DECEMBER 29, 1905 .save Paul Morton from coming to trial." " It is reported that the president will send to congress a special message advising the creation of an office to be known as federal commissioner of insurance. A dispatch to the Kan sas City Journal says that the presi dent has agreed to do this at the request of insurance magnates who are anxious to restore public confi dence in the insurance business. The house committee has reported favorably on the Philippine tariff bill. The republicans split on the question and the vote stood 7 to 5. In the debate in the senate Decem ber 20 Senator Spooner made what the Washington correspondent for the Chicago Record-Herald says was in tended to be a pointed thrust at Pres ident Roosevelt and Governor Hig gins of Now York. He said that he had read in the morning paper that a governor had determined who should be the next speaker of the house of representatives of his state, and he said that "such a course is treason to our constitutional system." The democrats of the house ways and means committee reported in fa vor of the Philippine tariff bill. They offered a substitute, declaring for ab solute free trade between the Phil-1 ippines and the United States, includ ing Hawaii and Porto Rico. They say that if their substitute Is voted down they will support the republican bill CLUB OFFER . Any one of the following will be sent with THE COMMONER, both one year, for the club price. Periodicals may be sent to different ad dresses if desired. Your friends may wish to join with you in sending1 for a combina tion. All subscriptions are for one year, and if new, begin with the current num ber unless otherwise directed. Present subscribers need not wait until their sub scriptions expire. Renewals received now will be entered for a full year from ex piration date. Subscriptions for Literary Digest and Public Opinion must be new. Renewals for these two not accepted. Foreign postage extra. AGRICULTURAL Reg. Price Agricultural Epitomist, mo $ .25 Breeder's Gazette, wk 2.00 Ti'arm and Home, seml-mo 50 Farm, Field and Fireside, wk.. 1.00 Farm. Stock and Home.seml-mo .50 Farmer's Wife, mo , 50 Homo and Farm, seml-mo 50 Irrigation Age, mo 1.00 Kansas Farmer, wk 1.00 Missouri Valley Farmer, mo... .50 Vick's Family Magazine 50" Poultry Success 50 Poultry Topics, mo 25 Practical Farmer, wk 50 Prairie Farmer, wk 1.00 Reliable Poultry Journal, mo.. .50 i'arm News, mn farm News, mo 50 NEWSPAPERS Rog. , Price Constitution. Thrice-a-week. . .$1.00 Cincinnati Enquirer, wk 1.00 Farm and Home Sentinel, wk. .50 Johnstown (Pa.) Democrat.... 1.00 Kansas City World, daily 3.00 iV C. World, daily ex. Sun.... 2.00 Nebraska Independent, wk 1.00 Kooky Mountain News-Times, wk 1 00 Seatth. Times, wk. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '.'! '. '. '. L00 Hirlco-a-Week N. Y. World .. 1.00 i.onnerclal Appeal, wk fi. .50 World-Hernia, twice-a-week... 1.00 Club Price $1.00 2.25 1.00 1.35 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.35 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 Club Price $1.35 1.35 1.00 1.23 3.00 2.00 1.25 1.00 1.35 1.35 1.00 1.25 The Commoner. MAGAZINES' Reg. Club Price Price $1.35 1.25 1.50 1.45 1.45 1.60 1.25 1.45 CosinonnUtn,, , 1 nn he i lousekeeper '. '. l '. '. '. '. . '. '. '. '. '. '. 60 icon's Magazine, mo 1.00 Pilgrim, mo , i.oo iclfic Monthly 1.00 Success, mo , 1.00 unpbell's Hius. Journal 1.00 "onums Home Companion, mo 1.00 MISCELLANEOUS Reg. Club Ti,,,. ,-. Price Price PihiVi lZcat (new), wk....$3.00 $3.25 Th ?R,n,on new wlc 3-00 3t00 Vimi?lbH wk ' 2-00 2'00 vm?'8 Catling Gun. wio.... 1.00 1.35- iniiim -c,ul)binff Combinations or pre- Wf,l i J8 ,n which the Thrico-a-Weeic Vn ' World-Herald, or Kansas City aro iinf r Fannw Stock and Home' papers, thn ,.?m op,on to residents of tho respec- Ush d whioh th0 PaPO'B named arc as it is "a long step in the logical and right direction." wfaicai In the minority report it is said' "The members of the minority 0f the ?wmAUGe U Ways and moans believe that the anomalous and preposterous wiwnh n Ule PPm island's by which they are treated as American territory for certain other purposes can not long be maintained and should be immediately terminated. At ,res ent, according to the whim of con gress, or the executive, they are con sidered as American or foreign or as both American and foreign,' or as neither American nor foreign In justice to bulh the Filipinos and our selves they should be considered as altogether American, or altogether loreigu. So long as we retain them we favor the establishment and main tenance of free trade between them and the United States. The party, which we in part represent, desires to get rid of them at the earliest prac tical moment, and we welcome the dissatisfaction of the hitherto legis latively favored classes, growiug out of the competition of the products of Philippine labor with our own pro ducts, in our own market as a pos sible moving cause to governmental divorce between the Philippine archi pelago and the balance of the United States." Tho house and senate adjourned for the holidays December 21. Mi 15 I CURED MY RUPTURE I Will Show You How To Cure Yours FREEi l vm holplcM nnd bed-ridden for yenrx from a douhW rupture. No truss cofild hold. Doc-torn Mid I would dio If not oiwrntcd on. I fooled them all and cured rnywjlf by a eimplo dfrcovory, I wifl end tho euro free by mail if you write for It. It cured mo and luta Rineo cured thousands. It wll 1 euro you. Write to-day. Capt, W. A. Colliugs, Doxiw A Wotortown, N. Y. the Omaha Worlfcfimld ABLY EDITED. NEWSY. DEMOCRATIC. OUR SPECIAL OFFER The Commoner and RfiTU M OR World Herald (Semi-wiekly) DUIll dii&U Send Subscriptions NOW to THE COMMONER LINCOLN, 0 NEBRASKA r I Senator Gearin, -who succeeds the late Senator Mitchell from Oregon, took the oath December 21. D. E. Thompson, now ambassador to Brazil, has been appointed minis ter to Mexico a position Mr. Thomp son has long coveted. It was gener ally believed in political circles that Mr. Thompson would be retired from the diplomatic service because o his letter boosting the New York Life Insurance company, and It was a gen eral surprise when, instead of being retired, Mr. Thompson was promoted. EVERY FAMILY SHOULD HAVE ..A DAILY PAPER.. Send us Only $2.00 for a Year's Subscription to The Commoner and The Kansas City World (Daily Except Sunday) Address THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb, - William G. Crawford, former deputy auditor for the postoflice department was convicted on the charge of con spiring to defraud the government. United States District Attorney Irv ing R. Baxter, at Omaha, has been requested by the president to resign on account of the farcical sentence imposed by Federal Judge Munger upon two land monopolists. It is said that the majority report of the senate committee in the case of Senator Reed Smoot will favor his removal from the senate. The Asso ciated Press says that one declara tion in this report is as follows: "The said Reed Smoot as a polygamous Morman is a member of a criminal organization which defies and endeav ors to subvert the laws of the United States. William P. Warner of Dakota coun ty, Neb., has been appointed United States marshal to succeed Mr. Mat thews, who was removed by the presi dent. The house has agreed to the con ference report on the Panama canal appropriation bill. President Roosevelt has appointed Joseph B. Bishop as a member of the Isthmian canal commission. Mr. Bishop has been the secretary and press agent of the commission. He will receive $7,500 a year as commis sioner and an additional $2,500 per year as secretary. Secretary of State D. E. Storms of Indiana has been forced to turn his property over to a trustee .and call on hia bondsmen and friends to rage $77,000 for the state of Indiana. He is the third Indiana official to get into trouble. OOOOOOOOOOOCKXXXXXXDOOOO Do You Read? Gladstone Said "Books arc a delightful society. If you go Into a room and find It full of books, without even taking them down from their HhelveH, they seem to speak to you to bid you welcome. They heem to tell you that they have got something inside their covers that will he good for you, and that they arc willing and desirous to impart to you. "Another purpose of books is to cnlargo the mind, to brace the mind, to enable the people to find pleasure, not only in the relaxation of literature, but In hard work, in the stiff thought of literature. The hard work of literature conveys to those who pursue it in sincerity and truth, not only utility, but also real enjoyment." kk UNDER OTHER FLAGS' EUROPEAN TRAVELS. LECTURES, SPEECHES By William J. Bryan This book Is a compilation of Mr. Bryan's rcportH, describing his European tour and a number of his most popular lectures. Ilia European letters arc four teen in number, descriptive of the tariff debate in England. Ireland and Her Leaders, France and Her People, The Switzerland Republic. Germany and Socialism, Russia and Her Czar, "Tolstoy, the Apos tle of Love," together with other and equally Inter esting accounts of Mr. Bryan's trip abroad. Under Other Flags, Neatly Bound in Cloth, 400 P. Octavo, Postage Prepaid $1.25 With The Commoner One Year $1.75 AGENTS WANTED Address, THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb. g00000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXXX)CObOOOOOOCX)00000000 M I? m uii. 4 I j . lutJ