The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 01, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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    "jWIPw- y
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t wasnr 'yvw" jnr's f1 ??r 'V'rT1?
;The Commoner
Intcrcd at the postofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-
ciaaa man matter.
One Ycst $1.00
Six Months 50a
In Clubs of 5 or more
per Year 75o
Three Months 25o
Single Copy 5o
Sample Copies Free
Forelsn Postage 52o Extra.
SUBSCRIPTIONS can bo sent direct to Tho Com
moner. They can also be sent through ncwapupera
Which have advertised a clubbing nito, or through local
agents, where sub-agents havo been appointed. All
remittances should bo sent by postolllco money order,
express order, or by bunk draft on New York or
Chicago. Do not send Individual checks, stamps or
R.ENEWALS. Tho dato on your wrapper showa
when your subscription will expire. Thus, Jan. 31, 06,
moans that payment has been received to and Includ
ing the last Issue of January, 190C. Two weeks aro
required after money has been received before tho
dato on wrapper can bo changed.
CHANGE OF ADDRESS. Subscribers requesting a
chnngo of address must give OLD as well as the NEW
ADVERTISING rates furnished upon application.
Address all communications to
THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb.
Mr. Bryan took passage on the Pacific Mail
steamship Manchuria, which sailed from San
Francisco September 27.
He went to Japan via Honolulu. After a
few weeks In Japan he will proceed to China, the
Philippine Islands, India, Australia, New Zea
land, Egypt, Palestine, Greece, Turkey, Italy,
Spain, Switzerland, Germany, France, Norway,
Sweden, Denrmrk, Russia, Holland and the Brit
ish Isles.
The trip will occupy about one year, and the
readers of The Commoner will be able to follow
Mr. Bryan from the letters which will be pub
lished in The Commoner from time to time.
, That, full feeling this morning?
It seems that Mr. Depew warped his memory
nuts dGtailS by wrappins ifc around chest-
There seems to he more underground work
on the Panama canal than there is work on tho
canal itself.
People" were wont to laugh with the senior
senator of New York. If they laugh now it is not
with him, hut at him. -
i Jr. Depew's "up river" friend should he
Joined by several others and the trip should not
end short, of Ossining. .
A Missouri schoolboy defined a friend as "one
who knows all about you and likes you just the
same." That is hetter than Webster.
President McCurdy has generously lopped off
one-half of his salary. Not to be outdone in gen-
srs WhSr are perfectiy wmins t0
of ' SSKY i Uinabl lo rememl)er the name
J, J dropped around once a year
Mr nnni88" PeJhp,JS tbe frIend for to tell
Mr. Depew a new funny story.
- Mr. Lawson declares that Mr. Roeers heat
him out of $12,000,000 In the collapse of the
Amalgamated deal. The loss of that amount wouW
make a newspaper man real mad Uld
iQ J? M' Blick contends that public opinion
is all the supervision rhnt iif , "Pinion
panto neea. It teSJuSU to ZfS.T
Beck to struggling vafant mft X
The National Grange Patrons nf tt0i i
t--VwUt. w ituopL tno pro.
The Commoner.
vailing calendar. Wisdom prompts such a course,
for any opportunity to skip eleven such days as
Russia has been enjoying for several years
should be seized with avidity.
elected mayor of San Francisco and ,
has been elected mayor of Toledo tJ nVell8t
Bional politicians seem to be on the nin Prfc
"Wo can not stop the practice of giving
rebates," pleads a railroad man. Every state
has an institution for the cure of habitual law-breaking.
xi. A JePublican or&an ventures the prediction
that the president and the senate will have no
trouble in getting together on a rate regulation
measure. Perhaps. But is that a compliment to
tho president?
It Is announced that the mine owners are
organizing for a labor war on the miners. Per
haps at some not distant day the public will also
organize and teach the mine owners a thing or
two. Who knows?
. Another 'lasr survivor" of m, t , ,
gnde'Ms dead. The la?t survivors of 7' "
charge seem to hang on almost m ton?? a"
some Hfe insurance president ,CloU?y M
promises of tariff revision JmU"
JewsA rarixft 7
lor the relief of the oppressed Rnl"'e ,tuna
There is nothing strangeabout tin nit"?
love has advanced so far these days ,lnt?'y
notongw be bounded by either 5 'I
A prize waltz 3r has-been elected mayor of
Providence, a professional violinist has been
The European powers are now enloyin- their
annual picnic of handing redhot ult malum? to
the sultan of Turkey. The suit-in nnS
unon 1S7 T?, Hke thG "PuMtoS1! sS
"he peSpie." t0 deal fai
A special effort is now helne- m inn,an.
The Commoner's circulation, and to this end the
co-operation of those who sympathize with The
Commoner's efforts is invited.
E. J. Hall, Republican, Ky., writes: "En
closed find coupon for ten cards which send me
by return mail. Also find primary pledge duly
signed. I will try and get all others I can to
sign. I heartily agree with Mr. Bryan on all pub
lic questions and think The Commoner the best
paper published in the United States."
finrfLT CP Berwick, Pa., writes: " Please
find enclosed primary pledge signed by myself
also application for subscription cards which I
S Sh??y b6St t0- 8el1' J have been a subscriber
tninl ft iT?ner GVer Since Its first Iss"e and
think it is doing a grand work and will do all
lZni fUrther- the clrcti6n of the paper and
help the cause of good government. I wish ySu
abundant success in teaching the people higher
ideals and nobler purposes." g r
James M. Burton, Huntsville, Mo., writes
"Enclosed find postofflce order for three ItollS
for back subscription, also an order for five sub
up "Also'lL't8 of ?fiDaW fr 7hQn ta made
foS&J& strove y oeTmsfe
copfieVs0rof0fThee ? rf WnbaSoS?6 S samp
copies of The Commoner and I will distribute
them where I think they will do the most good
Success to The Commoner." g a
The following named readers have sent in
yearly subscriptions in numbers as follows- T w
Baird Shaw. Miss., 15; George h! cSSTlrondaS'
vell 'Zrf
vv. va., u, w. u. McMillen, Purdv Mo fi- -r t
r0onOybhToOlIcnI& r ,9: Wi,"'ra Wai,aCceBTo:
!Jr : " Wo ? c- A- Neiman, Whitewater Kans
10: Alfred Jones, Merlin, Oregon 6- John P
Jones, Kanorado Kana in- -da A ' JLn u
month at wo f3"8-' 10 R- A. Cooney, Ports
mouth, N. H., 8; J. Oscar Howell, Slaughter La
6; A. B. Corman, Pana Hi t b V,l , '
Hebron, Nebr., 6 W J WhithPr P'nBaldwIn'
Hollow N v 7. Vnn A, wnitheck, Coeymans
6- A w ' 7r" ' Milton CIark- Brownsville Ky4
chufchS LtrShioT !osRonwT' 7; J S:
Caim s go uLl sSvIJie tisf
To4nHdBp7t0 Z' 7" 6: A U McSn!
lowanua, Pa., 7; C. K. Wolfe, Georgetown Polo
G; George Weaver, Durango Coin !s i
Romine, South Bend, Ind 7- SS? aJ W B'
Westfield N v p. V ,Henrv Arneman,
Oregon 8- w w w JRe?h PhlI,ett' Aurora
rninr. a, H,m Hoaeland, Colorado Sprimrs
Colo., G; Abram Tavlor, MIddleport N Y
J. H. Hanks, Woodfleld, Ohio 10- tt ni '
Sherman Tev in. n n V ' l' J- Duke,
Kv-?mZ Teas: Mnrtln Potty! Berry
MyBroy,S; Tyler Te'X ? T& $Tl "
Va.; Arthur B. Seagrave UxtoH ""mh W
T. Little, Olnthe S T m ti ,' J1"88'1 John
Brvant, Springfield Mo T P a i ; - P;
sC i V0"H-KaJilspe,,,AS'. T
Shoo, Do Gra3, Ohio; Benlamln n nll A H-
brook, Kans.; Edgar' Cha chrSn, PT
J. P. Rocer. Rrnvfnnif mi. r t ,.
Milbank S. D.; W. P. b Jf.
Joseph Finney, Holland, Pa.; J. C. Lawrence
McClellandtown, Pa.; C. Mandeville, Madill IT
S. R. Crockett, Sr., Vlnta, I. T.; William Byrnes
Barry, Minn.; J. H. McClintock, Clearwatc '
Kans.; Mrs L. H. Henley, Marshall Tex.; G
Dallas Bowie Tex.; J. W. Castleberry, Boon !
ville, Ark : Bob Martin, Fort Smith, Ark.; J.
J. Jones, Moberly, Mo.; B. Armstrong, San Fran
cisco Calif.; Charles Kislig, New Martinsville,
W. Va.; Henry Schellenger, Norfolk, N. Y.;
Robert Barclay, Effingham, 111.; J. M. McGinnis
College Springs, la.; A. J. Bartley, Mokane, Mo.
tTRowe' Everton Ind.; J. W. Roberts, Savan
nan. Mo.; T. J. L. Hutcheson, Rothville, Mo.; T.
E. Walsh, Neola, Iowa; W. L. Sarrello, Holly
Springs, Ark.; Huffman Bros., Peculiar, Mo.; J.
C. Custer, Green Castle, Mo.; C. C. Bitner, Spence
ville Calif.; H. E. Brann, Kansas City, Mo.; C.
C. Edwards, Chester, S. C; E. A. Hoag, Grand
Kaplds, Mich.; Joseph Reed, Creswell, Ohio; T.
C. Brown, Crescent, Ohio; A. J. Horton, Sura
mum, 111.; W. P. Rowland, Upper Sandusky, Ohio;
A. B. Conley, Decatur, Texas; M. P. Condon,
Donora, Pa., J. p. Pierson, Terrell, Texas; John
McKay, Willow Grove, W. Va.; J. W. Hedges,
Valley, Okla.; E. M. Belknap, Salt Lake City,
Utah; P. J. Hanley, Washington, la.; G. H. Speer,
Cedar Glades, Ark.
Everyone who approves of the work The
Commoner is doing is invited .to co-operate along
the Hne3 of this special subscription offer. Ac
cording to the terms of this offer cards each
good for one year's subscription to The Com
moner, will be furnished in lots of five, at the rato
of $3 per lot. This places the yearly subscription
rate at GO cents.
Any one ordering these cards may sell them
or $1 each, thus earning a commission of $2
on each lot sold, or he may sell them at the cost
price and find compensation in the fact that he
has contributed to the educational campaign.
These cards may he paid for when ordered,
or they may be ordered and remittance made after
they have been sold. A coupon is printed belovr
for the convenience of those who desire to par
ticipate in this effort to increase The Commoner's
Application for Subscription Cards
Publisher Commoner; I am interested in in
creasing Tbe Commoner's circulation, anuae
Bire you to send me a supply of subscription
cards. I njrree to use my utmost endemor w
sell tbe caids. and will remit for tliem at iw
rate of X0 cents oucb, wben sold.
Box. on Stkkkt No
P. O Statk
Indicate tbe number of cards wwJJ
markimr X opposite one of tbe numbers pn
fu an ena or. mis oinaK,
If you believe the paper la doing a work that : mer
it npaiir.manf 111 .. 4-Um hnv COUDOO 0 m
It to THE COMMONER- Lincoln ;b.
ttHtj if 8to i