J the Commoner. VOLUME 5, NUMBER 31 10 ' ! 11 m ;t Little Myself-As-I-Used-To-Be Mrs. Carrie Cosby Fulton o Bardstown, Kentucky, has written a beautiful little poem entitled "Little Myself-As-I-Used-To-Be." A resident of Bardstown, writing to The Commoner, says that Mrs. Fulton's poem is "a fitting com panion piece for the little poem, 'The Kingdom of Never-Grow-Old.'" Mrs. Fulton's poem follows: Sometimes, when the work of day is done; When the ebbing light from the west is gone; When the present loosens its fetters fast, And the freed heart leaps to its longed-for past; When the twilight gathers, and shad ows grow deep; Out from the silence will timidly creep A dear little girl whom I clearly see Littlo Mysclf-As-I-Used-To-Be! She talks of her school-days, her les sons, her toys; Her dally duties, her daily joys; Her holidays glad, when no work is done; Vacation-time with its frolic and fun; Thanksgiving and Easter; the Christmas-tide; With, stockings hung at the chlmnoy- slde; Laughing aloud, as she stands by my knee Little Myself-As-I-Used-To-Be! Often she prattles of childish plays, And the little friends of those by gone days. Some are wanderers, some grown old, With weariness, labor and sorrow un told; Some in life's joy, their youth yet keep; And some in the churchyard, are fast asleep. But she talks of them all, with child ish glee Little Myself-As-I-Used-To-Be! Where goblins and witches yet weave their spells; Where mirth and laughter all clouds dispel, And troubles, like fairy tales, all end well; Her days are all bright ones; her skies ever blue, Her lovers are faithful, her friends all are true. Never a care nor a sorrow knows she Little Myself-As-I-Used-To-Be! But sometimes sometimes she lifts her eyes To my face, with a kind of puzzled surprise "What have you done," she asks of me; "With my faith and my truth and my purity? With the trustful love for -God and your kind, Tliat I gave to you when you left me behind?" These are the questions she puts to me Little Myself-As-I-Used-To-Be ! "Oh, dear little girl" I answer low; "I lost them all, long years ago. Amid life's bustle, its heat and its dust, I lost your innocence, truth and trust; And I found, at an hour when I need ed them most, Thaf your faith and your love were also lost. Little remains that you gave to me Little Myself-As-I-Used-To-Be ! " made by peanuts, Oh, fair is dwells, the world in which 3he "But we'll both creep out of this life, some day; I tired of work; you tired of play; And perhaps we'll find on that other shore, Things we have mourned as lost, be fore ; Simplicity, innocence, love and truth, The trustful faith that belongs to youth. And, clothed, in these, through eter nity N I'll be Myself-As-I-Used-To-Be." Floral' Notes It is high time we were thinking of our window garden for the winter. It is well to take thought ahead of the time of actual need of work, and thus be ready to test our plans when the time for work comes. In a shaded veranda close to my little summer cot tage is a bench, loaded with most beautiful flowering begonias and other window plants, and the owner of the collection is busy rooting cuttings and arranging other plants for her win dows. The sight awakens within me a longing for home, to which I shall certainly hie me away in a very short time. For I, too, have windows that will look bare enough without the green things growing, even though one has not bloom. One of these begonias is the B. carried; the flowers are large, pro duced 'in loose clustors, well above the foliage, and of a waxy-white color, sometimes flushed with pink. The foliage is a dark, glossy green, dense and handsome, but, as the plant is nearly always in bloom, it is nearly always partially hidden by the profu sion of flowers. This is one of the most thrifty, easily grown of the be gonia family, and for the amateur's window garden, is perhaps the best of all the white-flowered sort. Another old, strongly-recommended member of the begonia family is the old rubra. It likes a partial shade, but in other respects tne same treat ment that will succeed with a gera nium will succeed with this begonia. Clogged drainage and the least chill of atmosphere must be avoided. For "slipping" roses, get good sand and insert slips that have been broken not cut, from the bush in August. Keep them in a pot the first winter after starting. Keep the sand damp for six weeks after planting the slijis, but do not keep so wet as to rot the slip. -The vessel containing the slips should be kept in a warm place, but must not be allowed to dry out. A medium size blooming plant of the gloxinia may be grown In a four inch pot; a seven-inch pot will accom modate three bulbs, and a ten-inch pot, five bulbs. In potting, do not cover tlu' bulbs; the crown must pro trude above the surface. Query Box G-. P. Can not aid you. Gracio G. -You are not clear in stating what you want to know. Write again. Mrs. B. English long-cloth Is pre ferred to muslin for underwear, nq it J does not "yellow" from laundering. jrt is inexpensive. M. S.-KPeanut butter is grinding fresh roasted shelled and the brown skin removed, in a nut grinder. Allon The ridges on the finger and thumb nails are caused by some mor bid condition of the blood. Improve the health. M. R., G. L., and T. D. -You should have sent stamped, addressed envel opes as your queries are of interest only to yourselves. E. G. For a light lap robe, pale bUie, tan and pink form a pretty com bination of colprs. For a dark one, the color tones may be red, gray and medium blue. J. S. Wishes the address of some one who can reduce enlarged finger joints. Will some one send address of such person to the Homo depart ment? Mrs. M. Elderly ladies with clear complexions and some color look well in gray. A, sallow woman must not wear gray about her' face. A touch, of magenta, or other bright color, is desirable. Mrs. H. Old ladies now wear very bright colors, and they need them much more than younger women do. Yes, indeed, try to look as nice as possible. Emma S. Use salicylic acid and white vaseline, equal portions of each, to whiten the neck, apply at night and wash off in the morning with soap and warm water. This will gradu ally take off the skin, so you must use a little cold cream after each wash ing. Beria All the laws of etiquette re quire one to refrain from in any way attracting attention while in public. A well-bred person will suffer a great deal of discomfort rather than make herself conspicuous. Hattie S. -The hair should be washed twice a month; the scalp kept clean at all times, or the hair will lose its gloss. (2) Use almond -meal instead of soap. Take in the palm, moisten, and apply to the hands and .face just as soap is used. Elsie Use one color of your silk for the head-rest, and the other piece tor a ruffle for the same. Make your rest about fifteen inches long, and fold your eighteen inch piece of silk and sew up the ends after basting the ruffle, cut on the bias, round the four sides. Inside place the soft pillow. Hang by cords at each corner. Mrs. C. The- klmona is intended only to be worn in the dressing room or for lounging. A simple white dress of short length may be worn on the street as an afternoon gown. White shoes and stockings are worn for house and street wear. A gown which has a "dressed up" party look should not be worn on the street. "Ignorance." I quote you an autho rity on etiquette: "A man or woman who is perfectly aware of the nroner thing to do in certain cases, does not always wait to be introduced before speaking, if there is no one present to perform the introduction, where the two may know one another per fectly well without personal acquaint ance. In such cases, it is excusable for one to make overture by introduc ing himself, and mentioning the fact that he is acquainted by sight and reputation, or by the recommendation of mutually esteemed friends." jar of lemonade to have a bitter taste The jar should be one of the self' sealing, screw top jars. Fill it with alternating layers of sliced lomon and sugar; put on the rubber and the lid and set it in the coolest place pos sible until morning. When the lunch eon is ready, pour out the sweetened juice and add water and ice. This is an excellent method of preparing lemonade for expected afternoon com pany, saving much time ana consid erable trouble in having the lomon and sugar ready for immediate use without the trouble of squeezing or mixing. Put a handful of cracked ice into a tin shaker; into this squeeze the juice of four lemons and add a gen erous cupful of sugar. Powdered sugar is best. Shake until the sugar is thoroughly dissolved. Pour it into the pitcher and add from one to two quarts of water. The flavor of this lemonade may be vastly improved hy the addition of orange or pineapple juice, or the' sliced fruit, although or dinary lemonade is most relished hy many people. Summer Beverages Lemonade' for the picnic should be prepared at home the night before. The peel and every seed must be re moved, as a few seeds left in the slice of lemon will cause the whole The Baby Do not forget the baby, dear moth ers, now that we are so near the bor der line of the year. Remember to clothe the little limbs In the cool early morning or the chilly evening, even though the extra cloth ing must be removed in the heat of the day. The light flannel underwear must be ready at hand, to be put on at a moment's notice, for baby is sen sitive to the change in the atmos phere, and, having "no language but a cry," can not voice his wants as clearly as the older ones may. Watch the little limbs, and do not allow tho "goose bumps" or the "mottle" of cold to testify against you. Remem ber a well baby is a good baby, and a healthy baby Is a nappy one, aim to have either, you must watch over its comfort carefully. Soap Suds Do not throw away your soap suds on wash days, as the suds contain much fertilizing material for certain kinds of plants and vegetables, such as soda. Dotash and nitrogen. Suds should be poured on the asparagus bed, or the garden compost heap. All weeds, the refuse from the vegetables used in the kitchen, the lawn clip pings, and much of the waste about the kitchen should bJ put into a neap. or piled in a shallow hole, and into it the dishwater and hand-washing water should be poured, while, to keep the smell and the flies from it. a light covering of earui suuiuu -added each day. This will make fine manure for the kitchen or flower gm den, and at he same time, dispose of the waste material satisfactory. Timely Recipes Canning Tomatoes Take fully nPc smooth, but not over-ripe tomatoes, scald, peel, and, if large, Quarter or halve them; if of suitable size to put whole Into the jar (to not cut. rui them into the preserving kettle, cover closely, and bring to the boiling pome niAitr o fVioir -mnv ho thorougniy heated through; have your jars reaiy. and lift the tomatoes carefully, witu a perforated spoon, filling the jars i the top, leaving the juice, which n-anovnllv full nf BAGflS. in tllO KCIU" Lfrom which it may be strained, re heated and poured boiling hot nuu w filled jars, letting it run over so icm, as a bubble escapes. Or, you rawj" boiling water, canning the tomaw juice later by Itself for soups, uo sure that your rings (it te "csc "Q have new ones) and metal tops .u perfect-fitting. Put on the caps, am stand the Jars in a boiler of v,aun AN OLD AND WELL TIUED BKMKDY Mns. widow's soorawa SYitup for children toothing uhould always bo used for ohjldron w uw toothing. It softens tho gums, alloys all pa n. uire. wind chollo and Is tho host romody for dlarrurc. Twonty-flye coats a bottle. vi &., " , -ft , Js a i i.