iMr-j-wrv-iniv I v 10 The Commoner. VOLUME 5, NUMBER 14 . hi mnwuinri THE THEATRICAL TRUST The chargo thai half a dozon men in Now York and Philadelphia control ovory first class theater in the, United States, dictato to managers as to iwhoro tholr stars shall appear or whothor thoy shall appear at all and arbitrarily demand and nearly always rocoivo a largo percentage of tho prof its from every play produced Jn those theatres, has boon made by witnesses during tho progress of tho trial of tho tho suit of David Belasco, tho play wright, against Kllaw & Erlanger, the atrical agents, still in progress at Now York. nnd WlilnUcyXIabMs curori ut horilo without pnln. Hook of pnrticulnrn 1 7 "m ujii son i riiriK. it. m. rWfMilcy,A.I.,AtluiitmOnM 103 N.r ryor St. I Cure Stemach and Bowel Troubles or no pay, Bond for proof ami Bymptom blank and pay whoil ouroil. Von liavo nothing to risk. Bond today. I)rvUumblo. 621) Itaclno Bt. Chicago. PATENT SECURED OR FEB RETUKN ER. Finns opinion us to patentability. Send for Guide Boole and WlmCto invent, finest publlcutlonslssued for f roo distribution. Patents scoured by un advertised at our expense. Evans, Wllkcns & Co., 015 1 St. WushluKton, D. 0. NINETEEN YEARS' SERVICE No repair oxeppttng now posts, nnd null kouiI react, in n Rood record, bnt wo nrooonntantly lm proving tho quality of PnRO-Wlro nnd ouf procoM of (tnlranlzinir, and nro wouvIok Fngo Fences moro firmly than ovor beforo. Wo aim to mnko tho boat fonco. and "A PAGE today is n PAQ1S to stay." Wrlto for catalog. PAQB WOVEN WIRE FENCE CO. Dox 0447, Adrian, Mick. RAIR1E STATE Incubators, Brooders 100 lCRZlnoubatqcoomploto..tl0.00 ou isgginouoatoroompioto.. o.ou 100 Chlok Broodor coniploto.. 7.00 Acknowledged tht boir. Dollvored from Kanstut City, Bt. Louis, Chicago, Catalotr free Prafrin, TnRnha.. tor uo., liox 457, Homer City, Fa. Ganger Cured WITH SOOTHING, BALMY OILS Cancer, Tumor, Catarrh. Fistula, Ulcers. Kc zeins. and all Skin and Womb Dlieases. Wrlto for Illustrated Hook. Bent free. Address DR. BYE. &&1 Kansas City. Mo. Water Works For Country Homes. By our Pneumntio Water System, water Is forced nnywhoro in houso, stablo or yard, for nil domestic purposes and for fire pro tection. Cool water in summer and ice water need not bo supplied to stock in win ter. Tnnk undergrtund no freezing or "bursting of nines. Entirely automatic in action. Air prossuro gencratcu uy huuu pump, windmill or engine. Sold on 30 Days Trial. Awarded two medals and two diplomas at St. Louia World's Fair. Hundreds of our individual water works plants nro in use. Wo have many letters from theso satisfied users, and have published about ulty oi them in book form. It makes a book of strongpeisonalopinions; acopyfree. Costs J75.00 and up, according to your require ments. Writo for full particulars. C. A. BURTON MACHINERY CO. 312 Delaware St. Kansas City, Mo um a ifo''yrZfc7!tr' ' rTn fltfr S2 m m IHi- 0 ,.l-ii,i j i mmmmmiW itTii 9 The Silent Gossip It isn't always what you say that hurts your fellow man; There aro other ways of giving him tho "hooks." And knockers long since learned to try a more effective plan They simply do it by their knowing looks. No spokon word why waste tho breath? Just give a little wink, Or elevate your eyebrows half an inch. Just toss your head a trifle, smile a bit and slyly blink, And you've done .the dirty business that's a cinch. Thoro's Brown, your nearest neighbor, he's distasteful unto vou But you haven't nerve enough to speak it out. So whene'er you hear him mentioned as a follow good and true. You only wink your eye, expressing doubt. You grin a knowing kind of grin, your eyes aro narrow slits, But never say a word from that you flinch. But your actions tell your story, ''and his name is smashed tctfits, And you've done the dirty business that's a cjnoh.' You envy Mrs. Jones a bit, and know no reason why; But never stop to gLve her half a chance. You merely hate the woman though you smile on passing by And curl your lips when taking back - ward glance. You hoar her kindly mentioned and you toss your head and smile, But wouldn't dare a word In-tightest pinch. But your nodding tells your feelings, ana in just a little while You have done the dirty business that's a cinch. It isn't always what you say you needn't say a word To blast a woman's name beyond re pair. Perhaps you never spoke her name that anvbodv heard. Yet smooched a reputation that was fair. And all the while you do It you are pufllng up with pride That you wouldn't gossip oven in 'a pinch; " t But your nod or wink or smiling In a knowing way aside And you've done the dirty business that's a cinch. iflvinGr nnv nnRiaffinrfi to those who are striving earnestly to bring them about. Thn.1". vnn wnnln n Inf of finrm rlfi- nouncinc nolltica na "dirtv business" and neglect to go to the primaries and purity it. Tlin.f. von tvinli vnn pnnlrl rfvo mil- 116ns to save the heathen ancl forget to speak the kind word that might help your neighbor. That your boasted optimism is mere ly a laziness that impels you to accept what you have rather than hustle for something better. That you spend a lot of time wish ing you could do big things and fail to do the little things that amount to a great deal in the aggregate. A Papa Goose Rhyme John, John, the pipe line's son, Went to Kansas on the run. But Kansas balked and John was calked And sadly homeward Johnny walked. r ' A Mental Reservation "Do you not believe that senators should be elected by the people?" we asked of Senator Graball. "I have no, objections," replied the senator after a judicial pause. "How ever, I see nothing objectionable to the present system of selecting the proper man for the people to elect." Gradual "It is a sin to steal a pin," . To steal a loaf Js crime., ' To steal a beef makes you a thief And sots you doing time. But steal some laws and get your paws On every fellow's throat.. And take his wealth hv wnnir nrrri stealth And VOU'rfi n. mn-n nf Tirfo Indeed, that is your greatsMchance xu uo uiuuju captain oi: tmance." : V jo Brain Leaks 'n nil mmmmimwm TwyTrTK PTrAf wkmkml ViV. . Mmrmj m m w m rmmnfjKrrutrtrmmm Bend for our 1006 C&ta- loiruo and select tho Diamond that von -would like to wear jindown. Wowllls6ndltfor examination . navlncr all ex Dress r.liarcrofl oursolves. Itlfc DloascB TOU vnn m&v Tav ono-flf th of. the nrlce and Limn it. sendfntr tho balanco to us In clnrhfc otiuAl monthly payments. Guarantee of valno and nn&lltv accomDanlcs Oronr Diamond. TVoam tho only Diamond Cutters boIUuk tholr product at re tail, and can make lower prices than any other houso 1 n the bUBlncBfl. Wo wpa the Gold Medal at tho BtXoula 'Exposition, against tho combined offorte of all domes tic and forolprn exhibitors. Our Catalogue 1b tho best and most roUablo guido for buyers of. Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry. Write for It today. LOFTIS BROS. &jCO.,(Est 1858.) Diamond Cutters Bad Manufacturing Jewelers Popt. D-09 9 to 98 State St., CHICAGO, ILL. Egtfs from Prlzo-wlnnlng Barred Plymouth Rocks $2.00 per fifteen. Cottage Poultry Yards, Route 5, Boone, la. It's Too Often the Case That you spend too much time criti cizing and too little time helping. That your boasted "plainness of speech" is- merely boorishness. That you content yourself with giv ing advice instead of lending a helping hand. That you are planning such big things for tomorrow that you forget to attend to today's duties. That you grumble at the wrongs that abound on all sides and fail to make any effort at righting them. That you attend to the business of others without warrant and neglect your own business without excuse? That you waste time envying thV mw wu mm u, iortune and fail to malwuse of what lies at your hand, that you yearn for reforms" witlibu? KATHTf HEAVES, l cmermBieea aaa wnarmBtecq m jSSmSB' KBffTOH'S Bmt, Cesgh, Dfan teatpvr aaa lAdlgetUoa Core. retorin&ry ipeciflo for wind, threat aad itomMa trouble Strong remmmdt. f 1.00 dm can, or dealer, or Exp. prepaid. The K ewtea Itemedy Co, Teledo, Ohio.' r KFRU1TBOOK Bhowa In NATURAL COLORS and accurately describes 216 varieties of fruit. Send for oar terms of distribution. Wo want more salMiaenv Stark Bro'K, Louisiana, Mo. HAVE YOU GOT A DOLLAR 60ConoerdCrapVlnesfrS1 due bill coodfor25c and catalog free. Write for it Wo pay frelcnt on J10.00 orders. FAIRBURY NURSERIES, Box O, Falrbury, Nab. CANCER Cured to stay oared. My TRUE METHOD kills tho deadly germ which causes Cancer. No knlfol No palnl LonseBt cstabUahod, most rollablo oancor Specialist. 1G years In this location. I glvo a WRIT TEN LEG AL GUARANTEE My fco depends on my Huocesa.Sondforlroo 100-p. book and positive proofs. DR. E.0. SMITH, BSSffW;- THE NEW VOICE John CWooloy, Editor A Journal for nU ao aro interested in tho torn ppranco movomenti .Published wookly. News, In vestlgatlon, Information, Inspiration, and PoUtlos Sixteen pngoB ovory week, .somotiraos.moro. It is a national and International bureau of Information on all subjects relating to tho liquor traillc. Sub scription prico ono dollar per year. Headers of Tho Oommonor who aro not now sub scribers to THE NEW VOICE may tako ndvantago of our special clubbing rate of 11.45 for both papers ono year. This offer la not good for renewals to THE NEW VOICE. Send all ordojS'to Tho Commpner, Lincoln, Nobr. Oi' 7, )Real service Pis never servility. The nearer one gets to God the clos ed one gets to 'one's neighbor. The fact that there Is no law against it (does not always make it right. ,The way to make tomorrow better than yesterday is to work today. It isn't the money that counts; It Is the intent and purpose of the giver. The men who talk the loudest about politics being rdirty are the men. who are too, lazy to help clean things. A man may burn so much "midnight oil" that he has none left to oil the day's machinery. 1 The man who starts out looking for trouble usually finds it just about to enter his own door. When a man begins to imagine that he "doesn't look his age'' It Is a sign that he is grovving old. - The man who has no business of his own is a mighty poor man to engage to attend to your business. A man may 'buy the reputation of being a phinalthropist, but ho can not buy the real, philanthropist's charac- If a man is real honest he will admit that tho proudest moment of his lifo was when he co'tiid.Hei5tf,f.'otu -J- gge bunjh $ 1.0, each M' Iowa i S " '..- s nit& V '-'V Tfie Dakotas i The great extent of territory served by the North-Western Line in Iowa and the Dakotas, as well as other states north and east, enables it to offer the most convenient train ser vice to all important points. Fast time and eauioment that embodies The Best of Everything ror tickets and full Information apply to R. W. McGINNIS, General Agent I0?4eq Street Lincoln, Nebr. mW & ortli. fetoJWJway LW49r . iiiMtildtllKr;-