- " , - The Commoner. TONE 1C, 1006 13 EVERY ONE and Wblalccy Ilamia I I lM1 Cl""e(l t homo without J IWl pain. Book of particulars w . . Tries' WANTS A DIAMOND (fffssni fRleeliey,fll.l.,Atlat,a., 103 N.r ryor S t. mllllona of tont In tirti Vnltt-il CTADK fccsttyTei-80 YEARS. Wc DAY CASB alAgrr Want MORE Salesmen Y f Weekly QTlxT.Lv Stark Nursery, Louisiana, Mo.; Dansvllle, N. Y. &MmQmifi7rMU4fflz& MMMm rrriMBfi h fltatca. Kvcry one of them wan la a lHanond. Diamond rln Heart. A Diamond In ulirowd InvcitUrinnt. Dia mond Ineiraao In value twenty per cent per year. IJet- 1 Ml-I U niU UIUIILT I .HATH T HEAVES, low wi Jw VIBrHlfWHl zflMHftf .HtaMSn. i KWTOK'SHteTa, Cast, Bto Umftr aad lBdtUn Cars. A veterinary ipeclQc for vied. .inroal ana iiomaca irauctcm r .iann ana voraou hiuki Slrong rcmmmd. $1.00 we . cn, of dealers, or Exp. prepaid. Tho H fcwtom Remedy Co, 'xeieae, vbib. A sharp turn carao in the affairs of j followed, and the voto to tho separate like hungry wolves nnv iMion of Ino uie Alaglo Flth l.ure. FKU WILL BITE I iLllI vior If vnn in lleat Halt eer Invented for nctn, trapi, and trotllne. Write today and get a box to help Introduce It. Agenti wanted. J. F. QREQORY, ANADARKO, OKLA. FREE LAND IN OREGON Under the " Carey Irrigation Act. " Deed Direct from State. Write Today. Booklet and map free. B. S. Cook & Co., 251 Alder St., Portland. Oregon. t lalhmq HIIDCn CDCC Wc want every AallllllU UUIILU I I1LL. sufferer f rom II mu Caur Asthma or Hay Fever to write to lluf TifOI day for a free trialof a treatment tha t cures these diseases permanently and com pletely.Don'tsend any money. Wcsend the cure free all charges prepaid. Frontier Asthma Co., Room 03 109 Delaware Ave,, Buffalo. N. Y. CANCER Cured to Btay curod. My TRUE METHOD kills tho deadly germ which causes Cancer. No knife I No pain I Longest established, most rollablo cancer Specialist. 10 years in this location. IglvoaWKIT T1CN LEGAL GUAR ANTEK My feodopondsonmy success.Sond for free 100-p. book and posltlvo proof a. DR. E.0. SMITH, SSttSWil the Equitable Life Assurance Society Juno y. Thomas F. Ryan and asso ciates of New York obtained control, Hyde resigned as vice president, and Alexander resigned as president. Paul Morton, now secretary of tho navy, was made chairman of tho board of directors, and ho will be the society's executive head. Grover Cleveland has been invited to become a director. This is all referred to as a "compro mise" between the Hyde and Alexan der forces. But tho Alexander nien aro plainly disappointed and it is be lieved by many that Hyde had much to do with the important change. irr iiinnivtTinKB imuikh. rnunliy lor OUr (AlltlOff I THE INLAND FARMER Published at Louisville, Ky. One of the largest, most influential and substantial agricultural papers published in tho south-central states. Sixteen to twenty-four pages weekly. Subscription price one dollar per year. SPECIAL OFFER: For a limited time only we can make readers of The Com moner a special clubbing price of $1.25 for both papers for ono year. Send .all orders to The Commoner, .Lincoln. Neb. VICK'S FAMILY MAGAZINE Published Monthly Tho leading horticultural and family Magazine in America. Tho best writers on flowers, fruits, gardens, poultry, nature, children, house hold and stories. A high grado monthly publication that will bo welcomed to every home. Regular subscription price 50c a year By special arrangements, for a short time only, wo will send VICK'S FAMILY MAG AZINE and The Commoner, both ono year for ono dollar. Send all orders to The Commoner, Lincoln, Neb. THE NEW VOICE John G. Wooley, Editor. A Journal for all who aro interested In tho temperance movement. Published weekly. News, Investigation, Informa tion, Inspiration, and Politics. Sixteen pages every week, sometimes more. It is a national and international bureau of information on all subjects relating to the liquor traffic. Subscription price ono dol lar per year. Readers of The Commoner who are not now subscribers to THE NEW VOICE may take advantage of our special club bing rate of $1.45 for both papers ono year. This offer is not good for renewals to TPIE NEW VOICE. Send all orders to The Commoner, Lin coln, Nebr. ALLEN'S FOOT EASE Shako Into Your Shoes Allon'a Foot Ease, a powder for the foot It cares painful, swollen, smarting, nervous foet, and instantly takoj tno stiDfe oat of corns and bunions. Jt the greatest comfort discovery of the ajre. Allen's Foot Kaso makes tlKht ilttintr or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain care for ingrowing nails, sweating, callous and hot, tired, aohing foot. We havo ovor 30,1)00 testimonials TltY IT TO-DAY. Sold by all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c. Do not accent anv BiiliHti- tuto. Sontby mail forJSo.instaraps. v,r CDPC TIUAL PACKAGE li && sent by mail. MOTHER GItAY'S SWEET POWDEIIS, the bestmodiclnefor Fevorinu, Sickly Children. Sold by Drupgists every where. Trial Package . ' iLun. Auureis, .A-nunr ra. mjiUM'JSi Mention thispapor.J "la a pinch, Hse Allen's Foot-Ease." The Norway Storthing has formally dissolved tho union of Norway and Sweden and has proclaimed that King Oscar is no longer king of Norway. The reins of government havo been placed in the hands of the council of state. The council is proceeding with the reorganization of the government, a new flag has been adopted and the prayer-book of the Norwegian church has been modified in accordance with the change in the political situation, the prayers for the royal family being omitted. consul bill resulted in tho open break. Tho Norwegian Council of State, which is to servo tho Norway provi sional government, Is composed o the following: M. Michelsen, premier and minister of justice; Dean Knudsen, ministry for worship and instruction; M. Arctahder, ministry for foreign af fairs, commerco, navigation and in dustry; M. Vinjc, ministry of agri culture; M. Lohmkuhl, ministry of public works; M. Gumar Knudsen, minister of nuance and customs; Gen. Olsenn, ministry of defense; delega tion to the council at Stockholm, M. Lovland, minister of stale; M. Hager upbull, M. Bothner. iwu iiiumriiiionii. rwivct tno uiainotid which la yottr special fa ncy. Wo will aand It for your eiamlnatlon. Our credit U-rmii, On-fifth tho price uh pid when you receive tho artlcu, the lialanro In eight ciual monthly payment. Wo pay a'.l oipreas Charges. Write To-day I IHFTIC Diamond Cutters I Jk Manufacturing Jewelers Wl lW Dcpl. 1-00 HM BROS & CO. teSsOZtoDOSUteSLChlcata The Norway Storthing adopted an address declaring that no ill-feeling was entertained toward King Oscar or his dynasty. The king was asked to co-operate in the selection of a young prince of the house of Berna dotte to occupy the throne of Norway, Prince Carl being the one favored by a great many Norwegians. King Os car declined to consider the offer and representatives of Norway approached the Danish royal family to ascertain if an offer of the throne would be received by a member of it prefer ably Prince Charles, son of Crown Prince Frederick. It is claimed by some that the majority of tho Nor wegians are opposed to giving the throne to a prince of the house of Bernadotte and that if King Oscar should adhere to his refusal and if tho Danish royal family should like wise refuse, the strong Norwegian sentiment .toward a republic would make itself manifest. In Sweden ovations in honor of King Oscar continue, and there is a strong sentiment opposed to recog nizing the action of the Storthing as being definite. Doctor Nansen is very popular with tho republican ele ment of Norway, and some believe that he may ultimately become head of a Norwegian republic. In an inter view with a London newspaper cor respondent, Dr. Nansen says that Nor wegians are without bitterness to ward the kind or Sweden, and that the Swedish people will doubtless un derstand that Norway's withdrawal from the union was the best solution of the pending problems. The immediate cause of the breach between the united kingdoms of Swe den and Norway was the veto by King Osdar of a bill passed by the Norway Storthing creating an independent consular system for that country. That veto was given May 28th. Norway de manded separate consuls, but Sweden insisted that the relations between the two countries be amended before the separate consuls were granted. In his interview Doctor Nansen says: "The crown was compelled to veto the con sular bill or else would have lost Sweden, and this fact is well under stood and appreciated by the Nor wegians." A series of negotiations London dispatches suggest that had Russia not been involved in a war in tho far east it is doubtful whether Norway would have 'undertaken to sever its connection with Sweden. Loudon newspapers say that Norway's action is very serious, and dispatches say that "British sympathies appear to be strongly on the side of Sweden and King Oscar, more especially as an English princess is about to marry a prince who is In direct line of suc cession to the Swedish throne." OUR- BOOK TELLS WHY SOME PEOPLE HAVE SKIN DISEASES nnrt how to cure thorn by nnturul mentis without the uhc of (lniKH. How to uct rid of pimples, blotches unci bhickhcud.H. How to relieve the suffcrlntf caused by eczema. In short, It explains the only way to effect a I'ermamnl Lure of all nUJn dlsenses. It Is culled "Skin Health," and is published by the ItACINKllYOlKNIG INKTITOTK, HOX ClDfl HACINK. Wis. Sent poRtpnltl foriiSc. BEAUTY IS MORE THAN SKIN DEEP GENUINE DEMOCRACY All about tho wonderful govern ment in New Zealand can be learned from tho book entitled "Politics In New Zealand," published by C. F. Taylor, Baker Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Price only 25 cents, It Is a wonderful story, and its reading will bring joy to all true democrats. Mon ey refunded if any purchaser and reader should bo disappointed. Secretary Hay has sailed from Liv erpool on his return home from a suc cessful voyage in search of health. Beriah Wilkins, editor and proprie tor of tho Washington Post, and for merly a member of congress from Ohio, died of heart failure at tho na tional capital June 7. Mr. Wilkins was 59 years of age. The Northern Indiana Baptist As sociation met at South Bend Juno 7, A resolution was introduced endors ing John D. Rockefeller and defend ing him against criticism of his busi ness methods. After a stormy de bate the resolution was withdrawn. This resolution was introduced by Rev. A. N. Wheeler of Elkhart, and was as follows: "Resolved, That we ex press ourselves against the present tendency to criticise the great Baptist brotherhood in the person of one of its most active members, and this in the face of the fact that there is no evi dence to prove that Mr. Rockefeller is or ever has been either directly or indirectly connected with conduct that is out of line with the highest mor ality." A South Bend correspondent for tho Chicago Record-Herald, says: "Before Mr. Wheeler had taken his seat six clergymen were demanding the floor. The minister who was most hostile was Rev. C. R. Parker of La porte. He ended a heated argument with a suggestion that 'the rotten thing' be dealt with in a most vigorous way. While the other five clergymen were attempting to voice their pro tests at the same time the resolution was withdrawn." For years it has been alleged that the voters' list in Philadelphia has been padded. Mayor Weaver has or dered a thorough investigation of Philadelphia's entire list of voters. A dispatch to the Chicago Record Herald, under date of Boston, Juno 7, says: "President Roosevelt has in formed Governor Douglas that he wishes no official reception on visiting this state to attend the Har vard commencement, as he will come as a private citizen. In this Tvay an embarrassing situation will be avoid ed as should the president visit Mass- VISIT THE tSmh LEWIS & CLARK Exposition rOHTLAND, ORE., June 1 to October 15, 1005 and mrrimN Tinioncfi C A I, I F O R.-N I A You Wilt Regret It It You Mhs-Mf Shii.stn and Sacramento Valley, San Fran cisco and Golden Gate, Yoscmlto VaUcy and iilj: Trees, Santa Cruz and Paso itoblcs . Del Monte und Monterey Uay, Santa liar bara and Los Angeles, LucI 'Cut-Off" across Great Salt Lake Low Rates Via UNION PACIFIC The Road to California jNQnniK op E, B. SLOSSON, General Atjcnt LINCOLN, NKIJKAHKA r M. W. A. Milwcikee A Very Low Rtjto Will Bo Mtido WATCH THE DAILY PAPERS Tickets on sale June 15. 16. 17. 18. Re turn limit. July 25. ThcO.&N.W, is the only double track line and the only railroad bavins its own rails from Lin coln and many other points west of the Missouri River to Milwaukee. J. A. Kuhn, A. G. F. & P. A. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Chicago & Northwestern R. R. ti tab.,.- .-