The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, September 08, 1905, Page 13, Image 13

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7 '
SEPTEMBER, 8, 1805
The Commoner.
xxVbyTtet-MYEAS.Y?cnkf CAS1
Want M6XE Salksmrn rA I Weekly
Stark Nrsry LMtU.M.t BsmvIMt, M. Y.
Orow Gliwcntr and get ricb. Our book leHi yon
now. To any mid r cm for 4 ccnta In stamps
Scctln and root for sale.
D. IJ, Warren, Monajrcr. Osceola. Mo,
LIVE Salesmen make 150 week and better Belling
Tinted Lead. Wrlto quick; OHtBt free. Merck
Wbito Lead Co., St. Lonls, Mo
wpprw'y v'
and Wfclakey Mmhlim
cured at horns without
pain. Book of particulars
iIejr,Ja!fiJ",AtlJtn, 103 K.P ryor St!
!N'CkF?Nak $25,000.(Xrinadc from half acre
VXlllOCIlVI Easily grown In garden or
farm. Roots and seeds for sale. Bond 4o for pos
tnpo and got booklet CL tolling all about It
McDowoll Ginseng Garden, Joplln, Mo.
Don't Work For Others
Learn a profession In 30 days and bo Independent.
40 pngo illustrated Magazine and lesson free if
yon wrlto today. Prof. 8. A. Weltmer, Nevada,
lo. Many who bavo learned mako 25 a day.
III III . fr nm h- -. . . .. , - V - -- t.y
The Czar of Russia has sent Presi
dent Roosevelt, the following cable
gram of thanks. "Accept my congrat
ulations and warmest thanks for hav
ing brought the peace negotiations to
a sucessful conclusion owing to your
-personal energetic efforts. My coun
try will gratefully recognize the great
part you have played in the Ports
mouth peace conference.
-- (HHkraat! A
nwres'SBMw, cta, h
Umpr aa4 laSJattttai Oar.
A vatarlaarr Decide for wind.
' threat aad itomach trosbtea
Arms rMmeiuu. f IJ30 MS
aa, o? fatten, or Exp. prepaid.
TkewtM Beae4y ,
Tlede, Okie.
of the American products were ad
mitted only upon payment of the cus
toms rates of the Swiss general tariff,
which were much higher.
JBK $4.qq t
PEASE UFO. co. m
It. the titlo of a pbaraplet of 11C pages which tells
all about tho success of tbo Torrens system of land
transfers, government telegraph and telephone
lines, government railroads, postal savings hanks
and other reforms. J?rico 26c postpaid. Address
C.F.TAYLOR, Baker BIdff.,Fhiladlph!afPa.
Published at Louisville, Ky.
One of the largest, most influential and
aubstantial agricultural papers published
in tho south-central states. Sixteen to
twenty-four pages weekly. Subscription
price ono dollar per year.
SPECIAL. OFFER: For a limited time
only wo can make readers of Tho Com
moner a special clubbing price of $1.26
for both papers for one year. Send all
orders to Tho Commoner. Lincoln. Ndb.
Cnrod tostay cured. My TRUE METHOD kills tho
deadly germ which cansos Cancer. No knife I No
Sain I Longest established, most reliablo cancer
pooialist. 10 years In this location. I glvo a WRIT
8uccess.8end f or, roo 100-p, bookand posltlvoproof a.
nD C ft 11 ITU 2846 CHERRY ST.,
UHi fc, Ui3ll I Hi KAHSAS CITY, JHQ.
Published Monthly
Tho. leading horticultural and family
Magazine in America.
Tho , best writers on flowers, fruits,
gardens, poultry, nature, children, house
hold and stories.
A high grade monthly publication that
will be welcomed to every home.
Regular subscription price 50c a -year
By special arrangements, for a short time
only, we w4Il send VICE'S FAMILY MAG
AZINE and Tho Commoner, both ono
year for ono dollar. Send all orders to
Tho Commoner, Lincoln, Neb.
With Soothing, Balmy Oils
The newspapers are commenting on
the fact that the Czar has not thanked
Witte, Russla,8 representative. It is
said that court influences in Russia
have operated to prevent this recog
nition of Witte's great services.
B. Benjamin Andrews, Chancellor of
the Nebraska University in a speech
delivered in Chicago, predicted a war
between England 'and some other Eu
ropean country, possibly Germany.
Francisco Tamagno, tho famous ten
or, died at Varese, Italy, August 31.
The "Sanctified Saloon" founded by
Bishop Henry C. Potter has been
a ill SURE
RMy wrk wHh hurt
and kacrr rl.hl
Vrt IM lira In ha4)tac
oar Irtmlojr and fltat
mtehlM Om fftt it,
"MU ISO In fc 4i?
Wa )y 97S month iiv4
ipfti or eoaotlttto.
DcpU uClndnnalLO,
The hoard of engineers assembled in
Washington September 1 at the re
quest of the President to discuss the
relative feasibility, or a sealevel or a
lock canal.
The government report for the
month of 'August shows a large in
crease in customs receipts, the in
crease being $3,763,608, over August
104. The total receipts for the month
were $47,490,432 and. the expenditures
$52,150,493, which leaves a deficit for
the month of ?4,6G0,061.
The senators and congressmen visit
ing in the Philippines were called
upon by Filipinos, who urged im
mediate independence of the islands.
One of the speakers declared that the
Filipinos were better fitted for self
government than many other people!
who had received it.
Tho interparliamentary congress met
at Brussels, August 28. Congressman
Bartholdt of Missouri offered the fol
lowing resolutions: Whereas, The
president of the United States, in re
sponse to the request of th inter
parliamentary imion, has called a sec
ond conference of nations to meet at
The Hague; and,
Whereas, The resolution of said un
ion upon which such action was se
cured cites among other questions to
be considered by said conference "tho
advisability of establishing an interna-!
tional conference to meet periodically
for the discussion of International
questions;" and,
Whereas, The text of said resolu
tion has been embodied in tho call
for said conference ana communicated
to the several governments signatory
to The Hague treaty by the Ameri
can government; therefore; bo it
Resolved, That we reaffirm our be
lief in the wisdom and practicability
of said proposition, and urgently
recommend the same to the said con
ference of nations for adoption, in or
der that the international judiciary,
now existing at The Hague, be supple
mented by an international legisla
ture in tho interest or justice and per
manent peace: and,
Resolved, Further, that wo recom
mend the following to the considera
tion of said conference as a basis of
organization for, and representation
in, such an international congress,
Monitor of tho Association of American Law
Schools. Throo years course, leading lo tho I L. 11.
degree. AH classes divided Into rnornlnir, afternoon
and evonlnjr sections. Tho work of tho regular In
fractors Is supplemented by special lectures, given
by many of tho leading lawyers of Chicago. Moot
courts hold weekly. b pec In I Instruction In Elocu
tion Oratory and debuting. 90 per cent of students
wholly or partially self-supportlnv. Entire liulld
Ing occupied by College. Opens Sept. Mh.
Fred A. Mohr of Auburn, N. Y.f is
circulating a petition for tho purpose
of securing the signatures of Demo
crats who are willing to contribute at
least 50 cents each year to defray
the legitimate election expenses. Mr.
Mohr is strongly opposed to a "cor
ruption fund," contributed by those
who are seeking to secure special
government privileges. He claims that
the democratic party will not deserve
to win until it stands free and unfet
tered.' A number of Democrats have
already signed Mr. Mohr's petition.
Abraham Lincoln's birthplace near
Hodginville, Ky., was sold recently for
$3,600. Robert J. Collier of Collier's
Weekly was the purchaser.
Says of our Mild Method of Curing
- Cancer:. "You have performed one
of the most miraculous cures in my
case ever heard of."
No need of cutting off a woman's
breast, or a man's cheek or nose, in a
vain attempt to cure Cancer. No use
of applying burning plasters to the
flesh and torturing those already weak
from suffering. Thousands of persona
successfully treated. This wonderful,
Mild Method is also a never failing
cure for tumors, catarrh, ugly ulcers,
fistula a.nd all skin and blood
diseases. Write today for free illus
trated book. -- '
DR. BYE, Dept. N, Kansas Cjty, Mo.
Twenty Mexican laborers were
killed by a dynamite explosion at
Manzanillo, Mexico.
Washington djspatches say that
President Roosevelt is greatly pleased
with the submarine torpedo boat and
that it Is probable that many moro
will be built for the use of the Ameri
can navy.
Two deaths occurred August 27 at
Panama, and while the health officers
are not certain of the tacts, they fear
that these deaths may have been due
to bubonic plague.
The Swiss Diet has decided to allow
goods from the United States to enter
after January 1 under the rates of the
Swiss treaty tariff. Heretofore, many
l.An international congress of
two houses, a senate and a house of
2. Each nation to have two repre
sentatives in the senate, and represen
tation in the house of deputies pro
portionate to Its international com
merce. 3. Each nation to choose and main
tain its own representatives in the in
ternational congress, and to have
power of recalling them at any time.
The term of office to be eight years,
unless otherwise fixed by each nation
for its own representatives.
4. Each member to have one vote.
5. Majority to rule in all matters,
and concurrence of both houses nec
essary. f. Each nation to have the right to
withdraw at any time from the con
gress. 7. The territorial and political in
tegrity of each nation represented in
the congress to be respected by all na
tions represented. -
8. Deliberations of the congress to
be confined to matters which directly
affect intercourse between nations,
and Its resolutions limited to the dec
laration of general rules or principles
for the conduct of such intercourse,
and these resolutions to be recognized
as law by the nations, unless they are
vetoed by an agreed number of na
tional parliaments.
9. Each nation to treat all other na
tions on equal terms in matters of
commerce, whether they be or bo not
represented in the international con
gress; except that any nation can
raise a commercial barrier against
any other nation equivalent to such
other nation's tariff wall.
10. While remaining in the congress,
each nation to Tiave the right to arm
itself according to its own judgment.
11. War to remain a lawful mode of
Calver, lad.
( Late Marmhuket)
Culver It fainona for
the excellence of Its mili
tary training and for Uio
Uiorougltneu of Its sclio.
laitlework. It offers many
vaituDie features miou
UIiiaMo elsewhere.
For handsome,
llluitratcd cata
logue, addresti,
V- t
9"Qrt Buys This Lttf Kamfstftt Httrt
H5 TrtmmHl SUH Rant
TBMs5iK225E5iCaaSB I
1 use
UEwSZmmmmM find
reservoir. With high warm
ing closet, porcelain llAod.
rttervolr, Jwt as crown la
tls cooklnir holcs.lKMiy tsado
of cold rolled steel, implex
grate; burns wood or cosJ.
Handsome nickel trimming,
bJffhljr polished.
most liberal erer
made. You can pay
after you recel re tho
range. You can tsk3
It Into your home,
HSOdsys. If you dou's
It exactly as recresenfc-
ed, the blgfccst bargain yoa
erer saw, equal to atoves
retailed for double our
price, return it to us. Wo
win pay frclghtboth ways.
it, to us ana we win m.u
yon our Unto stove catalogue
75 styles to select from. Don't buy until you get It. '
Its scope and character are Indicated by
the following titles ot articles that
have appeared In recent Issues; all pro
fusely illustrated:
Kleven hours of .Afternoon, Cy Warman
The Americanization ot Paris, A. liumo Kord
Bummer In W Inter, lllnot J. Havajto
Where Ulue Met Grey Poem, T. C. HarhauKh
Some Animal Models, Julia D. CowJes
Where JSvery Protpect Pleases. Kirk Alunroo
New England Witchcraft, M. Imlay Taylor
Time Defying Temples, Allen lay
New York From An Air Ship, IJcrtba Smith
A Klnu on American Soli, T. J). MacGregor
Now Zealand. T. . K. JJonne
Tbo Limited Express Poem, Nixon Waterman
Tont-llfe, air Edwin Arnold
Tbo Nab End of Canada, Prank YcIku
Corral and Lasso, rVlnnle J, Ileynolds
Banto Domingo, Frederick A. Ober
Single Copiet iO Cents, or $i.00 a Year;
Foreign Countries $t.SO.
Can be Obtained of Newsdeal
ers, or by addressing
Room No. 62, 7 East 42d St., N. Y.