'"' T T "1 tfST? T TifBf-r -y " -yV vwwwjnr! " The Commoner. MAT 26, 1905 11 I -w i figutpm (r1 In their composition being best. Fruit should not bo neglected. At first one's family may balk a little at some of these plain, coarse dishes, and there may be cases where delicate stomachs will rebel, but as a rule peo ple with normal appetites will pre fer this kind of diet. Farm and Fireside. How to Keep Clean Now that spring has actually come, we are delighted to put away our heavy winter garments, and array our selves in lighter and fresher apparel. But in order to preserve their fresh ness and neat appearance, it is neces sary to exercise considerable care. Skirts that clear the ground are the best possible' wear for all women, more especially for those who, from necessity or preference, spend much of their time out of doors. For the sake of health as well as cleanliness, no woman should wear a trailing gown in the street. The bare idea of sweeping up the dust and filth, with their attendant germs, from the streets, and carrying them into our houses on the edge of our skirts, is disgusting in the extreme. It is a good rule to take off your skirt im mediately on entering your home, give it a thorough shaking outside the door, and also a good brushing with a whisk broom, before hanging it up. The skirt should also be looked over carefully, before putting it away, and if there is a spot on it use a lit tle gasoline or ammonia and water to remove it. If the material is deli cate, grease-spots may be removed by rubbing some French chalk over them, allowing it to remain until the grease is absorbed. A coat should never be hung up by the strap at the neck, or it will be drawn out of shape across the shoul ders. Shirt-waists ajtti bodices should be well aired after wearing, before being put away. Boots should .be re moved on entering the house, and wiped clean with a soft cloth to re move all dust. A change of shoes is a rest for tired feet. Shoes harden, if the dust is left on them. Hats DAME NATURE HINTS When the Food is Not Suited When Nature gives her signal that something is wrong it is generally with the food; the old Dame is always faith ful and one should act at once. To put off the change is to risk that which may be irreparable. An Arizona man says: "For years I could not safely eat any breakfast. I tried all kinds of break fast foods, but they were all soft, starchy messes, which gave me dis tressing headaches. I drank strong coffee, too, which appeared to benefit me at the time, but added to the head aches afterwards. Toast and coffee were no better, for I found the toast very constipating. "A friend persuaded me to quit the old coffee and the starchy breakfast foods, and use Postum Coffee and Grape-Nuts instead. I shall never re gret taking his advice. I began using them three months ago. "The change they have worked in me is wonderful. I now have not moro of the distressing sensations in my stomach after eating, and I never have any headaches. I have gained 12 pounds in weight and feel better in every way. Grape-Nuts make a deli cious as well as a nutritious dish, and I find that Postum Coffee is easily di gested and never produces dyspepsia symptoms." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason. ,,. Get the little book, li'The Road' to Wellville," in each pkg. " should also receive a good brushing before putting away. Many women, otherwise very particular as to neat ness, neglect to brush their hats, and leave them with an accumulatiou jf dust which quite disfigures them. It Is essential for every woman who wishes to make a neat appearance, to pay attention to these details. Query Box Housewife If the paint is fresh, rub well with a cloth saturated with turpentine, then wash in soap suds. Busy Bess. A worker in metals is authority for the statement that an ormolu clock may be cleaned at home, by applying with a soft brush a thin paste made of ammonia and whiting mixed. L. H. For the iron rust saturate the spots with lemon juice; have wa ter in the teakettle boiling briskly, hold the spots over the spout, and the rust will soon disappear. Mrs. G. B. For home-made baking powder, taken twenty ounces cream of tartar, nine ounces soda, one package cornstarch (common size), sift to gether several times, and bottle up in glass -fruit jars or baking powder tins. D. J. B. To get rid of the red ants, try this:- Spread a little lime in their runways, and they will suddenly dis appear. Or, simply make a chalk mark around rug or box, or lard jar, or whatever they bother. They will not cross a chalk lino if they can possibly help it. L. S. This is perhaps what you want for lemon ice: To a heaping teaspoonful of gelatine dissolved in two gills of cold water, add one quart of boiling water, twelve ounces of sugar, and the strained juice of eight lemons; mix thoroughly, strain and freeze. Mrs. Emma S. Perhaps this is the recipe you want. It is said to Uo quite satisfactory: Take two quarts of wheat bran, one quart cornmeal, and one cup New Orleans molasses; mix all together and brown in the oven, until it is a nice brown. Make it the same as you do store coffee. D. R. For any accidental cut with glass, rust iron, or nail driven into the foot, this recipe Is one of the very best. It is claimed that it will pre vent lockjaw, but I know it soothes and cures the wound: Take a raw red beet, and cut it in half; scrape or mash it into a pulp, and apply it to the wound, and also to the palms of the hands, binding it on like a poultice. It draws the poison out and prevents it from spreading. M. F. Here is a method highly recommended for dry-cleaning hair brushes: Take the brush by the handle, and strike gently but firmty the whole face of the bristles on a board or other smooth surface. After twenty-five strokes, you will find that the dirt has nearly all gone, and the "wooly" stuff that gathers at the base of the bristles has come down to the ends, where a comb will quickly re move it. Keep this up until the brush is clean. This does no harm to the brush. "The Social Glass "Girls, never, never, never, nb mat ter what the circumstances may be, or what your companions may be do ing, allow yourself to be persuaded to partake of any spirituous liquor 3. It may seem innocent enough to you to indulge along with a crowd of friends in a glass of wine or beer but do not do it. It is not right. It is the beginning, in every case, of something you will be sure to regret in later years. If you allow yourself to be over-persuaded, you will find, right away, that .you will talk too much, "and say- a number of things you will be sorry for the next day. Then, too, it will inako your face red and shiny, and every girl, no mat ter how liberal minded sho may bo, wants, to make the very best appear ance possiblo; and if for nothing elso than the effect it will havo upon her personal appearance, the prudent girl will let liquor strictly alone. If you drink liquor with a man it is as cer tain to follow as that the night fol lows the day that he will immediately get familiar with you, or at least at tempt to do so. It may bo only a shado of familiarity that is attempted, but it will make you blush with shame to feel that you have placed yourself in a position that makes such a thing possible. Drink not only makes people disagreeable and quarrelsome, but it also destroys a girl's charm In the eyes of her men acquaintances. They may not tell you so they may not even show It, and you will per haps think they feel the samo toward you as they always did but they will not. The fine bloctn will have been rubbed off from the fruit, and thoy are sure to rate you somewhat lower than they did before your indiscretion. A man who really has any regard for you, would knock down any one who proposed such a thing. Inter Ocean. For the Sewing Room In the course of your spring and summer renovation, put away in moth-proof storage all still-serviceable cast-off wootan underwear, and the good parts cut from others, to bo used as "cut-downs" and patches for next fall. These will servo as "go-between" garments until the weather is cold enough to put on the new and thicker flannels. It is a good idea to classify one's work, cutting out and makinc un as far as possiblo all of each kind of garments at hand, thus doinc while all measurements are fresh in the mind. All the skirts may bo cut at once, and blouses and waists similarly treated, and made up as fast as pos sible. When the children's little muslin drawers wear out, as they always do in the seat, take the fronts of two pairs of similar size, sew around the curved seam as usual, and up the sides to the vents; rip off the trim ming that is the same on both half legs, and sew in its place that ripped from the discarded half, and already on one pair of halves being used. The result, with no more expenditure of time, will be a whole garment rather than two patched ones, which will wear and look better than patches. Contributed Recipes Garden Greens. Pick over carefully fresh, tender beet,tops, a few tender horse-radish leaves, turnip,tops, and the thinnings of the cabbage-bed; boil in slightly salted water until tender; drain and season with butter and pep per, and serve hot with vinegar. Spinach greens may be cooked as above, and served with vinegar, lemon, or salad dressing; or It may bo cooked with a piece of nice salt pork. Green Peas. Stew until tender, one quart of peas in a very little water, leaving the vessel open; without draining, add a teaspoonful of flour, mixed smooth with a teaspoonful of butter; season with salt and pepper, and serve hot. Small new potatoes or asparagus may be served with the peas. Fish Salad. Take any fish left from dinner, and four times as much pota toes as you havo fish. Grind all to gether as you would for hash; put a little butter in a skillet and heat the mixture; take a large platter, place on it some lettuce leaves, a spoonful of hash to each leaf, garnish with sliced hard-boiled eggs, and pour over it a nice salad dressing. - Salad Dressing. Mix: scant half tea spoonful oach of salt and mustard with ono largo table-spoonful of sugar; add ono egg slightly boaten, two and a half table-spoon fills mcltod butter, throQ-fourths cup of cream. Heat and add slowly one-fourth cup vinegar, and cook until it thickens. Sorvo cold. Kraut Dumpling. Boll a plcco of bacon about threo inches squaro, till done, add a quart of sauor-kraut, and cook half an hour. Take up tho moat, and add moro boiling water. For tho dumplings, two teacups sour milk, and ono level tea-spoonful of soda. Mix to a very stiff batter with flour. With a spoon cut off llttlo bits of tho batter, and drop into tho soup. Fads and Fancleo ' ' A few yoars ago when the germ theory camo upon up like a flood, it was decided that all milk to be fed to Infants must bo either pasteurized or sterilized. Podiatrists are now re ceding from this position, thcro be ing a wide and increasing impression based upon observation, that a diet of milk that has been subjected to heat In this manner is liable to pro duce rickets, pot-belly, sweating, flabby muscles, cranlotables and rest lessness at night. Fresh, puroraw cow's milk is once more in the ascend ent. People havo no fault to find with breakfast foods, excopt tho high prices and extravagant claims made for their nutritive values. They are no moro nutritious than tho wheat, corn, oats, or rico from which thoy aro made; nor are thoy any moro healthful. Tho claim of predigcstlon made for nearly all 'the foods was found, says the Michigan Experiment Bulletin, to havo a very limited foundation of fact. The chief ad vantage if not tho only one, of pre pared breakfast foods, is their pala tabllity, and that Is tho real cause of their enormous consumption, and for thla tho consumer pays a high price. Breakfast foods are costly, but not fraudulent, although this last can scarcely bo said of tho means used to create a demand for them. Tho raw material, worked up properly at homo, Is just as nutritive and far less straining on the pocket-book. Coffee enthusiasts will find justifi cation for their much-maligned favo rite beverage in tho work of two American investigators, who have published their work In the American Medical Journal. These original workers have been experimenting to determine the antiseptic qualities of coffee infusions. Thoy find that a ten per cent infusion prevented tho growth of micro-organisms, such as typhoid and anthrax bacilli, etc. If they aro correct in this contention it would seem that coffee drinkers should be immune in a large measure from those diseases due to infection of the alimentary tract. The germi cidal properties of coffee are sur prising. It was found that ground coffee well mixed with the yolks and whites of eggs, and with chopped beef, prevented decomposition. Some observing housewife may dispute this from her observation that coffee In fusions exposed to the air for some time often become covered with mould; but closer Investigation will disclose the fact that, while this may happen, the infusion itself never be comes sour or turbid, through bacte rial development. THE PECULIAR MOTION of railway cars cause many to suffer from dizziness, sick stomach and head ache car sickness. This very annoy ing" trouble Is always cured by taking Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills, the "Llttlo Comforters." They relieve the pain, ' and soothe the nerves so that all un- ! pleasant sensations disappear like magic, ; First package benefits, or money back. Jff . ytw.ttUratbjLMttl ,-, . .A-