The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 26, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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MAT 20, 1905
The Commoner.
Many newspapers throughout the country are
co-operating with The Commoner in the primary
pledge plan. The Commoner's exchangoxlist is
.very large and many newspaper references to thia
.work have doubtless been overlooked. News
paper editors .re requested to direct their read
ers' attention to the primary pledge plan and thoy
,will confer a favor if they will mail under first
class postage a clipping of any editorial refe
rence they may see fit to make.
Democratic editors are taking firm hold of The
Commoner's towline, and there Is reason to believe
that democrats generally will in a short time be
working with a long pull, a strong pull and a pull
all together for the organration of the party by
the rank and. file.
The Mitchell, S. D., Gazette reproduces the
primary pledge and calls upon its readers to cooperate.
The Vandalia, Mo., Mail presents the primary
pledge and asks signatures.
The Kingstree, S. C, Mail reproduces Mr.
Bryan's statement with respect to the organization
The Carbon County Journal, published at
Rawlins, "Wyo., presents the primary pledge and
urges its readers to co-operate in the work of
The Cassville, Wis., Index announces its co
operation in the primary pledge plan.
The Fremont, Ohio, Daily Messenger repro
duces the primary pledge and says: "The Mes
senger, knowing that state and national organiza
tion is impossible without concentrated effort and
believing that Mr. Bryan has hit upon the right
idea to bring about the desired end, herewith
reproduces the pledge and all democrats are urged
to sign and forward to The Commoner. This
pledge does n6t bind the signer to any theory or
The Johnson County, Neb., Journal reproduces
the primary pledge for the benefit of its readers.
The Butler County, Neb., Press presents the
primary pledge and calls upon its readers to lend
a hand in this work of organization.
The Crete, Neb., Democrat is lending its ef
forts in the work of organization along the lines
of the primary pledge.
The Lake City, Colo., Phonograph urges its
readers to aid in the organization of the party
so that it may bo of service to the people.
The Ozark, Mo., Democrat reproduces the pri
mary pledge and says: "It is' exactly what the
Democrat has repeatedly urged upon all demo
cratic voters turn, out to your township meetings
and take part in all the proceedings, never miss a
meeting, never neglect an opportunity to express
your will by voice and vote. We gladly publish
form of pledge and hope our readers will sign and
send them to us and we will forward to Mr.
The Sullivan, Ind., Democrat reproduces . The
Commoner's outline.of the organization plan and
urges its readers to co-operate.
The Farmington, la., Herald directs its read
ers' attention to the primary pledge plan and in
vites their co-operation.
The Grand Island, Neb., Democrat puts its
shoulder to the wheel and aids in the work of
The Florence, Tex., Vidette asks it readers to
push the plan of organization.
The Aberdeen, S. D., Democrat endorses the
primary pledge plan of organization.
The Graham Guardian, published at Safford,
'Ariz., reproduces the primary pledge.
The Joplin, Mo., Globe endorses the primary
pledge plan, saying: "In all his recent speeches of
a political character Mr. Bryan has emphasized
the necessity of returning the democratic party
to the control of the people. Mr. Bryana paper,
The Commoner, fs conducting. what may bo called
a 'primary pledge campaign. The primary plcdgo
is a promise on the part of every democrat sub
scribing to it to participate in evory party primary
between now and the next presidential campaign,
and by his vote and voice register the individual
expression of the principles ho wants his party to
advocate. The responso which The Commoner's
canvass has elicited is very gratifying, showing
conclusively that democrats are taking a lively,
Interest in the campaign to bo fought In 1908.
That such an Interest should exist at this early
date is very significant. The Globe Interprets It
to mean that the rank and file of tho party don't
intend to witness another humiliating fiasco such
as occurred at St. Louis last July."
& &&&,&&& Jt & & & & jfi &
An editorial, entitled "Tho Democratic
Road," in the Denver Daily News follows:
"Mr. Bryan's plan for tho 'reorganiza
tion' of the democratic party is based on
tho simple proposition that tho party &
doesn't need a reorganization if demo- &
cratic voters will merely take tho trouble tf
to Interest themselves actively In its af- &
fairs. The majority of democrats, he be- &
lievos, is firmly in favor of a progressive &
and aggressive policy instead of a policy
catering to the friendship of those inter- &
ests which are firmly tied up with the &
managers of the republican organization. &
The political organization which is
the representative of large financial in-
terests can very well permit its conven- &
tions to be filled by persons appointed by &
those interests for that purpose, but tho &
party which undertakes to be the party of &
the people must have a membership oter- &
nally vigilant, else the organization may &
drift away from its moorings and fall a
prey to manipulators affiliated with tho
other stde.
"Tho simplicity of tho Bryan plan is
shown by the pledge, which is being wide- &
ly circulated and signed in tho middle &
states and returned to Mr. Bryan at Lin- &
coin. &
''First of all, voters are to pledge &
themselves to take their proper part in Jt
the direction of their party, and in tho &
second place they are to stand for clear jt
and honest declarations of principle in &
the party platforms instead of planks &
which rest their ends on opposite views of &
important questions and are intended as
mere bridges. &
"What Mr. 'Bryan urges in regard to &
national politics might very well be adopt- &
ed as. a fixed rule of conduct in city and S
state as well. Indeed, if democrats ex- &
pect to have a voice in the selection of &
those who speak for their party on na- &
tional matters they must see to it that &
the machinery of the party by which such &
persons are chosen is not permitted to ?
escape from their control. &
"No election is pending in this city or &
state at present, and it is therefore an op- &
portune time to urge, without relation to S
factions or differences, that Mr. Bryan's &
excellent advice be taken to heart and fol- &
lowed by every citizen who hopes for the .
triumph of true democratic principles. - &
Tho way to win a great battle is to come &
out In the open and fight for victory fn
such a manner as to deserve and to win
the confidence of the people.
"A policy of evasion and of carrying
water on both shoulders does not win. A
noteworthy example of this Is seen in tho
recent suspension of the St. Paul Globe,
a newspaper which has been professedly
democratic, but which for thirty years has
been the organ of J. J. Hill and the Great
Northern railway. The public refused to
supports journal which pretended to bo
one thing and secretly was another. What
has proven true of the St. Paul Globe is
true of parties and of men everywhere.
The democracy never came so close to
winning a great and significant victory as
in 1896."
The Sheridan, Ark., Headlight reproduces the
primary pledge and says: "The attention of our
readers is called to tho primary plcdgo which ap
pears on the front page of this issuo of the Head
light. This is Mr. Bryan's plan for tho organiza
tion of the democratic party, and should bo read
carefully by every democrat. Sign tho pledge and
hand In to this office or send direct to Tho Com
moner, Lincoln, Neb."
' Tho Monroo County News, published at Albla,
Iowa, says: "It looks as if there is to be a unitod
effort on tho part of all democrats to got togother
and piiBh tho real, genuine democratic principles,
a the samo aro becoming more and inoro popular
and necessary."
Tho Plattsmouth, Nob., Journal invites Its
readers to sign tho primary pledge and return tho
same to tho Journal office.
The York, Nob., Democrat reproduces tho pri
mary pledge and asks its readers to take hold of
tho work.
Tho Des Moines, la., Dcmocrat-Chronlclo
prints tho primary plcdgo and says that tho demo
cratic party must keep closo to tho people.
Tho Ripley, W. Va., Mountaineer reproduces
the primary pledge and says that It presents "a
plan for tho betterment of political conditions by
mousing an interest among tho rank and file of the
Tho Carroll, la., Times prints tho primary
pledge and asks its readers to co-operate in tho
good work.
Tho Frankfort American Standard presents
to Its readers tho- primary pledge and says: "Sup
pose the effort to control tho democratic party
should bo made by tho masses of tho party and
thoy should prove their ability to suppress the
plutocratic tendencies of their organization. Could
any one who is a democrat, regret It?"
Tho Lincoln Monitor, published at Hamlin, W.
Va., prints the primary pledge and calls upon its
readers to sign and return tho same to the Monitor.
Tho Wichita, Kan., Beacon says: "The pri
mary pledge plan has been taken up in all sec
tions and everywhere democrats aro giving it en
thusiastic support. A compact organization is
assured when tho campaign opens,"
The DeKalb County Herald, published at
Maysvllle, Mo., directs the attention of Its readers
to tho primary pledge plan.
The Bourbon, Ind., Advance reproduces tho
outline of the primary pledge plan and asks every
democrat to sign and return the same to the Ad
vanco office.
Tho Missouri Telegraph, published at Fulton,
Mo., is urging its readers to sign tho primary
pledge and co-operate in tho work of organization.
Tho Utah County Democrat, published at
Provo City, Utah, presents the primary plan to its
readers and-urges their co-operation.
The Hamilton, Ohio, Sun says: "Just as long
as attention is paid to those who have been de
precating the democratic course ever since 189G
(except during tho Parker comedy) and who aro
now bobbing up again with advice to those who
. have been carrying tho banner during tho last
decade, just that long will the republicans have
things their own way. Let's have a democratic
democratic party."
' The Glasgow, Ky., Times takes hold of tho
work of organization and presents to its readers
the outline of the primary pledge plan.
The El Reno,Okla., Daily Globe reproduces
tho primary pledge and calls upon its readers to
fall Into line.
The Kendallville, Ind., News says: "The effort
of democracy to 'get back to the people,' before the
next national democratic convention is meeting
with hearty commendation everywhere. Suppose
In this state last fall the entire democracy had
attended the primaries? Every one knows that a
very different delegation would have been sent to
tho national convention."
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