The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, August 18, 1905, Page 13, Image 13

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AUGUST 18, 1905
The Commoner.
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1905 -W mB
lyfontgomeryWardl Co.'s
Big Catalog FREE
THIS NEW CATALOGUE, No. 74, for the season 1905-6, Just from tho press, Is the largest In alze and the
most complete in contents of any general merchandise catalogue ever Issued, and is (Hied from cover to
cover with the lowest prices at which highest quality goods were ever sold. There never beforo was gath
ered into any one book so marvelous a collection of desirable goods of every kind at such money-3avlng prices.
Three million families about ten million people are tfointf to save a lot of good
money by having on hand and ordering their goods from this massive catalogue.
We know by past experience that those who make free use of it will save from $50.00 upwards during a year's
time. We invite you to be one of them.
Our No. 74 Catalogue and Buyer's Guide is a Necessity
to the farmer, the planter, the miner, the lumberman, the hotel keeper, tho railroad man, the teacher, tho
mechanic in fact to every resident of the country, the large town, the village and hamlot.
Despite the great value of this mammoth catalogue to you and the large cost to us, to propare, print, and dis
tribute it, we shall GIVE ONE COPY FREE to every grown person who ask3 for it, provided he ioes not
reside in a city of fifty thousand or more, or in Cook County, Illinois.
o are uniform and tha came
Everything: you eat, wear and two Is found In our No. 74 Cala
locuo in the hichest grades, latest styles, best qualities, standard
makes and absolutely honest values, at the very lowest prices.
You tako no chances In buying; from us. We refund your money,
if, for any reason whatever, you are not satisfied.
I lie prices in our No. 74 Catalogue
toall alike the rich and the poor. We do not raise our prices
when wadeal with the wealthy, nor can those In modorate or poor
circumstances do better for themselves anywhere than to buy at
our established, printed prices the fairest prices In the world,
becauso they are low quotations, on high quality goods.
REMEMBER No such offer 33 this was ever before made you. We offer you tho Genuine, Up-to-Date
Montgomery Ward & Co. large Catalogue without a penny'3 expense to you. This is no partial list, no Incom
plete book, but the largest, newest, complete Catalogue Just off the press.
A Word About Ourselves Our establishment comprises seven large buildings, covering more than
fifty acres of floor space. We are the original, largest and most favorably known Catalogue House in
the world. We have a successful record of a third of a century to which we refer with pride. Our custom
ers are our friends, and they are found the world over. We have honestly acquired our reputation for soiling
goods of quality at fairest prices, such as ncrother concern has been able to meet.
We absolutely refuse to sell snide goods or trash at any price.
Montgomery Ward & Co.'s New No. 74 Catalogue comprises 1200 large pages, full of accurate
illustrations and truthful descriptions, without exaggeration or misrepresentation. It describes over
126,000articles, such as everyone uses every day
just such goods as you use, but of highest quality
and lower price than you can obtain them in your
home stores or anywhere else but of us. We nave
her etofore asked everyone to send us fifteen cente
to partly pay postage, as a guarantee of good faith,
but we will NOW give you a copy absolutely
without charge of any kind delivered at our ex
pense providing you show you desire to possess
it, by just writing and asking for a copy.
That's all we require. Do you want it? Do you
want to save part of your necessary expenses?
Do you want to get some things that you cannot
secure near home? This laree. complete, up-to-
date, No 74 Catalogue makes it possible and easy for you to own, use and enjoy many thing3 of which you have
frequent need, but which the usual prices asked by others have compelled you to do without. Get this Cata
logue and consult it freely and often. Those who use it most save the most.
Send your name and address carefully written on a postal card, or In a letter, or attachodto your next order or fill out this coupon.
Either way that Is easiest. Just cay "Send me free and prepaid one copy of your new No. 74 Catalogue." Do this now.
irawrwf ZH
Cat here, fill in carefully, and send to Montgomery Ward & Co., Chicago
Send me FREE and vrnald one copy of your New No. 74 Catalocuo
for 1905-6.
I caw your adv In August Commoner R.F. D.No.
Post Office,
3MC. uin
flu .. yirlfifajroll
It R;
Montgomery Ward & Co.,
Michigan Ave.,
Washington Sts.,
v- e
V3 AND w use
I 5fi ENGE
in the smoker of the ordinary accom
modation has the same right to pro
tection. A man at every switch, day nd
night, wouU cost the roads a lot of
Maybe the lives of passengers are
cheaper to Che railroads than are pro
visions for their safety. It otight not
to he so. Every, lite sacrificed ought
to he made so costly to the roads
that it would be economy not to kill.
We hear ceaseless boasting about
the wonderful executive abilities and
phenomenal mental qualities of Ameri
can railway managers. But our death
lists, when compared with those of
European roads, tell quite a different
Railroad managers prophesy dread
ful things that might happen If the
ownership and control of the railways
were to he taken out of their .hands
into those of the government But
the safety of the government-conducted
roads of Europe presents a
striking contrast to the incessant
slaughtering on our own roads.
Prlvato profits at the sacrifice of
public safety i a poor system. Rural
A store building In Albany, New
York, collapsed August 8, and thirty
persons were killed. '
The republican convention for Vir
ginia met at Roanoke, August 9, and
adopted a platform endorsing the re
publican platform of .904 and nomi
nated the following ticket: Governor.
L. L. Lewis; lieutenant governor, W.J
P. Kent; attorney general, George A.
Rivercomb; treasurer, John Acker;
superintendent of public instruction,
X N. Harman; commissioner of agri
culture, W. H. Eggburn; secretary of
the commonwealth, V. M. Sowder.
Some states use voting machines,
but Philadelphia has had Its own brand
of voting machines in successful opera
tion for many years. Just now, how
ever, It has been badly broken by
the Weaver ax. Philadelphia
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