The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 29, 1905, Page 4, Image 4
ran r7WmPt vnr- -5 4 The Commoner. imr - J' ' " VOLUME 5, NUMBER 50 The Commoner ISSUED WEEKLY . !Entcrcd at the postofllce at Lincoln, Nebraska, as sccond- olous mall matter. One Yowr , $1.00 Six Months 50o In Clubs of 5 or more per Year 75o Threo Months .,25o Slnrfle Copy....- 5o Sample Copies Free Foreign Postage 52o Extra SUBSCRIPTIONS can bo sent direct to Tho Com moner, oy can aisa be sent through newapapers which have advertised a clubbing rate, or through local nscnta, where sub-agents have been appointed. All remittances should bo sent by poatofflco money order, express order, or by bank draft on New York or Chicago. Do not send Individual checks, stamps or mRENEWALS.--Tho date on, your wrapper shows when your subscription will cxplro. Thus, Jan. 31, 06, means that payment has been received to and includ ing the last Issue of January, 190G. Two weeks are required after money has been received before tho date on wrapper can bo changed. .. CHANGE OF ADDRESS. Subscribers requesting a chango of address must give OLD as well as the NI1.W a (3 e ff ?M ADVERTISING rates furnished upon application. Address all communications to . THE COMMONER, Lincoln. Neb. Lincoln J. Stefllns should now write one on "Philadelphia Less Corrupt and More Satisfied." New York paid $537 to bury a dead alder (raan, and doubtless is willing to increase the amount if opportunity offers. Perhaps Mr. Depew can see no reason why lie should resign because he is busy trying to And some reason for not resigning. The chances are that the Pennsylvania dele gation will agree to anything providing only that the tariff graft be left unmolested. "The canal needs sixteen million dollars!" shouts an excited contemporary. . We know . .of , a million people that need sixteen dollars. Mr. Whitney is yet .unable to tell whether the president favors reciprocity or opposes it. In this Mr. Whitney and the country are on equal terms. The president might well have averaged up his indignation against United States Marshal Matthews with the clean bill he tendered to Paul Morton. Senator Depew announces that he will give out no more interviews to the press. "This is the first suggestion to the effect that the chestnut crop is short. The postal deficit could be wiped out by merely compelling the railroads to be fair. But just now the railroads, not congress, are doing all the compelling. There are indications that the "pork barrel" will be guarded with unusual care until the public gets out of the habit of looking for the Washington date line. In their frantic efforts to "protect the na tional honor" a number of more or less prominent gentlemen seem to have overlooked the necessity of protecting their own. The Sioux City Journal declares that "graft" stands in the way of tariff reform, and the Jour nal, while not a "standpatter" is willing to stand pat on that proposition. The census of the saneless and senseless Santa Claus who dressed up in oakum whiskers and cotton batting clothes is bringing forward the same old mortuary list. - i One of the sad sights of the otherwise happy Christmas time is that of Mr. Harrlman bemoan ing, the., fact that Mr. 'Ryan is not sufficiently disinterested in his "philanthropy." u . - 1 ;. A prosecutor who doesn't want to prdsecu'te and a. judge who does not want to convict1 form a combination extreme(y pleasing to gentlemen .who .have "vested rights", to protect. ''-' Without venturing at all into the realms of prophecy Tho Commoner ventures to say that the old frigate Constitution will be floating long after the present cabinet has been dissolved. United States Marshal Matthews of Nebraska was removed from office for making light of a far cical sentence imposed upon two rich land thieves. Tho judge who imposed that sentence is still drawing a salary and can not be reached. Several cities have passed ordinances pro hibiting ticket speculation. Ticket speculation received severe set-backs in New York and Phil adelphia a few weeks ago. Mr. Jerome is saying some harsh things about the courts. This means that Mr. Jerome will be looked upon as an anarchist by certain interests that control some of the courts. A Kansas City burglar is operating in a dress suit. But this is not more startling than .the dis closures that a lot of burglars have been making after dinner speeches in dress suits. dress Fred B. Farnsworth, 'Marlborough M,rh or J. F. McDannel, Owosso, Michigan. ' Uncle Sam needs about $20,000,000 atMition-ii revenue, and how to secure it is a problem that . js agitating the minds of' a The large number of people Tho Standpatter, "standpatter's" idea is to raiso Argument this additional revenue by in creasing the tax on some arti cle of common consumption. Now what articles offer the best opportunities? Ah, sugar and coffee' We produce no coffee and comparatively little sugar, yet the people must have them. So there you arethe tax on sugar and coffee is to be raised. The idea of reducing the tax on somo other articles and stimulating imports is not to be entertained. It might lead to a renovation of the protective schedules and a consequent cur tailment of the tariff graft that the tariff barons have been enjoying. Boston is considerably worked up over Sec retary Bonaparte's recommendation that the old frigate Constitution be broken up. But hasn't the secretary ample precedent for knocking out the constitution? Senator Depew testified that it was his belief Mr. Hyde earned the $100,000 a year salary. This is the first joke Mr. Depew sprung since the beginning of the present trouble in high finan cial circles. It is noticeable that the "System" is not mak ing any boasts about having downed Mr. Lawson. It is probable that the aforesaid "System" has been compelled, to load up with a huge bunch of its own undigested securities as a matter of self-defense. A Michigan reader of The Commoner writes to say that a democratic newspaper man desir ing to engage in business for liimself might ad- General Booth, the official head of the Salva tion Army, is a wit as well as a worker. When asked why he set religious Hunting words to music hall tunes ho - And said: "Because I don't want Fishing to let the devil have a monop oly on good tunes." Thirty years ago his physician told him he was doomed to an early demise, and urged him to secure some quiet country home where there would be plenty of fishing and shooting. General Booth told about it the other day and added: "I've had plenty of fishing since for men. And I've had plenty of shotting at the devil." It is not diffi cult to explain General Booth's long life. He has been a 'worker and not a shirker. He has endeavored to do good, and he has taken a cheer ful if serious view of life.' The idler, the pessi mist and the man who works wholly for selfish ends these are the men who soon wear out or rust out. The world will wish for General Booth many more years of the kind of "hunting and fishing" he delights in. TAKING HOLD OF THE TOWLINE Many Commoner readers are taking hold of the tow line with the view of enlarging The Commoners sphere of influence by increasing its circulation. The following letters are self-explanatory: D. H. Kirkpatrick, Hubbardston, Mich. I en-' close five subscription cards and money order for three dollars. Please send me five more cards, and I will try to get more subscribers. It gives me pleasure to do what I can to increase The Commoner's circulation in this locality. Ed F. Poorman, Humboldt, 111. Enclosed you will find draft for six dollars to pay for ten special offer subscription cards. I have given to these subscribers the benefit of your clubbing sixty-cent offer and get my pay in the conscious ness of working for a good cause. You may send me ten more cards. The following named subscribers have sent in yearly subscriptions in number as follows: T. J. Lee, Wharton, Ohio, 10; C. H. Mathews, New Philadelphia, O., 10; W. L. Randals, gomanche, Texas, 6; William Whitmire, Rock Port, Mo., 7; Frank V. Miller, Agosta, Ohio, 6; G. Sohler, For est Grove, Oregon, 6; LP. Teague, Sparta, Wis., 7; N. R. Tucker, Fremont, Ohio, 6; J. T. Plow man, Melvern, Kans., 8; Lee D. Martin, Brown wood, Tex., 8; J. R. Davis, Atchison, Ky., 7; A. J. Kelly, Steubenville, Ky 6; J. W. Wilson, Mitchellville, la., 7; W. F. Groo, Middletown, N. Y., 10; John Geil, Steamboat Springs, Colo., 6; J. W. Martin, Sardinia, Ohio, G; D. H. Davis, Sunbury, Ohio, 8; James Corrigan, Holyrood, Kans., 6; O. T. Grattan, Elkton, S. D 6; C. J. Tucker, Warrensburg, 111., 8; E. F. Wilder, Dun lap, 111., 7. The following named subscribers have each sent five yearly subscriptions to The Commoner: W. A. Houtchens, Missoula, Mont.; J. K. Fridley, Turton, S. D.r D. L. Palmer, Pelaware, Ohio; E. L. Arnold, Somerset, O.; J. B. McDonald, Chi cago, 111.; M. R. Bivens, Cestos, Okla.; J. M. Kuhn, Portland, Oregon; J. E. .Conry, Hudson, la.; M. A. Verhalen, 'Rhineland, Tex.-; ; J. J. Eubank, Abilene, Tex.? A. M. Fisk, Riley, Ind.; T. W. Norton, Campton Ky.; Thayer Davidson, Hanging Rock, -Ohio; Jk B, Weaver, Colfax, 'la.; A. J. Whipple, Winamac, Ind.; John B. Ennis, Oakley, Kans,; T1D, Cimmpacker, -Unionville, Mo.; J. R. Grosgrovo, Middleburg, Pa.';. Jake Caughill, Hastings, la.; J. L. Hay ward, Battle Creek, Mich.; Mrs. R. McCulloh, Donaldsonville, La.; L. Stahl, Rochester, Ind.; P. O. Krans, Elberta, Okla.; J. W. Coffman, Rio, W. Va.; P. D. Cutshell, Frank lin, Pa.; Joe Bine, Hillsboro, Tex.; J. M. Harper, Spencer, W. Va.; C. B. Scott, O'Neill, Nebr.; L. H. Hassing, Albert Lea, Minn.; Bruce Mo Clellan, Portland, Mich.; El. Miller, Water town, Ohio; John W. McCay, Neoga, 111.; William S. Howell, Konawa, I. T.; Jacob High, Mendon, Mich.; John P. Clendenin, Harrison, Ark. Everyone who approves of the work The Commoner is doing is invited to co-operate along the lines of this special subscription offer. Ac cording to the terms ofvthis offer cards each good for one year's subscription to The Com moner, will be furnished in lots of five, at the rate of $3 per lot. This places the yearly subscription rate at GO cents. Any one ordering these cards may sell them for $1 each, thus earning a commission of V on each lot sold, or he may sell them at the cost price and find compensation in the fact that lie has contributed to the educational campaign. These cards may be paid for when ordered, or they may be ordered and remittance made alter they have been sold. A coupon is printed below for the convenience of those who desire to par ticipate in this effort to increase The Commoners circulation: THE COMMONER'S SPECIAL OFFER e Application tor Subscription Cards 5 15 20 25 50 75 100"" Publisher Commoner: I am interested In in creaslnjr The Commoner's clreulat ion, We Bire you to send me a supp y of subscription cards. I apree to use my utmost eOdeavor io sell the cards, and will remit for them at tne rate.of 00 cents each, when sold. IHAHiS Box, or Street No ' p. q .... Stat? Indicate the number of cards ; wonted 1 by marking X opposite one of the numbers, pn ed on end of this manic. If you believe the paper Is doing a work that ; mer its encouragement, fill out the above coupon anu It to THE COMMONER-, JUincoltu " t t t mii kj-i-M, WTKfillfiliiriil--Ti titifcHMliHi '