j. w--'f "V 2 party should havo a volco In Its councils should not only sign tho primary plodgo but ho should obtain tho signatures of Ills neighbors. C. W. Shorman, Sr., of Orchard Knob, Oro., a domocrat woll known to Nobraskans and ono ' -who has, porhaps, never missed an opportunity to participate in tho primary elections of his party, writes: ' From a bed of rheumatic torture, I ariso to signify my hearty approval of Tho Com moner's plan of making the democratic party truly democratic, I accept tho pledgo as a matter of course, because tho plan has been my rulo of life. Ileal democracy is based upon tho lovo of man for his follow men, and Is therefore real Christianity. If all tho mem bers of tho party could bo aroused to act upon this theory, and make tho party's principles ropresont tho united opinion of tho -masses, tho corrupting power of greed and of sordid commercialism would vanish before it like tho molting snow beneath tho rays of tho sun. A. A. Paul of Crockett, Calif., says that ho signs his primary pledgo most willingly, but ho de clares that if tho position to which ho pledges himself means only to attend tho primary elec tions, it is not enough. Mr. Paul adds: The fountain head of tho stream Is -tho club, tho ward club or preliminary meetings or meetings at which nominations are made of those to bo elected at tho primary. If theso preliminary meetings are neglected, there is no use, in many cases, of going to any of tho succeeding elections. Bad nien named to us, voted for at the primary election, aro tho llttlo streams that form tho larger river, through county, then state convention and the moral voter is powerless, if the rivulet started at the club meeting is corrupt. Tho Commoner desires to impress Mr. Paul's statement upon tho mind of every democrat. It must not be forgotten that tho primary pledge is but a simple means to a very important? end It Is expected that every democrat who attaches his name to tho primary pledgo will carry that pledge to its logical conclusion. - r V. L. Terrott of Oswego, N. Y., "sends his pledge and hearty endorsement of the plan. Mr. Terrott says: JIow, though, is a democrat to use his 'influence to securo a clear, honest, straight forward declaration on every "question on. which the voters desire to speak" when a few men in each city hold dominion over the party machinery the voters merely register ing tho will of the party's local boss, power less to securo oven tho entertainment of a motion by tho caucus chairman, unless that motion is approved by the party boss. It is this un-American and undemocratic method of conducting the party primaries that induces hundreds of democrats to remain away from them, and is driving not a few to enlist in the causo of socialism, a dangerous doctrine that loyal and non-office hunting democrats hope never to soo prevail in our glorious and loved country. If every democrat will participate in the primary councils of his party, conditions such as those decribed by Mr. Terrott will not exist. The purpose of the primary pledge is to make the voice of the rank and file felt In its party coun cils so that the candidates chosen and the plat- "fbrm adopted will not havo been chosen and adopted at tho dictation of ono man or of a coterie of men. Attention is particularly invited to a letter written by Ed F. Poorman of Humboldt, 111., who says: ' Enclosed you will And a sheet of legal .cap paper to which I havepasted The Com moner's primary pledge blank. I havo signed tho same and secured fifteen other signatures. It took only a short time to secure theso slg- . natures and it was a pleasure to me to take advantage of the opportunity to do something for the cause of good government. It was only necessary for me to show the pledge to democrats when they gladly signed it, saying that attendance of the primaries represented true. democracy. One man said ho thought if a man had to miss the primaries or the elec tion 'ho should miss the election and attend tho primaries by all means and see that good ; I platforms are made and good men nominated. ', it If every domocrat will adopt Mr. Poorman's methqd.he will contribute materially to the move ment. Undoubtedly democrats will gladly sign tho primary pledge plan when their attention is called to It. No man can render tho party better service The Commoner. than by circulating this pledge among his demo cratic neighbors. "Request them to attach their names to tho primary pledge and formally an nounco their determination to co-operate with their follow democrats in tho effort to make the party worthy of tho support of men who, having grown weary of tho impositions of special inter ests, aro willing to strive for the public welfare, along democratic lines. JJJ & THE PRIMARY PLEDGE '& & ,38 (From tho Daily Oklahoman, Oklahoma & City, O. T.) ,38 8 The plan of organization suggested by & ,38 Mr. Bryan a few weeks ago, the object of ,38 tS which Is to secure a pledge on the part of & cJ? all democrats who are interested in secur- & & ing an honest expression of democratic ,38 ,38 sentiment in the next national democratic S & platform, appears elsewhere In today's Ok- & & lahoman. It Is printed for the benefit of ,38 & the thousands of Oklahoma democrats S ,38 who are doubtless interested In the object & & of the undertaking but who may not be & & readers of Mr. Bryan's Commoner, or 6th- & ,38 er democratic papers in which it has ap- & $8 peared. ,38 ,38 The plan Is so simple, and its purpose ,38 i38 so easy, that It should appeal strongly to & & every democrat who is Interested in se- ,38 38 curing a straightforward declaration of ,38 ,38 the party's position on vital questions In ,38 5 the next national platform and enlist his & ,38 immediate support. We can imagine of ,38 no condition which would Induce any dem- ,38 ,38 ocrat, unless unavoidably prevented, from ,38 a? attending the primaries of his party and ,38 ,38 "making his influence felt in giving it a J8 ,38 platform embodying the best democratic ,38 ,38 sentiment on all propositions." . .,38 In this connectipn It may be asked, why r,38 6 is it necessary for a democrat to pledge .38 ,38 himself to attend the primaries and as- J38 ,38 sist In securing an expression of the best J8 democratic sentiment In the next national ,38 platform? The question can be answered ,38 by pointing to the shortcomings of the ,38 last democratic platform and enquiring If ,38 it is not desired by the rank and file to ,38 profit by past mistakes. ,38 While there was much In the last'demo- ,38 cratic national platform to commend it to ,38 democrats everywhere, It was not an ideal ,38 party declaration .of faith In' many re- ,38 spects. It Ignored both the income tax and money questions which were not of ,38 ,38 ,38 ,38 ,38 ,38 i ,38 ,38 paramount consideration then or now but ,38 n38 which are, of necessity, live public ques- ,38 ,38 tlons and which should be dealt with ,38 frankly and honestly. In the hope of 'obviating the. 'mistakes & of the past and bringing the party 'back ,38 as closely to the people as possible, the ,38 organization plan is put forward. The & & pledge Involves no obligation which any ,38 38 genuine democrat can not wlllinniv . n sume and Indicates nothing more than a ,38 desire to have a platform made at the ,38 next national convention which embodies ,38 the real democratic sentiment of the coun- ,38 try, uncontaminatedby the so-called "re- ,38 organizer" influence. The Oklahoman ,38 would like to see every democrat in Okla- ,38 homa sign It, not only because of the .38 i58 prime object, but in the hope that obliga- ,38 & tion assumed will stimulate him to more ,38 & active efforts in the future In behalf of ,38 & keeping the party close to the people to ,38 J8 tfie end that It may ever remain a cham-' ' ,38 c58 pion of their rights and Interests. ' "' ve J8 . JUJ8 &&& .38 ,38 ,38 38 ,38 & t .volume 5;;tjmber u A MIGHTY POOR GUESS 'A writer In the Cincinnati Enquirer presents an interesting explanation of Mr. Garfield's beef trust report. This writer says: "In the report made by Commissioner Garfield upon tho profits and methods of tho so-called Beef Combine there is a brief line 1 which nevertheless, in the opinion of those who are best informed, contains the true explanation of the higher prices for beef. As with wheat so with beef, the United States is beginning to consume more than the farmers or the ranches can produce. Not many years ago the great body of tho plain people were content if they had beef once a day, and many of them did not buy it more than three times a week. Now beef consumption is no longer a luxury, but a daily necessity of life. One of the fore most men of xthe Beef Combine went to tho Argentine Republic last fall prepared to spend within five years as much as $50,000,000, if that were necessary, in tho purchase of ranches or the rental of them, and in the rais ing of beef for importation. He said to friends in this city just before he sailed that within five years, in his opinion, the United States would be found importing heavily of beef, and that our exports of beef carcasses or cattle on the hoof would be stopped. Mr. Garfield inti mates that one of the reasons for the high price of beef has been the very great demand for it, a demand that began in this excessive way just after the new era of prosperity set in, that is to say, early in the second year of McKinley's first administration." If "under-production" or "over-consumption" contains the true explanation of the higher prices for beef, how does' it happen that while prices required by the trust of the consumers have been going up, the prices paid by the trust to the cat tle reisers have been going down? If there is the scarcity as described by the Enquirer writer, how does it happen that the cattle raiser has not profited by "the very great demand, a demand that began in this excessive way just after the new era of prosperity set in, that is to say, early in the second year of Mc Kinley's administration?" It will- occur to a great many- people that the Enquirer writer has made a mighty poor' guess.' FOR YOUNG AMERICANS 'The editor of Young Americans asks for an article on the subject, "Why Young Americans of Today Should Interest Themselves in Politics?" The, reasons are so numerous that it would be difficult to furnish a complete answer. The young Americans of today will be the acting, governing force of tomorrow, and only by interesting themselves in politics not only before maturity, but all their lives can American citi zens hope to do their full duty to their country. Free government is a responsibility as well as a privilegea grave responsibility for when ono has the privilege of participating in the govern ment he must share in the responsibility for bad government as well as in the credit for good gov ernment. Whether ojie ever becomes a candidate for office may depend upon circumstances, but every one regardless bf his occupation should study the science of government, acquaint" himself with public questions and give to his country his con science and his best judgment on every question that arises. In the study of public questions the most im portant thing is to get hold of the controlling principle. Only when one understands the prin ciples which govern a subject does he understand the subject, and the fundamental principles ap plicable to politics are really every-day principles with which all are familiar. "Thou shalt not bear false witness," "Thou shalt not steal" and "Thou shalt not kill" these will be found to cover most of the questions, and of the three the second "Thou shalt not steal" is probably the broadest in its application, for every pecuniary injustice done by one man to another whether directly or indirectly, whether in violation of law or in the absence of law, partakes of. that character of larceny. One is never too young to begin to interest himself iri tlfe principles of government, and there is no age However advanced1 at which one can afford to be 'indifferent. ' lu ' " ' )il -m-fa-t-- ,,.,. A 'V hkwI... ..... i'fcm f,J