The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, August 18, 1905, Page 11, Image 11

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The Commoner.
'AUGUST 18, 1905
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water, enough to fully cover the jars,
bring the water to a boil, let boil for
ten minutes, remove the boiler from
the Are, and as soon as the Jars can
be handled, tighten the tops, and re
turn to the water until it is cold.
Wrap the jars in thick paper ana set
away in a cool dark place. Light
will bleach the tomatoes and may
cause them to spoil.
Preserved Pears with Ginger Cut
eight pounds of pears into small
pieces; pare a quarter of pound of
green ginger, and cut into small bits.
Cut six lemons the same way and
use the rinds of two; mix the pears,
lemons and ginger and add eight
pounds of sugar and a cupful of cold
water. Boil two hours, or until the
fruit is clear; keep the preserves in
stone jars. This is recommended.
Baked Apples Peel and core ten
medium sized apples; place in a bak
ing dish, filling holes with sugar;
make a sauce of three tablespoonfuls
of butter and three of flour creamed;
add boiling water to thicken; pour
over the apples; dust with nutmeg
and bako until done, basting them
once or twice with the cream in the
pan. Serve either hot or cold.
Budding Roses
B. H. Rhiel, in Column's Rural
World, says: "Roses may be budded
the same as fruit trees into any vigor
ous, hardy, rose stock,' Manettia and
our wild roses being the best. Roses
may bo budded now or any time dur
ing the season when the bark slips
easily. Buds to be used are taken
from young growth of this season;
the flower bearing shoots generally
furnish good buds. These buds may
be inserted into old or new stocks,
high or low. If stock is small the
bud may be put in near the ground
and the whole bush turned into the
variety which the bud represents. The
stock is to be cut off above the bud
about ten days after the bud is set.
Roses are always very effective when
budded high.
"I have in mind an arbor of roses
which originally consisted of one va
riety, the old Seven Sisters, which
now represents several varieties, and
the change brought about by budding.
Buds were placed from three to six
feet from the ground. Some of the
best hardy sorts were usea ana also
a few of the teas and hybrid teas,
which, though not hardy, can be pro
tected in this way perhaps better
than otherwise, that is, the long,
slender stock on which they are bud
ded can be easily bent to the ground
and the tender part covered. One of
the most interesting rose bushes I
have seen was a wild one growing in
a fence row, on which I budded Ma
rechal Niel, about four feet from the
ground. This bush produced, all sum
mer long, . roses that were the en
chantment of all who saw them, and
although one of the most tender va
rieties it was safely carried through
the severest winters by being bent to
the ground and covered with leaves.
I have also turned wild roses into
beautiful specimens by budding the
Crimson Rambler up high. We now
have the ideal rose to work in this
way it is the new Baby Rambler,
which when well established is never
seen out of bloom throughout the
growing season. I consider this one
of the grandest roses ever introduced.
After growing a wealth of bloom all
season it may be potted and had in
bloom all winter under favorable con
ditions. The blossoms have much the
same appearance as Crimson Ram
bler, but are not so double and there
fore all the more graceful."
Taking Out the Stains
There is no question tliat comes
more frequently to the Home Depart
ment than that of how to remove
spots and stains from the various fab
rics in use in the household. In order
to do the work intelligently, it is neces
sary to know the naturo of the stain,
as well as the kind and quality of
goods to be cleaned. White goods
are generally very easy to clean, but
colored articles require a much more
careful method of procedure. Al
most any preparation used for taking
out stains will injure colors, and Bilk
and woolen, or mixed goods are much
more liable to injury than the cot
tons and( linens. With some delicate
fabrics or colors, almost any prepara
tion will leave a discoloration worse
that the original stain, and of larger
proportions. Then, too, many women
are careless in applying the cleansers,
and make a bad job of anything they
undertake because of doing things in
a disorderly or slovenly way, with
poor material, or with soiled hands,
or by laying on anything, that of it
self, will stain; or, more likely than
all else, failing to use common sense
and good judgment in selection and
application. Even professional clean
ers do not always do their work well
because of using methods open to
question and of doing the work in a
slovenly, careless manner. For the
successtui removing of stains, more is
needed than simply to be "told how."
Some Apple Recipes
The fresh autumn crop of apples is
now just beginning to enter the mar
ket, and we give a few good, nutritious
and inexpensive ways of serving them
For Fried Apples. Core and peel
several large, tart apples; cut slices
right across the apples, making rings
about a quarter of an inch thick;
drop into cold water for a few min
utes, then dry and dip them in sugar
and fry quickly in hot butter. Some
prefer not to peel the apples, claim
ing that they are better flavored un
peeled. Apple Tapioca. Core and pare six
fully ripe apples; set these in a pud
ding dish; fill the hollow of each ap
ple with fine white sugar and stick
into each three cloves. Sprinkle
around the fruit six tablespoonfuls of
large pearl tapioca; squeeze a little
lemon juice on each apple, and pour
two cupfuls of cold water very gently
into the dish. This should be cooked
very slowly for an hour and a half,
when the tapioca will have formed a
delicate jelly all alout the apples;
servo lukewarm, not hot, with cream,
and it will be found perfectly whole
some for invalids as well as well peo
ple. Apple Snow. Dissolve half a box of
gelatine in a cup of cold water; pass
three heaping cupfuls of stewed ap
ples through a sieve, sweeten and
flavor with lemon juice and cinnamon
and mix with the jelly. Whip a pint
of sweet, rich cream and stir lightly
into a fruit. Heap this into a glass
dish and set it in the refrigerator until
ready to serve.
Apple Turnovers. Serve one to
each guest. Make a very rich, "short"
pastry dough, roll it out and cut into
squares about five inches wide; set
in the middle of each piece a large
pared and cored apple; drop into
each apple a niece of butter about as
big as a small hickorynut; fill up the
hole with sugar and put more around
the outside of the fruit. Into the
sugar stick two inches of cinnamon
and press three cloves into the flesh
of the apple. Lay a slice of lemon
on top of all this. Take up the four
corners of the pastry, pinch them in
to a knot over the .apple and let them
bake in a good, quick oven so that
the pastry may be well browned, but
give them time to get well done in
side. They may be eaten with or
without cream.
minutes longer, thou carefully drain
off tho water, then proccod to cook
as usual. Much of tho strong flavor
is thus removed. Many who cannot
oat onions cooked the usual way with
out parboiling will And the vegetable
much moro delicate to tho taste.
In cooking onions, much of the
strong flavor is removed if they are
parboiled. To parboil them, prepare
them ready for cooking, and let boil
about five minutes; add a bit of cook
ing soda the size of a large pea for
a pint of onions. Cook two or three
Said Chriit our Lord, "I will go and
How tho men, my brethren, believe in
Ho passed not again tnrough the gato
of birth,
But made Himself known to the chil
dren of earth.
Then said tho chief priests, and rul
ers, and kings,
"Behold now, the Giver of all good
Go to, let us welcome with pomp and
Him alone who is mighty and great."
With, carpets of gold the ground they
Wherever the Son of Man should
And in palace chambers, lofty and
They lodged Ilim and served Him
witli kingly faro.
Great organs surged through arches
Their jubilant floods in praise of Him ;
And in church, and palace, and judg
ment hall,
He saw His image high over all.
But still, wherever His stops they led,
Tho Lord in sorrow bent down His
And from under the heavy foundation
The son of- Mary heard bitter groans.
And in church and palace and judg
ment hall,
He marked great Assures that rent
the wall,
And opened wider and yet more wide
As tho living foundation heaved and
"Have ye founded your thrones and
altars then
On the bodies and souls of living
And think ye that building shall en
dure, Which shelters the noble and crushes
the poor?
"With gates of silver and bars of gold
Ye have fenced My sheep from their
Father's fold;
I have heard the dropping of their
In heaven these eighteen hundred
"O, Lord and Master, not ours the
Wo build but as our fathers built;
Behold Thine images, how they stand,
Sovereign and sole, through all our
"Our trust Is hard with sword and
To hold Thy earth forever the same,
And with sharp crooks of steel to keep
Still, as Thou leftest them, Thy
Then Christ sought out an artisan,
A low-browed, stunted, haggard man,
And a mother girl, whose fingers thin
Pushed from her faintly want and sin.
These set. He in the midst of them,
And as they drew back their gar
ments' hem,
For fear of defilement, "Lo, here,"
said He,
"The images ye have made of Me!"
little alorioB and his unceasing opti
mism made him good to soo and good
to have. And that rjupllo tho fact
that ho was a "wicked." railroad prosl
dent and chairman in time when rail
road presidents had even moro knocks
to tako t!inu thoy have today. Ho
was "Chauncoy tho p ach," and ho
did not deny it.
Thoro may always bo sad dopths
of sorrow beneath a snilllnK, happy
surface, but who would havo lookod
for the grim, vllo nnaclor shape in
which Chauncoy is now revealed. Ho
is spottod with graft. Tho split hoofs
aro plain to bo seen. The sulphurous
smell cannot bo dodged.
Ho cannot smile while he trios to
oxplaln tho legal services which ho
rendered to tho Equitable during tho
years of his $20,000 per. Ho cannot
Jest as he mentions tin ?2G0,000 loan
which ho aided tho Depow Improve
ment company to obtain from tho
EquKablo on property now worth lit
tle more than half that amount. Thoro
arc no neat llttlo speeches he can
mako about his verbal guarantee that
tho debt would be paid a guarantoo
ho admits had no legal validity. Wo
want lo know why ho should havo
guaranteed even thus cavalierly tho
debt of a company concerning whoso
affairs he pload. dark Ignorance, but
wo get no answer.
Alas! poor Chauncoy. The peachy
bloom Is gono. Tho worm Is at tho
core. Ho is in tho barrel In tho back
alloy, along with tho other specimens
of rotten fruit that must bo cartod off
by tho garbaco man. Chicago Record-Herald.
Once Chauncey Depew was the Joy
of the land. His little speeches, his
The managing editor wheeled his
chair around and pushed a button in
the wall. Tho person wanted entered.
"IJere," said the editor, "arc a num
ber of directions from outsiders as
to tho best way to run a newspaper.
See that they are'carrled out." And
the ofllco boy, gathering them all into
a large wasto basket, did so. Wash
ington Life.
When He Quit Coffee
Life insurance companies will not
Insure a man suffering from heart
trouble. The reason is obvious.
This is a serious matter to the hus
band or father who Is solicitous for
the future of his dear ones. Often
the heart trouble is caused by an un
expected thing and can be corrected
if taken in time and properly treated.
A man in Colorado writes:
"I was a great coffee drinker for
many years, and was not aware of tho
Injurious effects of the habit till I
became a practical invalid, suffering
from heart troubje, indigestion and
nervousness to an extent that made
me wretchedly miserable myself and,
a nuisance to those who witnessed
my sufferings.
"I continued to drink Coffee, how.
ever, not suspecting that it was the
cause of my ill-health, till, on apply
ing for life insurance I was rejected
on account of the trouble with my;
heart. Then I became alarmed,
found that leaving off coffee helped;
me quickly, so I quit it altogether
and having been attracted by the ad
vertisements of Postum Food Coffee
I began Its use.
"The change in my condition was,
remarkable, and it was not long till
I was completely cured. All my ail
ments vanished. My digestion was;
completely restored, my nervousness
disappeared, and, most important oC
all, my heart steadied down and be
came normal, and on a second exami
nation I was accepted by the life in
surance Co. Quitting coffee and using;
Postum worked the cure." Name giv
en by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich.
There's a reason, and it is explained
in the little book, "The Road to Well
ville," In each pkg.
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