The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, September 29, 1905, Page 13, Image 13

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    """" m mgP-"i"lliJ"l,T"ww1?W
SEPTEMBER 29, 1905
& Want MORE Salesmen Wt I Weekly
OIBIIW liuinfclj, wiuuianitiiuKl uuixiliwni
JjIVK Salesmen moko tf0 wook nnd bettor Belling
Tinted Loud. Wiito quick; outllt free. Merck
Whlto Lead Co., St. Louis, Mo.
ndvortlsn nnd dlstrlouto suinplu?. Salary $18 per
week. $3.WJ per day for expenses. Also several
ladies to do demonstrating. Kuhlman Co., Dopt.
A5, Atlas Blk.. Chicago.
I niL.Ul "tuulluuasto patentability.
Rend for Guldo Book and What to Invent. Finest
Publication Issued forFltKK Distribution. Patonts
Koctirod by us Advertised at our Expense. Evans,
WHkons & Co., G15 P St., Washington, 1). C.
Urooks' Appliance. New
discovery. Wonderful. No
obnoxious springs or padu.
Automatic Air Cushions.
Binds and draws the broken
parts together as you would
a broken limb. No salves.
No lymplioliNolles. Dtir
nhlc.cucap. rat.Bcpt.lO.'Ol.
Published at Louisville, Ky.
One of the largest, most Imluentlal and
substantial agricultural papers published
In the south-central states. Sixteen to
twenty-four pages weekly. Subscription
price ono dollar per year.
SPECIAL OFFER: For a limited tlmo
only we can make readers of The Com
moner a special clubbing price of $1.25
for both papers for one year. Send all
orders to The Commoner. Lincoln, Neb.
Published Monthly
The leading horticultural and family
Magazine In America.
The best writers on flowers, fruits,
gardens, poultry, nature, children, house
hold and stories.
A high grade monthly publication that
will bo welcomed to every home.
Regular subscription price 50c a year.
By special arrangements, for a short time
only, wo will send VICK'S FAMILY MAG
AZINE and The Commoner, both ono
year for ono dollar. Send all orders to
The Commoner, Lincoln, Neb.
John G. Wooley, Editor
A Journal for all who are Interested
in the temperance movoment. Published
weekly. News, Investigation, Informa
tion, Inspiration, and Politics. Sixteen
pages every week, sometimes more. It Is
a national and international bureau of
Information on all subjects relating to the
liquor traffic. Subscription price ono dol
lar per year.
Readers of Tho Commoner who are not
now subscribers to THE NEW VOICE
may take advantage of our special club
bing rate of $1.45 for both papers one
year. This offer Is not good for renewals
Send all orders to Tho Commoner, Lin
coln, Nebr.
If you would have an) use for heavy
or medium weight all wool Suit, Over
coat or UUter, then DON'T BUY ELSE
MlllanUAIllUIJ JJilbUUUUDt CfcUJ l.wu-
stancea, until you cut UiU advertisement
kout and mall ft to us. You will then re
rcelre by return mall free, postpaid, the
Grandest Clothing Offer ever heard of.
"Xou will get FREE a big book of cloth
samples of Men's Clothing, TREE an ex
tra quality cloth tape measure (yard
measure), FREE a book of Latest Fash
ions, descriptions and Illustrations of all
kinds of clothing for men. Wo will ex
ulaln why we can sell at prices so much
lower than were ever beforo known, a
mere fraction of what others charge.
Wo will explain our simple rules so you
can take your own measure and how we
guarantee a perfect fit. You will get
our Free Trial Offer, our Pay After Re
ceived Proposition. With the froe out
fit goes a special sample order blank for
ordering, return envelopes, etc.
You enn got a whole Suit, an extra pair
.t?0?6 ONE-HALF what some Chicago tailors would
?".lnle P,' ' panU. The offeryou will
SinthI-Laiton,5?1 ttnd Please you. Prices on the best
ciptnos made reduced to next to nothing compared with
ui v!ou.hilJ.ebeonPJrlnK DON'T BUY CLOTHES un
o-i-i.2cuJth,8ad' ont andsond to us. and see what you
y.Jltur" ran ". POSTPAID. Address,
The Commoner.
- ' '. 77 j -irrri v ?Nai
- i yv "w j m m i i j -r ir vzn w
L. sis IV C-:
.... 1 - - 1 1. I
George Schneider died at Colorado
Springs, September 17. Prior to tho
war ho published an anti-slavery pa
per at St. Louis. Ho later moved to
Chicago, and took charge of tho Illi
nois Staats Zeitung. President Lin
coln appointed him minister to Denmark.
Cole Younger, who is promoting
an electric railway from Kansas City
to Lono Jack, by way o Lees Sum
mit, says his scheme is being finan
ciered by eastern capitalists. The St.
Louis Globe-Democrat says that Uni
ted States Senator Stephen B. Elkins
is Younger's chief backer. It is
claimed that during the war Younger
saved Elkins' life.
filed. Express to tho secretary of
state how deeply tho government de
plores this occurrence, which must not
bo interpreted aH a demonstration of
hostility on the part of tho Cuban peo
ple towards tho American people, but
as an isolated act duo to a criminal
hand to the end of creating difficul
ties for the government. An immedi
ate investigation has been ordered to
punish the author of such repugnant
action. The Cuban .government also
has apologized to Chargo d'Affaires
Sleeper at Havana."
GINSENG W.cmoonindo from ba'faer.
v)iwina Kaolly grown In jrnrdrn or
farm. Hoots nnd Mds for sal. Hond 4c for put
tnKn nnd get booklet .h tailing nil about 1L
McDowell (ilnf nj( Uarden, Joplln, Mo.
V BF fiirnlth Ihm wk n4 UmH j
A Washington dispatch to the St.
Louis Globe-Democrat says that it will
take twenty years and one billion dol
lars to construct the Panama canal.
It is announced from St. Petersburg
that the czar of Russia proposes to
address the foreign powers with a
view to holding a second peace con
ference at The Hague. This action
will be taken in line with the general
movement toward the world's peace.
"Rain in the Face," one of tho lead
ing chiefs in the Custer massacre
and who is said personally to have
killed General Custer, died at the
Standing Rock reservation at South
Dakota. He was 62 years old.
The member of the beef trust have
attacked the indictments brought
against them in the federal court on
technical grounds relating to infor
malities in the impaneling of tho grand
jury and the service of writs upon the
Philadelphia's new city party, a
body opposed to the methods of the
republican organization, nominated a
county ticket September 20, the same
to be voted on at the November elec
tion. The friends of Mayor Weaver
control the new party. The demo
cratic county convention endorsed the
new party's ticket.
Dispatches to the Chicago Record
Herald say that word has been re
ceived at Cody, Wyo., to the effect
that Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show
has been quarantined in France, and
that all the show horses wero shot on
official orders on account of glanders.
Baron Komura, Japan's representa
tive who has been seriously ill in
New York, is now on his road to
Lindon W. V. Bates, an engineer
representing a large syndicate, has
offered to build the Panama canal on a
single contract at a fixed price and
guaranteeing to do the work within
a certain time.
State Auditor Sherrick of Indiana,
has been removed by Governor Hanly.
He is charged with squandering mon
ey and being an active agent for the
An Associated Press dispatch under
date of Washington, September 21,
follows: " Mr. Quesada, the Cuban
minister, this morning personally
handed to the secretary of state a
copy of the following cable message
received from Senor Ofarrill, secretary
of state of Cuba: This morning the
coat of arms of the United States con
sulate at Cienfuegos appeared de-
Paul Morton, president of tho Equit
able, has ordered suits to recover ono
million dollars, which ho says was
paid without authority under tho old
Equitable management.
The Allegheny Presbytery of the
United Presbyterian church in session
at Pittsburg adopted a resolution giv
ing women the right to attend and
vote at all the sessions of tho Presbytery.
Georgo MacDonald, author of many
works of fiction, died at London, Sep
tember 18. Ho was eighty years of
Chicago dispatchea say that the
Harvester trust will build factories
in Europe because of possible retalia
tory tariff laws.
The sovereign grand lodge of tho
Odd Fellows, in session at Philadel
phia, selected Toronto, Canada, as the
next place of meeting.
Rrt4 fit yon r vH w
rm In mk 1 1 A f
bliVlr r' w
70s f f , roH k Hi
thi loealllr wb' jut live. lUrxl Ht Jmt- klil'in M wa wtll
eiUln UitrtttnM fully, rmtutrw4fa,iil tUrprfH
rt til .rrtrrrrikT writ k, )rwvuUlr tar Writ!
IlOlAL Mi.UMLTUtllMi tO, Bl l330!lr4t, MMfc.
It AiuiwH you tlte rond to iipim'h.
It prevent uu limiting bad Inveattncnti.
ILlcufl you to good Hivc-tmcrUi
It's ii atopplntr Une to h mic foftt llfo.
U' mill' el on rroiic.t lx months free.
Dept. 12. 32 lirouilwity. New York.
An Associated Press dispatch under
date of Chicago, September 21, says:
"Four officials of the Schwar.schild
& Sulzberger Packing company of Chi
cago were fined an aggregate of $25,
000 by Judge Humphrey in the Uni
ted States district court here today.
The fines followed a plea of guilty to
indictments charging conspiracy to ac
cept railroad rebates. Tho defendants
were Samuel Well of New York, vice
president of the company; B. S. Cusey,
traffic manager; Vance D. Sklpworth
and Chess E. Todd, assistant traffic
managers. Mr. Well was fined $10,000
and the other three $5,000 each."
Many Norwegians have expressed
opposition to Prince Charles and de
clared in favor of the opportunity to
vote for a republic.
New Orleans dispatches say that
the yellow fever has now been brought
thoroughly under control.
President Roosevelt recently called
a conference of his friends for the
purpose of discussing the disclosures
regarding life Insurance companies.
An Associated Press dispatch un
der date of Washington, September
21. savs: "The renort of the commis
sioner of pensions for the fiscal year
ending July 1 shows that during tne
year there were 46,985 allowances un
der the old age disability order of
March 15, 1904. It also shows that
655 pensions of $72 a month have been
increased to $100 a month on account
of blindness under the act of April 8,
1904. There are pending only 15,256
original claims of survivors of the
n.ivii war and the commissioner gives
assurance that they will be adjudicat
ed as speedily as possible. Tnere are
rHU five nonsloners on account of the
war of the revolution, one of them be
ing Esther S. Damon, the widow or a
revolutionary soldier, and the other
Cancer Cured
Cancer, Tumor, Caiarrli, Flti In. Ulcer. Ko
'emu and nil SUIn and Woni'i DlHensr. Wntu
ror Illustrated I look. Sent free Adilrctw,
OR. BYEMirea.y. Kansas Chy, Mo,
Bond un your Lumber Hill for our
estimate. Wo will BA.VK you from W)
to Mi. Wo bought tho Kront HT. IXHJIB
WORLD'S FAIR. Buch an opportunity
may novor occur again. Wrlto us today
for our low prlcon nnd Vron Gfttulog No.
Ml on nil kinds of Material. Address
Chicago House Wrecking Co., World's Fair Ordj., SI. Louis
from tho INS1D15 INN nnd ten other World',
l'slr hotols nnd new furnituro from
Beds, 50c; Sprints, 50c; Mattrusti,
75c, Dreuert, 3j00; I) in in: Tablet,
SI 75; Chairs. 2c: Sheets, toe;
Blankets, 25c; Comforts, 50c; fiugs, SIM, Carpels,
Wc yd. nnd crorythlnK you oanVonalhly want.
Our Dig Warshouam la Overflowing
Tho Rreaiont Bargain Olearlntf Halo over held.
Complete Ontalofrun ent PUKE. Addrr.n
To Lawyers
Your ofllco In not propnrly fnrnlKhod without
fow picture on tho wulla, mid no plctuot uru a
apiiroprlato uh portraits of vm.nont JurUtn and
Tho following nro homo of my puhl cntlonn. nvcr
uco Mto Uxl7 Inchon, nnd ulchod by tho boit en
Kruvers of ihn pronunt time.
Danl.O'Onnell Jol n Mnrxhtill Thorna Jef-fonion-AlMxnndcr
Hamilton IloKr 1. Tuner
AiidrowJiickfton iJanl.WatJ'tir UtifiiHChoato
Ahruhum I Inco n Olilitf Jutaiie itrtMo o( III.
Oh. of JuMlcn Hhaw of Mnhn.-Otnef Juhtlco
Uflim orof N.J.(!hlf JuHtlcoGlbKon of l'rnn.
l'rofldnnt Kllot of Hanrnl(AuU)(frnph) Ju-lah
I Jonjumln -Ilenn Clny-1). T. Wntnon. of
I'lttHburK Laid MunHI-ld Jllaokntono Sup
remo Court of U. b. ibCl, and others.
Any or all sent on approval free of ch&rtfo
Wrlto for 1'articulara to
H. A. Martin,
Ambler, Penn.
The berths In the Sleeping Cars of the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail
way are wider, longer and higher than
tho berths Jn similar cars of other
lines. The sleeping, dining, library,
narlor and observation cars are
owned and operated by the
Consequently the equipment and tho
service are unequaled.
Three daily trains from Union Sta
tion, Omaha, to Union Station, Chi
cago. Through train service to Chi
cago from all points on the main line
of the Union Pacific Railroad.
For complete Information about your
trip Bast, write
F. A. NASH, General Western Agent,
1624 Farnam Street, OMAHA.
rA n mi.. jr. ..