The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, September 15, 1905, Page 15, Image 17

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SEPTEMBER 15, 1905
The Commoner.
Morris Busch and Robert Charlton.
Busch holds a contract by tho quar
termaster's department to furnish fur
caps and gauntlets to bo delivered at
tho Schuyklll arsenal, Philadelphia. It
Is said that an investigation of all
depots containing army supplies will
be ordered. Busch Is a Philadelphia
Still Roofing, 51,50 Per 100 Si, Ft.
Jlew. palnttd Willi aids. mnt UerabW enl ftnmtcal
roof covering for Ileuses narns.ahtd etc Frslahi rl4
all rlH ImI ! Celerarfo, xrpt
Oklahoma, Ind. Ter, and Texas, Ttru
Itswhsre on application, 91 fUUprit
u oar Ho. 16 Put Hnsst. 2 .2 ft At
3l.Me famliti lh iimi In cortngsWrf
or V-rrimped. We also famish loll In
I and H (t. Unctlu at an e4venr of 60c
per sq Aik M our lllaitrat4&0O
fag Catalog No. A. M XU on Lumbsr,
lioollnr Wfrs rt neluf. Hardware. Far.
nltur Clotblngand Uancral lucks (mm
Th cry of millions la now answered-lf yoi suffor from kidney trouble, blad
TREATMENT for your cure, eJI without ono cent of expense to you.
uc.uuuuio r ruournniuHn, wruo m At once and I will give yeu tho answer to this
questlon-I will not charge you anything for lt-I will also send yovi my lard illus
trated 68-pajfo book, entitled "How Cini r.a. wn? . ,.,-n .. ffDF.F. nnu m.rc
In order that all men and women who have jrlvcn uphope of ever ocinp; well again may know
thatnow a genuine. Guaranteed home cure for urir nniri onrm fHno tarpniw in mv tmpcvinn
I stand prepared to prove it to you by offering to send a free double treatment of the new cure
to nny reader of this paper or their friends who
may be afflicted with this disease in the form of
tee frequent deslr te urinate, weak buck,
prostatic trouble, Bright', drtpsy,
dlabetei, stone In the bladder, gravel, wettta
the bed, swelling of the ft and anklf,cltt
ca, lumbago jjout mud ether forms of the worst
kind of rheumatism, kldaey trouble and blad
der disease.
I do not claim to cure all diseases, but I do
cure the diseases I claim to cure. To prove
this ask Mr. James H. McCluntr of Ucrthoud.
Colo., whom I cured of Britfht's disease; Mrs.
MaryPurstenbertr of lioody, 111., whom I cured
of dlabetes;Mr. A. P. Yochumof Pittsburg. Pa.,
whom I cured of rheumatic gout; Mrs. Phcbe
J. Brown of Kalispell, Mont., whom I cured of
dropsy and thousands of others whom I have
just as successfully treated with this new dou
ble non-alcholic home treatment for each of
the diseases and symptoms mentioned in the
11 rat paragraph.
All I want to know Is that you have one of
th,ese diseases; then you write me what disease
you have, and give me your name and address,
and I will do the rest to cure you. Send no
money, no stamps; I will not send anything 0. O. D., nor send any bills. ButI will send you free,
without anything to pay:
Aly duabie treatment, free of charge, for your own disease-(.the genuine, original and Im
proved cure-treatment;) and
fly free 68-page Illustrated book telling the truth about these diseases, giving different
homo methods, how te analyze your urine, etc., etc. And in your letter you can ask me as
many medical questions as you want and I will answer them lully and freely.
To those who earnestly want to be cured this is a heaven-sent free opportunity. Will you
take advantage of it? Yes! Then write me today In care of my llrm simply as follows, and all
that I promise you will be sent you at once and entirely free.
This has cured loglons. Will It euro you?
Wrlto tbo doctor and see.
crnment is powerless to resist the up
rising. Towns have heen destroyed
and great damage done to the oil
The Southern Cotton Association
has established a minimum of 11 cents
on the cotton croo.
President Castro of Venezuela has
ordered the expulsion from the coun
try of M. Brun, manager of the French
Cable company.
In the riots at Libau, Russia Po
land, ten persons were Killed, and fifty
The number of yellow fever cases
at New Orleans has reached two thou
sand. I
An Associated Press dispatch un
der date of Washington, September 7,
follows: "The pension roll reached the
maximum number in its history on
January 21 last, the number being
1,004,196. The roll passed the 1,000,
000 mark in September of last year
and gradually increased for the next
four months. The decline began with
the first of last February and by the
following May had dropped below the
1,000,000 mark. These facts are de
veloped in a synopsis of the annual re
port of Pension Commissioner War
ner covering the operations of his
office for the fiscal year ending June
30 last. At the end of the year the
number of pensioners had declined
to 998,441, a net increase for the year
of 3,439. The report shows the fol
lowing aditional facts: During the
year the bureau issued 185,242 pen
sion certificates, of which over 50,000
were originals. The annual value of
the pension roll on June 50, 1905, was
$136,745,295. By the term "annual
value" is meant the amount of money
required to pay the pensioners then
on the roll for one year. During the
year, 43,833 pensioners were .dropped
from the roll by reason of death, and
of these 30,254 were survivors of the
Civil war. On June 30, 1905, the roll
contained the names of 6S4.608 survi
vors of the Civil war, a decrease of
over 6,000 the previous year.
The total amount disbursed for pen
sions for the fiscal year is $141,682,
841, of which $4,197,167 was for navy
pensions and $3,409,980 was paid to
pensioners of the Spanish-American
war and $133,022,170 to the survivors
of the Civil war, their widows and
dependents. The total amount paid
to Spanish war pensioners since 1899
is $11,996,198. The total amount of
money paid for pensions since the
foundation of the government is $3,
320,860,022, and of this amount $3,
144, 395,405 has been paid on account
of the Civil war. The total number
of claims allowed, original and in
crease, under order No. 78, known
as the 'age order' since that order
went into effect April 13, 1904, up to
June 30, 1905, was G5,612."
iStartling developments are growing
out of the legislative investigation of
the insurance affairs in New York.
Among other things, the fact is
brought out that it is not an unusual
thing for clerks and messengers in
the employ of the New York Life
Insurance company with salaries as
low as $500 a year to sign notes for
millions of dollars to be used by the
company in relieving its books in un
desirable securities. Thomas W. Law
son will be asked to appear before
the committee and testify.
James Tanner, commonly known as
"Corporal" was elected Commander-in-Chief
of the G. A. R. at its Denver ses
sion. George W. 'Cook of Denver, was
elected senior vice commander, and
Silas H. Towler, Minneapolis, junior
vice commander; Hugo Philler, Wau
kesha, Wis., surgeon general; Rev.
Father J. G. Leary of Chapman, Kan.,
chaplain in chieff The' next encamp
ment will be held at Minneapolis.
Mrs. Abbie A. Adams, wife of Cap
tain C. B. Adams of Superior, Neb.,
was elected president of the Women's
Relief Corps at its Denver session.
Earthquake shocks in southern Italy
September 8, killed 400 people and
destroyed a number of towns.
The Lincoln, Nebraska, Journal says
that friends of former United States
Senator Deitrich will urge Mr. Diet
rich's nomination in the republican
state convention of 1906 to be gov
ernor of Nebraska.
J. E. Marlcel of Omaha has been
awarded a concession for feeding and
housing the greater part of tho Pan
ama canal employes.
An Associated Press dispatch un
der date of St. Louis, September 8,
follows: "Joy because of tho return
of her son after a year's absence,
caused the death of Mrs. Sophie Erl
inger, aged 63 years. She was a
widow and Henry Erllnger, her only
son, had been In the west a year, re
turning Tuesday from the Portland
exposition, whore he had been play
ing in a band. She was overjoyed at
seeing him and suffered paralysis, fol
lowed by her death today."
Acting Secretary of War Oliver has
directed the criminal prosecution of
The Russian-Japanese peace treaty
was signed at Portsmouth, N. H., Sep
tember 5.
As soon as the signatures of tho
envoys had been affixed there was a
great booming of cannon. The Chi
cago Record-Herald's correspondent
says: "It remained Tor Baron Rosen
to give one touch of human interest
which relieved the strained formality
of the occasion. As he reached across
the table to accept the extended hand
of Baron Komura, with whom he
was on intimate terms while Russian
minister at Tokio, he said: 'I shake
the hand of an old friend and now a
-new friend.' Baron Komura did not
reply in words, but he smiled with
extraordinary Japanese gentility, and
bowed low."
The peace treaty opens with a pre
amble reciting that His Majesty the
Emperor and Autocrat of all the Rus
sias, and His Majesty the Emperor
of Japan, desiring to close the war be
tween them, and, having appointed
their respective plenipotentiaries and
furnished them with full powers,
which were found to be in due form,
have come to an agreement on a
treaty of peace, the details of which
are as follows:
For Peace ant? Friendship
Stipulates for the re-establishment
t)f peace and friendship between the
sovereigns of the two empires and
between the subjects of Russia and
Japan respectively.
Japan to Control Korea
His majesty the emperor of Russia
recognizes the preponderant interest
from political, military and economical
points of view of Japan in the em
pire of Korea and stipulates that Rus
sia will not oppose any measures for
Its government, protection or control
that Japan will deem necessary to
take In Korea in conjunction with the
Korean government, but Russian sub
jects and Russian enterprises are to
enjoy the same status as the subjects
and enterprises of other countries.
Evacuation of Manchuria
It Is mutually agreed that the ter
ritory of Manchuria be simultaneously
evacuated by both Russian and Japa
nese troops, both countries being con
cerned in this evacuation, their sit
uations being absolutely identical.
All rights acquired by private persons
and companies shall remain intact.
' . Surrenders Leased Rights
The rights possessed by Russia in
conformity with the lease of Port
Arthur and Dalny, together with the
lands and waters adjacent, shall pass
... -.. "" Jelr' Itlea W
UwiTrtUja Kilty Million Dallar Ml. Lls Vn,d' ralr.
Chlsase Kaua Wracking Ce.,SS(ti Iran Sta.,Chta
txst by Tetl -flO YEARS. Wc n J
HOW Slsrk Nursery, Louisiana. Mo.i DsasvlUe. H. '.
MVKHnlramrn mnko ?H) week nnd iM-llnr vlllritf
TlnUil Lend Wrlto ulck; outfit fn-e. Merck
Wlillo Uart Co., Ht Lotiln,Mo.
and Wlilakrr fcll
enrod Ht Ihiiiio without
pain. Rook of particulars
tjSli.ii Mm ! m ""I I'll... II. H.
rwKUcy,Ji:i.,AilnulM,MnM Ha N.Pror Mt.
GlNSElBMf- K&.WMXJ made from iiA-rnirn
wigiiwvlivi Easily Krumt hi Kiirdan a
farm. l(ioti nnd Huodti for unln. Hend 4c fur ptn
tnco mil Kiit booklrl LI, UiIIUik nil nliout it
McDowull UliiKvrtK (lur.lon, JopUn, Mo.
Don't Work For Others
nrn u nro'ok en In .'JO dam nnd Un Imhifrn lout.
41) pno It tin ruU-d Mnunzlno nnd wsn.n fron If
ynu-wrrlto today. l'ror 8. A. Wnltmer, No rails,
Mo. Many who hnvo learned rnako $36 ndtiy.
It shows you the rond tONiioccus.
Jtircvent you making bad luvuNirnenui.
It lcudH you to good Itm'stmcnts.
It'K a stepping stone to a succossf ul life.
It'H marc l on reouevt six montbs f rue.
Dcpt. 12. a2 Jiroadwny. New York.
Cancer Cured
Cancer, Timor. Catarrh, Fihtulii. Ulcers. Kc
zcrna and all Skin nnd Womb Diseases. Write
for Illustrated I'ook. Sent free. Address.
DR. BYEm....,.. Kansas Cify, Mo.
Ilrookn' Annllnnrn. ir
discovery. Wonderful, No
obnoxlouHiiprlngi or patln.
Automatic Air Cuihloiu.
Binds and draws the broken
parts together as you would
a broken limb. ?o ealvcn.
No lymphol. No lieu. Dur-
flhl.i nlinnn Put C?n 1fl 'fll
catalogue rftrc I
Published Monthly
The lc;idln horticultural nnd family
Magazine Jn America.
The beat wrlterH on flovvcnf, fruitn,
gardens, poultry, uuture, children, Iiouhc
hold and HtorlcH.
A high grade monthly publication that
will be welcomed to every home.
Regular uubHcriptlon price &0c a ymr
By npecial arrangements, for a Hhort time
only, wo wtll Hend VICK'S FA7IILY MAG
AZINE and The Commoner, both one
year for one dollar. Send all orders to
The Commoner, Lincoln, Neb.
If you would hare any uce for a bear?
or medium weight all wool Suit, Over
coat or Ulfter. then DON'T BUY ELSE;
WHERE nt nny price, under a.ny clrcutn
aUncen. untllrou cut tll adTertlMment
out and mall H to ui. You will then re
celve by return mall free, poatpald, the
Grandest Clothln oiler eyerneara or
You will get TREE a big book of clotb
aamplea of Men' Clotlilnir, FREE an ex.
tra fuallty cloth tape mcaturo (yrd
measure), rnEE ft book of Lateat Fash
ion, deftcrlptlone andJUuntraUonaof alt
kinds of clothing for men. We will ex
ilaln why wo can aell at prices so much
lower than were ever before known, as
mere fraction of what others chance.
We will explain our simple rules to yon;
can take your own manure and how we,
guarantee a. perfect fit. You will frer;
our Free Trial Offer, our Par After Re
ceived Proposition, with the free out
fit kos a special sample order blank foe
ordering, return envelopes, etc
You can get a whole Suit an extra palp
of Pants and an Overcoat under ourotfer-
for about ONE'HALF what noma Chicago tailors would,
tharjje for one single pair of pants. The offeryou will
get will astonish and pleao you. Prlcee on the besti
clothes made reduced to next to nothlnir compared with,
what you hare been paying. DOM'T BUY CLOTHES un
til you cut this ad. out anu send to us. and se what yoaf
l?et by return mall. FREE. POSTPAID. Address.
M TifBaaH M
Eijgf wM
L'fcf Ml
.. rwvM A'Jla' aim-fa- 4 V - -. -