i UjWWW"WHip.iipmsg'l, 'm'pny 'wwmwmwi nmn'mj1? 3 'APRIL 21, 1905 . SILVER AND WHEAT A reader o The Commoner, referring to an editorial' which appeared some weeks ago dis cussing the effect of falling silver upon the price of wheat, asks whether, if the price of wheat goes down in Liverpool,, it does not go down in India, regardless of the kind of money used in purchas ing it. This is a question that is often asked, and has often been answered. Before the suspension of the coinage of silver in India the silver price of wheat did not fall. As the gold price fell in Liverpool it required less and less in gold to buy the silver with which to pay for a given amount of wheat. For instance", when gold and silver were at a parity at the coinage "ratio, it would requiro $1.29 in gold to buy an ounce of silver. If that ounce of silver would buy a bushel of wheat in India, the wheat in Liverpool must sell for $1.29 in gold, plus the cost of carriage. When silver fell to 80c an ounce in gold, then a bushel of wheat selling in India still at $1.29 would bring In Liv erpool 80c in gold plus the cost of carriage, and gold countries had to moot this competition. The Indian farmer who was on a silver basis did not suffer by the fall in silver except infosar as ho bought imports, while the American farmer suf fered, because his taxes, his debts and his fixed charges remained substantially the same, while the value of his crop decreased. When England suspended the coinage of silver in India and fixed a ratio of 24 to 1, the Indian farmer began to share the suffering visited upon gold standard countries by the fall in silver, although he still had a 50 per cent advantage over the gold standard coun tries. The act suspending ihe free coinage of silver in India was passed by a counsel of Englishmen without authority from the Indian people and with out consulting either the wishes or the interests of the Indian people. When Senator Wolcott, one The : Commoner. of tho monetary commissioners appointed by Presi dent McKinley, returned from Europo ho dcclarod that tho action of England in suspending tho cola age of silver in India was tho chief cause of tho suffering that many attributed to tho famine. " JJJ APPRECIATIVE FRIENDS Every mail brings to Tho Commoner office responses by those who have taken advantago of tho special subscription offer. It would bo im possible to print all these responses, but tho fol lowing will servo as samples: J. W. Earnhart, Lebanon, Ohio, writes: "Find enclosed money order for $7.20 to pay for the within list of twelve subscribers. This list was obtained In a few minutes' time, so great Is the enthusiasm among democrats over the prin ciples advocated by Tho Commonor." J. A. McGuire, Gllby, N. D., writes: '!Iierc with find check for $10.20, for enclosod list of subscribers at your GOc rate." John T. Tansoy, Albany, N. Y., sends $3.G0 to pay for six subscribers to The Commoner. Wm. A. Griffith, Atwood, Kans., writes: "En--closed find $6.60 to pay for the within list of eleven subscribers." J. E. Blattner, Mexico, Mo., writes: "Pleaso find herewith list of twelve subscribers for The Commoner and money order for $7.20 to pay for the same." J. F. Conner, Albany, Okla., sends money or der for $7.20 to pay for list of twelve subscribers enclosed A Kansas City reader writes: "Herewith 1 hand you list of twenty-one subscribers and money to pay for same at your clubbing rate." A. McLean," Bickford, Okla., sends list of thirty subscribers and money to pay for same. A New York reader writes: "Enclosed please find list of 23 subscribers and draft to pay for the same at your tfOc rato, for clubs- of flvo or imro According to tho terms of tho special sub scription offer, cards, each good for one year's subscription to Tho Commonor, will bo furnished in lots of flvo, at tho rato of $3 per lot. This places tho yearly subscription rato at CO cents. Anyono ordering those cards may soil them for $1 each, thus earning a commission of $2 on oach lot sold, or ho may soil thorn at tho cost prico and -And compensation In tho fact that ho has contributed to the educational campaign. Those cards may bo paid for when ordored, or thoy may bo ordered and remittance made after they havo bc6h sold. A coupon is printed below for tho convenience of thoso who deslro to par ticipate In this effort to Increase Tho Commoner's circulation. THE COMMONER'S SPECIAL OFFER Application for Subscription Cards 5 "To"" "15 20 25 "50 75 100 Publisher Commoner; I am Interested in 1 crcnslnjr The Commoner's circulation, and de slro yon to Bend mo a supply of inbtcrlptlon cardi. I agree to uie my utmost endeavor to Mil the cards, and will remit for thorn at the rate of CO centi each, when sold. Name liox, or Street No., P.O. State.. Indicate the nutrber of carda wanted by mark IngX opposite one of tho numbers printed on end ol this blank. If you believe the tpaper in doing a work that merits encouragement, fill out the above cqupon and maUit to Tho Commoner, Lincoln, Neb. Failure to Participate in the Primaries the Cause of Misrepresentation in Conventions The Commoner has received from Tom L. Johnson, mayor of Cleveland, O., a letter, one sen tence of which should be posted in the highways and in the byways of democracy in order that he who runs may read. That sentence is: "Failuro to participate in the primaries as the cause of misrepresentation in conventions." Mayor Johnson's letter, written under date of April 4, is as follows: "I have read the editorial in Tho Commoner, relative to organization, and am returning herewith, signed, the primary pledge. I endorse the plan as wise, and I believe one that will produce good results. The failure to participate in primaries is the1' cause of mis representation in the conventions. This plan strikes at the root of the evil, and nothing better occurs to me to do at this time. It is too late to talk about unwise declarations arid nominations when the contention is in session. Representative conventions are hose in which the people take the most interest in the election of the delegates." H. C. Bell, attorney at law, Marshall, 111., writes: "The democratic party defending demo cratic principles can win in 1908. The plan of organization, as announced in The Commoner, i3 heartily approved .of.' You can command me at any time to do all in my powr to help in this 'work of organization, and in any other work which seems to be for the good of the country in general and the democratic party in particular." James R. Bennett, Jr., attorney at law, St Cloud, Minn., returns with his signature the pri mary pledge and writes: "This plan is admirable and I wish the pledge might fall Into the hands of 'every democrat in the country. After signing it there is a moral obligation to attend the primary that would appeal strongly to all democrats who have signed and mailed it to you." Frank B. Stephens, attorney at law, Salt Lake City, Utah, writes: "I talce pleasure in handing you my primary pledge, and heartily endorse tho movement as a step in the right direction. No reform is possiblo unless the individual voter talces interest enough in his country and party to attend the primaries, and I believe that every Voter who is so indifferent that he will not take . the trouble to, attend a primary .election, should l)e by law barred from voting at tlie next suc ceeding election.,'! , . , . . A. B. Cioat"e,v attorney at. Jaw, Minneapolis, tIjMinn., write: ?i, desire to heartily' endorse the plan ' suggested l)y the primary pledge editorial oC "March 17. Loyalty to tho party demands all that the pledge requires, because party management can bo safely left to none but the rank and file. Since democracy means rule by the people, the plan proposed is based upon tho fundamental principles of democracy. No one, therefore, who is a loyal democrat, should hesitate to make the pledge -and I accordingly herewith enclose my own." Roy E. Stafford, president of the Oklahoma Publishing company, which company publishes The Oklahoman, at Oklahoma City, writes: "It is scarcely necessary for me to pledge myself to at tend democratic primaries and contribute my mite towards obtaining an honest expression of demo cratic sentiment in the next national platform, because I will do that anyway, yet I am glad to be enrolled among tho number who will do this. The plan is plain, simple and easily carried out, and ought to appeal to , every democrat. I am deeply impressed with its feasibility and shall take an interest In furthering the" same." Francis G. Newlands; United States senator from Nevada, writing under date of Washington, April 11, says:' "I heartily endorse the editorial appearing in. The Commoner of March 17, urging all democrats to pledge themselves to attend all the primaries of- the party between now and tho next democratic national convention, and to use their influence to secure a clear, honest and straight forward declaration of the party's position on every question upon .which the voters of the party desire to speak. The source of all party action is at the primaries, and this fact is too often overlooked. I trust that the democracy of the en tire country will not only take up your suggestion hut will supplement it by urging appropriate legis lation that will simplify the primary election and make it more responsive to party requirements than it has been." Nathan Cole, Jr., of Los Angeles, Cal., writes: "Permit me to heartily endorse the plan outlined in The Commoner for the organization of the de mocracy for the campaign of 1908. This plan and the suggestion of a 'primary pledge meets with my full concurrence. I enclose the pledge duly signed. I believe in organization of the most thorough kind and that such organization is al ways effective is demonstrated by theremarkable success of 'the silver republican organization, in the county of Los Angeles in 1896. In that cam paign, with every precinct organized, weworked . a political revolution here by carrying tho city of Los Angeles for Mr. Bryan by a good majority, the first timo it has gono democratic in a presi dential election In nearly twenty years. In tho absence of organization and also Jiving principles, Los Angeles city and county gave nearly twenty five, thousand majority for Roosevelt last fall. If the people of America ever expect to accomplish great reforms they must speedily get together and take just such a pledge as The Commonor advises. John W. Kern, who, as tho democratic nomi nee for governor of Indiana, made such a gal lant fight, writing under date of Indianapolis, April 7, says: "I am highly gratified at tho prog ress being made In tho work of arousing tho dem ocratic masses, to the necessity of taking an active interest in tho affairs of their party, by attending primaries and conventions, voting their sentiments, and thereby exerting the great power they have In the nomination of candidates, and 4 the making of platforms. As expressive of my views on this subject I give you the following advance quotation from a speech which I propose to deliver at tho Jeiferson banquet in Now York next week, my subject being "Tho Rank and File": 'It wlH be well for tho men who assume leader ship in tho democratic party to study the char acter and characteristics of that great body of men who constitute the real voting strength of the organization, and to take the rank and file into their confidence, to the end that they may havo the confidence of the rank and file. Tho work of organization In future campaigns must commence with tho voters, and proceed upwards, rather than commence in a so-called conference of lead ers and work downward. If wo would havo victory tho masses of tho party must be given full oppor tunity for a fair expression of their opinion as to issues and candidates, in primaries and local con ventions, so that the state and national conven tions will bo composed of men who truly reflect the popular will. Wo may as well make up our N minds now that tho day of the "boss" In demo cratic politics is at an end, and that "gavel rule" in conventions will be no longer tolerated. The hope of the democracy is In the people the great rank and file and if they are to bo relied upon to bear, the burden of the battle they mut have the privilege of choosing their leaders, and for mulating their platform of principles. There nfust oe. no ULiumyL at vnny Kuvurumuui, wuuuut. vno ""P.rrjTCc""' Pr-frTTjr-r. -.; i- n A 'i 1 i 4 i i f I SHiJ ! fctfeW) tiHHHami j yvAJfa afaJU jj'tvjb Ki ,& th .. -' U . JA "-- AJ