r nH''M1! ' The Commoner. AUGUST 18, 1905 9 ESPOUSES THE CAUSE OF THE PEOPLE . -Tij, ii.ui,uiMpywaifjwfiwpwiHikWl) JP'wmw views on public questions. He said to me this morning that a re-organization of the democratic party was no doubt necessary. J. M. Massingill, Piggott, Ark., -I think the plan and policy of Mr. Bryan to thoroughly or ganize the democratic party is good. I heartily endorse the movement. I am an old confederate soldier with three long years of service. E. E. Daniel, Poteau, I. T., Please find en closed primary pledge with thirty-five names. I am proud to see the democrats of the United States responding to the call. The destiny of the democratic party is safe in the hands of the rank and file. This move will encourage them to re newed activity and we will have another con vention similar to 1896. Success to The Com moner and the cause for which it labors. N. E. Sharp, probate judge, Norman, Okla., Enclosed find five primary pledges signed. I am convinced that your plan is a good one and ohould receive the hearty support of all true democrats. The selection of candidates by pri mary Is essentially democratic and naturally appeals to the spirit of fairness in every good citizen. Nothing I think at this time could do more to unite the party and prepare it to pre sent a solid front in future battles. Mike Burns, Iron River, Mich., I am very much pleased with your work of primary pledges. We need more readers of The Commoner in this section. I will do my best from this time on for you. The Farmlet, published -at Saylorsburg, Pa., and edited by F. S. Brong, says: "W. J. Bryan's Commoner is actively engaged in rallying the scat tered democratic hosts. We earnestly recom mend the primary pledge plan to our readers. Particulars either at this office or of The Com moner, Lincoln, Nebraska. Ed. F. Poorman, Humboldt, 111., Enclosed I am forwarding fourteen signers to the pri mary pledge; also two renewal subscriptions to The Commoner. I have been interested in the letters from pledge signers, and I note with pleasure the great success that Is attending the circulation df the pledge blanks. These letters from all over the country show conclusively that Mr. Bryan's plan is a success, but how could it be otherwise when it recognizes the great founda tion principle of 'free government, the great cor nerstone of this republic the right of the ma-1 jority to rule? A number of writers have sug gested that pledge signers wear buttons. I won der if The Commoner could not, when the or ganization has been sufficiently perfected, get out buttons and have printed on them that great popular expression, "Back To The People." The Commoner could charge a small price for the buttons enough to cover expenses ind send them to every organization. Would not this add to the growing enthusiasm among the pledge signers? n. D. Curtis, Albion, N. Y. Why don't the eastern democrats wake up as western and southern democrats have done, and send in their primary pledges? I wish they would. It is the best chance they ever had to shake off corrup tion. Enclosed I send the primary pledge signed by good democrats. C. R. Lewis, Milton, W. Va., In signing the primary pledge, (herein enclosed) I take no additional obligations or trouble, other than the effort of writing this line. Forty-four years ago I was born of abolition republican parentage, in old Virginia. I am proud to say I have never, from childhood up, advocated any political doc trine except democracy, and have voted the ticket straight in three states Virginia, Ken tucky and West Virginia. I have never missed a primary, convention or election, municipal county or state, where I was entitled to a voice or a vote, in my life. Judge Parker was not my choice, but I voted for him and am not ashamed of it. Under like circumstances, would do it again, though we differ widely, as to party prin ciples and policy. Charles E. Furr, Lutesville, Mo., You will find enclosed my primary pledge. I have ne glected for some time to send it in, knowing that it could not increase my faith In the principles of popular representation. I believe that the senti ment of every individual democrat is a unit of the conscience of the party aggregate, and that the outward manifestation of every true democrat will serve to exemplify the immaculate policy of the whole. I believe it would also bo bene ficial to party interests if every loyal democrat would pledge himself to keep a personal vigil towards party purity and endeavor to eliminate, and hold aloof from, party bosslsm and thoso leeches and parasites that would prostituto the sacred tenets of the party to selfish ends. The exigencies of the times, I think, would Justify this. I believe the stock blood of democracy was as puro as ever ilowed through patriotic veins, and that it will "tell," and right will prevail. Better reconstruct on a solid foundation, con crete of puro policy, determined action and pop ular representation on which to build up a templo dedicated to free government against which the tempest of avarice, greed and corruption shall not prevail. Best wishes for the continued suc cess of The Commoner. John Stuart, Whitewater, Kans., I will bo eighty-eight years old the 14th of October, 1905. Was a democrat and a justice of the peace In Greenbriar county West Virginia, at the out break of, and during the civil war. Have always been a democrat, yet, while on account of fail ing strength am unable to take part in primaries and conventions, I wish to sign the primary pledge as I believe it to be a movement in tho right direction to bring this government back to the people. J. S. Arthur, Beckwith, W. Va., Enclosed please find my primary pledge and fivo others. I think there are others here who will sign, and I think it their duty to do so. I heartily endorse the plan recommended by you for marshaling the democratic forces in 1908. If it is not asking too much I would like for you to. send a copy of The Commoner to those who have signed tho pledge. Best wishes for the success of The Com moner. George W. Hall, Noblcsville, Ind., Please find enclosed primary pledge signed by thirty-five democrats. The move is a good one, it is a step in line of preparation for the initiative and, referendum, which measure, would be a great reform in the way of the people governing, pro vided the masses take interest and inform them selves, as to what the laws are, and what the laws should be. I am pleased to see The Com moner coming to the front on public ownership of public utilities. That it appears would be tho surest plan to settle the "watered stock" questipn. Charles C. Garrison, Kendaia, N. Y. Your primary pledge plan is certainly to be commended. I believe I can see therein a chance in the future for the rank and file of the party to fight honestly for honest principles. Mathew Hill, Golden, Mo., Enclosed please find primary pledge with twenty-two signatures. Every one to whom I have talked considers the primary pledge an honest and a good plan for organizing the party. Robert Lee Osburn, Gower, Mo., Enclosed find primary pledge. If time would permit I could get every democrat in my township, as they were never moro anxious to vote than now. Our county went wrong last election. Tho people were right, but tho head of tho ticket was wrong. Put a domocrat at tho helm and sco what Missouri will do. I had tho honor of being tho first agent for Tho Commoner In my township. The Lako Providence, La., Sentry, edited by E. Wayles Brown, says: "Tho Commoner, has taken upon itself a work which will revolutionize to a great extent tho democratic party. Its work, which Is already reaping mar velous results, Is simple, but an effective anti dote for corruption in tho democratic party. Its requirements nre these: to sign and send tho following pledge to Tho Commoner, where It will bo filed along with the thousands that arc dally received. Every democrat Is asked to pledge himself to attend all tho primaries of his party to bo held between now and the next democratic national convention, unless unavoid ably prevented and to use his Influence to secure a clear, honest and straightforward declaration of the party's position on every question upon which the voters of the party desire to speak. Those desiring to bo enrolled can either write to Tho Commoner approving tho object of the organiza tion and asking to have their names entered on the roll, or they can fill out and mall tho blank pledge which Is printed In The Commoner. It will require time to cover tho entire field, but If democrats co-operate, tho desired result will be acompllshed. Send Tho Commoner your own primary pledge and then ask your neighbor to do likewise." The Charlotte (Michigan) Tribune, published by Perry and Perry, and edited by Gcorgo A. Perry, supports tho primary pledge plan. In a letter to The Commoner Editor Perry says: I was born ito republican fold, and received from republicans my first lessons favoring bimetallism. In 189C, when Mr. McKlnley changed to gold standard I changed to Bryan and did what I could for what seemed to me to be the people's cause. Repeated my allegiance In 1900. In 1904 the causes that led me to oppose McKlnley caused me to oppose Parker and I did my level best for Mr. Roosevelt. I do not feel that I have any right to advise democrats, as such, to attend the caucuses and stand up for principle, but I advise all men who love their country and who would wrest It from the trust manipulators to forgot party and adhere to principles. It seems to me that Mr. Roosevelt has been "raised up" for a purpose to make the trust swine "get their feet out of the trough." If he shall fail then let's try tho next best man, no matter of what party, with an eye single to the welfare of our national go-ornment. The enclosed editorial will give my idea more fully. I care not one whit for any party except as It can be operated to save the principles established by the founders and pre serve ours as a government of, by and for the people. The salvation of the nation will corao from independent voting If at all." V . . THE PRIMARY PLEDGE I promise to attend all the primaries of my party to be held between now and the next Democratic National Convention, unless unavoidably prevented, and to use my influence to secure a clear, honest and straightforward declaration of the party'i position on every question upon which the voters of the party desire to speak. Signp.fl Postoffico. n Street. I County State. Voting precinct or -ward. 63 Fill out Blanks and mail to Commoner Office, Lincoln, Nebraska. J -J J E? .dH.---.'!- Mrt v J IftMJ.i .,