hwwwwi' magi'.wwm SEPTEMBER 15, 1905 The Commoner. 13 SEPARATOR lAlfT &'& GbSxS x& Z ' W W'lVtP wu mmii; rwu crttMi MAU tWBtlAY C shoe; r UKtSIBt" i nMtttMlMfll'VB IttA inxnigvnii.L vr.m 1872 El 1 OC .-X!v W. -VAaV f .fcl lA. arikf m . .mf m - a j .- jk . r-. f Hk. vx. . - - " vi uubf xrrvArtr ii ld ZWjsxJ 1905 i Montgomery Ward Cos Big Catalog FREE BROWNIE CAF irni jonj CENTS - ii & a.GGV rW "VC l "VV. B . 1 SiS fcg&l vTi ar Arla( me: w- m'G&mm Y fr lo&fc v VfS V3rfeftPi A m -JtT THIS NEW CATALOGUE, No. 74, for the season 1905-6, just from the press, 13 the largest In sire and the most complete in contents of any general merchandise catalogue ever issued, and b filled from cover to cover with the lowest prices at which highest quality goods were ever sold. There never before was gath ered into any one book so marvelous a collection of desirable goods of every kind at such money-saving prices. Three million families about ten million people arc going to save a lot of good money by having on hand and ordering their goods from this massive catalogue. We know by past experience that those who make free use of "it will save from $50.00 upwards during a year's time. We invite you to be one of them. Our No. 74 Catalogue and Buyer's Guide is a Necessity to the farmer, the planter, the miner, the lumberman, the hotel keeper, the railroad man, tho teacher, the mechanic in fact to every resident of the country, tho large town, the village and hamlet. Despite the great value of this mammoth catalogue to you and the large cost to us, to prepare, print, and dis tribute it, we shall GIVE ONE COPY FREE to every grown person who asks for it, provided he does not reside in a city of fifty thousand or more, or in Cook County, Illinois. Everythlne you eat, wear and use Is found In our No. 74 Cata logue in tho highest grades, latest styles, best qualities, standard makes and absolutely honest values, at tho very lowest prices. You take no chances In buying from us. Wo refundyour money, If, for any reason whatever, you are not satisfied. Xfc Tho prices In our No. 74 Catalogue aro uniform and the same to all alike the rich and tho poor. Wo do not raise our prices when we deal with the wealthy, nor can thoso In moderate or poor circumstances do better for themselves snywhero than to buy at our established, printed prices tho fairest prices In the world, becaaso they aro low quotations, on high quality goods. REMEMBER No such offer as this was ever before made you. We offer you the Genuine, Up-to-Date Montgomery Ward & Co. large Catalogue without a penny's expense to you. Thl3 is no partial list, no incom plete book, but the largest, newest, complete Catalogue Just off the press. A Word About Ourselves Our establishment comprises seven largo buildings, covering more than fifty acres of floor tpace. We are the original, largest and most favorably known Catalogue House in the world. We have a successful record of a third of a century to which we refer with pride. Our custom ers areour friends, and they are found the world over. We have honestly acquired our reputation for selling goods of quality at fairest prices, such as no other concern has been able to meet. We absolutely refuse to sell snide goods or trash at any price. Montgomery Ward & Co.'s New No. 74 Catalogue comprises 1200 large pages, full of accurate illustrations and truthful descriptions, without exaggeration or misrepresentation. It describes over 126,000 articles, such as everyone uses every day Just such goods as you use, but of highest quality and lower price than you can obtain them in your home stores or anywhere else but of us. We have heretofore asked everyone to send us fifteen cents to partly pay postage, as a guarantee of good faith, but we will NOW give you a copy absolutely without charge of any kind delivered at our ex pense providing you show you desire to possess it, by just -writing and asking for a copy. That's all we require. Do you want it? Do you want to save part of your necessary expenses? Do you want to get some things that you cannot secure near home? This larfre, complete, up-to- date, No 74 Catalogue makes it possible and easy for you to own, use and enjoy many things of which you have frequent need, but which the usual prices asked by others have compelled you to do without. Get this Cata logue and consult it freely and often. Those who use it most save the most. Send your name and address carefully written on a postal card, or In a letter, or attached to your next order or fill out this coupon. Either way that is easiest. Just say "Send me freo and prepaid one copy of your new No. 74 Catalogue." Do this now. Cat here, fill la carefally, and send to Montgomery Ward 8c Ca, Chicago Send me FREE and wild ono copy of your New No. 74 Catalogue for 1905-6. I saw your adv in September Commoner R.F.D.No. Name Post Office. County- State. Montgomery Ward & Co., Michigan Ave.. Madison Washington Sts. Chicago AUTOMATIC DtOf HEAD - MUABIE ifeJWQOWOtKDOUt IOVPT09Z3M WE BUILD IT JT? GOOD MANDOUN ATTWl HL M uw m -eyiz--i 5k cafcKX P1 & fiSWU III us I Jf (mI TPf vm Ii III A Whl yr flill JPL fo2 &SL a FEED CUTTER ,itf.ot ti-!iz- tntt WOULD COST ffAKOBPtUM 6AS0UHE-50 IBMllMWMWMBliaMMaMWWMMMM II HI I H IIW I HW m " WM of your toil and votes. If you men took as much trouble to learn what your duty on election day is as you do to maice a a Bnowmg in a A-aoor day parade you wouldn't be Quite SO helDless. T rpnlrnn tho trnof managers don't care how much you l4i i r;. n ljat)0r aay Dust bo you vote With them on election day. Well, I .ua,c " me Dabv ain't eono in & sIn' rJgllt there to his little and, while I take off his clothes'." tAfla as worfcem groped his way to the bedroom closet he was muttering to himself: "Somethin's wrong with ma. I guess she's been workin' too hard." Brain L,eaks Any fool can become intoxicated; all who do are. Love laughs at locksmiths, but not at goldsmiths. The worst thing about a bad cold is the task of explaining to your friends why you do not try the reme dies they suggest The man who agrees with our views is always a sensible fellow. A face painted on canvas is always much prettier than a face painted un der a hat. Too many people conjure up trouble and then seek credit for bearing heavy crosses. No man is really wise until he is willing to admit that thera xe things he does not know. People who go to church through a sense of duty seldom get any good out of the, service. When we see a boy loafing on the streets we suspect that the father may be to blame. It is a pleasure to lend to a neigh bor who always returns a heaping cup for the level cup she borrowed. A great many business houses now use the card system. Another kind of a card system has ruined many busi ness nouses. i 'I , xgmfi' .- - !L-