joker's failme to rcui Zl be (iuo to tllG "We court decisions. S?m recent conflicting vokettii",.?ffife Welded to re- amply able to 'Sanla r nff PtotU8tni feoI through the senate pot GXI)ross measures ConJSrtoulu underSl V" answer if It Tinted SI, ?0 t0. make a collete or fifty pages a week r Issuea W rotuSS a 'v e'o? ffilS ? Now York have They will find it vSsuS more UM0r DeP' vote of confldenco for themse InfV0 seciu' railroad passes may come i easier. Ugh the to exSainTo an article business. The country woUidl?,"brm'y bu,IdlS in reading about how h , ki moro Merest tariff schedules for Nelson DiS0? in wplng remarks tho Houston Post Bl0y l fniIue As this copy of Tho Commoner may be read by some one not familiar with the details of the primary pledge plan, it is necessary to say that according to the terms of this plan every democrat is asked to pledge himself to attend all of the primaries of his party to bo held between now and the next democratic national convention, unless unavoidably prevented, and to secure a clear, honest and straightforward declaration of tho party's position on every question upon which the voters of tho party desire to speak. Those de siring to be enrolled can either write to Tho Com moner approving tho object of the organization and asking to have their names entered on the roll, or they can fill out and mail tho blank pledge, which is printed on this page. Extracts from letters received at The Com moner ojulco follow: Daniel Fauble, Lancaster, OhioPlease send me five subscription cards, and I will try to fill . them within tho next few days. I have read Tho Commoner for the past two years, and feel richly rewarded for the time spent. The Com moner is the cleanest, ablest and best journal that has ever come to my address. I am proud to join the large number of voters in signing the primary pledge. J. B. Bryan, Cedar Hill, Texas I enclose a primary pledge with eight signatures. Lloyd T. Everett, attorney, Bethesda, Md. Enclosed find five special offer subscription cards filled, out, one which is a renewal (my own) and lour new subscriptions, and check for $3 in pay ment. I wished to enclose the primary pledge signed, but find I have no copy of The Com moner at the office, so sign my name on accom panying sheet, and ask you to have the primary pledge written in above, and file same. W. H. Fry, Oakford, Ind. Find herewith pri mary pledge with list of signatures. Oscar Mitchell, Wallonia, Ky. I have never missed a primary and have never missed an elec tion nor scratched a ticket not even for the sake of my kin folks, and never expect to. I be ? J? e democracy that TNhoraas Jefferson IS i 7 . duetmocracy that lifts mankind God S5 , A n?iShbor ded me a Commoner the other day. I read it and like it. Please send me rsef es and wm try njtTcJS fort to reorganize the democratic paSyf T am living n a very strong republican town, but am trying to get The Commoner read I think it will do more than anything else , I. H. Simcoe, Fulton, Mo. Find enclosed Te rnary pledge signed by thirty good SESStT X D Wooden, Riggins, Idaho I herewith Vm close primary pledge petition bearing thTshrn? lures of all the democrats in tWs precinct vWio R. E. Lockwood of Weiser. I think it would ho advisable to send him a blank. He is the editor of "The Signal." Mr. Lockwood is all right in every way. Please send a few copies of The Commoner. I will subscribe for it when they arrive. ' Jerome Dunnlmr. nfi.nrnfiv. Wlnftelfl W Vn With the compliments of the season I greet you, and beg to present primary pledge signed by fifty-one democrats of my own magisterial district of Scott. I confined this pledge to Scott district. There are five others in the county, and I now propose to circulate another blank throughout my county. The result of the recent elections in Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York is proof posi tive that "back to the people" is where democ racy should turn if she wishes, or even hones, to be successful in future political contests. - Joshua Draper, Oxford, Ala. Standing upon American soil under a republican government and. recognizing man's duty to man, I doubt the Chris tianity and patriotism of all who oppose democ racy as taught by The Commoner. True democ racy is the gospel of the golden rule. B. F. Furniss, New Orleans, La. Enclosed find pledge filled out: R. Wr Johnson, Calhoun, Mo. I send in my primary pledge although I have no faith in the primary. I am seventy years old, an old con federate. I think the primary is the main factor of putting Missouri in the republican ranks today. My observation of the primaries here in Henry county, Missouri, is that they are a disgrace to any party. A nomination was equivalent to an election and the primary was where tho boss and shrewd politicians got in their work. , ', S Ballard Cloverdale, W. Va. Enclosed ' find ?1.20 to pay for two yearly subscriptions to I lie Commoner as per enclosed subscription cards. I also enclose primary pledge of myself, my father and three brothers all there are of us in family of voting age except one brother who is not in this part. We were all anxious to sign the pledge-not that any of us needs to oonf?fh,?fliT1Vf? t0, democracy, but that we may ? oi wt0 th0 plan and show a willingness to do all that we can toward helping elect the tipyI president of the United Stateswhlch can be done if every democrat will do his duty. I heartily endorse the primary pledge $lan, and can get tC great many signatures to it. h . findr1 Hartf0rd City Ind.-Enclosed una order for Commoner, also primary pledce S?v f' X think the prImary Pledge the onfy Sf rtenCi?m5n pe01)le have whereby they can SSLw injustice of Party tricksters. I promise my hearty support. I think The Commoner tho gf Z Publish in the inteETS Se people. When we see the most of the min? fiTtteSK?? T"e Corner0 ?aS . " r THE PRIMARY PLEDGE - v ; v frpromiBe to ttend,all the orimi!Mn0 t Slreet County Signed Postoflice. . 7 f , - . QLate, r s Voting precinct or ward W 111 out BIanks and ma tob' r TOrd r- mall to Commoncr Offl0Ci uhc?,lni Nebraska -. '1 J i ' llll j. oST r