' i- tmr v f V ' JULY 14, 1905 The Commoner. L&feT 13 " '"',-m". '" JxzprZ$ Aj?1:? federal authorities - from prosecuting on tho ground that prosecution will bo "irregular." Mr. Miller says that tho government hns gone into a court of equity socking an injunction, and un der tho settled rule of tho law can not instituto criminal proceeding. United States Senator Alger an nounces that ho will not bo a candi date for re-election at tho expiration of his term. Ho says the condition of his health makes this course impossible. ccac T)iAri ira flfflitr Inn nil It is authoritatively announced that Elihu Root, formerly Secretary of War, has been tendered and has ac cepted the place of Secretary of State to succeed the late John Hay. United States Senator Mitchell 7as convicted at Portland, Ore., on the charge of accepting money for practic ing before the departments of the federal government. He "will take an appeal. The case of Caleb Powers, of Ken tuclcy, has been transferred to the fed eral court. The First National Bank of Topeka, Kans., controlled by Charles J. Devlin, the coal mine owner, closed its doors July 3. The cause of failure is said to have been too extensive loans to ono person. It is claimed that the bank holds Devlin's paper to the amount of one million dollars and that the creditors will be paid in full. One boy was killed, a chauffeur had his ribs broken, and several wom en were injured in the auto races which took place in New York on July 3. Reports from Mexico City, dated J "y 2, said that hundreds of persons were drowned in a flood which took place at Guanajuato, a mining city in Mexico. The crew of the Kniaz Potemkine, the Russian warship sought to transform their mutiny into a rebel lion. They notified the powers that they are in war against Russia an: will be governed by the rules of war. They surrendered to the Roumanians. Pittsburg dispatches say that prac tically every coal mining company in the Pittsburg district has passed into the control of the Gould interests. The funeral of the late Secretary of State John Hay took place at Colum bus, Ohio, July 5, the president and members of .the cabinet attending. This is one of the ways by which Henry 33. Hyde became a multi-millionaire. This is ono of the means by which James H. Hyde has been making money out of the s 'ety ainco his father's death; and Mr. James H. Hyde was quite an apt son, for when the question of the increase of the capital stock of the Equitable Trust company, from $500,000 to $1,000,000, came up, James H. Hyde, as chair man of the executive and finance committees of tbe society, thought it was unwise for the society to take its share of that allotment, but it was a very wise thng for him to take his own share -1 a very large portion of that which belonged to the society. I wish every policyholder of the so ciety would "read Mr. Hyde's letter, to which I have just referred; read it carefully, and bear in mind all the time that nenry B. Hyde absolutely controlled the society, and when At is stated that he declined to do cer tain things it was simply Henry B. Hyde who declined to do those things. Henry B. Hyde represented a great trust on one side the money of the policqholders and on the other he represented his own private Interests. He controlled both. He loved mon ey. What show d I the society have in those transactions?" Tho public debt at the close of busi ness Juno 30, 1905, less cash in tho treasury, amounted to $989,850,772. Judge McVey of the Polk county, Iowa, district court, has ruled that tho main sections of the Iowa anti trust law aro in conflict with the fed eral constitution and therefore invalid. Amasa Cobb, formerly justice of tho Nebraska supreme court, died at Los Angeles, Cal., July C. George G. Maclock of Louisville, Ky., who has rece itly returned from Panama, reports that the situation is very bad on the Isthmus. He Lays all sorts of contagious diseases are prevalent and that tne "dead trains ' make the trip from Colon "to Monkey Hill fourteen times a day, often hav ing as many as four coffins aboard. The packers and their employes against whom indictments are re turned have given bond in Chicago each in the sum of $5,000. A tornado struck Montague county, Texas, July 5. At Nacona fourteen persons were killed, and many others injured. Nine people were killed at Montague. Washington dispatches say that Ed win H. Conger, formerly minister to China, now minister to Mexico, will be retired from his present position in order to make a place for D. E. Thompson, who is now minister to Brazil. Read Admiral Sigsbee, officers and marines, were given a great ovation at Paris when they arrived for the purpose of taking charge of the re mains of Paul Jones. Congressman M. E. Driscoll, who was the investigating attorney for Superintendent of Insurance Hend- rricks in the Equitable investigation, has made a statement in which he says that the elder as well as the younger Hyde reaped enormous pro fits out of the Equitable affairs. Mr. Driscoll says: "Since the year 1876 to the present time Henry B. Hyde and associates during his lifetime, and since his death, James H. Hyde and associates have beer, realizing ' any where from $23,879.57 to $46,535.04 a year, all at the loss of the Equitable society, through the Mercantile Safe Deposit company. Since the year 'f7, they have realized $468,285.26 through the Security Safe Deposit company, all at the expense of the Equitable society; and from the time the lease was made with the Missouri Safe Deposit company, in 1888, the society has only received $3,900 In rent, while these sane people have re ceived about $20,000 a year, for the stock of the safe deposit company haa been paying 10 per cent on $200,000. A. W. Corrington, president of the Arkansas state senate, hao been ac quitted on the charge of bribery. The Associated Press says that an order for the mobilization of the Swe dish army I as been issued, and that Sweden will enforce the decrees of the riksdag. A Washington dispatch to the St. Louis Globe-Democrat says that there is a strong drift among republican statesmen to restore the stamp taxes of the Cuban war to meet the treas ury deficit of more than forty million dollars that is threatened during the fiscal year just beginning. The deficit for last year was twenty-four million dollars. Secretary Taft has declared that .... mncf n.ttipr rftvlsft tho tariff UUUglCDD tuutJU v.wavw- schedules or else relmpose some of the special war taxes, it is very Ku erally believed there will bo no revi sion but that stamp taxes will be re sorted to. John S. Miller, attorney of the In dicted packers, announces that he will ask for an injunction restraining the An Associated Press dispatch under date of St. Petersburg, July 7, says: "Tho Norvostl this morning prints what is claimed is the actual text of tho original draft of Minister of tho Interior Bouligan's plan for tho form ation of a representative assembly, which bears out the forecasts of the measure given In tho Associated Press .dispatch. The question of elec tion of members to the lower house of the legislative body Is settled not on the basis of property, but on that of universal suffrage of men and women, tho latter voting by proxy. The classes absolutely debarred are Jevs, the nomadic races, persons not of Russian nationality, governs and other imperial and local admin!strators,-and all persons connected with tho police. It is provided that the disability of the Jews shall only continue until their status shall have been defined by the popular assembly. Persons con victed of crime are also deprived of suffrage. Tho emperor possesses the right of absolute veto as "well as tho power to prorogue tho assembly. The presidents of the respective chambers are to be chosen by the emperor and he will have the right to suspend the sittings. The Interpellation of minis ters will take place behind closed doors if reasons of state are pleaded. The national assembly will control the budget except in the case of per manent and national defense appro priations. The duoma is divided into ten committees of finance, rural af fairs, Industry, education, clergy, ad ministration of justice, war, marine, railroads and budget. John B. Dill, famous as a corpora tion lawyer, has been appointed by Governor Stokes of New Jersey a judge of the court of errors and ap peals. A New York dispatch to the Chicago Record-Herald says that Mr. Dill surrenders an income of $300,000 a year from his law practice to be come a judge with a salary of $3,000. Newspaper dispatches have quoted Jamos Dalrymple, the Glasgow expert, as having said as to his visit to Chi cago that municipal ownership in tho United States Is . an absurdity and that an experiment in that line could but prove to be a failure. Mr. Dal rymple denies that he ever made a statement that is possible of such an interpretation. Ho has said that mu nicipal ownership to be successful must be divorced from politics and must be conducted in connection with a strict civil service. In that he is entirely In harmony with Mayor Dunne. On his arrival homo Mr. Dal rymple will make a written report to Mayor Dunne, and that report will be made public. lloniofpenpleln the I nltd fltatrit. I. err una want a I'larnnni!. tilifiirimU win ItpArt. A flla.v.rhMfl fa M f -. -a--aa a .rnltf(1a .1. M inramllnmlmrnl liUmnml. Incraaaeln value 9) per cent per year Writ today fur our CatA.nff ti.-n.tfJi,,-i"i! "?. ,r.u rio-- you py one-oni. Uie Price anil krenlt and pay balance In eight equal mouthljr jKiymcnU. IKHe To-day Diamond Cutters Watchmakers, Jeweler 0cpl.fiC902to00SlaloSI. Chlcngo, III., U.n. A. I0FTIS hbros&co.&. ?Ufift Want MORK Bai.km.KM r Weekly Vrtfala Stark Nuncry, Utthlaaa, Mo.; D.tmllU. N. V. BLUE BOOK ON PATENTS and list of Inventions wanted, free to nny addre.vj. Pat ents secured or fee returned. Geo. S. Vaghon & Co., V.Q l St. Woh. D. O. USS 111 MM n(1 WMakajr TTabf III Ilfl cured l '"" without I 1 I Wl Pln-Hook of particular! 7tH.l.tAUaMlia,Ju.l 103 N.Fryor Ht. KATNTflKEAVfS M-eato. WrMMl999 ei KHBHIHflHHVai mnTTOI'B Hmti, Ceatfc, M Um rr ao4 l4!cUa Car. A ytutiairj ilfl0 for wlad, . la aua. a. ai a a aai m la . a I 2m3tT9a nctttmtntU. 1.00 B an, or oraun, or xp, yttfmui. TkoAawton Kerned Ge. Tfrledo, Ohio. CANCER Curod toatay cared. My TRUE MISTIIOI) kill tho dondly germ TrblclicauBea Cancer. No knife) No pal nl Longest ostabllabcd, inoct rellablo cancer Hnoclnlln. ISyoaraln thin location. IglvoaWIUT TKNLKGAJjUUAIIAHTKK My feodependjionmy Buccota.8onrt for froo 100-p. book and poxlllro proof a. Dili El Oi SMITH a KANSAS CITY, Mi a day SURE Kafjr wnrlr with hort ami burtr rlrlit whera juu lira In bantUlng J $4.00 IL AA i iu'27fl utt.vinflflHIHHV1 I'KAHK MFG. CO. oar Irvnlur ami nbtlnv rnMtilno. 'Jn agent ). "Mado M) In 3)f dtjrt." W ajr Cii a month and iptitti or commUilon. liL'lit.H.C'InclUtiHtl.O. 1 w GEM CITY I Business College Quincy, 111. 20 tenchcrs. WQ Kludcnts, flOO.000 School liulldlnif. Hhorthund and Typouritlnv. nookkcopliw, ftr. W puo Illustrated C atalrifuo freo. D. L. MUBSELMAH, Pni't Qolney. III. m ii i i P1HW "FOLLOW THE FLAG" ffijkrrs i very V ' """"TRIPS South and Southeast, one fate plus $2.00 Hot Springs. Arlc, daily $23.00 St. Louis, Mo., dally J18.G0 Chautauqua, N. Y., July 28th $34.00 Detroit, Mich., Aug. 13th and 14th.. $21. 50 Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 17th and lSth..$25.25 Richmond, Va., Sept. 8th to 11th, In clusive , $33.75 Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 14th to ICth, inclusive $32.75 Long limits, stop-overs and other fea tures offered In connection with" the above rates. All Agents can sell you through tickets and route you Wabash. .All tickets reading over tho Wabash from Chicago east aro optional with passenger via Lako or Rail, either or both directions. Call at Wabash City Ofllce, 1C01 Farnam St, or write and let me give you all in formation, maps, descriptive matter, folders, etc. HARRY B. MOORES. G. A. P. D. Wab. R. R., Omaha, Nebr. HI M M I r i i &