The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 29, 1905, Page 14, Image 14

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The Commoner.
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rpVx fn.lnonl
have been
Referring to the liquidation of John
R. Walsh's financial institutions, the
Chicago Tribune says:
and Illinois authorities
working hand in hand for the last
.three days. It was only by joint in
vestigation that the bankruptcy of
the institutions was proven. Prior to
this, when the federal ' authorities
made their investigation of Mr.
Walsh's national bank, the securities
of the Home Savings bank, wore jug
gled and made to appear as assets
of the national institution. When
tho state sleuths examined' tho Home
Savings bank somebody hopped from
one side of the room to the other and
returned with the stocks and bonds be
longing to the federal bank. The au
thorities, it is believed, will have the
widest latitude in prosecuting Mr.
Walsh, as investigation shows that
nearly every law on the statute books,
placed there for the safe conduct of
banking business, has been violated
Jay him with reckless impunity. John
R. Walsh's banks were not banks.
They were simply a huge cash drawer
for his side lines of railroads, : mines,
"stone quarries and other business in
vestments. Out of the ?2G,000,000 de
posited in the half-way llnancial sta
tion maintained by Mr. Walsh $15,
000,000 was loaned by Mr. Walsh to
companies privately
the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago &
St. Louis railroads each of the3e com
panies decided to establish a pension
bureau to take care of superannuated
Governor ,La Follette of Wisconsin
rPHifrnnri ns crovernor and will become
United States senator January
controlled by
Governor Deneen of Illinois is call
ing upon former state ofllcials to re
turn money to the public treasury.
The governor says that for thirty
yGiirs ' 'flie state Fas' Been defrauded,
and he calls upon them to refund ap
proximately $321,000. It is claimed
that the state has already obtained
$100,000 of this amount, and qjults will
be commenced in other cases.
that the auditor and treasurer might
levy an additional amount to pay. for
the clerical and other work required.
Since the law was passed the state
ofllcials unanimously have adopted
one practice, it is charged. They
have made the additional levy for
the work, have pocketed the proceeds,
and hove had the work done by the
regular force employed in their ofiices.
This practice became time honored
and dignified with long, continuous
observance. It became the proper
thing. The money thus raised was
regarded as a part of the legitimate
the office, swelling the
salary which the law:
treasurer and auditor."
James L. Hedges, former postmas
ter at Little Rock, Ark., died at Den
ver December 19.
for or against such 'importation u
be decided by a South African parlia.
mum, eieuLOU uy popular VOtC
was greeted with tremendous
Tw.o ' laborers caught' by a tunnel
cave-iri in New York ' were rescued
by three men who swam to their re
lief. ;.:
Tom net
perquisites of
modest $3,500
allows to both
Judge Maurice F. Tuley, the veteran,
jurist of Chicago, is dead.
Leonard Imboden
Hill, .-bankers, were found guilty of
conspiring to wreck the Denver Sav
ings bank.
A call for a general political strike
throughout Russia was issued Decem
ber Id, and cablegrams say. that Rus
sia is on the eve of a great, if not
a final, struggle between the govern
ment and the proletariat.
The Young Men's Democratic club
of Lyconing county at Williamspost
Pa., has opened a new club house
The building is estimated to be worth
not less than $25,000 and tho interior
has been well finished. The club
will give its fourteenth animal Jack.
son day banquet January 8.
A terrible battle between Russian
trodps and the people took place at
Moscow. Five thousand people were
killed and 14,000 were wounded.
New 'Jersey pardon,
parolled a woman '
served thirty-four years in
the charge of murder.- J
board re-
wlio had
prison on
Senator-elect La Follett'e . filed a
statement to the effect that he was
elected to the senate without the ex
penditure of a cent.
Former Governor Richard Yates
has announced his candidacy for Uni
ted States senator in opposition -to
Senator Cullom. It is said that Yates
will have the support of Governor
'Referring to "Governor Deneen's ac
tion tlje Chicago Trioune say's: "The
law which Deneen holds has been vio
lated by every state treasurer and
state auditor since 1877 was ' passed
by the legislature that year, and in
providing for the issuance of bonds
by municipalities, school districts,
counties, and other taxing bodies,
stipulated that the
registered with the
and( ,secured by the state. In this
case the state assumed the levying
of assessments to pay- the interest
and take up the principal as it ma
tured. In order .that this work in
connection with local bond issues
might not be an expense to the state
when it should be only to the district
issuing tho bonds, the law provided
An Associated Press cablegram un
der date of London, December 21,
says: "Sir Henry Campbell-Banner-man's
first speech since he accepted
the premiership was delivered at Al
bert hall tonight before a mass meet
ing under the auspices of the liberal
association. The premier was sup
ported on the platform by fifteen mem
bers of his cabinet. The premier said
the fiscal question was the prime is
sue of the campaign against a gov
ernment whose ministry "made a mid
night flitting on a murky December
evening.' The feature of Sir Henry's
speech was his announcement that
e government had decided to stop
e importation of coolies'" into South
Africa until such tims as the question
.... L
The friends of the late Mayor Sam
uel M. "Jones of Toledo, Known as
"Golden Rule Jones," have compiled
a series of letters written to the men
who worked in Mr. Jones machine
shops. Brand Whltlock, major of To
ledo, has written the introduction for
this book. The proceeds will bo de
voted .to the erection kof a memorial
to Mayor Jones at Toledo.
It is announced that the wedding
of the president's daughter will take
.place at the White House February
17. This will be the first wedding to
take place in the White House since
the marriage of President Cleveland
to Miss Fblsom. Mary, the daughter
of President Monroe; Elizabeth, tho
daughter of President Tyler, and Nel
lie, the daughter of President Grant,
were married in the White House.
While all the ceremonies attending
these weddings were interesting, it
is said that the coming wedding at
the White-House will be a gorgeous
Abe Hummel; the well known New
York criminal lawyer, was convicted
nn I10 rhnrpfi nf COllSDiraCV ill tllG
Dodge divorce case, and was
fenced to one year in jail and a
rzrzz i
After being dead, apparently, for
three days and her body arranged for
burial, Viola "Andersonj 1 17 years old,
of Elizabeth. New Jersey, was found
tobe-. alive. A dispatch to the Chi
cago Record-Herald says: "A neigh
bor who is a- close friend of the fam
ily noticed that the body appeared
to j be slightly warm., although the
girl was supposed to liave'lbee.n dead
three days. Finally the family physi-
bonds , could be clan, was sent for, and after a tnor-
stato. authorities ough examination, and severe tests
he said the girl was onjy m a trance.
After working over , her .for several
hours the doctor managed to revive
the young woman land, she began to
speak. She expressed, surprise at not
finding herself in heaven and was hor,-1
ringed wnen told or ner narrow escape
from,, an awful fate."
Senator Millard of Nebraska has
been made chairman ot the Panama
canal committee
In the senate December 18 Senator
Bailey made a vigorous speech against
the men who had brought discredit
upon 'the senate. He called attention
to the fact that five senators had been
convicted in the last ten years on
charees imnlvlnc that crimes had
liaon nnmiiHorl fnv mnilfiV.
.lnn.l 4-1ir4- Vii Mi-n4 Vvorl aittlira1 wll OT ''DO
J1UICU until, I.JJV3 uio uuu uii.wv-u ., w
the senate ' should . testify that "this ey
is no., place to come i to, make money ii
dishonestly." .
tation when he supported the presi
dent's contentions. After the Jiulson
tT..,, -MTnnAir nnvvPRnnnrtence WHS
mnHo rmhita Inst June, lawyers
..i... innimQi fimf flip snecial
sel had simply made a spectacle of
the attorney general in the way tney
tore his slender., arguments to shreas.
Mr. Moody's administration of ms
bffice has not .been marked by any
great victories, and mm of hte
Ho-'me-'J menus are appreuenaie .
?Stliho remembered simply as the attoi-
general who helped the pvesiueu
.'who have the euro of children, and house
hold duties, find tho drain upon their vi
tality, so great that they voir often be
como nervous wrecks. This loss of vitality
causos. headache, backache, sleeplessness,
Irritability, anxiety, etc., and frequently
results in various forms of female weakness..-
"'."When 3'ou feel tirod and worn out, tojco
Dr. Miles'
Restorative Nervine
. ...
.which acts directly upon tho nerves, re
freshing and strengthening them. It Is a
lysrv.e food and tonic, which soothes and
relieves the tension of tho tired nerves
and brings rest and refreshing sleep.
. ,"Your remedies saved my life. They
are all you claim thorn to bo. I am now
In very good health for n, woman 72 years
old, thanks to your remedies. When' I fool
nervous or don't feel well. I take a few
. doses of Dr. Miles' Nervine and it sots
ine right,:' . ,
' 'nSA-TH1?IIN.?i Sra. Loland, Iowa.
The first bottle will benefit. t nni iu
-t... lt ...III ..-i. ' " w, V..W
wifis""- w Jt'uirn, yQuixTOoneyj-
Francis Hendricks, superintendent
of, insurance for -New -York, -testified
before the insurance commitiee and
during his testimony it was disclosed
that the inquiries by New York's de
partment of insurance .into the insur
ance companies were largely a farce.
Governor Wright of the Philippines
calls i the opposition to a tariff reduc
tion for the Philippines "pig-headed
selfishness." ' -
is said that President Roosevelt
favors a new Chinese exclusion
admitting all classes freely with
exception of coolies. Secretary
Twelve 'thousand persons held a
mass meeting at- Moscow December
211 It is believed that Ku'ssia is now
seriously" threatened- .with civil war.
Metcalf opposes this plan.
'Subscribers' Advertising Department
& This department is for the exclu
sive use of Commoner subscribers,
and a special rate of six cents a
word per insertion-the lowest rate
i,r, unM, -mnria fnv them. Auuiess
all communications to The
moner, Lincoln, Nebraska.
; Nin,e of the ten indicted .persons of
the Chicago brlcl trust pleaded .guilty
of conspiracy' in jrestramt; of" trade,
anu were nnea $z,uuu TEfacn.
Fred A.
'.?; .1 i . t
'"An 'AssnmrirPM Prnso (Hanntoli nnilan"
date of New York, December 20, says:.
"At respective meetlncs todav of tho
board of directors of the New York
Central, tho Lake Shore & Michigan
g ji j -
".. .9uuww; uje viicnigan uentrai and
Befjrring to the correspondence be-,
tween - President Roosevelt and Attor
ney G.eneral Moody, relative to. the'
Paul Morton-Santa Fe case, the Wash
ington correspondent for the New
York Evening Post, says: "It is fair-l
ly established that, the settled convje-j
tton of, the best pubVjq,. opinion is. that
M.r. Morton was saved from lrosecu
tlon by, a direct act "of executive favior.!
All,t;lYe letter-writing, in-the world' will
not chance that conviction. One of
Mr. Roosevelt's most, admirable char!
acterisiics is the way he sticks by
his, friends when th.ey tara in trouble;
and .it is, believed! here by persons;
whqs&ibeliefa.must; be. respected, that
the president resolved that Morton,
.should not 'be "thrown to the wolves"
Lawyers say that Mr Moody strupk
a heavy blow at his own legal
f Va. farms, write mp. D. F. imnm.
Boxwood, Henry Co., Va.
. f-iri TfTkT
t-tt A TJTTCTi TO A V-ELTNG S A I '''"$
W ,r"r.t.i7.,nfl In cliinn a
brnska. Must be of good chraci".
able to rurmsu sauau"' - y,,,vjj
tne HiT ..rnr
In tie n.u."v
in Ne.
, .w.i.a
Wo are recognized as
Jobbing quoonswaro nouse in pl
and must havo good men
Aotlnna I ron f-ffl n StliOt
answering give full details
territory and annual sales.
Co.. St. I,ouia, jvlo.
conndeut'p. J"
of expn".-.
Missouri Glass
JL conini i.ftfr.Vfti -Industrial PJ1IS' e.
Open Forum
clal unrest,
treats tousi x
.nah v in --
0G pagos. moiHi v ,lleg.
thouffUt and propteW P "' t.nP torlnB?
an -i. nriA rrvrmrv w
TnMnnVmont'NuiriliOV Slvinff
tlculars. Liberal terms to
mn.ur t.t. tv. Manauoj.
repu-1 Building, St. Loui, Mo.
full par;
r -
-J- tmi. utt, i
;m wTiriiiwiiiWWihWfttfliMlferf