""fyflHMS " TP? T"' ''", "'VT iiuyHW,"MTp-T- v 4 12 The Commoner. . VOLUME 5, NUMBER 33 VAGRANT THOUGHTS ON A VARI ETY OF THINGS Tho season of year is at hand when people . begin wondering what they will do to pass away tho long wintor evenings. Ana this reminds us that wo have lost a wliolo lot while gaining a few things by reason of modern conveniences and "improve ments." City people are enervated by stoam and furnace heat. They are bored to death with operas and dramas and dinners and receptions. Thoy go to bod m warm rooms, get un in tho mornlnc and dress in warm rooms, force themselves to eat a few "jerked" corn, and higher and higher grows tho pilo of glistening ears. Tho barn rings witn happy snouts, and when the winning side shucks the last ear of corn and it is held triumphantly aloft, what a glorloiu moment it is! Talk about good management! That last ear is shucked just in time for tho announcement: "Come in folks an' have a bite to oat!" A l)lte to eat, indeed! There is enough on that table to feed a regi ment. None of your French fixings and things made out or sweetened wind. Not much. Mary Ann! Tho bites and then ride down town to "' J T, It 1 , L T, w work in stuffy street cars wherein i g ub ? 1thatMJabl is t?e k1ind that ,,. ..i.. , ,-., ,. At. n : puts fat on your ribs and makes your blood run richer. the air is poisoned by the breath of scores of other 'equally fagged out fellow mortalB. And that is what wo call "modern conveniences." In .the evening tho city man goes home, eats a littlo dinner and then begins dressing for somo social func tion where he stands around doing nothing for four or Ave hours, wind ing up 'with a four course lunch that he doesn't want and which gives him a fit of indigestion and a headache all next day. That is what we call "society." Talk about "social functions!" How would you like to get back to the old days before tho advent of steam heat and incandescent lights and en joy one of those old-fashioned "corn shuckin's" or "taffy pulls" like we used to have in the country? There was no danger of indigestion in those days. No danger of being bored to death. Instead of lookinc forward to Wait just a minute. All be quiet now, please. "Brother Simmons, will you please ask the blessing?" And as the good old preacher bows his head above the banquet board every head is bowed in unison, while tho preacher voices the thanks of every one for the Dounties afforded by the Almighty. It is a full minute after he says "amen" before there is anything doing. And then the fun begins again. Mrs. Farmer and two or three neighbors who have volun teered fly hither and thither in an effort to keep up with the appetites of a score of hungry people who never knew what dyspepsia meant. It is really wonderful what a lot of food a fellow can stow away on an occa sion of that kind. When the "bite to eat" is over the men folks walk around and smoke and talk nnHHnq twllfTo flin -mnman M.- H 1 l-!t i. .,.. . . I .. - 1,"u IIUIUVU mo uurn smicKin wun ureaa you are "redding up the dinin' room " lost sleep, thinking about the good and washing the dishes. In half an time you wore going to have. And i hour everything is ready and the men instead of civine it to nav "social oh- nrn nniwi inMr r w w r- i - -v vwivu lvil AU it takes tho young folks longer to get started than it does the old jtalks. Funny, isn't it? And then tho drive home in the crisp winter air and beneath tho brilliance of the stars. None of your "what a dreadful boro," like it so often happens in the city. You never yawn on the way homo from a "corn shuckin'." Not much! And then to bed in a cold room. Ugh! Gee, ain't it cold! But insido of ten minutes you are sound asleep, and it seems only a brief minute ere you hear the call to breakfast. - And breakfast! None of your mushy "breakfast foods," I tell you. Well, I guess not! Fried ham and eggs, hot biscuits and honey, coffee that would float a wedge and plenty of all of them. Now where are your "society func tions?" Wouldn't you give a whole winter of them, you city man, if you could hark back about thirty years and spend just one more night in the old time and take in a "corn shuckin' " in the old country neighborhood where you lived when a boy? ligations" Mr. and Mrs. Farmer were giving it because they wanted to have a good time with their neighbors. Having determined to give a "shuckin"' Mr. and Mrs. Farmer be gan their preparations. Mr. Farmer and his boys and hired men went out into the corn fields and "jerked" eight or ten wagon loads of cor. The corn, shucks ana all. was thrown in on the barn floor and divided into two equal piles. "Clap in and clap out."" "forfeits." "tableaux," "take home what you borrowed," "postofllce"- O, yum! yum! Talk about your progressive euchre and crokinole and duplicate whist! They are not to be mentioned in the same day 'with those old coun--try games. Dance! Not a bit of it that is, not very often. Once m a while there would be dancing, but as a rule it was rather frowned upon. But they would play "Weevily wneat," and that was anout as good. And then there rlt T- m -i ii -.... wi uau luciterv withmif- Tn tllfi monniirlitln J TVTve TT'o r tv urn o Vnlrfnn ... i- 1. WaS ...no. runnel u.o UttlViUtj UJJ il a LOU It , , , ""um or golden pumpkin and rich miuco aLiaiUlus your conscience a bit you pies. A genuine country ham wa8,coulu a11 Jln in singing that old boiled. The finest jars of home made fruit were selected and put within anciir .icirl Tim ..t. 1. -. renovated from top to bottom, and,ut as long as !t wasn't a fiddle the carpet was taken up in tho big an organ t wasn't dancing. E dining room. Everybody in the neigh borhood was invited. When the guests arrived there was laughing and shouting and merrymaking until the two captahiB were selected. Then the captains chose up sides and the "shuckin"' began. Of course every time vou fnnmi n red oar of corn you could kiss the song and marchine: through -wimf would be a regular cotillion if only a viuuu was iurnisning the music. or TTJtron the good old preacher admitted that mucn. "Salces alive! Whv It's nmriv -i o'clock!" exclaims Mrs. Brown. O, don't be in a hurrvr fhni- iir always was fast," says Mrs. Farmer. iiut midnight la awfully late in the fHrl nnroRf frt T? n iZ "n I ITiT. .i' ,"". """"., you City VUI uu 1L iiuiu.iuiH. wno uon-t get started until 1030 us to insinuate that any girl ever!nnd are only fairly awake at mid surreptitiously smuggled red ears of .night. wau at mm C0Zn in! he )arn an(L put them Theu ttere is the scurrying for where "ho" could tod them. Who' wraps and hats. Amidst laughter and could think of such a thing? Wouldn't shoutings the young folks manaL to Sm W HUe ,a WilU Cat when gravitat0 towards ole door wldll the "he" did find a red ear and claimed nii fniira ...,, " .,:' JLe ' U16 n.ir)OD o w ',.,o9 aj ,rr. "" 0.mvu,0 luWttlUM unomer. n nioa o inn icnuiui auu WUIimUl she emerge from tho scrimmage with disheveled hair and a rosy face and exclaim: "You mean thing?" And then there was the old "taffy pull." Don't think about it when you crawl into your swallowtail coat and prepare to go over to Mr. and Mrs. De Mons' "progressive card party." If you do you'll be bored worse than ever. Why, one of those old-fashioned "taffy pulls" was better than a whole season of receptions and routs and operas and balls. The finest choco lates ever compounded by skilled confectioners never tasted one-half so good as the yellow candy they used to make out of home made sorghum molasses. Honest now; isn't that right? Remember the time Sarah Smiley put the taffy in Riley Wilson's chair? Gee, but wasn't Riley mad! It came mighty near breaking off the engage ment, too. But v they made up the next week when they had the "corn shuckin' " over at Dumphies place, and the wedding Christmas week was tlie biggest affair ever known in the neighborhood. My, how that taffy used to stick to your hands. It took all the butter and flour Mrs. MeeKs had to make it behave. It's easy enough to pull taffy when your hands are white and smooth, but when they are cracked all up with corn shucking or dish washing It's a different thing. "Hi, Sue Harris; I'll bet my taffy is whiter'n yours!" "I just bet it ain't John Hiclcs!" And then they compare. Fomehow the light isn't good in that section of the room, so they Iook around for a better vantage ground. B-o tho comparison is successfully , .Je they are outside the kitchen door, and a minute later when they re-enter Sue's face is as red as peony and John knows who is going to ride on the left side of his buggy seat when the company breaks up. We never yet saw the young man wlio could pull his taffy as white as the girls could theirs. trv dava. Mnllv "noini, -i little organ and everybody ? What wouldn't you give m6 "Coronation" or "Antioch" 0rS wo gather at the river" bude SS they used to sing 'em in that lltffi country church about thirty or thir I five years ago? uy And the sermon, too. None of your polished essays on sociology ven I guess not! Ono of those genuine old "Christ and Him crucified" sermona that convicted the sinner of sin and convinced him of the great love of tho Father who gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believed nn wu wt 1 W4 Ti rrs 1 tP niAH a fiUilfeUI- uuvo lllV UlttlUUi. wow we think that tho preacher who talks over thirty minutes is an awful bore. Then we thought tho preacher wasn't doing nls duty If ho didn't talk an hour and a half. "Father, are you going to use the buggy tonight?" "I don't know, John; why?" "Well, I was just thinkin' that it you could use the wagon I'd like to use the buggy myself this evening." "T guess we can fix it all right, John." And then father winked at mother and John blushed and hurried out to dust off the worn old cushion and put fresh grease on the old wheels. "Bill" and "Buck" never got such a curry" (Continued on Pago 15) queries Mr. "Where is Bettv? Jones. "O, never mind me, pa. I'll get home," cries Bettv. hhisliinn- fin.imiaiw And as Bettv blushes Dan Bowman Lower and lower grows the pile of , grins sheepishly. Somehow orther "Mrs. Gotrox going to hold her swell reception this evening? O, confound the luck! Just as I was getting the old pipe to going good and dreaming about the old days, too!" And what you think about re ceptions and balls and all that sort of city business just at that moment wouldn't look well in print, would it? And Sunday, too, In the country. Going to church in the country is a whole lot different from going to church in the city, isn't it? You city people go in a perfunctory manner. You sit in a cushioned pew and you listen to a paid quartet singing an anthem you don't understand while the pipe organist Is cutting more shines than a circus acrobat. It wasn't that way in.the old coun- jrn- "mjtf . .'VMT,E,i-r.. m i i wi .. ! it ! essssyzyssAiiSKm 2y.&' ' iiii .Sic."' "...r,) The House that Heath built Two years ago Alexander Heath, of Boston, determined that there should be more subscribers for The Saturday Evening Post in that city and its suburbs than in any city in the country. He wanted to build a new home and determined that ThePobt should pay for it. Both results have been accomplished. Here is die home paid for entirely through work for that magazine. What he accomplished you can duplicate. The publishers are ready to announce one of the greatest offers ever made for work tor Thk Ladies Home Journal and 1i Satubway EvENiNa Post. In addition to a liberal payment for every subscription or renewal secured $42,000 will be given to 2700 Persons tbu winter and spring a V cach.0"k' just as an xtra inccntwc to good wow N experience necessary; no expense velvcd. Write for full details. The Curtis Publbhing Company ni Arch Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ' I -. j mv JCjhwjj'j