The Commoner. s T .VOLUME NUMBER 50 Ju fCURReNT M ill : . , , iTiT ri m ni "fc TrTaanrar ,i i'T"'r,t mv ltl 'JV"v v VP' 'Jt-- Mtmr "V 'VVZL K . 3f THE CHICAGO NATIONAL BANK, the Home Savings bank and the Equitable Trust company, three financial institutions controlled by John R. Walsh, famous as a llnancier, and well known particularly to democrats as the owner of the Chicago Chronicle, went into liquida tion Monday, December 19. The members of the Chicago Clearing House came to the rescue and guaranteed the payment of ail deposits, and as fast as depositors called for tnoir money they wero paid. It is claimed that the liquidation of those institutions was made necessary because of the extraordinary loans made to John R. Walsh, who has been heavily interested in many financial, railroad and other business ventures. Mr. Ridgley, the comptroller of tne currency, and the Illinois state banking department were bit terly criticised for not long ago taking action with respqet to these institutions. Because of the action of the clearing house all deposits will be paid in full, but it is believed that John R. Walsh's career as a frenzied financier is prac tically at an end. SENATOR DOLLIVER of Ohio has introduced in the senate a bill which is known as the administration's railroad rate measure. Under the terms of this bill the interstate commerce commission is empowered to fix reasonable rates when complaint has been madet the same to go into effect within thirty dayd; The membership of the interstate commerce commission Is in creased to seven, each member to be paid a salary of $10,000 per year. Referring to this bill Sen ator Foraker says that it will hot stand the con stitution test and must therefore meet defeat. SENATOR TILLMAN recently charged that Mr. Shonts, chairman of the Panama canal commission still held his place as president of the Clover Leaf railroad. It was alleged that while Mr. Shonts draws from the government $35,000 per year as chairman of the canal com mission, he draws from the Clover Leaf Rail road company $25,000 as its president. Washing ton dispatches announce that an attempt would be made to hold up the confirmation of Mr. Shonts on the ground that he is holding dual positions,, but that President Roosevelt and his friends would exert all their inlltience to bring about the confirmation in spite of the exposures' made by .Senator Tillman. 'Cy - . HENRY A. CASTLE, formerly auditor of the postoffice department, has written for Har pers Weekly an interesting article in which he refers to the postoffice department deficit. Mr. Castle says "In the United States last year the enormous sum of $46,000,000 was paid the rail roads for transportation of the mails, of which sum $5,000,000 represented that inexcusable and scandalous graft, the rent of mail cars, under which item more is paid annually for the bare use of the cars than the cars cost in the first place." Commenting on this statement the De troit Jou.nal says: "With this graft eliminated the treasury statement this year would show, in stead of a deficit of $28,000,000, a surplus of $12r 000,000 or $13,000,000 even admitting that ex orbitant express rates were paid on mail matter." CORRESPONDENCE between President Hoose velt and Attorney General Moody recently made public, relates to the Santa Fe rebate cases, and Paul Morton's whitewashing. The president evidently feels the weight of the criticism of his. action with respect to Paul Morton, and he takes pains to emphasize in his letter the theory that Judge Phillips' opinion upholds the president and the attorney general in the view they took. Com menting upon this correspondence Judson Harmon, who was one of the special counsel for the public in the rebate case said: "The president and the attorney general seem to bo congratulating each other because the government lost its base against the Santa Fo Railroad company. If they were always so certain thero was nothing in the case, I do not understand why they turned it over to Mr. Judson and myself. The interstate commerce commission found and reported that the company had for years flagrantly broken the law against rebates. We refused to believe that the corpora tion had slipped out of nights and handed over the rebates, while the officers in charge of its traffic were abed. We proposed to proceed against them accordingly. This course was disapproved, and we thereupon resigned. The president then proceeded himself to hold a 'bed ,of justice and have a trial by letter. He announced what was a cross between a judgment of not guilty and a pardon, in which the attorney general concurred. If, after that, anybody expected anything from the further prosecution of the case that person is now disappointed. I do not know whether Mr. Judson and myself would have fared better or not, but I do know that it is not a good way to win a case to proclaim that one knows himself there is nothing in it, and then put it in charge of an advocate who is naturally supposed to hold the' same view." MANY REPUBLICAN leaders would like to say some severe things concerning Mr. iloosevelt, but former Governor Odell of New York is the only one that had the courage to break the ice and parenthetically it may be re- ; marked that Mr. Odell completely shattered the ! ice. A contest is on in New York between E. A. Merritt, Jr., and J. W. Wadsworth, Jr., for the speakership of the New York State assembly. Governor Higgins has declared for Wadsworth, and while the governor says that President Roose velt did not originate the Wadsworth boom, Mr. Roosevelt has through an authorized spokesman declared that Mr. Wadsworth is an ideal candidate and that it would be the best possible thing for the party and the state if he were elected. On December 21 former Governor Odell issued a red hot statement in which he charged Presi- . dent Roosevelt and Governor Higgins with a ' deliberate attempt to wreck the republican party in New York state for ' their own personal am bitions. MR. ODELL says that soon after the election Gov. Higgins agreed to support Merrit, Odell's candidate for the speakership, and referring to what he calls Governor Higgins' "trolley switch ing" Mr. Odell says: "This is the worst case of duplicity in politics 1 have ever known. Merritt is absolutely right in saying that the governor agreed to support him. He offered to the gov ernor to stay out of the contest if the governor wanted him to do so." Mr. Odell says that if President .Roosevelt had the good . of the party at heart he could have sent for him (Odell) any time and the latter would have been glad to con fer with him for the sake of obtaining harmony in the party. He then bluntly says: "I charge Presi dent Roosevelt and Governor Higgins with de liberately trying to wreck the party in this state for their own personal . ambitions. If this means party disaster, they, and not I and my friends, are responsible. They, and not I, are to blame. MR. ODELL says some pretty severe things concerning Mr. Roosevelt. He declares that Mr. Roosevelt authorized liim to come out for Governor Black for senator to succeed Chaun cey M. Depew and that it was the use of the presidents influence against Black subsequently which led to defeat. Mr. Odell says: "I went to 'Washington to see the president and have a talk with him about the New York political situation which we had in the fall of 1904. The question of the senatorship came up and the president said it was a pity to have the state of New York rep resented by two almost senile old men. 'New York,' he said, 'ought to have some man to speak for it on the floor of the senate who would com mand attention and reflect credit on the state He said that Governor Black was the kind of a man who should represent the state. I asked him if I was to infer .from his remarks that he would like to see Governor Black elected to succeed Mr. Depew. He said he would. 'Then you wish me to be for Black?' I asked. 'I hope, you will,' he replied. Ltold him that I would. I came back to New York and saw Governor Higgins, and told him what the president said and Higgins endorsed jt all. We were making great headway when Senator Piatt called a conference in the interest of Depew. That conference was practically, dom inated by the friends of the president and the, governor. All declared for Depew as against to ow Black. I was amazed. When I convinced mvspif that the president and governor were not willing to stand for the proposition which each of them had asked me to carry out, I concluded tint t would not stand for it alone." THERE IS CONSIDERABLE opposition joint statehood between Arizona and n iUcAivv. iuc iwuua jjuuint; are sending out protests in which they say that 99 per cent of the people are opposed to this union. They say that it would be impossible to adopt such a code of laws as would meet the conditions in each ter- . ritory yet would be just to the whole people of : the proposed state. Replying to a claim made by Senator Beveridge that the boundary line be tween the two territories crosses a sandy plain , easily traversed by railroads and wagon roads, the Arizona people say: In reality, the settled communities of Arizona are separated from those in New Mexico by hogback mountain ranges, many of which are 7,000 feet, above the sea level and form probably the roughest mountainous dis trict in the United States. From Yuma, Arizona, to Santa Fe, New Mexico, the proposed capital of the new state, is -791 miles by the nearest route. It requires thirty-two hours to make the trip, and the fare one way is nearly $40. There is not a town in Arizona of any size that is nearer to Santa Fe than 400 miles. The area of Arizona and New Mexico is greater by 10,000 square miles . than that of the New England states and Cal ifornia combined. New Mexico has twice the vot ing population of Arizona, and a majority of the voters are of an entirely different race, a race as different from ours as oil is different from water. : SENATOR BEVERIDGE. claimed that. Arizona has no . sufficient " resources, developed or undeveloped, and never will have a sufficient population -to justify statehood within her pres ent boundaries. Replying to this the Arizona people say: The mountain ranges which sepa rate Arizona from New Mexico are largely unex plored, yet, besides the large production of precious metals, Arizona ranks second in the production of copper, and next year will probably rank first. Such mineral wealth is Inexhaustible. The pine forests of Arizona cover an area of over 12,000 square miles, and' there are nearly 14,000,000 acres of grazing land, The federal government has under construction and in con templation reseWdirs for the storage of irriga tion water which will supply 520,000 acres. The Tonto reservoir within two years, will irrigate 200,000 acres in the Salt River Vaile.y alone. This area is equal to all the irrigated land in south ern California north as far as Santa Barbara, which supports Los Angeles and many other large cities. The people of Arizona do not ask for statehood; but with these undeveloped resources and with a progressive population, largely from the northern and eastern states, the time will come when the whole people of the United States will demand the' admission of Arizona as a single state within her present boundary lines, union ' with New Mexico now would be an outrage, wo would lose, our identity and become subject to the domination of people different in race, witn different laws, industries and ideals. RECENTLY THE PEOPLE at Boston met in Faneuil Hall to protest against an oner made by Secretary of the Navy Bonaparte wiiu respect to the warship "Constitution," known in literature as "Old Ironsides." Secretary Bona parte ordered that this vessel be towed out to sea and sunk. Referring to "Old Ironsides a writer in the Lincoln (Nebraska) Journal sas. The Constitution was 108 years old on the -ijj of last October. She wasfirst put to sea in n" in expectation of engaging in. the fighting u" France which . seemed ; imminent at that im " She was Admiral Preble's flagship during uw wars with the Barbary pirates in the first yeais en the nineteenth century, and helped three line to bombard the city of Tripoli, Under capram Isaac Hull and his immediate successors the ooi titutlon, which by that time was popularly cjiik-u "Old ironsides" because of the; .hardness o ' plankings and timbers, made the remnrknuio record on which her fame rests. Her first gi wj success In this war was the negative feat '!"-- ...i-,.... fr vU SVkwM-a