The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 03, 1905, Page 16, Image 18

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    WjPUi,' 1171, ( JlUJl.JWfifii5fw.-m.
The Commoner.
You Are to Be the Jud
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H'n I IXV X XVJ7J ---ax- m w - - - .
Permanent Cures
Is not a CHEMIST'S CALDRON, your trtomach 1b not a
TEST TUBE. You cannot afford to have both experiment
ed with by tho makers of .patent nostrums. IP THE DOC
TORS havo been using them for this purposo and havo not
passed tho oxperiontal stage, it is timo for you and them to
quit experimenting. TAKE YOUR STOMACH OUT OP
THEIR HANDS! . . . .
Vitao-Oro, naturo's romody, ISNOT AN EXPERIMENT! It
is not being tried out to see If it is good; your body in using
it, your stomach in taking It, Is not being used for experi
mental purposes. It la known, established, demonstrated and
proven beyond tho Bhadow of all doubt, beyond any possible
denying. A quarter of a century of successful existence, hun
dreds of thousands of cured patients, cured soundly and
effectually, permanently and positively, of all manner and
kind of diseases, substantiates It. You are not experimenting
In using it., not with your body, not with your stomach, not
with your monoy only n little timo to take it, and what
Is thirty days to all oternlty? You don't pay a cent unless it
benefits you. You are to bo tho Judge! You do as have
done thousands send for It, USE IT, and then Judge it.
Tho evidence will be strong either for or against. You will
Know plainly whether you ARE BETTER, are woll or no
better. You cannot be worso! It cannot harm you. If bet
ter, If bonofltcd. If cured, you pay for It. If neither you don't
pay for it. It is a tost, but NOT AN EXPERIMENT. The
results aro too sure, too certain, have been ovidenccd In too
many cases, to make it experimental.
If you have been using other treatments without tho ro
sults that were promised or that you expected, don't fool
away any moro time, don't endanger your chanco of recov
ery, don't lose your possibility of future health. Quit experi
nntural curing and healing ORE, nature's own remedy. IT
Sent on Thirty Days' Trial
WE WILL SEND to oVery worthy sick and ail
ing person who writes us,
mentioning THE COMMONER, a full-sized $1.00 packago of
VITAE-ORE by mall, post-paid, sufficient for one month's
treatment, to bo paid for within one month's timo after re
ceipt, If tho receiver can truthfully say that Its use has
done him or her moro good than all the drugs and doses
of quacks or good doctors or patent medicines ho or she
has ever used. Read this over again carefully, and under
stand that wo ask our pay only when It has done you
good, and not before. Wo take nil tho risk; you havo noth
ing to lose. If It does not benefit you, you pay us noth
ing. We give you thirty days' time to try tho medicine,
thirty days to see results before you need pay us one cent,
and you need not pay us tho one cent unless you do see
he results. You are to he tho Judcro! We know that
when this month's treatment of "VITAE-ORE has clthor cured
you. or put you on the road to a cure, you will bo moro than
willing to pay. We know Vitao-Ore and aro willing to
take the risk.
In making tho claim a quar
ter of a con'ury aco that
"" " ' ' VUno-Oro is tho boat thing ln
on or out of tho oarth for sick, ailing or Buffering people, wc
made It unreservedly and unqualifiedly, without any stipu
lation or "saving clauso," knowing from our experience and
from tho oxperlonco of a few who had already used It at
that eariy aaic, mat us virtues and curatlvo properties
would fully substantiate this claim; that It was the best,
not only bocauso It gave relief from pain and tho effects of
disease, but that it Cured tho dlsoasc, and cured it effectu
ally and permanently, honco the reason for tho linos wo
have so often used In our advertisements and literature:
"Get cured and stay cured," and "Not only Immediate ro-
Ilef , hut n permanent euro." Too many preparations aro put on
tho market and advertised to give relief, too few to cure.
Tho test of a mcdlclno Is not bo much In tho oxperlonco and
immediate testimony from tho use of one Rackago or bottle,
hut In tho experience of pcqple written months after they
have used that One packago or bottle, and who testify that
It cured thorn at that time, and tha they have never had a
recurrence of tho malady, IIoW many of tho testimonials
you see published In tho papers of tho land aro ouch tos
tlmonlalB, how many who to3tlfy that thoy were and aro
permanently cured? Vitae-Oro has thousands upon thou
sands of such oxporloncos to Its credit. It has been before
tho public for a quarter of a century. It cured numerous
pcoplo right after Its first Introduction, and 'hoy havo re
mained cured and nro cured today. It is curing people by
.mi thousands today of all manner of dlsoasos. who will
still bo cured at a date a quarter of a century hence. Wo
naVO repeatedly rocolvftfl lattftru frrm nnnntn ivtn ...-. ..c
Aalmnnln1 lnnn .. ". ... .. "vvvj u.t
....w.wvw .uuou, ,ula UBW, now naying mat tncy nave nad
absolutely no return of tho trouble or troubles
yitao-tro strikes tho disease at Its root, entirely eradi
cates ovory vostlgo or trace and tho patient la cured to
Htay cured. Its cures arc pormanont, and for this reason it
itself is a permanent remedy, one that has como to stay.
5a'.ni Pow ,n nomilarty and soli moro rapidly from year
feSX; aaiwanyys8 seT& wllh a a"ay. "-
What Vltae-Ore Is: Vltae-Oro Is a natural, hard,
, , , adamantine, rock-llko sub
stance mineral Ore mined from tho ground like gold and
silver in the neighborhood of a once powerful, but now ox
tlnct mineral aprlng. It requires twenty years for oxidization
by exposure to tho air, when it slacks down like lime, and
Is then of medicinal value. It contains free iron, free sul-
pil'ion roJl' lnree Properties which are most
essential for the retention of health in the human system.
,.".? P?0?0 ne ounce or the ORE. when mixed with
nii2.Hv JiIatC0n,(iffl,,equal.,n medicinal strength and
wnrtftor ?irnnlUefJ22 P1'0118, of tn. most powerful mineral
vrv n" ,rahJrom . th0 8Pr'nKB. It Is a geological dis
T? Tayth mn1 lh!j:e ls no'"!"? added or taken from,
it is tho marvel of the century for curing such diseases as
Bright's Disease,
Blood Poisoning,
Heart Trouble,
Cntarrh and
Throat Affection,
Liver, Kidney und
Bladder Ailments,
Stomach and
Female Disorders,
Ia Grippe,
Malarial Fever,
Nervous Prostration,
General Debility,
For over two years I Buffered untold ml.
ory with my stomach; I was unable to eat
anything without It distressing me, in fact
I could got scarcely onough nourishment to
keop rao allvo. I did not do an bour'B work
for ovor thrw
months. I tried
two different
doctors, but got
no rollof from
oltbor, and was
thon urged to
try VitaK)re,
and sent for a
trial treatment.
Iloforo I bad
taken half of
the packao I
could out any
thing and was
tihlo to go to
work bofore the
trial packago
was onilrely
exhausted. Af
ter taxing threo
puckagos I
could call mr
. . CUM5 entire
and complete. I gained In weight from 136
to 1G2 pounds In that time. We have never
since been without Vitae-Oro In tho house
and find It Invaluable not only for Stom
ach Troublo, but also for Sore Throat, Colds,
Catarrh, Rheumatism, and Neuralgia: as a
blood maker and purjflcr It has no equal.
It also performed a like wonder In the
caso,of my sls'or-ln-law, who lives with us.
Sho was all run down, had no color In her
face, could not eat or sloop and was so weak
that sho could hardly got about tho house.
Sho had catarrh and rheumatism and what
little blood sho had seemed nothing much
but water. Sho would not take Vl'ac-Ore
at first, saying It would not do her any good,
but decided to try It In the end. after tak
ing doctors' medicines for threo mon'hs.
Sho bogan to lmprovo at onco and after
using threo packages, found her weight had
Increased IB pounds. She nover In her llfo
looked or felt better than sho does now. She
ls working again regularly, sleeps well and
eats anything put on the table. My wife
and I aro sure that Vltae-Oro saved her
life, as It made mine worth living.
P. J. DYE, Denver, Colorado.
589 So. Emerson St.
as thousands! testify, and as no one, anwerlmT'tlils writinu
fpr a packago will deny after using. VITAE-ORE nas cured
moro chronic, obstlnnto pronounced Incurable cases than
KnW modioli and will rochsuch cases' with
moro rapid and powerrul curatlvo action than any modi-
nnfto ; V "Z '",.,!' lii,r' "'"'uuncemcnt. wo want no
nnn'g mnns.., -.1 IT,.' -"n.niiriii. y V
Yi inZ """'" Viu-Vro caniot .benefit. You are to bo
son no Ynktfi,l .; Toro raIr? Wnat sensible por-
HanaKJiilPudlMd ho .or ahe may be' who desires
n cure ana is willing to pay for It would hesitate to trv
noin;.ro n this llooral offer? One package is usuaHy bu7
nnli 1 curo ordinary cases; but two or threo for chronic
mentnnanaC wni EWn Just wnat wo " this announce!
ment. and will do just as wo agree. Write today for a nack-
m'M.n0rr,k and Pnse. ving ago and allSSntsf and
to th8 ?libe?a? offenr?ner' 8 W may UnW you aro entitled
My kidneys woro badly affected, my bow
els were out of ordor and my stomach was
In such a bad condition that I could not eat
anything without It almost killing me. I
also had rheumatism and had gono down
irom zm pounu
to 175 pounds. I
had been in this
stato for a yoar,
bat tho first of
Octobor. l'.KO, I
grow worso: my
back and side
piilnod wo so
much I could
hardly go about,
my kldnoys
nctod contlnu
aly duy ft"d
night, us did my
bowolsj tboro
sooi'i od to be o
flro In my stom
ncb.andtti times
the Bufrorintf
was so great It
scorned I could
n l ' v . .nJ
took everything
n..nn1 lrimlS Ji
nuvuit. -.-- -
l 'jM am- -j3 e
I know
patent medicines; some relieved me for
short timo, but nono curod mo. My Per.'"
lasted from two to three weeks, anu
one but a woman can know what I siwtrnc
In February. 1904, I saw tho Vltae-Ore aa
vertlsement and as I could try t" "J.e aL
clno without any risk to mo, I dcc'd,.
aeo what 1' would do and sent for a. paw
ago. It holped me right from tlio staru
I kept on using it and today I am sounu
and well because of It and think t u
grandest thing Con earth. We now use n
for ovory ailment In tho family a"" "f V
ways helps. Too much cannot bo saw 01
Cumby, Texas.
or Jio SiStTmIiib ii 5 hi! u,ntuu M" afterward the gratitude of every living person who desires better health
Sniri 'irn dCfled theed,Ca,' WOr,d and -" with age We careP not for your skepticism, but ask
y y personal investigation, and at our expense, regardless of what ills you have, by sending to us for a package. ADDRriS
B. O. Depf.
Vitae-Ore Bldg.
' -At
iVv-rMa-wj.jafc iMjkOtrljIty,!.
fc-vic. .'.fcC..