The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 29, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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    IT wwiT-
The Commoner,
sixty years old and feeble; not able to do much
but will do what I can. My first vote was for
Indian Territory stands tweirtli in the num
ber of primary pledges returned to The Commoner
ofilco. Indian Territory democrats have dbne
great work along the lines of the primary pledge
plan of organization. There arc, however, many
democrats who have not helped in this work.
The interest of these may be aroused if those
democrats who have already assisted will renew
their activities and bend their energies toward
the enrollment in the primary pledge list of every
Indian Territory democrat who oelioves that his
party should win success by deserving it.
The same appeal which The Commoner has
made to the democrats of other states, it now
makes to the democrats of Indian Territory.
Every reador of The Commoner is requested to
ask every democrat of his acquaintance to sign
the primary pledge and call upon nis own neigh
bor to do likewise. If a nuniDer of democrats
in every section would organize for the purpose
of circulating the primary pledge form, obtain
ing the signature of every democrat who is will
ing to discharge his duty to his party, the field
would be covered in a short time, and the results
would count. This work of organization is not
to terminate with the signing of the pledge. The
interest of democrats onco aroused is to be main
tained, clubs are to be organized In every pre
cinct, these clubs having for their purpose the
promulgation of democratic principles.
As this copy of The Commoner may be read
by some one not familiar' with the details of the
primary pledge plan, it is necessary to say that
according to the terms of this, plan every . demo
crat is asked to pledge himself to attend all of
the primaries,, of his party to be held between
now and the next democratic .national convention,
unless unavoidably prevented, and to secure a
clear, honest 'and straightforward declaration of
the party's position on every question upon which
the voters of tho party desire to speak. Those
desiring to bo enrolled can either write to The
Commoner approving the objert of the organiza
tion and asking to have their1 names entered on
the roll, or they can All out and mail the blank
pledge, which is printed on this page.
Extracts from letters to The Commoner, fol
low: N. W. Cochran, Waterford, Ky. I have long
since signed and sent the primary pledge. " The
effect of the primary pledge is seen in the' re
cent elections in Ohio and elsewhere. All good
democrats are now cheering the plan.
J. H. Chandler, Des Moines, la. Enclosed
find six signatures to the primary pledge.
C. W. Bell, Lineville, Ala. I enclose twenty
six signatures to the primary pledge.
C. W. Ludtke, Dartford, Wis.- Find en
closed the signatures of twelve good democrats.
They all live in Green Lake county and repre
sent in main the county .board. I went to the
court house while they were in session and pro
cured their names.
D. F. Thompson, Kent, 111. Enclosed primary
pledge signed. It is a great pleasure to me to
sign it. I am also proud that I am a democrat.
In 1896 the enemies of democracy and the haters
of the Declaration of Independence told us that
it would be lowering the standard of honor to
elect the democrat candidates. By such false
statements as these and others they won the
presidency. One of the features of that victory
is a prolific crop of degenerated statesmen and
officeholders. As soon as a public scandal is
probed, among the first to show up, is a gold
standard United States senator. Col. Bryan was
right when he declared for publicity in all the
dealings of public corporations. This would give
a wholesome growth for honesty in all our pub
lic industries. The country is under great obli
gations to William R. Hearst for the influence
that he is wielding for publicity through his great
chain of newspapers. Let every one who is in
terested Jn the enforcement of all laws and a
square deal for all, pull off his coat and roll up
his sleeves and resolve that we will see that
none but honest men are placed upon tho demo
cratic ticket from president down to coroner, then
put forth every humble effort to elect it. Then
- and not until then will success perch upon
our banner and victory smih, upon our efforts.
W." E. Plauger, Seven Fountains, Va. En
closed find primary pledge signed by 20 democrats
in my precinct. I would urge all democrats
everywhere to fall in line with the organisation
plan as sot forth in the primary pledge. Though
s'mple in language it is the great central power
to victory. I realize the good work The Com
moner is doing, -and would urge all who are in
terested in sound, clean politics, to read The
John C. Lawyer, TJrbana, Ul.Before I left
homo some six weeks ago I signed ithe primary
pledge, and two or three days before I left I re
ceived the enclosed blank. I had. .only time to
get a few signers. But there are many ready
tc sign if some one lays it before them.
T. J. Warren, Girard, Kan. I enclose list of
signatures to the primary pledge. Please send
mo another blank, and I w'll try" to get more.
G. W. B. Faurot, Kenton, Ohio. Enclosed
find a list of signers to the primary pledge. I
have been kept so close at home on account of
sickness and 'my work on the farm that I could
not spare the time necessary to secure more. I
trust that the good work will continue until the
voting classes will be aroused and. they will be
permitted to take an active part in all primaries.
I have advocated this doctrine for years, and am
truly glad that The Commoner -has taken hold
of the good work, and that the people .seem to
take that interest in the movement which speaks
of better things to come.
S. G. Buchner, editor Industrial Tribune, Co
rona, N. Y. Enclosed you will find my primary
pledge. I hope Mr. Bryan will succeed in restor
ing the party of the people to its rightful owners.
The fact that the leaders of the political trust
are becoming alarmed over his successful efforts
is a fair indication that he will accomplish his
desires. There is no doubt that the "God and
morality" party has fallen upon dangerous lines.
The Phariseeism of the political charlatans and
the pious, religious frauds has about run its
course irt this country. Fortunately the people
are beginning to wake up. The coming exposures
concerning -Tammany hall's attempt to steal the
recent elections in this greater New York City,
will be another powerful educator in the work of
political redemption. Let the truth be Imown
and the truth will make the people free.
G. L. Goodin, Calhoun, Mo. I herewith send
my pledge, with seventeen others. I think the
plan all right, but the central committee should
give at least thirty days' notice in order to give
the voters amrle time. I also think that they
should post bills notifying them of the call, for"
there are so many that do not take any paper
and know but little of what is going on. I also
send a club of subscribers for The Commoner.
Frank W. Stafford, Tarkio, Missouri. I
think your primary pledge a good thing, for it
may possibly cause the more Intelligent and bet
ter class of men to be at the primaries. The
great trouble is that the brighter men who would
be discriminating in their judgment of men and
public questions attend to . business and allow
others to look after the preliminaries, and allow
those who are totally ignorant of the basic prin
ciple's of government or economics to be the foun
tain from which we drink the carefully compound
ed ingredients of democracy.
R. S. Breeden, Philadelphia, Tenn. I am
dun. jjiiviB, uuu j. iiuvu not misseu a chance to
I. N. Campbell, Denver, Colo. Please find
enclosed twenty-eight name's signed to primary
pledge. I will vouch for every one of them as
true blue democrats, and all indorse Mr. Bryan's
plan of organization and Lope it will be successful.
Ira F. Cowger, Pugh, W. Va. I take plpasure
in enclosing you a list of names of democrats
who in my opinion ar the true "grit" and will
stand by their party through "thick and thin."
I have not interviewed all these parties since re
ceiving the pledge, but I have taken an active
part in every campaign for the last eight years,
and I know the true and untrue. I would bo
pleased to do anything that will further tho
interests of my party, and "anything th-" I can do,
you have only to command me.
C. C. Rowe, Orrick, Mo. 1 sent you my sis
nature to the primary pledge some time ago, and
I herewith send you 43 signatures to the same. I
cast my first vote for president for Bryan in 189G
and in 1900 I voted for him again. In 1904 I
voted for Parker.
W. L. LaFollette, Butler, Mo. Enclosed find
primary pledge with 28 signatures.
J. R. Hopper, Neoga, 111. I enclose list of sig
natures to the primary pledge. I am almost 74
years old, and a lifelong democrat.
H. N. Keethler, Mt. Ovab, O. Find enclosed
primary pledg 3. All the signers are true demo
crats. We live in a county that has always i)ne
democratic by seven or eight hundred, but in the
landslide Just passed, we carried it by 1,025 ma
jority. George Hudson, Jamesvil e, Va. I send a
primary pledge signed' by 8 d-mocrt.. .
E. J. Singhans, Osmond, Neb. Enclosed find
primary pledge signed by 11. I may be able to
getmore this winter. Keep the good work mov
ing, and all will be well.
T. R. Spalding, Howardstown, Ky. I need
no urging to comply with any request made in
behalf of tru- democracy, having voted for it in
1896 and 1900, and being willing to - tinue along
the same lines till Gabriel toots. When I think
and see the people are so blinded to their own
interests I'm astonished. The West fooled me,
with the East I was not surprised, the North was
conceded, but, thank God, the South remained
true to the faith of the fathers. I have now
passed the meridian of life, but I hope to live
long enough to see an honest democrat in the
White House. We were defeated in 1S9G by
both money and treachery. With the McCalls,
the Wattersons, the Hills and eKry trust against
us, we carried nearly seven million of honest
democrats. Our little town is the banner town.
Every one to a man stands for principles
advocated by The Commoner. I. sendyou eighty
four signaturex to the primary l "edc - I nave
but little tiirie to canvass, and am nearly blind,
having to wear the best of eye-glasses to see
how to write, but I hope that what I may do will
be of some assistance to The Commoner and its
editor. - '
I promise to attend all the primaries of my party -to be held between now and
tfye next Democratic National Convention, unless unavoidably prevented, and to use
ray influence to. secure a clear, honest and straightforward declaration of the party's
position' on every question upon which the voters of the party desire to speak.
Voting precinct or ward.
IST, Fill out Blanks and mall to Commoner Office, Lincoln, Nebraska;
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