NOVEMBER 101905 " cjmpany, and who bought it for thorn under njvor. This fact became known some months Liter. The International Harvester company also bought the Minne Harvester company of Minne apolis, Minn. In February, 1903, they bought i . crotly, the plant and business of D. M. Osborne Co., of Auburn, N. Y., but this did not become lcnown to thostrade for eighteen months. During this period, they advertised tho Osborne company si., an independent company, and their advertise ments bitterly attacked "the Harvester trust. A tfreat many dealers and farmers who were in ( lined to turn down trust goods, were induced to laito up the Osborne goods, ou tho strength of Uie assurance that they were independent goods and did not belong to the trust. The trade were m ignorance of the true state of affairs until October 20, 1904, when the Implement Age ex posed the whole deal and related facts which the Harvester trust later admitted. TN THE FALL OF 1904 the International Har Jl vester company bought the plant and business of the Keystone company of Sterling, III., inde pendent manufacturers of harvesting machines. They also made this deal secretly and advertised tho company as an independent company, and their advertisements were even more bitter against the Harvester trust than the advertisements of the Osborne company had been. Thus, the dealers and farmers were again hoodwinked and induced to take on trust goods, thinking that they were independent. The facts of the Keystone deal did not become known until the filing of the Swift bill against the International Harvester company in Chicago a few months ago. The Harvester mist has since admitted the Keystone deal. This makes nine companies which the International Harvester company has absorbed, and leaves only four independent companies in the field, The Commoner. Hnnnf W " OtiOn Of the fetOriM- tlonal Harvester company, thero were thirtoon in dependent companies In the field, and competl- SSSii vey 0rco' the (loa,er8 and formers getting the full benefit of tho competitive fight. I no international Harvester company of America, in their advertisement, have claimed that they are doing ninety per cent of tho harvesting ma- chinery business of tho country, and have so stated in many of their letters. BRIEFLY STATED, tho case as presented by the Implement Ago, is this: "In a fiercely competitive field, where thero were thirteen com petitive companies, a little group of men con spired together to destroy competition, and they have already taken nine companies from the field, and have secured" in the neighborhood of ninety per cent of the business, controlling the prices and tho output in a very large measure. Until this fall, they have had what is called an exclusive agency contract, which made the dealer who handled their machines, agree that lie would handle no similar machines made by other manu facturers. Michigan, however, passed an exclu sive contract law prohibiting such an agreement, and other states are contemplating similar meas ures, so this fall, the Harvester trust put out a contract which eliminated entirely this exclusive clause. Their power, however, is such, and their control of the trade is strong enough to enable them to enforce what was practically accom plished by the exclusive clause, and the same re sult is now secured verbally through their travel ing representatives." THE DUMMY SALE and purchase of $800,000 of mercantile marine bonds made by George W. Perkins on behalf or the New York Life, to George W. Perkins on behalf of J. P. Morgan & Co., for tho purpose of "window dross ing," tho Now York Life's report to the state insurnnce department was parallel to tho offense which roaiilted in the conviction of tho Into Whitaker Wright, tho English financier In Lon don, on January 11, 1904. A wrltor in tho Now York World says that this view is sustalnod bv eminent lawyers. This writer adds: "Thoro 18 a general belief that 'window drosslng' by cor porations is not an offense here; but in tho same Whitaker Wright case tho United States supromo court decided that it is an offense undor the lawn of New York sUUo. Whitaker Wright was ar rested in this city and lodged in Ludlow street jail. He retained Samuel Vntormyor to fight the extradition proceedings brought against him by tho British government. Tho case was- carried up to tho United States supremo court. Tho records show that Mr. Untcrmyer based his argu ment against extradition on the fuct that the treaty between the two count ties provided that a person could only bo extradited on a criminal charge where the laws of both countries made the act complained of a crime. Mr. Unlermyor asserted there was no federal law against 'win dow dressing,' and that only six of all tho states in tho union had legally provided against It. The United StitteB supremo court finally decided that '.window dressing' or the making of a false or deceptive report by a corporation was a crime under the laws of New York state and that as Whitaker Wright was arrested and held In Now York state it was proper for him to be extradited. Had Whitaker Wright been arrestee', in any of tho thirty-nine states which had made no provision against 'window dressing ho could not have boon extradited. In view of the ruling of the United States supreme court on 'window dressing,' thero is much curiosity in tho financial dinfrict over the possibility of action by the authorities on Mr. Perkin's admissions." OKLAHOMA AND THE PRIMARY PLEDGE Oklahoma stands fifth in the number of primary pledges returned to The Commoner office. The, , Commoner thanks, the democrats of Oklahoma .'for ,,tke good work they ,. have done along the. lines pi. .the primary , pledge plan of organization.- Tljose,., Oklahoma democrats who have alr:ady assisted are invited to renew their activities, while the many who have not partici4 pated in this good work are urged to lend a hand. The appeal which The Commoner has made to the democrats of Missouri, of West Virginia, of Illinois and of .Ohio it now makes to the democrats .of Oklahoma. Every Oklahoma reader of The Commoner is requested to ask every Okla homa democrat of his acquaintance to sign the primary pledge and call upon his own neighbor to do likewise. If a. number of democrats of every Oklahoma county would organize for the purpose of circulating the primary pledge form in every precinct, obtaining the signature of every democrat who is ' willing to discharge his duty to his party, the field would be covered in a short time, and the results would count. Oklahoma democrats are reminded that this work of organ ization is not to terminate with the signing of the pledge. The . intere&t of democrats once aroused Is to be maintained, clubs are to be or ganized in every county of the state and in every precinct of the country, these clubs having for their purpose' the promulgation of democratic principles and the protection of the democratic creed from those who would destroy it. me five subscription cards and a hundred pledges. I wish you success. Silas A. Cline, Danville, Ind. You will find enclosed a list of the-names of those 'who signed the1 primary' pledgeV' All ''expressed" the opinion that the thing to do Is to atten'd all the pri maries. 'Some of them' said ''tiiit, ft we had at tended the primaries Mr. Parker would ,not have carried the vote of Indiana at the St. Louis con vention. P. T. Anderson, chairman democratic execu tive and central committee, St, Clairsville, O. I take pleasure in mailing you three primary pledges. I consider The Commoner the greatest defense, of the people. Martin Graham, Granda, Colo. Enclosed find my primary pledge. Eck Brady, Stewardson, 111. I send you my primary pledge. Jame3 Dailey, Kerby, Oregon Enclosed find my primary pledge. F. M. Hall, Mehama, Oregon I send four signatures to the primary pledge. J. Y. Lynch, Weston, W. Va. Please find enclosed primary pledge signed by twenty-four democrats. With the list I sent you recently, this makes sixty in all. May this good work go on. May Tho Commoner be read by many thousand mere democrats. Austin Holmes, New Harmony, Ohio En closed find fourteen primary pledges signGd by as good democrats as there are in tho state of Ohio, to each of whom I wish you would send a copy of your valuable paper. Edward E. Tracy, attorney, Cheyenne, Okla. Enclosed find the democratic primary pledge which I have signed. The Commoner is highly esteemed by tho democracy of western Oklahoma and we are glad to endorse its patriotic efforts for reform. Virgil Six, Abilene, Texas.- Please find en closed $1.35 for which you will please extend my subscription to Tho Commoner. I am doing all I can to push the democratic movement, and I believe we will elect a democrat in 1908. I send you two more primary pledges signed by old friends of mine. This makes four signers I have secured. J. E. Warner, Findlay, Ohfo Enclosed find primary pledge. I hope to be able to vote for a good democrat in 1908. Success to The Commoner. Extracts from letters received at The Com moner office follow: Ole Helgesen, Washington, Calif. -I send you twenty primary pledge signatures. Wille Viley, Lexington, Ky. Enclosed find twenty signatures to the' primary pledge. I. H. Denton, Ingram, Tex. Enclosed find thirteen pr! ary pledges, my own having been sent in sometime ago. A. S. Warren, Centerville Station, N. Y. I am sixty-six years old and have neve.- failed to vote the democratic ticket. I think The Com moner is doing great work for the people. I endorse the primary pledge plan. James Smyzer, Moberly, Mo. You will find enclosed the names of fifteen good democrats. These are democrats who are always in the front ranks for the principles of democracy. All we ask is that the democrats )f the nation nominate a democrat instead of a galvanized republican. If .the democrats do this we will pull off. our coats and roll up our sleeves and give alia 65,000 majority in Missouri Please send THE PRIMARY PLEDGE I promise to attend all the primaries of my party to be held between now and the next Democratic National Convention, unless unavoidably prevented, and to use my influence to Becure a clear, honest and straightforward declaration of the party'a position on every question upon which the voters of the party desire to speak. Signed Street. Postoftice. State. County. Yoting precinct or' ward. T Fill out Blanks and mail to Commoner Office, Lincoln, Nebraska. vlll 11 . t r. II J I 41 41 Vl tft jm iiTiiAit iWif riiiliii mi i 'udfint.'AbmkCkU'-'uA rfa rTuc V4L ..iwik ... fc !..