The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 08, 1905, Page 13, Image 14

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    DECEMBER 8, 1905
The Commoner,
J-uVcj -
"Thlslsaboolttobereadby ail who arc In
terested m a clear view of Southern problems
political and religious, from the war to the
present time.' Louisville Post.
"The work is not only valuable, it is indisnen"
sable. "-Columbia S. O. State.
"It is proofreading and he who reads it once
will read it again.1' Minneapolis Journal.
"Readers will claim the time well spent that
s given to this no vel." Denver Post.
"An exceedingly valuable, truthful, and in"
teresting study." New York Times Saturday
"One of the really good things in fiction of
recent publication." Buffalo Courier.
Wc are there just as we are, not as wo
might be or as others think we should be "
Montgomery Ala. Advertiser.
ii L-
12 Mo. Cloth, Handsome Binding and
Letter Press. Price, postpaid, $1.50.
10 Broad Street,
t HA.lf..llll
ii hit tarr nracTM
ltraWTIW1NG wrr
rWvffmSm KING AWAlKtR(o
.iw.- I. arUlMcnuunO
y- riwyiJW.Tl M
In tho World
Usod In Nobr.,
Bam, also Wm.
J. Bryan's and
many of tlio
fl os Btntoand
private barns.
Bond for beau
tiful circular.
King& Wulkor
Co., Dopt. o,
AiauiBon, wis.
thirty others were seriously injured
in a railroad wreck occurring on the
Boston and MaS-e railroad at Bac It
ersbridgo Station, November 2G
President Roosevelt has summarily
removed from offlce William S. Liob
assistant United States treasurer at
Philadelphia. Mr. Lieb was charged
with "constant and persistent viola
tion of the civil service law."
George Ryon, one of the convicts
involved in the recent mutiny at the
Missouri state penitentiary, says that
H. E. Spencer, a former convict, sup
plied the revolvers and nitro-glycerine
iv cue xour convicts. A search is now
being made for Spencer.
Edwin V. Morgan, recently Ameri
can minister at Seoul, Korea, has
been appointed American minister to
Havana, to succeed Herbert G.
Squires, resigned. The relations be
tween Mr. Squires and the Cuban
government are said to have been
$3 a Day Sure SSi
111 HH absolutely ture; vre
,v t famish the work and teach you free, you work In
Ihe locality where you lire. Send us your address and wa will
txpltln the business fully, remember we guarantee aclearproflt
f 13 forever day's work, absolutely sure. Write at once.
ROnii MANUFAtTUaiKO CO, Bxl356DetreU,Mlek.
Alderman Harris of Chicago pro
poses that the city council pass an
ordinance prohibiting the playing of
football in that city.
Marshall Field, jr., son of the Chi
cago merchant, died November 27,
as a result of a pistol shot accident
ally fired by himselr.
A committee on athletics of the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania have taken
the lead in a movement for the aboli
tion of brutality in the game of football.
St. Petersburg cablegrams under
date of November 30 said that rumors
were abroad to the effect that the
czar is in danger of assassination, and
that fears were generally expressed
that the Russian government will
soon be forced to a paper money
basis. According '.to everyday dis
patches, the Russian government Is
confronted with all manner of troubles.
Tax payers of Butler county, Neb.,
recently met in mass meeting to pro
test against the practice of the rail
roads entering that county have of tax
Railroad representatives have in
augurated an organization of railroad
employes .with headquarters at Chi
cago for the purpose of fighting rail
road legislation.
King Haakon was formally installed
before the Norwegian parliament as
king of Norway, Novemcer 27. The
new king received a cordial message
Jroni King Oscar of Sweden.
Fifteen persons were killed, while
Senator Burton has been sentenced
to serve six months in the Iron county
jail, and to pay a fine of $2,500. The
sentence also carried with it tho ad
ditional penalty of beinc forever de
barred from holding public office. He
has been released on a $5,000 bond
pending an appeal to the United
States supreme court.
Andrew Hamilton, the insurance
lobbyist, has been located in 'Paris.
He promises to make a statement to
the insurance committee, but will not
return. He says he has been advised
by his doctors that he must take a
"prolonged cure" at tho spring. He
says that saving his health Is far
more important than this insurance
Richard A. McCurdy, president of
the Mutual Life Insurance company,
Robert H. McCurdy, general manager,
and Lewis A. Thebaud, general agent,
have resigned and their resignations
have been accepted. It is reported
that James H. iEckels, comptroller of
the currency under Grover Cleveland,
will be offered the presidency of the
W. Folk, Missouri; Governor Lucius
P. Garvin, Rhode Island; M. E. Jug
alls, Ohio; Melville E. stone, Now
York; G. B. M. Harvey, Now York
Oscar S. Strauss, Now York; Norman
E. Mack New York; John G. Milburn,
New York; Edward M. Shepard, New
Jork,JV,w- Kcrn' diana; Clark
Howell, Georgia; J. Hampden Robb,
New York; John Wanamnker, Penn
sylvania; Martin W. Littleton, New
York; J. H. Clark, )hio; JudBon nr
mon, Ohio; W. D. Vandlver, Missouri;
August Belmont, New York; Judgo
J. J. Willett, Alabama; B. B. Smalley;
Vermont; Josiah Qulnc, Massachu
setts; John E. Lamb, Indiana; Colonel
Alexander Troup, Connecticut; P. H.
Qulnn, Rhode Island; Charles W.
Knapp, Missouri; Edward Lauter
bach, New York; Francis L. Stetson,
Now York; former Governor Frank
S. Black, New York; Claude A. Swan
son, Virginia; D. E. Lockwood, New
York; Ira Remsen, Maryland John T.
McG raw. West Vfr Inlnr Tnmna v
Jones, Arkansas; Julius M. Mayer,
New York; Andrew Carnegie, Penn
sylvania; William R. Nelson. Missouri;
George Haven Putnam, New York;
J. G. Schurman, president of Cornell
University; James A. Tate, Tennes
see; E. Benjamin Andrews, Univer
sity of Nebraska: Geortro D. Adams.
Iowa; George Harris, president of Am
herst college, and M. Woolsey Sfrvk
er, president of Hamilton college.
Mr. Belmont has sent letters to prom
inent men throughout the country, ex
pressing the opinion that the time has
arrived to advocate, by means of or
ganization, national in character, tho
enactment In other states of such
leerislatlon on the subject as "embod
ies the results of nractinal oxnorlmi
of Missouri and Massachusetts."
The Kansas City Journal says:
"The fight of Thomas W. Lawson to
change tho heads of the New York
Life, the Mutual and the Metropolitan
through proxies has finally percolated
into the west. Some days ago it was
discovered that E. H. Harriman had
issued orders to all employes on the
Southern Pacific, of which ho is pres
ident, to not favor Lawson with prox
ies, and assuring those in his employ
who did so would not retain their
jobs. Later it seems a similar plan
has been applied to Union Pacific
and Alton and all Harriman lines.
A Union Pacific man who has a pol
icy in the Mutual, received word di
rect that he should not give a proxy
to Lawson, but was assured that he
might have a chance to give his proxy
to the anti-Lawson crowd later. The
railroad men generally expect to be ad
vised about '. ow to fight Lawson.
While no railroad head but Harriman
has acted as yet, it is believed the
same plan will be united upon through
the influence of the Insurance combin
ation. While Harriman, as shown by
the investigations, has operated ex
tensively with insurance money, the
insurance crowd has a substantial hold
on all roads and will probably pull
all strings at their command to re
tain control. The hard fight In Texas
and Louisiana finally resulted in a
resolution to favor Lawson with prox
ies. Similar action has been taken in
LiBtonI I now have thousands oflettcrs of appreciation from Oregon, California Montana an a in a
Bpectaclovcarcrs all over tho world, thanking mo for the per- ho. In the east town and county
ffcUifii)nnlAirnlthtnvnTucfiiclfl9. sViw i arart4 YOUR mniflnffo oro fronnpnr hiinrVhlner nrnx-
free. Then when you return me tho Eyo Tester with your test use. There is talk Of Similar meetings
lend vou a completo Ave dollar family set of my famous ''Perfect m Missouri and Kansas. So far no
Vision" spectacle for only $1 (which is an actual savingorH to you;, . . . made, but a call for
ana this will include a uair of my handsome Boiled Gold spectacles absp- Start nas d" " " .? . .
lutely free of charge. This set wilf last yourself and family ( lifetime, wiin a meeting oi jjuiiu.un .l ,D uC
AOAomAnM ctc.ft -V7tnfi Af atira wrm wi.) hn ftblo to read tho linesO it,i nrMiT1 Vto rnannnrlPfl TO ana
print just aa easy as you ever did in your life, and I will return you your dollar M ive direction to an effort to
willingly if vo yourself don't , fin them to be the finest you have ever won.d ge "" ftf lnsurance
uougnt anywnere, at any price. ena xormyireo &yv j.i vw-jr. . wiaubc i .0
Olt. HAVX SPECTACLE CO., 9t. Lmufm. Mo. YAMT AGENTS ALSO.-G funds."
Perry Belmont, of New York, who
has advocated a plan for publicity
in campaign contributions, has ap
pointed a committee composed of one
man from each state to urge legisla
tion on this subject. The commit
tee is as follows: Governor Joseph
This Gold Pair
JLSK&JIHiP' Tester
tKmxiW Twin i
EKEfifSmrl fj
Tw, Nm Me!hd o' Treating this De.truc
tlvc Dlteusc Provci a Wonderful Sue
cos. A book, fully explaining the
Treatment, Mailed Free
;Ii,cftCnVrnl,nent,,or n Cholera and
swinoPlarue bun now been thoroughly tested
Hr.i,iuh,"cr of lhc t,,ost ctcrtcn'ed and prnc
tlcaluogmUcrH anji breeder of the United
?i al0,Itft Proven a success beyond nucs
tlon. Tjio men tried the n-iucdy on Tory bad
SSh0 th,'fCM,c- Ijoalnolnir tho 7rca 1
ment on them after the hops wcro nick and
iffi" 7 ' ?nt" "towd tlo dlhcuse and restored
nuvi'.CMlt!?0,rn,a,.,,ea,l,,y condition in a few
d iy time, saving almoHl every sick hog In tho
different herds that were able to take the treat
ment. ItKBiiccesn Is phcnomonnl and It only
rotnalni for our farmers and hog rnlscr to
lrntblsnovrflieihod of treatment to tamj
the dlwoae out ot thecountry. Themcthod of
handling the disease Isslmploand easy to un
derstand by the ordinary farmer and i.i ulong
Uiorouirhly that anyone who
will read the Instructions and make an effort
can mop tho worst outbreak of the dlseaso
that over cone and reatoruhh herd to thrift lu
a few days' time,
o.M.r ,;.' 8 ,,.n'',r, WorcrMcr, Mas.; Alra
Stnltz. III. hwmw. 0.o: O. I. HIII.'Krndnlln, W.
yn..Jns.l.ldcHI. Lebanon. Ohio, and Dr. Darld
Alklrc, or Marco, Iml., who is n veterinarian of
III Ii atnmllii" and linn practised his proloiilnn
forty yenrn. Theo men hnvotm-c! ihlHtrrntment
lor -evcral ycHra, and ll.ey ore positive It hi eer
tnlnly tlio long looked for eure lor ho cholera
It Is also a preventive of the dltaiio by clear
ing tho herd of every character of worm and
parasite, und putting them Into mjcIi a perfect
mate of thrift that there Is no material danger
of dhcasestrlklng them. It Is also an Inexpen
sive treatment, because it clears a herd of o cry
character of woim. and puts Jiim Into wuch a
tbrjftv condition that the extra gain bo will
make from Its effort In a few months' time will
return the farmei live times, In this extra gain
It produces, as much us this treutmcut has cost
The Snoddy Itcmcdy Co.. of Alton, HI., fsnow
putting up this wonderful treatir ent. They
have u book which fully explains the pro cow.
that will bo sent free to any one who will nd
their name and address to Tho Snoddy Ilcmudy
Co..Ilox22, Allon, 111. Every fanner abould
write at once for thto free book.
j-95 Buys This Lftrg Handtofna Hkktl
irmirnra auci nanf
wniiout MranniiiK rioot or
resenrolr. With h kIj warm
ing closet, Krcelaln llnrd
rttrvolr, just aa shown la
ciiMlXVijiarKc. roomy on,
MxcookliiK liolm.txxiTmiula
or cold rolitd steel. Paplex
grata; hunia wood or coal.
nanuiomo nickel intniowat,
hlehly pollthpii. '
fnest lllxrral err
made. Youcanpajr
rntiKc You can talcs
I, ,.!. Jaaaa ,mav
It 30 day . If yoti don't
It exactly as represent
ed, tho biggest I tarsal n yon
ercr saw, t-qual to stores
retailed for doublo our
price, return it to at. Wc
will nay freight both wars.
CUT THIS AD OUT. Mnd ,l t0 a," w" m"
vwi mu wu ui, you our Ur(fe 0toV( MU,O(fU0
76 style in nolectfrom. Don't buy until you Kbt It.
Eczema all Skin Diseases
Ten cents for regular 25-ccnt box, only
once. Send stumps. This advertising; of
fer good only two weeks. Hermit Remedy
Co., 801 Bell Block, Elkhart, Ind.
Taafsva''7rfv-j4iKriJ I
BsmlVVMfii'' Lrf nse
mmwSXsmt'ISSii and
A True Story
Uy ono who was on tho inside. A revelation
In inodorn buftlncs Iniquity, rhowa how tho
fanner Is "skinned going and coming." It gives
fuels-, figures nnd nan oh. Bound In paper. 2S0
puges. 1'ostpnld on receipt til pr c, 60cts. Ad
drcMS Torn WorralJ, 331 Board of Trade, Omaha,
accurately dccrilC8 2tQ varieties of
fmlt. Bend for our terms of distribution.
We wantnioreaIttaeB-i5Urk Bro'i-, lmlihuui, U.
' wuwu,,uuttS to patentability.
Bend for Outdo Book and Wbat to Inrrnt. Finest
Publication Issued for Piiee Uiatributlon. Patents
secured by us Adyertised at our Kxpense. Krxat.
WlUcens k Co., C15 f dC. Washington. I). C.
van i unuru io iBVAnd.ue
pr r cnn s ss wnunis to meal vrim rig
to 1h trod ace shii1 GamrunlccA Poultry nd Htoek.
Xemedleii. Bendf or contract : we mean business and fur
uleh best reference. Q.K.mUiK(Xi..Xlli8prlaM,lU.
SOdavtcrmUltoallJfrnU. CUU BiTtmUHTtTiT rM&t.
COW)UBiTtPOfgilTC. 11-Va H.XUUmi.CUf
T;""Mifrtt'' in "- - -