L The Commoner. 8 iVOIitlME NUMBER K h '! h; w h. I NEBRASKA DEMOCRATS ENDORSE PRIMARY PLEDGE The Nebraska Democratic State ' Convention In session at Lincoln, September 20, unanimously adopted the following resolution: "We heartily approve of the primary pledge plan as suggested by W. J. Bryan and urge every democrat In Nebraska to formally make the promise to attend all primaries of the party be tween now and the next democratic convention, unless unavoidably prevented and to use his influence to secure a clear, honest and straight forward declaration of the party's position on every question upon which the voters of the party may desire to speak." Every Commoner reader who lias not exerted some effort for the primary pledge Is asked to lend a hand. Even though you make it a prac tice to attend primaries, don't withhold your pledge. By signing you will set a good example for your careless neighbor. This is not to be the work of a day nor of several days. It is to be the work of months and of years. The field is a large one and to cover it time and effort will be required, but if democrats co-operate the desired result will he accomplished. Those de siring to be enrolled can either write to The Commoner approving tho object of the organiza tion and asking to have their names entered on the roll, or they can fill out and mail the blank pledge, which is printed on this page. Extracts from letters received at The Com moner office follow: Oscar T. English, Taylorsville, Ky. I enclose primary pledge signed by 140 democrats. J. A. Hutchings, Charlestown,, Ind. I am with you in the primary pledge plan.' Have been with you in three campaigns, and ready to fight again and (may God forbid) il' needs be, fighting for ' 'the- right tofalr 'again. Jerome Dudding, Winfield, W. Va. I have al ready secured many signers to the primary pledge and will soon send in the same. I am in this work of organization, heart, soul and body. James Maupin, Madison, Mo. I enclose you 28 signatures to the primary pledge. S. S. Clavenger, Centerville, Ind. I send you a list of 20 pledges duly signed. I sent you my own pledge some time ago. I am heartily in sym pathy with your plan of organizing the demo cratic party. Long may The Commoner and its editor live to battle for the right. May God bless and guide your labors of reform. B. B. Barnes, Covington, Tenn. My first vote was cast in Kentucky in 1899 and for William Goebel for governor. My second was in 1900 for the then nominee for president. I heartily en dorse the democratic movement known as the pri mary pledge plan. Clayton. Frush, Pleasantville, la. Enclosed find primary pledge, signed. A. De Long, Haines, Oregon. Enclosed find primary pledge. I believe in it with heart and soul. I am a Hollander and a democrat. Wade Spear, Oklahoma City, Okla. Enclosed find 16 signatures to the primary pledge. N. C. Crockett, Danner, Texas. I send you six signatures to the primary pledge. Wesley P. Hutler, Nescopeck, Pa. I send you 31 signatures to the primary pledge. Daniel Brummett, Hughesville, Mo. En closed pleasefind ten "primary pledges, signed by loyal democrats all, of course, anxious for good government. Will send in more as soon as I have - a chance to get them. W. D. Barnes, Seymour, Ind. You already have my name recorded and my hearty approval, of the primary pledge plan. Please find enclosed list of 35 names who are among our best citi zens. In soliciting for the enclosed names to the pledge, I found a small per cent of true demo crats who claimed they could not see tho feasi bility or necessity of signing such a pledge, but this is to be expected in all localities. On with the good work, and may your efforts be crowned with abundant success. Enclosed please find P. O. order in payment for eight new subscriptions to Thd Commoner. James E. Fortney, Randall, W. Va. Please find enclosed the primary pledge, duly signed. I heartily 'endorse this plan of getting a fair and honest expression of the people as to who shall make and execute our laws. There is no demo cratic opportunity unless there Is a democratic party to meet it. To be democratic it must bo democratic in principle, democratic in purpose, and democratic in its acts, and have democratic leaders at the head, and not corporation lawyers and railroad directors. When it compromises its principles, when it appeals to special interests, when it contemplates the betrayal of the people, it ceases to be democratic and invites its own destruction. Unless the democratic party shall rid itself of the men who are now using it as a personal convenience; unless it shall purge and rehabilitate itself, its days of usefulness will have ended, and its utter extinction will follow as sure ly as decomposition follows death. James A. Bradshaw, E. Lyon, W. Va. I shall do all that I can to bring about a perfect system of organization in our party. Send me a few copies of The Commoner and any other matter that will be of interest. John C. Wilson, McDonald, Pa. Although my work is nearly all away from home, I will take time to vote at elections and also primaries if possible. That the democratic ,party is right on every issue is evidenced by honest and progres sive republicans adopting the democratic position on every live question. Yours for untainted de mocracy. S. D. Neale, N. P., Eubanks, Ky. Please find enclosed a list of 93 democratic supporters for this precinct. I have been over the precinct and this list voices their sentiments; they will sup port the nominee and pledge themselves to stick to the party. Alexander Law, New York City. Enclosed you will find 36 names signed to primary pledge. With the Increasing rents the landlords are con tinually exacting, making it harder and in some cases almost impossible for the, poorest of our population to live at all, you" must appreciate there are growing up questions that some party must face in the near future far more important than the money, public ownership or any other now before the people. The primary right of all to live without paying some one for the privilege must necessarily take precedence of all other questions. It has been stated on good authority that 70,000 children, in this city go to school with out breakfast, or inadequately fed, thereby stunt ed in mind and body. The future citizens of this country with all the possibilities they represent are woefully handicapped that a few rich men have the funds to ape the manners and style of living of the brainless aristocrats our forefathers fought against in the heroic days of '76. While I believe in both public ownership and more mon ey in circulation, I fall to see how either will benefit the masses of our people while those who claim to own what the Creator gives free to all the land are in a position to raise the rents and thereby appropriate to their own use what of right belongs to the community, for it must be recognized it is the concentration of population and their labor that makes land valuable. The single tax on land values' is a remedy, and if we are as we claim to be, democrats, let us face the question and, in the language of Thomas Jef ferson, see that all men enjoy their inalienable right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happi ness," by recognizing that what God eavn , till uiuov uc iUl I.IXX3 ucucui, UJ. till. F. M. Whittaker, Covington, Pa -Find closed my primary pledge. Pleaso send m- w blank pledges, as I think there will bo no trcUi in securing that number of signers and more ? the party in this county is always loval to tS principles of true democracy. 9 Henry N. Stephens, Willapa, Washington-. Please find enclosed my pledge cut from The Commoner, the best paper printed today or ever before. I have voted the democratic ticket for fifty years and worked for tho party during all that time, so you may Imow it costs mo no great effort to sign enclosed pledge. Your paper is the only one I read completely through each week but I do read The Commoner and endorse every word I find in it. I do not believe that anv paper ever published or any book ever published has done as much for good government and to relieve the masses as The Commoner is doing every weeK. i am vo years oia and not able to get out and work for The Commoner or 1 would certainly do so. F. H. Claypool, Humansville, Mo. Enclosed find list of 33 names who desire to be enrolled as working democrats. The list includes leading farmers and business men of this vicinity. All realize that the primary pledge is the right thing in. the right place. It inspires perfect confidence with the party. A. B. Gallaway, Seymour, Mo. Having been a constant reader of The Commoner since its first publication I take pleasure in expressing my sentiments in regard to its value as an educating medium to young men along political .lines. I have found it to be a source of invaluable inform ation to men not only in informing me politically but teaching me the moral in the questions it so ably discusses. A great many newspapers discuss political questions from the standpoint of "will it pay?" but I find that The Commoner discusses them from the highly moral standpoint of "is it right t" I am only 18 years of age, but take an active interest in politics. Wishing great success to The Commoner and its editor. H. K. Shanklin, Viola, la. Enclosed you will find primary pledge with fifteen democratic sig natures. Although the democracy of Iowa is greatly in the minority, yet we have cause to hope for brighter days, as witness the election of a democratic governor on the republican ticket. It is gratifying to all true democrats to note tho success you are meeting with in your effort to bring the party "back to the people," and may success continue to crown your efforts until vic tory shall perch upon our banner in 1908, and tho cause of the common people be vindicated. Dr. J. Martin, Little Falls, Minn. I enclose primary pledges of 28 good and true democrats who believe in the principles laid down by one of our greatest statesmen, who said "it is proper we should understand the principles of govern ment." What were the principles of government laid down by this wise man? "Equal and exact justice to all men of whatever position religious or political." Fly from the fluttering folds of our flag that sentiment, and the ground on which wo march will always be strong and firm. rSAS THE PRIMARY PLEDGE I promise to attend all the primaries of my party to "be held between now and the next Democratic National Convention, unless unavoidably prevented, and to use my influence to secure a clear, honest and straightforward declaration of the party 8 position on every question upon which the voters of the party desire to speak. uj-, Street. Signed. Postoffice. State. County. Voting precinct or ward. .1.- ., t3T Fill out Blanks arid mail to Commoner Office, Lincoln Nebraska. ;-,J .jnUlftprAi ,rr. tf&Krri - V.-.W -I - c - -i , r'afflJM;d