The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 29, 1905, Image 1

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    P' lmjapr tr-
The Commoner.
Vol. 5. No. -50
Lincoln, Nebraska; December 29, 1905
Whole Number 258
IXisw Ye ak's Greeting
A "DErENTDEu's" Loye Letters
Walsh Doctedtk
Washington City Letter
Senator and Magnate
A Graceful 'Reprimand
Odell Breaks the Ice
Comment on Current Topics
The Primary Pledge
- News op the Week
Several weeks ago the Chicago Chronicle,
owned by John R. Walsh, referring to contribu
tions to campaign funds said: "They are good or
had according to' the motive with which hey are
given and "the use to which they are put: Tho
money used to defeat W. J. Bryan and the demo
cratic party was obviously put to good use."
In the Chronicle's view it was of no import
ance that these particular contributions were
stolen from the policyholders; and in the light of .
recent disclosures men whose eyes have hereto
fore been blinded now understand how the
Chronicle happened to stand sponsor for that
monstrous doctrine.
Carried to its logical conclusion the Chron
icle's doctrine would mean that a Chicago bank
wrecker could purge himself ot sin by contribut
ing a portion .of his ill-gotten gams to charity;
and in the light of recent disclosures men who
have heretofore been deceived will have no diffi
culty in understanding how it happened that the
Chronicle took that view.
Bent Murdock, editor of the Eldorado, Kans.,
Republican, and Frank McLennon, editor of the
Topeka State Journal, are both republicans of
the most approved machine school and yet!
Mr. Murdock and Mr. McLennon agree that
there is no reason in law or in justice why the
.supreme court should step in and declare "un
constitutional" any law duly enacted by a state
legislature and approved in regular form by the
governor. "Will some technical court judge be
so kind," plaintively asks Mr. Murdock, "as to
point out a clause in the Kansas constitution,
or a law on the Kansas statutes, that authorizes,
empowers or permits a judge or a court to de
clare a legislative enactment unconstitutional?"
And then Mr. McLennon just as plaintively wails
out this question: "Why shouldn't the people
have what they want? Is it thu province of the
court to step in and say that they shall not have
it?" .
The Commoner refers to this discussion for
he purpose of recalling to the memory of a
million or two of people a few remarks that
were wont to be made a few years ago by repub
licans, and being in their nature, a severe con
demnation of the "pops" for their strictures
upon the courts. The spectacle of such faith
ful and partisan republicans as Bent Murdock and
Frank McLennon "out-popping the pops" is one
calculated to .bring a smile to the faces of the
old-time leadevs ofthe populist movement in the
west. - ' -
"The Blazed Trail," or "How Democracy is Following Roosevelt."
On the first day ' of the year the average
man "puts on the dauntless spirit of resolution"
resolution that in all too many instances of frail
human endeavor is burdened with the mental res
ervation of "committing the oldest kind of sin in
the newest kind of ways."
Some one has written that "good resolutions
are a pleasant crop to sow. The seed springs up
so readily and the blossoms open so soon with
such a brave show, especially at first. But when
the time of flowers has passed, what as to the
fruit''" And the methods of obtaining "the fruit"
were pointed out by another when he wrote, "The
nerve -which never relaxes the eye which
never blanches the thought which never wanders
the purpose which never wavers these are the
masters of victory."
At this threshold of anotner year, let us
extend to one another the greetings of the sea-
S011' First, here's to the maker of good resolutions.
When "the time of flowers" has passed may he be
able o congratulate himself that he has ever kept
in touch with "the masters of victory.'
Here's to the hoarder of wealth who has
steeled his heart against the appeals of the dis
tressed. May he often be inclined to pity and
loosen the strings of his well-filled purse.
Here's to the business man whose life is
crowded with perplexities that seem to overwhelm
him May he find relief in the charity of his
creditors, in the prosperity of his customers and
in the bounteous crops of this new year.
Here's to the parents whose thoughts are
centered upon a vacant chair and a new-made
grave May they find balm in Gilead in the
tender memory of the little one that came and
went away.
Here's to the mother whose head is bowed
in grief because of the deeds of a wayward child.
May her loye and devotion find full recompense
in the reclamation of the wayward one.
Here's to the poor whose pocketbook and coal
bins are empty; and to the rich who Imagino
that they are not "their brother's keeper. May tho
coal bins soon be filled. May tne pocketbooks
soon bo replenished. May the poor become richer
while the rich become wealthier by the cultiva
tion of generous impulses.
Here's to the gray-haired men and women.
In this new year may their juniors display a bet
ter appreciation of their rights, more anxiety
for their welfare and make ample provision for
their- declining years.
Here's to tho employer of men and women
and children. May he become more considerate
of his employes. May he understand that tho
laborer is worthy of his hire.
Here's to the burden-bearer In every clime.
May his burden grow lighter and may his
strength increase.
Here's to the president of the United States.
May the president and the members of his fam
ily be preserved from sickness and distress, and
may his official acts be controlled with an eye
single to the public good.
Here's to the United States of America. May
they become the greatest of all world powers,
not because of the strength of their army and
navy but by the force of good example. May
this nation "return to the fountain whose waters
spring close by the blood of the revolution."
May it have a new birth of freedom and assert