The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, September 15, 1905, Page 14, Image 15

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The Commoner.
T V. f
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St "Sift
A uisimicii io mo t
Democrat under Unto of
Sutitombtir l. follows: "Former Com-
inon Councilman John C. Stogor of the
Thirty-ninth ward committed sulcldo
nt his homo tonight by shooting him
solt In tho hoiul. Stogor hud boon a
suft'oror from gastritis, but the real
oauso of melancholy was worry over
tho ks trouble of a row months ago.
whon Mayor Weavor sot Mod the ring;.
Stogor was an advocate of gns lease
and had remained faithful to the ring.
Louis Globe-1 with having tricked her out of certain
PliMnriitltihln.llottors which sho professed to have
"--" -"- -
A dispatch to the Baltimore Sun
under date of Now York. September
J, follows: "Peculiar in Its un expect-
twnlvnri from "Senator Piatt 01 isew
York and which she purposed publish
ing uudor the title of "Love Letters of
a Boss.'
for build
south and
Fourteen lives were lost and three
vessels wore sunk by a storm which
recently swept over Lake Superior.
President Roosevelt has received
cablegrams of thanks for his peace
makinsr efforts, from the caar and the
Japanese emperor.
ed disclosure was an operation for ap
pendicitis recently perronned in St.
Luke's hospital on Robert A. Pope,
of Nowhuryport. Mass., a nephew of
Colonel Albert A. Pope, a bicycle man
ufacturer. Young Pope, who is a Har
vard undergraduate and a candidate
for this year's football team at that
Institution, recently presented himself
to 13r, Hussoy, of St. Luke's. Dr. Alar
Rtx assisted by Dr. Hussey, examined
the young man, and, diagnosing the
case as appendicitis, performed an
operation. To their great surprise
they found lodged in Pope's appen
dix a S2-calibre bullet, to the presence
of which the irritation of the appen
dix had been due When the opera
tion had been successfully- performed
and Pope, was informed of the dis-
nvd forgotten ail about the bullet 1
k. .. ... . . i
nlnnnl.;1) V
jlJtLllllt ...v, virw V-V-kV.-lii-- 1 i
i.i i.h. hit ixtjrf"-aiiy snot
iii rJ. x, ts' 'although he was
v L8? thereafter, he rapid-
J.ftPerved and thought no more of
tiiis .healed wound, bellevinir that the
, - , v , ' w
.ctbuliet was not in his body. The piece
ivof; lead gave no evidence
! until recently, when Pope
t football training."
A Washington dispatch says that
Congressman Payne of New York will
be superseded as chairman of the ways
and means committee. Speaker Can
non is not satisfied with Mr. Payne's
position on the tariff question. It
is claimed that he is altogether too
ised -by John Wannamaker at Hong
Kong, China; Seoul, Korea and Kyoto,
Japan, costing $10n,000. The army de
partment has rapidly extended into
the forts and port stations and
throughout the Philippines. The rail
road department has grown from 197
to 292 branches and from 69,000 to
75.000 members, one road alone hav
ing appropriated $225,000
ings. The extension of
buildings throughout the
the west has been notable, the gain
last vear belnsr nearly $3,000,000 in
new property. Tne state associations
raised and expended $210,000 and the
international committee ?156,000, the
local associations expending 4,120,000
in their work. An advance of more
than 100 per cent in membership in
the past five years has been shown
in the Yoimg Men's Christian Asso
ciation of North America."
VOLUME -1XcmbeRb
.. V
tfxi fc,u
wwli. tuun i
lUIltll II.
a v T7! -
r- in . .. :"-. H
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R.E.CHALMERS & COSii-JJC D-artosL.cmjS
Hezekiah Butterworth, well known
as a writer and at one time assistant
editor of The Youth's Companion, died
at his home in Warren, Rhode Island,
from the INSIDE IXN anl t a ttirw V
Fair hotels and now farn'wre f- a l
i' m iHSi
Is Overllorrka
Colonel Robert JucGulloch died at
his home in Booneville. Mo., Septem
ber 4. He commanaed the second
cavalry regiment or Missouri under
Sterling Price and was at one time
commissioner of public buildings for
A Washington dispatch to the St.
Louis GloberDemocrat says that Pres
ident Roosevelt will ignore the tariff
issue in his coming message to con
The committee appointed by the
New York legislature to investigate
insurance companies, iiin session in
New York City.
The peace treaty between Russia
and Japan is extremely unpopular in
Japan. Rioting broke out on the even
ing of September 5 in Tokio. Two
men were killed and several hundred
wounded. Only one paper in Japan
advocates the peace treaty. Other
papers call the treaty an Insult to the
Japanese nation.
s agvk was nis nrst remark-. A m ,AI. . w, ,wnr
... .... --... .. .. v .. . . 3 . .vmnr-wn ' ,,wnyF' '..:.." rrm u vv.?i '
MH WJ1TS :VUX II UOVOKIIWHI. rrnLf"'.uCUiAi.JVtj lOl vUO IJO,un.oic-.' '"wwmtrr
-----. -:t zztGyK .. . .. . . . .
riffrt Rv isWanl.l''"u a onn tin linn pr in T.nft r.mirr. tlT. Uni-
of trouble
began his
cago and it is said' they will apply to
the federal court for injunctions re
straining the government from the
prosecution of the derendants for conspiracy.
vA bomb
exploded at
persons were
President Roosevelt has demanded
the resignation of F. W. Palmer, the
public printer.
Lieutenant Slattery, army engineer
at Honolulu, has made a report ad
verse to the improvement of Nelles
harbor, Midway island, because the
harbor is not one on which, it is worth
.-.. "fi , ,,),,- rT,, in tm , m .
while to spend .money, unless to oe
improved and fortified as a strategic
The Odd Fellows orphans home
Mason City, Iowa, was destroyed
firse September 4.
A dispatch from Madrid to P,aris,
to the Eclair, maintains that, despite
the denial, it is probable that King
Alfonso will marry .Princess Eugenie
of Battenberg, niece of King Edward.
tSe: Dr(scrz iJ ' . irTi?
jr. J CiS'r;
Bla.nkcls.2Sc; Coir.fariz,X; F
10c yd, and everything yea
Our Ba Warehouse
Tho greatest Jiargam uiean-? si. t-i? lj.
coapieto caxaiopae tent ratx. itu
mm & PHILLIPS CO., Dspt, F 199,S?tU3
Illinois Central I i
Annual Stockholders' files! aniOfc
cago October 1 8- Fe:senii
Attendance ot InclTicii
Holder's Desired
Pabiic notice is hereby mz-n '& -v
annual meeting of .be S"oci j- " " "itH
noss Cecti3l Raiixoad Coc:tCT v tlt.a
the Company's oSSce in Ci-c-xr Zi ai
"Wednesday. Ociober I- :i j.: -i ' en
To permi: personal aseodac- i ' - w
ins Sbere trSi be issued
To Each Holder of Cn cc W-:" Stum
of she capital stock of she ILii- "i- lfc
roadCocipaisyasresecei :-c "-' - nitja
Coopanyaitte close of bdLriN a Zuar
Septeater fs5 iX6. who Is el hiS upt.
OTer the Coparyrs ones trie "i
the lUTIS veasrai aw -
retrlsterea ..uunsfi -
jr nt
A cloudburst
"the villages of
meston, N. Y.,
did great' damage in I
New Berlin and Ed
September 4.
.. An Associated 'Press dispatch, un
der date of Washington, September
4, ' follows: It was official
ly admitted at the state department
' today that tho German government
had refused to issue an exequatur to
J. Martin Miller, appointed by Presl-
dent Roosevelt as consul at Aix La
Chappelle. Mr. Miller has been called
upon by the state department to make
a statement regarding tho reported
I displeasure of the German government
with him because of articles which he
wroto as a newspaper correspondent
, and which reflected upon Germany.
Mr. Miller is one of President Roose
velt's most favorable biographers. The
interest in the case is particularly
( keen because Mr. Miller figures in the
charges made by Miss Mae Wood,
.' dismissed from a position in the'post-
, office department. She holds Mr.
Loeb, secretary to tho president;. Rob-
ort J. Wynne, former postmaster gen
eral, and Mr. Miller responsible for
her troubles. She charges Mr. Miller
John Cownie, a government crop
reporter for Iowa, has issued a state
ment in which he declares that when
this year's corn is husked it
will be found to be far short of the
general reports of its yield. He says
that the yield will be 100,000,000 bush
els short of what it might have been
if good seed had been secured last
The town of Sapainx. P. I., was dam
aged by a tornado August 27. The
American naval collier Supply and the
German steamer Mowe have been dis
patched to the assistance of the inhabitants.
Topeka officials of the Santa Fe
railway have discovered what appears
to be the systematic theft of railway
tickets being practiced by telegraph
operators acting as ticket agents on
that road in Colorado.
Twenty-three deatns from -cholera
have occurred in Prussia. The autho
rities report sixty-six more cholera
E. B. Ewing. well known by Mis
souri democrats, committed suicide at
Butte, Mont.
Cover 'em up quick with Dr. Miles'
Norvioo, or they will sudor from expos
ure and friction, nnd will ncho and pain
you. Dr. Miles' Nervine will make you
fat,, strong, hearty, nnd oblivious to
norvo trouble. At Druggists. Money
back if first bottle fails to benefit.
An Associated Press dispatch under
date of New York, September 5, fol
lows: "One hundred members of the
International committee of the Young
Men's Christian Association of North
America and their forty-five employed
secretaries, fifteen foreign secretaries
at home on furlough and men about
to take their posts as foreign secre
taries, are holding a conference at
Bronxvllle, a New York suburb.
Among those present is C. R. Joy of
Iowa. The number of secretaries in
foreign lands now equals that in Amer
ica, anu iud.uuu was raised last year
for foreign work, twice as much as
three years ago. New buildings are
rapidly being erected In the larger cen
ters of the far east, three being prom-
Assoclated Press dispatches under
date of Omaha, September 7, follow:
"Mae C. Wood today nied a civil suit
in tho district court against United
States Senator Thomas C. Piatt and
the United States Express company
for $25,000 for alleged services ren
dered to the defendants. Miss Wood's
petition alleges that while she was
employed in the postoffice department
at Washington she rendered service to
the defendants by 'tipping off the in
side workings of the office, and by as
sisting to keep out of Postmaster
General Payne's annual report of May,
1903, a recommendation of the 'post
check' system, 'thus saving the ex
press company several hundred thou-
guuud w. uuuuiui
her retrlsterea t?u'
CHICAGO andTSEliflffl"
such ticket to he Rood for the journey to CbU
cubo only durlnjr the
Four Days Immediately Preceding
journey irom uuiuiu w-j
meetlnfr ana the
Four Days Immediately Following
when properly oounterslwg ond "tuyej JJ
intr husiness hours on or before saiuru ,
tobor 21, 1905-that is to say. between WJJ
m. and 5.W) p. m.-ln the .office of'S
Secretary, Mr. W . G. Jruen, In CWcaBj.
ticket may he obtained X-Uon n write
retr'steredas above, on appncano w " tnt
ffthe Resident of ffi$S$t
each stockholder m"3 '"HoKust state
his or her ticket. Each PPf Wkholder
the full name and address of tnt si Q
exactly as given in his uhcranddatoof
Stock, topether with thonumMf" a
such cort incatv. iu " " nvonenow
will he carried free in respec 1 1 oanj o n
intr of stock as registered on tne uuu
GI a Day Sure
r m wnuini:.".-" rouu"E : ;, n
of to torewwdwJ"auw.W.jr 13G0--
JITAV4UW""" - ,toxT.
"hiuuir n'J,:
Bond for Guide SSJSttS! Wjg
ub Adrertl.ea ayr J I)( C
WHKona w)., uiu - -
Dr. D. B. Salmon, chief of tfie
bureau of animalindustry in the (Jo
partment of agriculture has resigned.
0 - , I
Burham M. Pense, a well known
Chicago lawyer, died at Paris, France,
September 5. '
per m koou """Snin county.
Antt-Republican paper in thetoun
rp. W. care Commoner.
J- Bi
AND .. SPUUUi --m pages.
Tlrvan. iuustiu.tu"
Published In lou.
A iew Ar"'iS nrlces
&L52:U?1 'no 5 half morocco
UIIIU...OI '.. -.
nrfinmu. .
i nllllli
-- ..:i loror 111 ? .
00, nouiHiB. - , stoch,
inrv rti iiuit'"- . .1 t nut
few copies,, mc - - heautiui rr
$1 -?
H. Wulteis.
A reign
of outlawry
Russia, and
exists in
the gov-
fortSlCono Hereford bull c ojfa m
horn hull calf (roan), w
Stock Farm, Lincoln, weu.
n - ,
y.ilhi.aiA-ift-- -m& ii.