The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 03, 1905, Page 15, Image 17

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    k W flB"1 """ J
NOVEMBER 3, 1905' -
The Commoner.
W l- IIW
31 L2 MP
To anyone anywhere.Write
nnd mention tlie Iwok you
want. Jt will gladly send it.
or have Failing Sight, Cataracts, Granulated Lids, 1
Weak anu i;ongestca iiyes, scars, scums or u leers
on the eyes or any other eye disease, write for my
which tells how to aire these eye diseases by a sittt
fle method at your own home. Describes and illus
trates every known eye disease with colored pictures,
tells how to care for the eyes, how to live, bathe, etc.
A book full of information about eyes which should
be in every home, it is
free, write today. JTBaCJI aC
either partially or completely or if you have
head.noiscs, ringing in the ears, discharging ears,
catarrh of the head, nose or throat, or any ear
disease. Write for my
and learn of a new method whereby all afflicted
with Deafness or other car diseases, can cure them
selves at home without visiting a doctor. Most
complete book published and is free to all. Address
DR.W. 0. COFFEE, C55 Century B!dt Des Moines, la.
ti tlftk
Does Wonders For The
Backache, General Weakness, Nervous,
Urinary, Liver and Stomach Troubles.
prevents Origin's Disease Dropsy, Gravel.
3 Remedies Free.
The Papo Mediclno Co. will send by prepaid
mail, to any sufferer, whether man of -woman, n com
plete test coarse oi their three new remedies to
relieve and cure all forma of Kidney. Bladder,
Urinary Dlseasea, Rheumatism and their eom
pliciitlons. No mouey Is wanted Just write and
ten tnom where to Rend tnom. vo wis now.
When Secretary Taft returns from
the Philippines pretty nearly the first
business which ho will find upon I1I3
desk calling for actlori is the need of
calling various courts of inquiry which
It will be necessary to order in re
gard to the testimony given by army
officers in the Taggart divorce case.
Nobody expects, as Kipling has
pointed out in regard to the army
private, that army officers shall bo
"plaster of paris saints." But tho
articles of war themselves require
that the holder of a commission shall
bo a gentleman a"s well as an officer.
Scandal and all that follows scandal
to tho final end of divorce proceed
ings are inevitable wherever men and
women, more or less idle and lacking
moral restraint, are brought together.
But it is not so much the morals
in the evidence in the Taggart case j
which are shocking as the personal
license and unrestrained conduct laid
baro at an army post by the evidence
of officers on both sides. Much was
evidently due to the lamentable fact
that the post where most of this oc
curred had a commanding officer of
whom the best that can be said is
that he was weak, while the worst
charged by a brother officer in a dep
osition at the trial is as bad as can
be alleged by one man against any
But throughout the evidence which
relates to conduct in Porto Rico, in
Chicago, in San Francisco and in the
Philippines, at army, quarters and
army society, has shown a lack of
respect for the ordinary conventions
and propieties of life, such as is in
a sense perfectly well understood by
sensible men worse than actual im
morality. There are cases where It
is, in a true sense, worse to be-vul-gar
and vicious than to bo vicious
The army has been enlarged two and
a half fold in tho last seven years.
Tho corresponding increase in the
number of officers has made it neces
sary to give commissions, to a large
number of men of whom in the nature
of things little could be known and
who knew little themselves of the
restraint required of an officer. Sec
retary Taft can do no greater service
for the morality of the army than by
prompt and vigorous action, which
shows that the secretary of war, at
least, is aware of the code and man
ners, if not of conduct, which must
control officers if an army is to main
tain its discipline and retain the re
spect of the nation it defends, all of
whose citizens desire to believe that
every officer is a gentleman. Phila
delphia Press.
dorsal was nearly four feet. It had
a sharp nose, about two feet long,
as hard aa a -Roman sword, and Its
head was larger than a swordfish.
Daniel McDonald told a Journal man
the story of tho capture. "A weok
ago," he said, "in a dead calm, Dowdy
and I put off in a dory. Wo had
rowed but a short distance from the
ship when wo saw this fish rising,
and as ho reached the surface I put
a harpoon into him. Then I saw that
ho was like no swordfish that ever
lived. He tore around In tho water,
creating enormous waves, and then
dashed at the boat. He hit It a num
ber of times with his body, but his
sword was so short In proportion that
ho waB unable to uso it.
"Then he started to run away. The
lino grow taut, and wo tore through
the water like a torpedo boat. Twen
ty knots we did if wo did one, and
dories aren't made to stand a strain
like that.
"After a while it tried to ease up.
but each time wo pull' 1 taut on tho
rope. This finally tired him out. Ho
was bleeding all the time, and at last,
five hours after wo harpooned him,
he turned over. Then wo started to
pull back to the ship. She was fully
ten miles away, and the monster,
which weighed 1,400 pounds, was not
easy to move, even in tho water. Wo
finally got back, completely tired out.
It was a great victory."
Mr. Edison Says
J want to see a phonoi
graph in every
American home,"
. .ti 'ih .ai " avH
HHW nntr teeaBHBBY
BE SURE to raarf
varv word af
mis great
llmt ji'te Jhree A'ackqg VoHtahis,
.One large course of Formula A. Reconstructs
we broken-up tissue, cleanses all tho pores,
Dunas up and strengthens tho weak and fee
Die kidneys, re-establishing complete, natural,
healthy function.
i , larPe course of Formula B. Strains out of
jne blood anil system uric acid, and other kidney
""son, the cause of Rheumatism. Urine is neutra
iiv1, Mucous, catarrh al accumnlation.passes off
and out Tho Bladder is healed, inflammation
EH 'fntatloa subside Retention, Frequency
Ocdi ly atr nl8ht), painful and all urinary
"'iwuuics are permanently overcome. Gravel
ana srannlar deposits are expelled, the urinary
P W5 ?ro restored to a bdalihy condition.
ti a lar(je course of Formula c-to immedi
v ,Jy nr&st the undermining consequent upon
nn i ?.y D!?eases- Regulates the Liver, Stomach
flplYv 'Sesllon, relaxes constipated Bowels, purl
in, e S nourishes tiBauo, bone, muscle and
qi,.t,- Achea and pains are readily relieved.
' ues tno qoneral system. Infuses life and vigor
G,.irVKry, vital orean and strqnKth all over the
wMe ;ly' There u not one "fftr the whole
Wh L Tjpn afford to leave their remedies uvtried.
Si' Nd'g.. Cincinnati, 0 , telling, whew? to
of the p an,d tixe complete test course of each
SrenftiP10' B an" c wI11 be .forwarded by
jptpua mail without on cent of expense to you,
To an RESPONSIBLE party wo will ship irenulno
Kdlnon plionotrrnph direct from u to your horns ON
rHEE TRIAL. Nodepotlti noKuanuitco. ItcturnaMe
at our oxjienao If you or not OLA I) to keep It or miv.
bio At lowntt cmIi prlcoH In rrmll monthly Imtill
menU j 92.00 A MONTH (or mnro ricconllriK to price
of outfit.) Pay u uotMno until after Irtal at your
home, Bend for our free Kdlaoti dttnlciar
140 Mlclilrwn ATrniiA. Ilrpt. 4t H CMi-trn
If) HJn-Jrt Tho bliTKcnt. hrlfthtont
III TVD JrU ''tN Citorn Wookl y pupc
Highway robbery does not insist
wholly of stopping wayfarers on the
public road. Some or the worst in
stances have happened near legisla
tive halls.
Ever hear the story of the man
who, while walking through tho
fields, came to a nigh stone wall?
"I'll jump it!" ho exclaimed. In order
to get a good start no backed off a
mile, and then ran with all his might
until he reached the wall. But AVhen
he reached it lie was too 'tired to
jump, so he lay down In its shade
and went to sleep. That's the way a
great many of us are about our work.
We spend so much time and effort
getting ready to do something" that
when we get to it we are too tired.
tixlumco. wranil v ewi of
hcc nory, Rtorlcn r udventuro rind full inlnlnjr ro
portn oky. Tnntti year, r-ololy to Intioriiico
tho paper It will bo iwiut 10 wooki on trla for 10c.,
c lib of Mix 6Cc., .2 for f 1. HttuupA taken. 1LMJB
TUATICI) WKKKLY. Denver, Colo.
W t&r fumlih the work and taeh yxi fre, yon work In
tti !caltybr yoti lire. Mml ui your Jlrrii and w will
cxpliin tlitliutinrtf iuiijr,reuteiiii(rr turni acirftrprom
crf-irurFTcrrnr worK,iiMiuijyire
Wrlt minnrm.
lOto OU Mure uiooj far you ii lnp Hm w Tar
lloro hail Cultlo UIU- to u thn to nil t bom.
Wilt for I'rlco Lilt, uttkel rjort, DIiplD(t uh,
i8S Hunters' andTrappers' Gulift
Ufrt tnl (is on tho mihjoct orcr wnttii.
lllurtrtina nil rar Aniwaii. uioia
bound. aXJ nno. l'rlco fi.wi. to ma
nndKitrHhli)perm1. Wrlltody.
AMDKRSCll UKOH. Ilcpt. 6o MlanitupoUa, Mint.
Stufy Jotirnalliita. Money nmdo from thuntnn. Wo
kJiow you how to Kt iicwh, wrlto nn. and BKIjL
NKW . Ki'oh ii ortoralo. KditorH of high standing
on i ur fnciiltr. I.ucrntlvo iwiHitloniiannured by oar
course Our catalog tolls no nw Is gutliMred,
edited and print d bow roporwrs and corrospOB
dent got tbn r start and earn money Til IH UAT-AL-l
J8 MtKK.
72, 116 Dearborn Hi., Clilcugo, 111.
Thresh Your Grain With jJ AVERY and 8ave lt
" Hl TAiM- r7Zmr-BCr 4
Mammoth Catalogue Free to
Threshermen. Write for it.
Fast, Handy
AVERY MFG. CO., 873 Iowa Street, Peoria, Ills.
Eiehteen feet from the tip of his
snout to the tail, the largest fish that
was ever brought into T wharf came
in yesterday on the Ida Silva, sword
fishermen, having been captured after
a fight only equaled by John Boyle
O'Reilly's "fight with the amber
whale." For twelve miles the mons
ter towed a dory containing Everett
Dowdy and Daniel McDonald, who had
harpooned It, thinking it was a sword-J
fish. A score of times it turned and
attacked the boat, a hundred times it
sought the bottom, endeavoring to
pull the frail dory down after it and
only being prevented by the length
of the harpoon rope.
The fish was styled a skillagalee
or large billfish by the authorities on
T wharf, but never before was one
of the species known to grow to half
its size
All day yesterday the animal was
on exhibition at the store of the Glou
cester Fish company In Atlantic ave
nue, and a wondering crowd marveled
it its proportions. Its tail measured
six feet when ' extended, its side fin
was nearly two feet long and its huge
A btnvfld ffT bj AsuriM'f mttwt sull order wUk bout, tfc M mUIBiU-1 M m1UU
K. Z. ChtliMti k 0. n Oiler t fkU pfr wlH It 11 jvt tha u Sxrwikl; r0lti.
Tbtlxit, tundtomtiv nd tuott perfect cou1b American
It kr old plated watch ever offered for mU at any
price. Doable hunting case, rich tolld cold patters of o
CTiTing, auorted deilrnt. Fitted with the very Ut eeven
Jeweled American movement on the market, Hem wind
and item et. accurate to the aecond and abaolotelr tuar
anUed to keep perfect time for 20 YtARU. rati
tlielr therreaUitbarralnontbefaceof the rth.
to 01 with your name, pott office and expreti office
sddretaand we will tend the watch to your eiprttt
office for examination. Too examine It at your ex-
preta office and If aa represented nay expreit arenl
oar barraln aale crlee 10 and expreei charref
and It If youra. lie ture to mention In your letter
when orderlnr whether you want a Ladles' Watch or
a UrBllrnaa'a Walcb, we have It In both slxce, and
ordar to-dav aa this will not aonetr acaln. Address
Jf. . OHALMiUH it CO., 850 Heather bU, OHIO AGO,
tmC akw4aflafSlT9
m nKrBUtmmtMjf 'J'UB
Get This Gold Pair
Listen I I now have thousands of letters of appreciation, from
anectacle wearers all over tho -world, thanking rno for jlw per
fect sight they enjoy with my spectacles. Mowlwmnt YOUR
testimonial x so and this Is what I intend to do to get it.
JUSI wriH UlU uuu x irui """ J"rL"i - 7 -wr,. i r
Tester, frco. Then when you return mo tno jfyp'iesicrwHaypnr t
I will nend youa coraplcto flvodollar family Bctof my famous' Perfect
Vision" pecuu:ie ioruuiy i iwuitu ia .. ...Dw. . z r-''
and this will include a pair of mv handsome Boiled Gold fipcctaclea absp-fffiyVofeharge.
tnese famous "i'tsricuu miuu Dutui-itojuu ..... i.w , ,r-
print iust as easy as you ever did in your life, and I will return you your dollar
willincly if you yourself don't find them to bo. the finest you have ever
w2 ."uri" Z anv-nrr Bond formvfree Eve Tester today. Address:
aBBBBBBBB 1 1 W - flal
BBBHK7llr i ZS
. rfi..- .rf-
?iw k,
' r'