The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 19, 1906, Page 15, Image 15

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JANUARY-19, 1905
The Road to Success. By "William
Lee Popham, the Evangelistic lec
turer. 320 B. Walnut St., Louisville,
Ky. Bountf in silk cloth, price $1.00.
A Soldier's Trial. A story of the
canteen crusade. By General Charles
King. The JKobart company, New
Deerfoot in the Mountains. Third
and last volume of the New Deerfoot
Series, by Edward S. Ellis, Cloth,
12mo. 363 pages, $1.00. The John C.
Winston company, Philadelphia, Pa.
Self Building, Through Common
Sense Methods. By Corrilla Banister.
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard company, 93
Federal St., Boston, Mass. Price
$1.10 postpaid.
Hagar, A Dramatic Poem in Three
Acts. By Rollin J. Wells, Sioux Falls,
How Deaf People
are Made to Hear
Sound Magnifiers Invented
by a. KentucMan.
The Commoner,
Invisible, When Worn, but Act
kike Eye-Glasses.
Ever aeo a pair of Sound Mafftiiflors?
Thoy aroeo soft In tho oars one. can't toll thoy
aro wearing thorn.
And no ono o!bo can toll either, becanso thoy aro
out of eight whoa worn. Wilson's Ear Drnmo aro to
weak hearing what Bpoctacloa aro to weak Bight.
Because, thoy aro eound-magnlflore, just as
Blouses ore elRht-maifnlQora.
They rest tho Ear If orvos by taking tho atraln oft
them tho strata of trying to hear dim sounds. Thoy
can bo put Into the ears, or taken out, in u mtnuto,
Just an coruf ortnbly,as spectacles can be put on and off.
And, thoy can, bo' worn for weeks at a time, be
cause thoy aro ventilated, and so soft
In tho ear holos thov are not
folt oven when the head rests
on tho pillow. Thoy ako pro
tect any raw Inner parts of
tho oar from wind or cold.
dust, or sudden and piercing
Tho principal of thow
Httlo telephones is to mako It
as practical for a deaf
porson to hear
weak sounds as
poctacles make
It easy to road
fine print. And,
tho longer one
wears thorn tho
bettor his hoar
Jn g should grow,
becauBo thoy rest
op, and strength
en tho oar norvos. To rest a
woak ear from straining la
liko resting a strained wrist
from worklnnr.
Wilson's Ear Drums rest the Ear
worvos by making the sounds louder,
bo it la easy to understand without
trying and fltfiltnlna- Thar mnb-a
Deaf peoplo cheerful nnd r.nmfnrtnhln. hnrtMWift finch
Pooplo can talk with tbolr friends without tho friends
wing to bhont Dack at them. Thoy can hoar with
out stralntng. It is tho straining that puis such a
quoor, anxious look on tho face of a deaf porson.
"Wilson's Ear Drums mako 'all tho sound strike
nam ou tho center of tho human ear drum, Instead
or spreading it woakliill over tho surfuco. It thus
wakes tho contor of ti human ear drum vibrato ton
wwqb as much ns If tho flamo sound struck tho wholo'
arum houd. It la this vibration of tho oar drum that
carrlos sound to tho hearing Nervoa. When wo make
no drum vibrato ton times as much wo mako the
sound ten tlmoaas loud and ton tlmoa as easy to
M DafnoBs, from an7 cause, oar-ache, buzzing
n I i luo head, raw and running oars, broken
;,''iu.II18 "fid otnoc oar troubles, aro rellovod and
cured by thTj ueo of those comfortablo llttlo ear
reators and sound-raagnlflers.
ftr, Bn8lbl book, about Doafnoss, tolls how thoy
oromnt o, nndhas printed In It lettors from hundreds
or pooplo who aro using them.
OnnrnKym-Sn Lawyors, Physician Telegraph
Ruin i i ' rB,nen. Workers in Bollor Shops and
ounurles-four hundrod pooplo of all ranks who
Thn, raf toU helroxporlonco In this froo book.
Umm o, ' h.nw thc,r Soaring was broujrht bock to
Sr Drum lnBtaatly by tho proper ubo of Alison's
andSi!i? lhe6 vory Pernio may llvo near you,
miuM.?Uknownto yu' Wuat thoyhavotosaylB
'hi I ronir nronf
nand Tf ?ok.11118 bpn tho means of relieving thou
you n,?eaf poonl0' will bo mailed froo to you If
off com ly, Wr!to a P card for It today. Don' t put
think r hack your boarlng. Wrlto now, whllo you
WHf.!1; Got lb0 book of proof.
282 Hni todn3r tf T,1 WIUonEarDrumOo.,
" l0Ud BUd!ng, LoulsvlUe. Kjr.
sr? s.J u
I pB X
P'x1"0??7 Pub Ca 835 Broad
&? ,Y-Srk Cit N Y- Mco $1.
Tne Gold Hunters of California. By
Thomas Edwin Parish. M. A. Dono
nue & Co., Chicago, 111.
irS CAentury Christianity in Twen
tieth Century Conditions. By Rev. E.
F. Blanchard. Published by E F
Blanchard, G3 Auburn St., Paterson,'
N. J. Paper cover. Price 25 cents.
Postpaid, 30 cents.
Home Health Club. Volume I. The
first of a series of seven volumes now
B!nS Published upon the subject
Health." By David H. Reefer, M.
p., Ph. D. Published and for sale
by The Inter-Ocean Publishing Co.,
Chicago, 111.
As To The Leopard's Spots. An
open letter to Thomas Dixon, Jr. By
Kelly Miller, Howard university,
Washington, D. C. (Pamphlet) Price
15 cents.
Frozen Dog Tales and Other Things.
By ColrWilliam C. Hunter, 192 pages,
profusely illustrated and printed in
colors. Bound in fine 'cloth, $1. The
Everett Press company, publishers,
Boston, Mass.
Where the Sportsman Loves to
Linger. A narrative of the mo3t pop
ular canoe trips in Maine. The Alla
gash, the East and West branches of
the Penobscot. By G. Smith Stanton.
J. S. Ogllvie Publishing Co., 57 Rose
c, rsew YorK.
Garrison the Non-Re3istant. By
Ernest Crosby. Published by the
Public Publishing company, First Na
tional bank bldg., Chicago, 16 mo.,
144 pages, with photogravure portrait
of Garrison, 50 cents net.
Bo3sism and Monopoly. By Thomas
Carl Spelling. Published by D. Ap
pleton and company, publishers, New
York. Cloth $1.50 net. Postage addi
tional. Huascar or the Swimming Courier.
(A dramatic poem) By Octavius Nash
Ogden. Duncan F. Young, publisher,
Amite City, La.
In pursuance of a custom faithfully
observed the employes of The Com
moner met last night to celebrate the
beginning of ' the sixth year of that
periodical's publication. The celebra
tion this year was held at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bryan, Nine
teenth and Washington streets, and
the fifty employes gathered early in
order to have as many hours as pos
sible. These gatherings are purely
informal and no set programs are per
mitted. The rule is to have the best
time possible in one's own way. At
the celebration last evening music
was "the chief feature ,and all the late
and many of the old songs were sung.
Mr. R. L. Metcalfe allowed himself to
become reminiscent and told some
stories of his school days, and Mr.
Farris and Mr. Maupin recalled some
incidents of their younger days and
related them for the benefit of those
who were not quite so old in years
but not a whit younger in spirits.
Mrs. Bryan served luncheon at
10:30. When this was disposed of the
music and story telling were resumed.
Master Silas Bryan entertained by
playing a few selections on the An-p-oiiiK.
and one of the young ladies
surprised her companions by dancing
an Irish jig in a manner tnat wouia
make a professional jealous. The
singing by Miss Edna Williams and
Mr. G'. H. Walters was. especially en
joyed. Misses Windmayer, Linn, Mil
ler and Horrell presided at the piano.
The only thing that marred tho
pleasure of tho evening was the neces
sity of breaking up so soon in order
to catch the last cars home. The
guests were unanimous in the declar
ation that last night's celebration was
just like all preceding ones in one re
spectit was the best they had ever
had. The annual celebration and the
annual picnic are two Commoner cel
ebrations that are always looked for
ward to with delightLincoln Dally
Star, Jan. 13.
JHPMr ua i v bH
E3GfOI"G YOU Ellll Scn r onr cataloir. It's free If you ask
WI " WM ""J for It. It tells aloutourQUEN inouba-
anV InCUbafor tor- . 'rhls Incubator i MUiLT ON A NEW
oiijf ""'US-cll.UrpRNCpaE pcrfecUy vcntUutCd, and pro
duces results, the luglicst percentage of chicks from fertile cum It
is BUILT IN OUR. NEW FACTORY by modern labor-savins
machinery. This reduces tho cost. It costs you no more thanmany In
ierior machines. It has won llrst prize wherever exhibited. It will win
Miccess for the uher. Write today for tho catalog1.
I Will Show You How To ur Your
I was helpless and bcd-rldden for yearn from a doublo rupture.
No truss could hold. Doctors said I would die if not operated on.
I fooled them all and cured myself by a simplo discovery. IwUi
send tho euro free by mail If you write for it. It cured mo and has
since cured thousands. It will euro you. Write to-day. Capt. W. A.
Colllnga, Box 20 A, Watertown, N. Y.
A bon-fiIe ofhr br .Annie' frtKMtl mU critr wtUh hwuu, tb old iUbtlti-1 nl rMalU
R. . Cbtlmtri h C, Tbtodlurof thti tpr vlll tdlra tbt an tittfeurht; rtlUbU.
Tli. but, )aadotorit Ml ml trfi ctsnlM AutrUfta 14 iirnt
rold plill watch rrr cfctid for mIi at tkit prlea. DmM. bunt
la( caio, rleb solid rld pattern f scrrlr, aaMrtd imifM.
BeaaiUol dJamosd cut rub; Jtwtlod American MTtmaat, turn
!nd aad lUm Mt, aeunu to tb aaaoad and abaolutelr
tuaraautd to kp pnttct tlra for 20 jttn. Beaotlful CO Idm
iorgottU ebala fraa ltb Ltdlrt' iIm Ub and baadtom Till
cbaln and barm ttf )Ut Utnl'a dta vateb. foaidralj
lb rraiUtt birnla ea tb He ef lb artb.
acSoa aad attirtM Bm
to ui !ib jour saa. pott
aaartti na nm ttca ui wauu ana cbtla I I out
tla la
axprrea effle. tn aiacDlaatloa. Toa txamlaa tbtai at
jroor exprtia oBo. aad If aa reprtMnUd pay aiprtM
areat our brr,ila aal prio IJ.76 aad aiprtti
ebarfei aad tbtv art yrara, B tut. to mention la
your l.tlar vbta crdtrlar nhtthir too vaat a
to-dtr ai tbb wilt not aeixar an!a. Addraiii
B. . GHALKEES & CO... 850 Dearborn Bt, OHIOAOO.
1 MMKk$X
Silver Teaspoons
OFFER NO. 1. Send a dollar bill (the iSguI&r"
subscription price), and wo will send you THE
PRAIRIE FARMER for one year and also the x
silver teaspoons described below.
OFFER NO. 2. Send us a two-dollar bill and
we will send you THE PRAIRIE FARMER five
years and the six silver teaspoons described below.
"The Wild Rose Pattern"
This 1b undoubtedly the most popular among
Sterling-0ilvciFloral Designs and it has the same
French Grey Finish now so much sought after.
These spoons distributed among sterling silver ones
of the same design could only be detected by an
expert. Read the guarantee gWen beloto.
A weekly journal for progressivq farmers, and Amer
ica's oldest and best illustrated strictly agricultural
weekly, is published by Rand, McNally & Co. It
contains from 16 to 24 big pages each issue, and
has departments for every Dranch of farm life,
each one contributed to by experts who have a
world-wide fame because of their knowledge of
agricultural cnuuiuons ana ineir aDii2sr-iO grvei
THE PRAIRIE FARMER readers practical I
and profitable advice. Send for sample copy,
GUARANTEE. Wo will rofundi oiiery -con of money you
send us and no questions asked, "upon return of tho Bpoono
within thirty days, if you are dissatisfied in any way with
your bargain. This ware contains 10 per cent more silver
than any other Silver-plated Ware, and is absolutely guaran
teed by tho manufacturers to give perfect satisfaction under
ordinary circumstances for a pod of teu years, and any
, defect within that time will beinade good by us. Address
all orders to
" .-
c, ,
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