The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, September 29, 1905, Page 16, Image 16

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    The Commoner.
You Can Drink
three tiniea a day from a
spring more powerful
than any known In Eu
rope and America If you
want to; you can drink
glass aftor glass of heal
ing, purifying, cleansing,
curing, strengthening
tonic waters; stronger,
more powerful, more ef
ficient than any the rich
and great can get from
tho live flowing springs
and wells at Bath, Ba
den, Carlsbad, Saratoga,
Mt. Clemons, French
Lick. Hot Springs, Whito
Sulphur Springs, or any
of the well-known places
where tho rich get health
and strength, and you
need not step outside of
your door to do It, need
not cull a doctor to pre
scribe it, need not put up
a penny to get it.
If You Are Sick
and ailing, weak, doblli
tatcd, worn-out, feeble,
if the organs of your
body aro not working
rightly, in proper har
mony, If your mind is
not strong and clear be
cause of bodily ill health,
if your food does not feed
you, if your sleep does
not rest you, if your
blood docs not strength
en and sustain you, you
oan have the advantage
of a mineral spring con
densed and concentrated,
every glass of which Is
equal to 53 glasses of tho
waters of tho most pow
erful healing mineral
spring of which man
knows, every glassful of
which will help set you
right, make you hearty
and whole, and you can
have it brought, ready to
your hand and lips, right
to your chamber door.
Vlt-Or Is All This
and will do all this. It
is an Oro, a mineral, from
a mine of medicine-bearing
rock, that has been
ground up and pulverized
into a flno powder. You
have only to mix the Oro
with water (nothing else)
to mako tho wator that
is all this, that will do
all this, that will do it as
surely as the sun rises
ovory morning in tho
eastern sky and sets In
the western. It is from
the earth's veins, and
was put there for tho
good of your veins, to
givo t6 your body those
elements which in ill
health aro lacking, to
mako rich, red blood, to
make health, strength,
life and energy what
God intended that every
man and woman should
You oan hvPckg
of this Oro for tho ask
ing. It will not cost you
one penny if it does not
help you. If it does help
you, you will then owe
us One Dollar. If it does
not help you, you will
owo us nothing. You
have but to ask for It,
to say that you b.ave
never before used It,
that you want and need
it, and a packago will be
sent to you, enough to
make 120 glasses of this
all-powerful, all-pervading,
all-reaching, all-curing,
all-healing water.
You are to judge it; you
aro to decide whether or
not it has helped you,
whether or not you
should pay for it. You
alone are to bo tho judge.
Read our special offer.
Readers of this paper a full
sized $1.00 package of VITAE
ORE by mail, postpaid, suf-
i . , ... ,.,,... , . . ficient for one month's treat
ment, to be paid for within thirty days' time after receipt, if tho receiver can
truthfully say that its use has done him or her more good than all the drugs and
doses of quacks or good doctors or patent medicines he or she has over used.
Road this over again carefully, and understand 'that we ask our pay only when it
has done you good, and not before If not. no money is wanted! WE TAKE ALL
TJIM RISK, YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE. If it does not benefit you. yolfpay
us nothing. Wo ask no references, wo want no security; just your promise to
use il and pay if it helps you. Just say that you need it, you want it and it
will bo sont to you, as it has been sent to hundreds of othor readers of this
paper. We want you to have it, and gladly send it, taking your word for tho
i (Pults obtained. There Is nothing to pay, neither now nor later, if It does not help
you. Wo give you thirty days' time to try tho medicine, thirty days to see tho
results before you pay us one cent, and you do not pay the one cent unless you
JilffiiiSPfilf-fhS1? AwE ,TO B? TJIE JUDGE! Wo know Vitae-Ore and
are willing to take the risk. We have done so in thousands of cases and aro not
sorry. Your case, no matter how hard or obstinate it may be, will be no ex-
,ylHl0;0re Is,a natural, hard, adamantine, rock-like substance mineral ORE
iTrrSW.'iV0 BMmnd Ike gold and silver In the neighborhood of a once
nnWtM J UfA Viu n?t extinct m neral spring. It requires years for oxidation by ex
posure to the air, when It slacks down like lime and is then of medicinal valuo.
It contains free iron, free sulphur and free magnesium, three properties which
arc most essential for the retention of health1 in tho human system, and ono
P....nv vw.v. vulv, vi iiiv uttiy, wiiuu nuxeci wiui a quart of wator, will equal
Sofl." 7 strength and curative value 800 gallons of the most powerful mineral
?ini n 0V ml on, thc SI(2i!e' lmP& frosJl at th0 springs. Tho mineral properties which
8? vo to tho waters of the world's noted healinir and minora.! mirim-n n,nir
virtue come from tho rock or
MINTTiRAri rj'RTT' tlifMlrrli ,., 1,41, 4-Un ..rr.- t 1U ,1
-. ...,. . jt ..i-i.i. i "" miiubii trillion, uu, vuiim la uiiuicu
h, rtw iwvi "ot,i iiViX smal1 Proportion of the medicinal power in
S?0-RFeinB u1 assimilated with or absorbed by the liquid stream. Tho rock
contains the much desired medicine, the wator serves as the conveyance to carry
but a small part of Its properties to the outer world. Vitao-Ore Is a discovery
of this medicine-bearing rock, a geological discovery, to which nothing is added
and from which nothing. is taken. It is the marvel of the century for curing
disease, as thousands testify, and as no ono will deny after using. VITAE-ORE
has cured more chronic, obstinate, pronounced incurable cases than any other
known medicine and will reach such cases with a more rapid and powerful cura
tive action than any medicine, combination of medicines, or doctor's prescription
which It is possible to procure. If you rs is such a case, do not doubt, do not
fear, do not hesitate, but SEND FOR IT TODAY1
Bright's Disease and
Diabetes La Grippe
Blood Poisoning
Sores, Ulcers
Malarial Fevers
Nervous Prostration
and Anaemia
Liver, Kidney and
Bladder Troubles
Catarrh of Any Part
Female Complaints
Stomach and Bowel
General Debility
will do the samo for you
as it has done for hun
dreds of readers of this
paper if you will give it a
trial. Send for a $1.00
package at our risk. You
have nothing to lose but
tho stamp to answer this
advertisement. Wo want
no one's money whom
Vltae-Oro cannot boneflt.
You are to be the judge!
Can anything bo more
fair? What sonslble per
son, no matter how preju
diced he or she may bo,
who desires a euro and
is willing to pay for it,
would hesitate to try
Vltae-Oro on this llboral
offer? Ono packago Is
usually suillclont to euro
ordinary cases; two or
three for chronic, obsti
nate cases. We mean
just what we say in this
announcement, and will
do just as wo agree.
Write today for a pack
age at our risk and ex
pense, giving your age
and ailments, and men
tion . this paper, so that
we may know that you
aro ontltled to this liberal
How Vitae-Ore Cures Rheumatism
l Rheumatism is a deep-seated, dangerous disease, caused by the absorption
into tho blood of effete refuse matter, which should be carried out of the system
through the proper channels. The poison soon destroys tho purity of tho blood and
as it circulates through tho body the acid particles that are thrown off penetrate
the nerves, muscles, membranes and even tho bones.
In Acuto Articular Rheumatism, the affection usually commences suddenly;
sometimes pain or soreness in tho joints precedes tho disclosure of the disease.
Tho joints become swollen, particularly those of tho knee, ankle, wrist, elbow and
tho smaller joints of the hands and feet. Acuto rheumatism is always identified with
more or less feverish condition and profuse perspiration, especially at night, same be
ing strongly acid, showing the system is attempting to throw off tho poisonous parti
cles. Chronic Rheumatism is the samo as the acute form, but milder and less
extended; though strange to say, more persistent and difficult to cure.
Muscular Rheumatism also exists under two forms, acute and chronic, the
latter as in Articular Rheumatism, not sq violont in attack but pitiless in its hold
on the system. In tho acute form, there is first a dull pain in the muscles, which
gradually increases, growing almost unbearably violent in movomonts which re
quire tho contraction ol the muscles. In the chronic form, pain is excited only when
the affected muscles are contracted with unusual force, and is more apt to
change Its location than In the acuto form. l
With the blood In an unhealthy condition, exposure ' to cold, combined with
ffftim?6114 airr sudden changes in tho weather, sleeping between damp
shpets, sitting in a cold, damp room, especially whenheated from exorcise, or an
acuto attack of indigestion is sufilclont to bring on an attack of Rheumatism
In those who havo never before experienced this difficulty, and cause violent
attacks in those who are subject to It. l "-";
Aii,yiitao"i0,cures enitlsm, even in chronic, diagnosed as incurable cases
Alkalies and tho remedies that are almost invariably prescribed, fail to euro be
cause they weaken tho digestion, Irritating tho delicate lining of the stomaoli
thus impairing instead of building up tho system. Vltae-Oro, being a powerful
blood purifier, soon brings about a completo and radical chance in L nimn
tion. It is absorbed into the "blood neu trailing the Sold I secret ons.'rendoring
hhuemJltMml?,s? for,?Vi,V an Gradually eliminates them from tho system. Under
Its uso tho thin acid blood is made pure and rich and as it is carrlwi thmiii Sfi
body nourishes and soothes the irritated nerve tissues cools the hot SrShbinS
muscles, dissolves the hard, calcareous matter that has collected lS the' In !n F nSfc
It passes out of tho system Cures with Vltae-Oro are permanent ant? lasting In
severe cases crutches are often thrown away, novor to bo uaml nmin it iI&JS
su?oba0nd cor?nrf0t " it8 & &W$ tto lto
Vitae-Ore saved my life, in curing mo
of Bright's Disease, which had battled the
doctors' skill. Ono doctor said: 'You
have Bright's Disease bad, and VERY
BAD, too bad to hope for a cure." An
other said: "I might give you medicine
until doomsday and yet I could not cure
I concluded at this time that as long as
their medicine could not cure me I want-
b- .
ed no more of it and resigned myself to
what looked to mo to bo tho in11"1'"-.
My hopes of a possible cure woro i gam
raised by reading a Vitae-Ore advi . tibe
ment and seeing mont oned theieln io
testimony of a person who had been ouie j
of Bright's Disease and whose condlt on
at the tlmo of his treatment seemed sun
ilar to mine. I procured a pckn&Vme
began its use. Tho first packago put mo
right on my feot and back to my wo k.
I kept It up, with tho result that I J
entirely cured. Doctors who have Jul
examined mo say: "You have no lc Ulmj
trouble whatever. Your kidneys aie
right " t
Vitao-Ore has done all this for me. J
am well and working at G5 years and ovu
it to this remedy and tho world l
what I know of It. I send two p hov
an old one taken whon I thought l
going to die, and another just ,
ihort tlmo ago, They toll their
story. 'M. M. AMMIDOWW
South Pramlngham, Mu
OT A PFMIUV II fVIB C- c r" T h .- . - ,- r "
w . w Mi U IL I V V B U W -Mfe. fc - " lbaa P H BU II
-m JKKfMffi SSmSSllSSfiS 0"tlo.n.-? ftS terward tho uratltudo of overv living , ,i,n S wJ?L.iVi. 'J... JZ nnlt. Ills and d e es
Ills you may havo. bycndln,' to iw for vl SoWaRC ADDRESS Ur0 yUr slteptIclsm- buL ask only your personal investigation, and at our expense, regardless of "