.n7Jfr-"''lrv SEPTEMBER 1, 1005 The Commoner. 11 sufficient to cover the cucumbers. Fill the Jars with this hot liquor, fasten as you would other fruit, and stand aside in a cool, dry, dark place for winter use. Oiled Cucumber and Onion Pickles. Take one hundred medium-sized cucumbers, a teaspoonful of white pep per, a quart of white onions, an ounce of celery seed, two ounces of grated horse radish, a quart of olive oil and two quarts of vinegar. Peel the cu cumbers and onions, and cut into very thin slices; put a layer of the cucumbers, then a layer of onions then another layer of cucumbers into a stone jar, and continue until the jar is filled. Cover with cold water and let stand all night. Next morn ing drain, put them into a porcelain lined kettle, put over one quart of yinegar and one quart of water; bring to boiling point and stand aside again over night Drain again, and put the cucumbers and onions in small glass jars for keeping. Mix the horse radish, salt and pepper; add gradually the oil, mixing all the while, then the remaining quart of vinegar; beat all until- thick and creamy, and pour this over the cucumbers and onions, seal, and set away for future use. Query Box S. B. Cravenette cloth is said to contain no rubber, to have no odor, to be porous to the air, and to be hy gienic; to be had by the yard in black and colors. Troubled. For keeping the arm shields clean, immerse two or three times a week in suds in which a little ammonia (teaspoonful to a basin of water) has been poured. Rub to gether lightly, rinse in cold water and dry in the shade. Mrs. C. T. A meringue is made in this way: Beat the whites of the eggs until they are light, but not stiff; add a tablespoon of powdered sugar to each white and beat until fine and stiff. Spread this over the pie, dust thickly with powdered sugar and stand until "set" in a slow oven. Harriet N. Unleavened bread is made from flour and water, beaten until light and elastic, rolled thin and baked in a moderate oven. Or, take one quart of milk and water, equal parts, and stir into it enough flour to make a stiff dough; work this until soft and elastic, roll thin and bake in a slow oven. M. R. There Is no special food that one can eat to build up the brain. That which tends to build up parts of the body will also nourish the brain. Good, wholesome food that is thor oughly masticated, if taken properly, v will build up the whole system. Wheat stands at the head of grain as food for human beings. Mrs. V. C. For marsh-mallow fill ing soak a tablespoonful of powdered white gum arable in two tablespoon fuls of warm water for half an hour; stand it over hot water until it dis solves, stirring carefully. Boil a cup ful off sugar and half a cupful of water together until they spin a thread; pour while hot over the whites of two well-beaten eggs, beat ing continuously; then add the gum arable and beat all until stiff and cold. dayS CTOW COOloi Thn Inntrnf -,-, be short sleeved, coming well below tho waist line, protecting the chest and tho important organs in tho body wuicn wouiu suffer from cold. Loft handed children should be en couraged. To bo able to do things equally well with either hnnii in n valuable accomplishment in aftor- iiie. cultivate the use of the right hand, but do not neglect the left. A child should bo taught to hold n. non or pencil alternately in each hand, anu tne use ol other instruments should bo encouraged in the same way. Two or more children should not be permitted to use the same towel; each child should have a separate one, and one's towel should be regarded as one's personal property as one's tooth brush. Diseases of tho eyes and skin are easily communicated by the indiscriminate use of tho familv towel. A most delicate and satisfactory perfume to use for baby's belongings is In tho form of sachet powder. Wood violet, heliotrope and white rose are the most used. Pieces of cotton batting should be cut to fit the sachet bag and the powder sprinkled on, covering them with a thin layer of the batting, and placing the bags among the clothing and in the toilet basket. Children's teeth Bhould receive special attention. A spool of dental floss should be kept in a convenient place, and a piece of the silk passed between the teeth after eating. If the first set of teeth are defective or decay quickly, care must be taken that the permanent set is benefited in all ways possible. Luncheons and Dinners A luncheon differs from a dinner, not in the number of courses, but In the selection of the dishes served at each course. Luncheons are, as a 'rule, affairs for ladles, and are com posed of dishes which may be easily served, and which do not require carv ing. Chops, croquettes or cutlets, which at dinner would be served as entrees, are main dishes at a luncheon. At either a dinner or a luncheon you may have for first course shellfish, then soup, then a small entree; at a luncheon, another small dish or entree, while at a dinner a joint or roast of some kind is usually gerved. Both would have a salad and a dessert. The term dinner cannot be used correctly for a meal composed of small dishes.' A company breakrast differs very little from a company luncheon. You may, however, serve fruit first. Fol lowing this, serve an t entree, a fish cutlet, chicken timbale or fish timbale; or you may have sweetbread patties, or sweetbread cutlets, or creamed sweetbreads. Then have broiled chops or broiled chicken, or, if you have creamed sweetbreads at first, have chicken croquettes and peas. With chips, serve peas and tomato sauce; with broiled chicken, cream sauce, mushrooms and tiny potato balls. The next course may be a salad, mayonnaise of celery or tomato, or a plain lettuce or mixed salad, served with wafers and cheese. Then have ice cream and cakes, or charlotte russe, followed by coffee. and cervod with a liquid pudding sauce. For a family of two, half a pint of bread crumbs, ono egg and half pint of milk will bo quite sufficient Fall Shopping Theso bo the days when tho busy mothers must "go-a-shopping' and tho remnant counter is a favorlto haunt for those who hnvo little or growing children to fit out for tho fall and winter. Short lengths of many beautiful and expensive goods may now be picked up at much less than tho price at which the goods were held in tho early season, and for tho practical necessity of fall and winter school dresses, there are always tho pretty and useful ginghaniB, percales and chambrcys. In many of theso romnants there will be just enough for tho frock or apron, with perhaps a yard or so that can bo used in tho "make overs," to bo hud for tho same money that a cheap grade of the now goods, Just opened, sell for. Tho shopper should remember that cheap goods do not wear or launder as well as the better quality that may cost a rew cents more on the yard. Up to Thanksgiving, and perhaps later, tho pretty and most serviceable of tho summer clothing may bo worn, with the addition of a little heavier under wear and light coat, and while (hose are still in service, the little winter frocks may bo made, ready for put ting on when they are needed, and when their newness will be most ap preciated. Or, if economy is the ob ject, the clothing to be "handed down" may be made over, brighten ing them ip with a dip into the dye pot, or a touch of harmonious coloring with braid or other trim mings, and these may bo worn dur ing the early days of tho winter, bringing out tho new things later on. It would be well If mothers when going shopping would take their daughters with them. In this way they would learn to "count tho cost," and realize how the money goes. They would see how Impossible It is to make a five dollar bill pay for a ten dollar dress, and they would find that a penny here, a nickel there, a dime for this, a quarter for that, will soon wear a large hole in a dollar, and that the fullest purse should not bo opened too often or too reck lessly, else it will grow thin and flabby before the necessities are half met. For Mothers A baby should wear a gauze flannel shirt even in a hot climate; this is the thinnest and lightest weight of summer flannel; flannel is more porous than cotton, and absorbs the perspiration, making the skin more comfortableHhan when the apparently lighter materials are worn next to JLUt A fleeced Jersey jacket is a com fortable garment for the baby as the AN OLD AND WELL TIUKD REMEDY wlf Wjn-slow's Soothing Syhop for children toth S8il.0U,alway8 e used for chlldrenUllo in,i,itf,,ftsole.ns th uniB, allay alt pain, cares aw'& ,c wfr-ltftho. best.-rewedysfor .diarrhoea Iwenty-li re cents a. bottle. Stale Bread The best of the left-over pieces should be toasted for breakfast, luncheon, or supper;, they may be used dry, or made fnto milk toast. The broken pieces should be dried, rolled and put aside for frying or scalloping purposes. Or they may be soaked in milk, a little sugar added, two eggs allowed to eacn pint of milk, and a pint of stale bread crumbs, the whqle baked in the oven and served as a pudding. Or they may be rolled, sifted and put into a mould and covered with egg and milk, allowing to each pint of crumbs' two eggs and a pint of milk, steamed for. an hour, Do I leys Tatting doileys are beautiful, and peculiarly fitted for use on polished tables. A set well made would bo a charming wedding gift to a friend; the plate, dessert and tumbler doilies should be made entirely of tatting, but the center piece, whether found or square, would better have a linen center. This center may or may not bo embroidered, or merely finished with hemstitching or drawn work and a deep border of tatting. If em broidered, it should be in white. A good size for a table set, made of heavy white linen, is a twenty-one Inch center-piece, a 12-inch plate doily and a six-inch dessert doily, with a tumbler piece of smaller size. These may bo button-holed around the edge with a rather coarse mercerized cotton thread, with or without em broidery otherwise. Table sets of white with a colored out-lining is popular, but the colors must be fast, and warranted to wash. Cold Lunches The mainstay of all cold lunches must always be sandwiches, and for the making of these the combinations are practically limitless. The bread should always be one day old, at least, and sliced very thin and even ly. The butter must be of the best quality, soft enough to spread with out crumbling -the loaf, and-the. slice should bo spread boforo it Is cut from tho loaf. Tho five cent linker's loaf should mnko eight sandwiches. For lunches, tho sandwich should bo made tho size of tho sllco, but one made by cutting tho loaf diagonally in halvoa is inviting. Both whlto and brown broads arc suitable for use. A nlco sandwich is mado as. below; Sllco grahnm, bread very thin; spread it thinly with "mado" mustard; over thin, on ono slice, put a layer of cot tage or sour milk cheese; on tho other sldo, spread thickly finely-chopped olives mixed with mnyonnalBO, and placo tho slices together. For an other, slices of ryo bread ore but tered, spread with mustard, then with cottngo cheese, and putytho slices to gether. Many excellent and appetiz ing fillings may easily ho thought out by tho homo mother, and such lunches are far bettor than ono can buy for twlco tho money at the cheap eating houses which many men nro obliged to patronize because of tholr limited timo at noon. Care of Sllvorware When cleaning day comos, dlssolvo a good soap In boiling water and wash tho 8llvor in tho suds, rinso in clear hot water, dry, and rub with chamois skin. Moisten pure whiting with al cohol and apply with a soft rag, rub off with another, brush to remove tho dust from tho chasing, polish with chamois skin, and set away to delight tho eye of tho beholder. For the many sliver conveniences and necessities of tho toilet and bedroom, prepared chalk, alcohol or ammonia, a soft flannel rng, a brush and a piece of chamois arc tho necessary cleansers. A little paste of ammonia or alcohol and chalk applied with tho flannel, allowed to dry and brushed out, will work wonders with even bits of chasod silver, if followed by a rubbing with chamois skin. OUST THE DEMON A Tussle with Coffee There Is something fairly demonia cal in the way coffee sometimes wreaks its fiendish malice on those who use it. A lady writing from Calif, says: "My husband and I, both lovers of coffee, suffered for some time from a very annoying form . of nervousness, accompanied by most frightful head aches. In my own case there was eventually developed some sort of affection of the nerves leading from the spine to the head. "I was unable to hold my head up straight, the tension of the nerves drew It to one side, causing me tho most intense pain. We got no relief from medicine, and were puzzled as to what caused the trouble, till a friend suggested that possibly the cof fee we drank had something to do with . it, and advJsed that we quit it and try Postum Coffee. "Wo followed his advice, and from the day that we began to use Postum we both began to improve, and in a very short time both of us were entire ly relieved. The nerves became steady once more, the headaches ceased, the muscles in the back of my neck re- laxed, ray head straightened up and the dreadful pain that had so punish ed me while I used the old kind of' coffee vanished. "We have never resumed the use oC . the old coffee, but relish our Postum every day as well as we did the former beverage. And wo are delighted to. find that we can give it freely to our u children also, something we never dared to do with the old kind of cof fee." Name given by Postum Co., -Battle Creek, Mich. Postum Coffee contains absolutely no drugs of any kind, but relieves the coffee drinker from the old drug poison. There's a reason. l j i - 3 BHjfciBMpM)irMiWfcTfiril ;