-Vrt "I ?' V' DECEMBER 29, 1905 . The Commoner. CARNEGIE'S SEAT OF HONOR W. Ellis Corey, president of the steel trust, deserted the wife who had clung to him through all of his poverty, and became notorious because of his associations with another woman. For sev eral days it seemed to be generally understood among American newspapers that these expos ures meant the' retirement of Mr. Corey from the presidency of the steel trust. So serious were his offenses that his father, as well as his uncle and other men and women related to him by ties of blood, publicly repudiated him. For a time the situation looked very black for President Corey But President Corey caused to be printed an interview in which he bluntly said that if he'were held to account for his short comings he would take the public Into his con fidence and tell them a lot of things concerning his associates. It is a bit significant that since that threat was made there has been no more talk of Presi dent Corey's retirement. On the contrary, soon after these exposures were made Andrew Car negie gave at his New York mansion a banquet to his associates and newspaper .dispatches say that W. Ellis Corey occupied "the seat of honor" at Carnegie's right hand. The seat of honor, indeed! Here is a man who says he has devoted his life toward the building of libraries for the people. In the fur therance of this plau ho has contributed several million dollars, and all for the cultivation of nobler sentiments. Yet when a person holding the position of chief in a corporation over which Mr. Carnegie has control violates the hlghost sentiments and is convicted of the most flagrant offenses, this builder of libraries gives him "the seat of honor" at a banquet board spread in his own home. Can it bo possible that Mr. Carnegie stands in awe of the individual whom ho elevated to the position of president of the steel trust? Mr. Carnegie required Schwab to resign that place because of Schwab's gambling proclivities. Whatever men may say of Schwab's offense, It was a weakness which when compared with Corey's wrongdoing amounts very nearly to a virtue. Was Schwab more tractable than Corey, or does Corey have a more intimate acquaintance with the inside operations of the steel trust than Schwab ever had? Can it be possible that the man who , has spent millions of dollars in order that his name shall be forever associated with the libraries of the world attaches so little Importance to the infamies committed by the presldoni of the steel trust that he stoops to accord to him the seat of honor at a banquet board? MB. WISE AS A CRITIC ,T. D. W. Greene, of De Pauw, Ind., writes: "In The Commoner of November 3 you comment upon some things John S. Wise said about William McKinley, and I wish to ask what wrong there is in one criticizing another if one tells the truth, even though the criticlzer and the criticized are friends. John S. Wise was not a wise man for leaving the democratic party; but even if Mr. McKinley did 'treat him well should one conceal the truth on that account? The Bible says, 'Re buke one another;' should one refuse to rebuke a little because he is treated well by the one who needs rebuking? What Mr. Wise said about Mr. McKinley may- not be truthful, but may not truth ful criticism about the dead help the living? Certainly truthful criticism of the dead may often help the living. Mr. 'Wise's criticism of Mr. McKinley seemed to rest largely upon the fact that Mr. McKinley did not appoint Mr. Wise to the office of United States attorney for the southern district of New York. The Commoner pointed out that according to Mr. Wise's own statement he f had been well treated by Mr. Mc Kinley, because Mr. McKinley. gave army com missions to three of Mr. Wisete. sons and then gave to Mr. Wise himself "a :very handsome spe cial appointment:" Whatever -opinion one may have as to the correctness of Mr. Wise's estimate of William McKinley, Mr.'Wise's criticisms -would have been more convincing had he not sought to pose as a greatly wronged-rman when, as a matter of fact, Mr. McKinley-liad been more than, kind to him. , During his benefactor's life time Mr.- Wise was not heard to protest against the evil influ ences which he now says surrounded the McKin ley administration, and it will occur to a great many people that now that his benefactor is dead Mr. Wise might well refrain from critcising the administrate i which he helped to place in power, and at the hands of which he received so many favors. ; . . Mr. McKinley'S policies were and are repub lican party policies. The same bad and powerful influences that surrounded the McKinley admin istration are haunting the' corridors of the White House and Capitol building today in the effort to thwart the people In their plans for relief. The republican parly responds just as cordially to the demands of these powerful interests today as it did in William McKinley's day. t. If Mr. Wise would "make good" as a critic, let him use his trenchant pen against the living men of his own party and against the evils for which that party" is responsible. JJJ VMR. BRYAN ABROAD Mr. Bryan has, much to his regret, found it necessary to,- change his route somewhat. Find ing that to visit, Australia and New Zealand be fore going to.' .India would delay the India trip until too late in the spring and. that to go .to Australia and $NTew Zealand from India woud delay the trip to Egypt, Palestine, Greece and Italy, he has decided. o leave Australia and New Zealand for another trip when he can travel moro leisurely and give them the time their import ance demands. By reaching Europe earlier he will be able to devote more time to Switzerland, Germany, Norway, Sweden and Scotland and to the problems which they present. JJJ NEBRASKA'S "REDEEMERS" When, in 1900, the republicans carried Ne braska we wore told that Nebraska had been "re deemed." But this was that kind of redemption for which the republican party is famous. The man elected to the office of governor in that year was sent to the senate and subsequent ly indicted for wrong-doing in ofllce. He escaped by an appeal to technicalities. The United States senatorships filled immed iately following that redemption were divided be tween rival railroad factions in Nebraska. Every republican gubernatorial nominee cho sen since that "redemption" was picked by the railroads, while the corporations have wielded complete control over the republic legislature. President Roosevelt has found jt necessary to remove from local federal offices. at least six of these boastful "redeemers" of Nebraska. One of. these redeemers was apppinted by the president to a seat upon a territorial bench, and later the president found it necessary to retire him. , Subsequently another Nebraska "redeemer was sent to grace another territorial bench- That "redeemer" lasted about ninety days, when he was dismissed, in disgrace. These Nebraska "redeemers" are not, after all, infallible. "Things are not always what they seem-; skimmed milk masquerades as cream," and the many scandals connected . with the official conduct of Nebraska "redeemers" appointed to federal positions has made Nebraska, a jest in political circles at the national capital. JJJ INDIANA PRIMARIES Indiana democrats are soon to hold primary elections and district conventions for the selec tion of a new state central committee. These district conventions are made up of delegates to be selected by primaries in tho several precincts. The members of the committee thus selected meet January 8 to select a chairman. Every Indiana . democrat should participate in these primaries and see to it that faithful democrats are chosen as delegates to the district conventions, ft goes without saying that great care should be exercised in Indiana, as in other states, in the selection of the state, committee, and it is also important that the chairman be a man whose fidelity and courage may bd depended upon by the Indiana democracy. Tndiana democrats as well as those of other states should .get in the habit of part cipating in the primaries1' their party, arid they can not ' begin'the cultivation of this habit &l too early t ' ' ' a Let the rank and file of IiAliaria dejuocracy mrticinate in the primaries and it' Is safe to say tlmt the reSilt will be the selection of a good state committee and a worthy chairman. 5 The LoVe Letters of a m "National Honor Defender" Recently It was reported that J. B. Coroy, uncle of W. Ellis Coroy, president of tho stool trust, had offered undor cortaln conditions to make public letters said to have boon passed between his nophow, Andrew Carnoglo, Mr. Schwab and himself. Ponding the nccoptanco of tho tonus of this offer, tho Kansas City Star suggests that tho American people draw on their imagination, adding that as a remilt or thoso sur mises one of theso letters might ho as follows: My Dear Ellis: Sorry to hear of your scrape. Still, after my experience you ougbt to have known better. Plorpont and Andrew and young Rockefeller and Perkins and Rogors were terribly shocked over my little plunge at Monte Carlo, though It was my own mon ey and not plunder mado by selling watered stock. But you know how scrupulous thoy are about everything especially John, jr., and Rogers. John said he couldn't face hfft Bible class until I got out. And you should have heard the quaver in Rogers' voice as ho said, "1 never expected to count a gambler among my acquaintances least of all at tho head of a corporation in which I am con cerned." So I went. You should have boon warned. Yours ever. CHARLEY, "Another oplstle," according to tho Star, "showing marks of agitation and slightly blotted with' tears it may bo believed, roads something like this: llespcctcd Benefactor. Sir: I am great ly grieved to know that you lake my little affair so much to heart. Of courso, I knew that you would never havo been implicated In such a thing. Your bent isn't that way. But In business I supposed that you and Mr. Rogers and Mr. Perkins and Mr. Rockefeller always went after what you wanted and got ft without regard to "ordinary conventional restrictions. So I had inferred that wo big business men weren't bound by vulgar mor ality. Was Rogers in his Amalgamated Cop per deal? Was Perkins in his relations to Morgan's bank and the New York Life? Was Rockefeller in going after oil competitors? I really don't see why I should be singled out as an offender to be punished. Respect fully." , ELLIS. The Star takes It for granted that In reply to this fulminatlon a letter of lhl sort was in dited to show the young man his error: ' .- My Misguided Young Friend: I am sur prised that you should display such confu sion -of thought. Can you not see that what ever Mr. Rockefeller or my other good friends or I havo done, while It may have aroused opposition, has always been perfect ly respectable and, I may add in accordance with law as construed by the ablest attor neys we could hire? But yours is a disrepu table offense. It fs one of the first principles of business to keep within the law, or to have the law fixed by tho legislature or congress, or to leave no incriminating evidonce. Fur thermore, one must always be respectable. Your ignorance of these principles Is a great disappointment to me and, I am compelled to say, Is a disqualification for the position you now occupy. I greatly regret that my training has been wasted on one so poorly prepared to profit by It. Your former well wisher, ' A C. In the Star's view these letters show tho real' opinions of the writers .whatever their gen uine communications may contain. Perhaps Secretary Bonaparte ha been misled by precedent In his order to destroy the Con stitution. A large number of Russian students seem to have, been "hazed" by the Cossacks and police recently. '' - ' To. each one of its half-million readers The Commoner wishes a Happy and Prosperous New Ye'ar.t " " " The New Year will be very largaly what you make it ' fl .-H w 1 fctfiMii ir IT1 mtftth -