The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, September 08, 1905, Page 16, Image 16

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    The Commoner.
Ko one will deny that John D. Rocfce
fallcr alway ha aa eye upon the
future. When he wa a young man
the future meant something entirely
different from what it means to him
norr, when he Is verging upon the
iscrl plural three score and ten. That
he agrees with tne Psalmist is shovn
by the following prayer, which he de
livered up at the Euclid Avenue Bap
tist church, Cleveland, last Friday
"We bless Thee for the encourage
ment we have in the privilege of com
ing to worship Thee. We know the
manifestation of Thy love toward us,
but often forget Thee. We are sinful,
but we pray that Thou wilt reacn out
and draw us back as Thou hast al
ways done. May all who seek knowl
edge receive it. Make us stronger,
make us charitable toward one an
other, and above all, give us patience."
John certainly has "material" mani
festations of love in plenty. So many,
in fact, that it is quite -inexcusable in
him to 'forget."
That he is "sinful" many, including
Dr. Gladden, Miss Tarbcll and Tom
Lawson, will admit. Even his bitter
enemies must admire his confidence
in the Supreme Goodness, as well as
his frankness in bearing testimony to
the facl that he lias been "drawn back"
on several distinct and, it is to be sup
ppsed, important occasions. There
are those who would no't hestitate to
wager that when John has "drawn
Wick" he took "the goods" with him.
" That touch about seeking knowl
edge is really very fine, especially
when considered In connection with
Mr. Rockefeller's well-known willing
ncs to be interviewed on subjects in
timately related to his business affairs,
In which the dear public has a deep,
but not particularly profitable, interest.
- ... -
1 .''(
And then his petition, "make us
stronger." Isn't that touching? Some
callous people, recalling the size of
John's bank account and other very
substantial things, will jeer and say,
with a manner almost brutal, that he
is too strong already and that, for the
general welfare, he should be given a
course of treatment.
Nobody will object to John's growth
in charity toward his fellow creatures,
especially to the widows ana orpnans
of those who stood in his way when
he was developing the Standard Oil
monster. Charity, indeed! Did some
body say "humbug?
"Patience." To be sure, "give us
patience" to bear with men who pray
like Rockefeller and practice like the
well, never mind who. The poor have
patience to spare. They need it in
their business the business of try
ing to remain alive under the condi
tions created by frauds of the pious
kind and other kinds. -Providence
(Rhode Island) Telegram.
The reciprocity contention shows a
tendency to discard the word "reci
procity" as misleading. "High and
low tariff" is suggested as a watch
word: more briefly, the "dual tariff."
The "dual tariff" is precisely that
plan which Germany under the name
of "maximum and minimum tariff," is
turning against us. Other continental
nations will presently adopt it. The
Chamberlainites in England powerful
ly advocate It In their "colonial pref
erence." A high tariff as a club to beat trade
enemies combined with a lower tariff
as a lure for trade friends may not be
an ideal arrangement. But it is bet
ter far than the very heavy club we
carry now to beat off foreign trade
from every quarter indiscriminately.
New York World.
TT1K COMMONER Cdndonsecl io valuable as a rc-lercnco book and should
Occupy a place on the desk of every lawyer, editor, business man and other
students of affalra. Every Important subject in the world's politics Is dls
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the student to refresh his memory concerning any great political events.
The Commoner Condensed Is one of the most valuable referenco books J
ever published. Facts and figures, argument and reasoning on all leading J
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Commoner Condensed will also bo valuable to those readers who have not 7
kept a complote file of the regular issues of The Commoner. In this vol- T
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The price mado to readers of The Commoner is as near actual cost aa X
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European travels, Lectures, Speech
By William J. Bryan
A New Book
Under Other Flags
This book Is a compilation of Mr. Bryan's reports, describing his ,E"r0;
pean tour and a number of his most popular lectures. His European letters
are fourteen in number, descriptive of the tariff rebate' in England. Ireland
and Her Leaders, France and Her People, The Switzerland Republic, Ger-
iuu.iiy uuu. ouuiuMuui, rtussia ana Jtier uzar, "xoisioy, mo ipuauu i ,,,.,
together with other and equally interesting accounts of Mr. Bryan s inn
abroad. .
, The Thanksgiving Day Address delivered by Mr. Bryan at the banquet
given by the American Society of London, Nov. 2G, 1903, is printed In ruu.
The letters from Cuba, written by Mr. Bryan, are reproduced in this volume.
The address entitled "Patriotism" delivered by Mr. Bryan at the hamiue'
given by the Cuban veterans to Governor .General "Wood is herein reproauceu.
Mr. Bryan's articles describing his first visit to Mexico also appears i in
"Under Other Flags." An article written by Mr. Bryan describing his set
ond visit to Mexico Is another feature of this volume. . ,r n-..nn
"A Conquering Nation" is the tltlo of a lecturo delivered by Mr. ra"
at a number of chautauquas, and that lecture appears In full in "Under vin
Flags." Other articles are as follows: "Thte Attractions of Farrn,nS,fJ;'
address entitled "Peace," which address was delivered by Mr. Bryan beiorc
the Holland Society in New York City. In January. 1304; Mr. Bryan a ro
sponso to the committee appointed to notify him of his nomination to tne prrai
dency and which response was entitled "Imperialism," and was deiiverea ih
Indianapolis, August 8, 1900; Mr. Bryan's speech, at the St Louis Cpnn
tlon in seconding Senator Cockrell's nomination, which speech was entltieu
Have Kept tho Faith." 17
,An extract from a speech delivered by Mr. Bryan in Denver. Januarj i.,
1899, which speech was ontltled "Naboth's Vineyard," also appears in "'a
volume. ..
All of Mr. Bryan's most popular lectures appear In "Under Other Fines.
Onp ofnheso lectures is entitled "Democracy's Appeal to Culture, au " ,k
delivered before the Alumni Association of Syracuse University, In New xui
City, January 27. 1905. Another is tho well known lecture entitled
Value of an Ideal." . ,ntUxnv
"Under Other Flags" Is well printed on good paper, and substantia"
bound. Tho sale of this volume has been very gratifying. , n0Vf
Although the first edition appeared In December, the fifth- edition is nu
ready for delivery. Tho volume of sales Increases from day to day. nb
find tho book an easy seller and order them in lots of from 25 to iou.
Neatly Bound in Cloth 400
Under Other. Flags, Postage Prepaid
wun ine commoner One Year
Page Octavo
j Address: The Commoner, Lincoln, Neb
i.jjmjkmtmeiUiMAmmiim m "fitti