'T-- ' ' istihf w' rw awmm PlffMllHIW'fPMP&P'Vir'- O The Commoner. 16 flrOLTTME 5, NUMBER 2 ' 'democrat In this nation will sign it, '.tor I bolicvo this is the best way to 'get the party organized. A. .7. Ellas, of Elias & Bro., Lumber :Co., Buffalo, N. Y. In sending you herein this primary pledge I do not Xeel that I have assumed any new ob-iin-nHrm fnr fho reaHon that I have always attended the primaries in the 'past and it is and always has been my .'intention to do so in the future, al though in my election district ward, assembly, senatorial, and congression al districts all are overwhelmingly republican. Nevertheless you will please file my pledge and add my name to your roll of democrats who want the democratic party to bo dem ocratic in fact as well as in name. I hope to see incorporated in the next democratic platform municipal owner ship of public utilities in cities, state ownership of railroads in states and national ownership of interstate lines of railroads, a national telegraph and telephone, postal savings banks, postal parcel post and all other need ed and desirable reforms and all ad ditional governmental advantages for tho people which can properly and eafely bo undertaken by the govern ment. I also hope to see all those who call themselves democrats, yet do not believe in the platforms of 1896 and 1900 and who still do not be lieve in the principles enunciated therein, outside tho democratic party during the next campaign. I am in favor of getting apart rather than getting together the Irreconcilable ele ments of tho Darty. The apparent support in 1900 of the ticket by the element that opposed it in 189G Is what defeated the ticket (in 1900) and I hope that in the next national convention the majority will be such men as dominated in the 1896 convention. ippppfjfjpfjfifj CLUB OFFER Any ono of tho following will bo sent with THE COMMONER, both one year, for tho club price. - Periodicals may be sent to different ad dresses If desired. Your friends may wish to join with you In sending for a combination. All subscriptions aro for one year, and If now, begin with tho cur rent number unless otherwise directed. Present subscribers need not wait until their subscriptions expire. Renewals re ceived now will bo entered for a full year from expiration date. Subscriptions for Literary Digest and Public Opinion must bo new. Renowals for theso two not ac cepted. Foreign postage extra. AGRICULTURAL Reg. Club Price Price Agricultural Epltomlst, mo...$ .HO $1.20 Breeder's Gazotto, wk 2.00 2.25 Farm and Home, soml-mo.-.. .50 1.00 Farm; Field and Fireside, wk 1.00 1.35 Farm, Stock and Home, soml-mo .50 1.00 Farmer's Wife, mo 50 1.00 Homo and Farm, soml-mo... .50 a.00 Irrigation Age, fno 1.00 1.35 Kansas Farmer, wk 1.00 1.00 Missouri Valley Farmer, mo.. .50 1.00 Orango Judd Farmor, wk 1.00 1.10 Poultry Success 50 1.10 1.00 Poultry Topics, mo Practical Farmor, wk....;.... Prairie Farmer, wk Reliable Poultry Journal, mo., Western Swine Breeder, mo., NEWSPAPERS .25 1.00 1.00 .50 .50 1.35 1.00 1.00 1.00 James Gunn, New York. Enclosed find my primary pledge and four oth ers signed. We heartily approve of Tho Commoner's course and will do all wo can to forward the good work. A. C. Karrick, Cynthiana, Ky. You will please find enclosed list of twenty more signers to the primary pledge which makes 55 that I have sent you. I am glad to see how the democrats aro respond!: g all over the country. It looks as though there would be an awakening for 1908. R. R. McClure, Mt. Morris, 111. I enolose two subscriptions for The Commoner and a primary pledge. Mr. Bryan's plan for organization of the voters is an excellent one. The plain people speak only at the primaries. At all important conventions there aro professional manipulators whose business is to Induce delegates to be tray the people they represent. The surest safeguard against convention manipulators Is instruction at the pri maries. We have tried it in our coun ty and have found it successful. I believe every primary should adopt a clear declaration of principles and Instruct all delegates to be guided by them. B. T. Clay, Blue Ridge, Texas. En closed find primary pledge and I trust every democrat will pledge himself to attend the primaries. J. W. Wilson, Lexington, Ky. I en close pledge signed. I have always voted for the nominees of the demo cratic party (even for Parker). I hone the next candidate will be a true dem ocrat, in sympathy with the masses of the people and not one about which there is doubts of 'his sincerity. John Beath, Brantford, S. D. I con sider the proposition O. K. I believe that the press which stands for re form and good government, should ad vocate this system. Alexander C. Rucker, Attorney, Louisville, Ky. I endorse The Com moner, your rlatform of princinles and your plan of organization, nnri like you, I have enlisted for the war. R. H. Smith, Redstar, Ark. Please send me fifteen or twenty blank pledges. I think I can get that many signers. Keep up the fight against corporate wealth. The common peo ple are appreciating Mr. Bryan's ef forts more and more- every day. J. W. Morgan, Starke, Fla. Sent in my pledge today, but here is an other, which please enter on the reg- The Farm and Home Sentinel This paper is a bright, clean, newsy, up-to-date sixteen-page weekly farm paper, published at Indianapolis. Ind. Over 40.000 progressive, prosperous Indiana fanners are now regular subscribers for this great Farm and Family paper. The following arc a few of tho strong features of the paper, and each department la In charge of a corps of competent editors: "Summary of Week's News Foreign and Domestic": "Poultry": "Live Stock Sales"; "Market Reports"; Woman's Kingdom": "Orchard & Garden": '"Dairy."; "Clean. Spicy Stories." By special arrangement with tho publishers wo are able to announce a clubblne rate of $1.00 for this paper and the Commoner. -- ------- J;, THE --- COMMONER') txnd Farm & Home Sentinel) r Both On Yeotr for $1.00 c ( :i c c ( (. : THE COMMOWL Lincoln, Nebraska. I AAkAkAkhkkhAk'AkAAkiiAAAAAAAtkAAKfcfcfcKAAKAA'AAAAAAhAkiKirirk A New Book By William J. Bryan, Entitled Under Other Flags Travels, Speeches, Lectures. SINCI Mr. Bryan's European tour a year ago ho has been bosloged by requests for copies of let I t.nrf1rirlhlntr hl trnvnln nhrniuV Thnin InttAr tnont.hnr mHMi a Tinmhnrnf hid lixtnrnn nnrl t other public addresses, havo boon gathered togothor and publlshod In book form. Tho Euro pean letters contain Mr. Bryan's account of what ho sarr and loarnod whllo in Europo, and present Interesting views of Ireland, England, Scotland, Franco, Switzerland, Germany, Russia, Holland, Dolglum, and tho.Nothorlands, togothor with a description of his rlslts with Count Tolstoy and Popo Loo. In this Tolumo Mr. Bryan wrltos entertainingly of tho "Birth of tho Cuban Republic." Ho also included his locturos on "A Conquoring Nation," and "Tho Value of an Ideal." Other articles in tho yolumo aro "Tho attraction of Farming," written for tho Saturday BTcning Post; "Peace," tho address delivered at tho Holland Socloty dlnnor in 10(H; "Naboth'a Vinoyard," tho addross at tho gravo of Philo Sherman Bonnott; Democracy's Appoal to Culture, address boforo tho Alumni Association of Syracuso University; and an account of his recont trip to tho Grand Canyon entitled "Wondors of tho West." Tho book is illustratod, woll printed on good paper and substantially bound. Ono of tho features of "Under Othor Flags" Is tho "Notes on Europo," written after his re turn from abroad, and giving in brief form a rcsumo of tho many interesting things ho saw. e : The sale of Under Other Flags has been Very gratifying to the author. Although the first edition .appeared in December the fifth edition is nori on the press. Xhe Volume of sales increases from day to day. Agents find the book an easy seller and order them in lots of from 25 to 100. s Res. Club Prlco Prlco Atlanta Constitution, wk $1.00 $1.35 Cincinnati Enquirer, "wk 1.00 1.35 Farm & Homo Sentinel, wk 50 1.00 Johnstown (Pa.) "Democrat.... 1.00 1.25 Kansas City World Dally 3.00 3.00 Kansas City "World, da.ox.Sun..l.50 1.75 Nebraska Independent, wk.... 1.00 1.35 Rocky Mountain News-Times, wk 1.00 1.G0 Seattlo Times, wk 1.00 1.35 Thrlco-a-Weok N. Y. World.. 1.00 1.35 Wacher und Anzolgor, Sunday 1.50 1.85 World-Herald, twlco-a-weok.. 1.00 1.35 MAGAZINES ister. Neatly Bound in Cloth 400 Page Octavo Under Other Flags, Postage Prepaid . . v . $1.25 With The Commoner One Year . . . . $1.75 ...AGENTS WANTED... v. V Address The Commoner, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA 'WWWVWWW MlOTlWiiawWlWiMMlU iWlltoMUftWn J Reg. Club ... Prlco Prlco Cosmopolitan, mo:.... $1.00 $1.35 Good Housekeeping, mo 1.00 1.35 Pearson's Magazine, mo 1.00 1.50 pilgrim, mo l.oo 1.45 Review of Rovlows, mo 2.50 2.85 Success, mo i.oo 1.C5 Twentieth Century Homo, mo. 1.00 1.35 Woman's Homo Companlon.mo 1.00 1.45 MISCELLANEOUS .... Reg. Club l , v , Prlco Prlco Literary Digest, (now) wk....$3.00 $3.25 sPubllc Opinion, (now) wk 4.00 4.00 Tho Public, wk 2.00 2.25 Wlndlo's Gatllng Gun, mo.... 1.00 1.35 Note. Clubbing Combinations or pre mium offers in which tho Thrlco-a-Weok World, World-Horald, or Kansas City World, or Farm, Stock and Homo papers, aro not open to residents of tho respec tive cities In which tho papers named aro published. ! THE PRIMARY PURDOR . I promise to attend all tho primaries of my party to be held between now and the. next 'demo cratic national convention, unless unavoidably prevented, and to use my influence to secure a clear, honest and straightforward declaration of tho party's position on every .question upon which s the voters of tho party desiro to speak. $ 1 Signed . . ; .V. ....'. .-..'.'. . . ... . -.' . .ftV. , ..XT Sfcrect ." PoBtoffice.. , State.. :v &: ' . Y Voting prccinot or ward.; ?. ?K;. . . . . Fill out blanks and mail to Commoner Office, Lincoln, Nob. " X fl fc-' Vy.-0 H, j- 4&ift il