"t3' ft-- -w m The Commoner. WILLIAM J. BRYAN, EDITOR AND PROPRlEtOR Vol. 5. No. 32 Lincoln, Nebraska, August.25, 1905 Whole Number240 CONTENTS t Avenues of Usefutjtkss , Tiiey Feae the Shock. ' ' Still Avoiding the Issue , . The Small College ISo Dangee.op Thibd Tebm Not a Foolish Steugglu Alaemist oe Pateiot Conscience against the Tkusts Foundations or Peace August 30 A Busy Day " Comment on Oureent Topics The Peimaey Pledge News of the Week - TREASON! Chauncey M. Depew has long worn the sobriquet of "The Peach," but now comes the Nation and calls the New York senator "A Welcher." The Nation says "As a borrower from the society of which he was both director and legafcbunsel he (Depew) displays, let us say, a carelessness in money matters as tall as the Chapel Street Elms and as broad as the Yale campus. Moreover, as an offender against sporting ethics, Doctor Depew deserves the thoughtful scrutiny of all Yale men w'10 are solicitous of the honor of their Alma Mater. No Yale man of our acquaintance loves 'A Welcher,' and the borrower who verbally makes himself responsible for a loan and later observes that so informal a promise is without leg 1 weight, comes pretty near the definition of 'A .Welcher.' On many grounds Depew's only possible future function at Yale should be that of a shrinking and a silent alumnus." ALARMIST OR PATRIOT? Justice Brewer of the United States supreme court in speaking to the insurance agents as sembled at Milwaukee said that graft was the nation's peril. He pointed to the practices of the Equitable d.rectors and asked how Mr." Ryan expected to make an honest profit of the $2,500, 000 invested in the stock of the Equitable. Others have asked that question, and in the asking they hav ) laid themselves liable to a conspicuous place in the column where the "un patriotic" are listed. In the same address" Justice Brewer said: "There is today so much grafting going on among public officials as to startle us. I am not speak- ing now about the coarser kind of grafting, such as buying voters, paying money, etc., which we all condemn. I have reference to the more in sidious ways that one holding public office who is not carrying on the duties of that office with an eye single to his trust, is prostituting in one way or in another that office for his own gain or the gain of his friends." That is tho language of a justice of the su preme court. When democrats have used similar language they have been accused of being dis turbers of the public peace, they have been charged with a disposition to interfere with the business interests of the country. Is Justice Brewer an alarmist, or is he a pa triot who makes bold to warn his countrymen against-the tendencies of the -times? "STEP UP AND TAKE HOLD, GENTLEMEN" AVENUES OF USEFULNESS ...THE BUILDING TRADES... Perhaps some of the younger readers of The Commoner have a taste for carpentering, brick or stone laying, plastering or painting. All are hon orable occupations and permanent ones. Home building is not a transient industry. While we have a race there will be houses, schools, stores and factories to build. There is employment for brain as well as muscle in the construction of a building and, there .is also a chance for the de velopment of integrity and character. Trust worthiness as well as skill is required to make a good artisan and no one is more sure to grow upon his merits than the workman who con scientiously does his work and, while demanding fair compensation, gives an equivalent in Service. The builder who knows his business and gives it his attention is bound to rise. He may start at the bottom of the ladder but he will soon be needed as a foreman, then as a superintendent and finally he will be contracting for himself. The energies of both mind and body can be usefully employed in the building trades and be sides furnishing remuneration this branch of in dustry returns a larger dividend in happiness than an idle life 'can furnish. It is unaccountable that any 6ne should pre fer a life of indolence and amusement hunting to a .life that gives constant occupation at some thing that contributes to the nation's wealth and well-being. The manual training schools are do ing much to emphasize the dignity of manual labor and to turn the attention of boys to its agreeableness. Just now the employers' asso ciation is trying to create friction and antag onism between union and non-union labor. There should be no hostility on the ,part of non union labor, for the benefits of union- Ism are enjoyed by all labor. Nearly all the In crease In wages, nearly all the reduction In hours, nearly all the improvement In trie conditions sur rounding employment can be traced to the efforts of organized labor. Take away the labor organi zation and the condition of the artisans of the country would soon become unbearable. That the labor leaders make mistakes can not be de nied but can wo expect perfection of human be ings? Strikes have been called for insufficient reason and have sometimes been accompanied by violence, but the remedy Is not to be found in making the emploj'e fight his battle single handed but rather in the selection of more discreet and more reliable leaders. We do not despair of self government because some public officials are con victed of "grafting" and "boodllng"; we punish the guilty and exercise more care In picking pub lic servants. Much that has been said or the building trades applies to factory work except that in the larger factories it Is harder for an artisan to reach a position of independence. The trust also menaces the factory employe. It not only lessens , the number of those who can hope to engage In business for themselves, but it throws on the employer all the risk of over production. Tho employe, under the trust system, nof only has to bear the ordinary risks of an occasional depres sion, but as the trust can artificially raise prices it can keep up its profits while decreasing pro duction. But the trusts can be exterminated and oth.r evils remedied; the evils which flow from Idleness are irremedial. Productive labor is con ducive to health and helpful to morals. Those who prefer manual labor can make of themselves workmen who need not bo ashamed. .va&janis.uijf - v UMC h A. in 4