"Lrl T i f'. U '' r5P-IVv .' ;:Mr - jfi ' it' . ;:: Vi- isry mfc si- " V "f'i. '' V: rM ''fir-? The Commoner. ; '.VOLUME 6, NjCPBER t 21 The Commoner ISSUED WEEKLY microti at tho poHtofllco at Lincoln. Nebraska, as second- On Your $1-00 Six Months 50o In Clubfi of 5 or more por Year 75o Thrco Months 25o Slnrflo Copy...." Sample Copies Fro Foreign Post 52o Extra. SUBSCRIPTIONS can bo Bent i rcct o ThoCJn saa'ha; ?avS8 jk cttbofflf ff iJas loai Scnt wlioro HUb-.uronU, Imvo joon i" rcmltliinccfl Hhould bo ""ntkbyd0ffiV, Now York or gffSR.0,&r,o0t .Kdivld'SS cycles, stamp,, or "TLFfeEWALS.-Tbo dato on your wrnppor shows wKy5J?HUb?crli)tlon will expire. Thus, Jan. 31. 06 moarU that payment barf been rcco ved to and l.clud- SuiSaV" 'iirSon1 rece ffi?Kf iuo cluinBO of iiddroBS must glvo OLD an well as the NLW a ADVERTISING -rates furnished upon application. Address nil communications to THE COMMONER. Lincoln, Nob, Tho hoof trust barons also thought they could defy Missouri. 4 Tlio loss Mr. Rogers claims to know tho mora cloarly tho pooplo understand. Mr. AfcCnll also niountod tho -witness stand In a Vandorhlltlan frame of mind. Thoro Is a growing suspicion that Mr. Odell lias exhausted himsolf in writing up his tablo of contents. Tho actions of Henry H. Rogers have had tho effect of causing tho recruiting stations of social Ism to bo kopt opon overtime. Mr. McCall says ho begins life over again a poor man. All that ho has to begin is a snug fortune in tho name of his wife. Mr. Henry Rogors began with a regular John H. McCall air ,of bravado, but tho people still have a lively recollection of tho McCall finish. ' Tho, fact that a lot of Now York chorus girls wont on strilco for higher wages seems to indi cate that those Pittsburg millionaires are becom ing cautious. Chicago society folk have just spent some thing like $50,000 in dressing up for a function that' ralsod about $3,000 for a fund for tho relief of sick babies. Several residents of Keokuk, Iowa, boast of owning bibles that are more than 100 years old. , Ono great trouble with people Is that they do not wear out their bibles fast enough. 'When war comes I will lead the army my self," says Emperor "William. Wo hoard some thing like that about a year ago, didn't we, com-.-. Ing from a littlo furthor to the northwest? Tho Standard Oil king should thank his lucky stare that ho is not a striking workingman in contempt )f court. Striking workingmen guilty of contempt are thrown in jail without compiinc- 1 ho Lincoln, Nebr., Journal asserts that the continued high price of corn is duo to the im mense exports. In about six months tho Journal Siti" ffiiff. th0 hish prlCG is duo t0 tll N The St. Louis GlobQ-Domocrat calls attention to the fact that tho 1905 bank clearances wore un usual y largo. Three specific cases of bank "clear ances" are Oborlln. Peoria nn,i ni,in mi".. were pretty thoroughly cleaned. is MissoinYs attorney general should engage Mr wi;;jr.mmi. mr- wshob - e rw w uviu-iuy wuo uuomory or a lot of in uiiX ? grafters to a renfarknblo oxtent, and ho 9M - T I - - I 1 1 1- II 1 .9 r u . :"ci i"J-j """,' ui iur. xuKt!TH some. Secretary Shaw has anticipated the Febru ary Merest on government bonds, but the people antidi ated that he would rush to the rescue of the banks by loaning them some more of the people's money without Interest. Tho St. Louis Globe-Democrat makes an un usual admission when it says: "No one has sounded a better New Year keynote than renny son, 'Ring out the false, ring in the true. That's what was done in Philadelphia, Ohio, and several other places. When Tennyson's admoni tion has been heeded throughout the United Jtr 'V ffl ..... ?fr. nSfiSU k ftiftvi f. Ogden Armour is writing a series of uiuvo i.i wu. run nmvnro nor. ifnn factions. The labdrs of Hercules are ation stunts compared with the jobs nen of modern times undertake. States the Globe-Dem6crat- will be pl.axfflS'yq. a small constituency. " : ' yts' n " A republican contemporary devotes a;column to the discussion of "World problems- "ofMpOG," but never a word about the problem of Keeping the people in line for the principle that the higher they tax themselves the more prosperous they are. . . Senator Depew is going to resign from 'every thing but tho senate. He ought to begini: hijf res ignations at the other end of the line. '"' Good Work by Commoner Readers Tho following named subscribers have sent In yearly subscriptions to The Commoner in num ber as follows: G. D. Mowry, Graham, Mo., 27; X T, Meals, Fort Smith, Ark., 14; W. PI. H. Houns loy, Castle Rock, Colo., 11; J. C. Copeland, Locust Grove, Ohio; 6; W. Harrington, Tekamah, Nebr., 11; FJirmnn D. Smith, Huntington, Ind., 8; W. H. Rodwell, Union, Iowa, 11; K. C. Paulsen, Mason City, la., 9; S. N. Trausue, Halls Corners, N. Y., 7; H. M. Pryts, Minneapolis, Minn., 10; R. R. Reeve, Edwardsport, Ind., 10; A. J. Rucker, Avenue City, Mo., 12; G. M. Lawrence, Green Forest, Ark., 10; L. D. Hunt, Quay, New Mexico, G; P. Cress, Park Falls, Wis., 7; G. W. Dillon, Fostorla, Ohio, 11; Jesse Kirkpatrick, Rushville, Ind., 8; A. F. Pfost, Scott, Ohio, 8; J. N. Storm, Strasburg, 111., 7; D. N. Fulbright, Valley Springs, Ark., 8; J. C. Sullivan, Greenfield, Tenn., 9; F. O. Riley, Castlewood, S. D., 7; J. W. Nicholds and Charles Van Buren, Marshfleld, Ohio, 18; A. Hemmerly, Marion, Ohio, 11; G. J3. Seymour, Cannonsville, N. Y., 10; M. W. Chandler, Delta, la., 10; John T. Tansey, Albany, N. Y., 8; J, M. Clarke, Kingsburg, Calif., 6; Charles H. Hickin, Rittman, Ohio, 6; A. M. Higgins, Wil loughby, Ohio, 7; C. W. Carpenter, Unadilla, N. Y., 6; Alvin Koch, Liberty, 111., 6; Joseph Kerch ner, Liberty Center;, O., 6; J. P. Woodyard, Gar field, Ark., 7; W. H. Pelton, Canton, S. D., 6; G. A. Miller, Marshall, Wis., 16; Daniel Head rick, Bloomfield, la., 12; F. A. Partlow, Clear Lake, Wis., 6; Dr. A. S. Watkins, Tehuacana, Tex., 6; John G. McConaghy, Skidmore, Pa., 8; J. W. Cline, Aurora, Mo., 12; B. L. Adams, Al bion, Pa., 9; Robert Martin, Ainsworth, Nebr., 12; Lee Dohner, Pierceton, Ind., 6; W. W. Mc Farland, Washington, la., 8; Allen Kline, Bluff- ton, Ind., S; P. A. Wellever, Crawfordsville, Ind., 9; Luke F. Matthews, Park Hall, Md., 10; F. L. Brown, Piketon, O., 7; W. E. Robey, Caldwell, Ohio, 11; James Christian, Leeton, Mo., 7; L. S. Rogers, Sidney Centre, N. Y., 10; J. Sam Gosney, South Omaha, Nebr., 6; B. F. Evans, Lufkin, Texas, 7; Gus Rovis- Buckhorn, Mo., (J; H. N. Briggs, Clarion, Mich., G; C. Gillen, Roach dale, Ind., 7; Julius J. Reiter, Rochester, Minn., 10; Elias Davis, Sunset, Wash., G; J. D. Hunter, Oklahoma City, Okla., G; B. McSheehy, Whitins ville, Mass., 11; C. G. Wallace, Hastings, Nebr., G; N. C. Ault, Columbus, Ohio, 10; G. T. Gardner, Morris Store, Ky., 8; W. C. Crosby, St. Paul, Ind., 11; P. J. Hainey, Barnard, Mo., 9; S. S. Morgan, St. Charles, la., 7; Dr. C. C. Stokes, Rushsylvania, Ohio, G; Frank M. Cook, Prospect, Ohio, 6; Wiliam Tefft, Kelso, Wash., 6; P. m! Johnson Scottsviljo, Ark., 7; B. T. Abernathy, Pierce City, Mo., 9; William S. Simon, Coshocton, Ohio, G. ' The following named subscribers have each sent in five yearly subscriptions: J. A. Blanch ard Berkshire, N. Y.; J. p. Thomson, Ballard, SnniV iV R praves, Pevely, Mo.; Daniel Mc ?ii ' py!mB OhI; & D. Holland, Deer l a?'Jil0-; Mary H- Seeds' Delaware, Ohio; L. W. Timby, Salt Lake City, Utah; John Shear man Monroe City, Mo.; W. W. Boucher, Went worth, Mo.; William Staley, Flag Springs, Mo.; J. A. Felknor, West Baden, Ind.; D. L. Avery, Wayland, N. Y.; T. W. Norton, Campton, Ky.; H. B Donaldson, Wilsonville, Ky.; G. E. Brunk, Prairie Grove, Ark.; P. M. Parsell, Forest, Ohio E. R. Glbbins. St. Joseph, Mo.; Dr. T. O. Ban nister Odell nu J. H. Weaver, Kansas City, Mo.; Samuel Monroe, Portsmouth, Ohio; C W Bachelder, Greencastle, Ind.; T. J. Neel HUto ville, Va.; J. P. Cobb, Bowdoinham, Me.; D. R. Bonewltz, Van Wert, Ohio; Mrs. R. E. T llotson National Bi'idge, N. Y.; S. A. Graham AuduhCn SSI G Tr 5auna' Ghico' Texas A D Clark McHenry N. D; T. J. Wilson, Vinita. I, T.; J H. Maglll .Berlin, Okla.; J. H. Baxter, Ac ams Basin, N. Y.; Y. T Morris, Bakersfield, Mo F E. Beachler, New Windsor, 111.; G B Lamn Mapleton, Minn.; John EdwWds Yaie Iowa- J R. Foley, Tarkio, Mo.;, Eugene 6. Wells, Watet ville, Vt.; Neal Anderson, Green Ridge, Mo.; A. J. LePoel, Omaha, Nebr.; Joseph W. Brennan, Elizabeth, N. J.; J. S. Kennedy, Nevada, Mo.; E. R. Houchin, Metropolis, 111.; Richard Davidson, West Indianapolis, Ind.; Albert Paxtpn, Cincin nati, Ohio; N. A. Jones, Independence, Mo.; D. B. Fink, Topeka, Kans.; Sam Meredith, Waynes ville, Ohio; J. J. Eubank, Abilene, Texas; W. B. Gard, Portland, Ind.; G. H. Bolen, Robinson, W Va.; J. H. Pugh, Buford, Ohio; J. W. Keeler, Marion, 111.; A. R. Clark, Indianola, Nebr.; J; P. Lowe, Spencer, W. Va.; J. Curtice, Shannon, 111.; C. T. Yeatts, Mayberry, Va.; N. B. Hames, Colorado City, Colo.; W. H. Mosier, Springhoro, Pa.; Lee N. Wallis, Anadarko, Okla.; H. H. Syn der, Massillon, Ohio; A.'C. Hartson, Leon, Ohio; Allen Wiggins, Shreveport, La.; A. F. Hutson, Boone, Iowa; J. R. Hudson, Pleasantville, Ky;( A. C. Comparette, Hicksville, Ohio; Lloyd T Everett, Washington, D. C; J. W. Walker, Atchi son, Kans.; James Whitney, Villisca, Iowa; A. J. Moore, Whitakers, N. C; H. M. Kasserman, Newton, 111.; C. H. Mathews, New Philadelphia, Ohio; J. D. R. Brown, Jonesboro, 111.; M. J, Talley Jefferson ville, Ind.; James Pace, Nowata, I. T.;$ O. P. Davis, Chicago, 111.; G. S. Bird, Wellford; W. Va.; J. H. Simcoe, Fulton, Mo.; James Rv Crofoot, Wayland, Mich.; A, R. Hynson, St. Louis, Mo.; W. M. Brokaw, Bannock, Ohio; W. M. Hunt, Polo, Mo.; LC. Northcutt, Elmira, Calif.; James Bleakly, Rosemond, 111.; W. B. Clarkson, Albert) Lea, Minn.; Jens Jorgensen, Max Bass, N. 'Dv; W. A. Dawson, Delta, la.; JJ. S. Yager, Oakford. Ind.; I. W. McClary, Huntington, W. Va.; Hayes Colvin, Pittsfleld, 111.; G. D. McCall, Waynesburg, Ohio; John Taggart, Bethany, Mo.; J. B. Wilson, Portland, Ind.; John McNicol, Hillsboro, Ohio; R. N. Avery, Aurora, Ohio; D. C. Hampton, Van Buren, Ark.; Robert Blackwell, Danville, Va.; George E. Bryant, Hastings, Mich.; W. M. Shickel, Roanoke, Va. Everyone who approves of the work '"The Commoner is doing is invited to co-operate along the lines of this special subscription offer. Ac cording to the terms of this offer cards each good for one year's subscription to The Com moner, will be furnished in lots of five, air the rate of $3 per lot This places the yearly subscription rate at GO cents. 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