The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, April 14, 1905, Page 16, Image 16

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The Commoner.
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That Liquozone Does What Medicine Cannot Do. A spe
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Thoro aro at least throe million
homos In America which know from
experience the valuo of Liquozone.
Some of thoso homes use it simply to
keep well, as we do. But tons of thou
sands have lives that were saved by it.
Yet somo remain sick with a germ
dlsoaso while all of thoso millions
know that Liquozone cures. Some still
cling to drugs for what drugs never
can do. They aro wronging thomsel
vos. Their own friends their own
noighbors can toll them the way to
got woll.
Wo aolc those sick ones to write us.
"Wo will buy for each ono the first bot
tlo of Liquozone, and pay tho druggist
ourselves for it. Bach is welcome to
try it at our oxpenso, then let the re
Bults decide about using it afterwards.
Don't try to kill Inside germs with
drugs, for you can not. Donit cling
blindly to old methods of treatment,
usod beforo germs were discovered.
Let us provo what this new way means
to you.
Not Medicine
nine nations;. by physicians -and hospi-'
tals everywhere. It is daily used in
millions of homes in America.
We Paid $1 00,000
For the American rights to Liquo
zone, and the rights in other countries
havo sold for proportionate sums.
We mention this fact to indicate the
value of Liquozone the value to you.
Men havo never before paid such a
price for any discovery used in tho
cure of sickness.
Wo need not tell you that we proved
Liquozone woll before buying it. For
years It was tested through physi
cians and hospitals, in this country
and others. It was employed in every
stage of every germ disease; in all the
most difficult cases obtainable. With
thousands of sick ones, considered in-
you. No one is so well that lie can not
be helped by it.
The reason is that germs are vege
tables; and Liquozone like an excess
of oxygen is deadly to vegetal matter.
To the human body Liquozone is ex
hilarating, vitalizing, purifying the
most needful, the most helpful thing
possible.. But to germs it is certain
destruction; and these facts are true
of nothing else in existence.
Germ Diseases
These are the known germ diseases;
all due to germs or to the poisons
which germs create. These are the
diseases to which medicine does not
apply, for drugs can not kill inside
AH that medicine can do for these
Eczema Erysipelas
Fevers Gall Stones
Goitre Gout
Tuberculosis -
Tumors Ulcers
Women's Disease
troubles is to act as a tonic, aidinc
curable, we proved that it did what LT . . 4.1, .
' Nature to overcome the germs. But
those results are indirect and uncer-
Llquozono is not made, like medi
cine, by compounding acids and drugs;
nor is there any alcohol in it. Its
virtues are derived solely from gas,
mado in large part from the best oxy
gon producers. Tho process of making
takes 14 days, and requires immense
apparatus. At the end of two
.weeks, we get one cubic inch of Liquo
zone for each 1,250 cubic inches of gas
used. Tho attainment of this product
has, for more than twenty years, been
the constant subject of scientific and
chemical research.
The main result is, to get into a
liquid, and thus into the blood, a pow
erful, yet harmless germicide. And
the product is so helpful so good for
you under any condition that oven
a wel person feels its instant benefit.
This is the product which in the
past two years has sprung into world
wide use in the treatment of germ dis-
medlcine could not do. Then, and then
only, did we pay tho price.
Sinco then we have spent nearly 2,
000,000 to make Liquozone known. We
havo bought tho first bottle and given
it iree to every -sick one we learned
of. These people told others, and the
others told others. The result is that
Liquozone is now more widely em
ployed than any medicine ever was.
And no one can doubt that it is doing
more for sick humanity than all the
drugs in use combined.
Kills Inside Germs
The greatest value of Liquozone lies
in the fact that it kills germs in the
body without killing the tissues, too.
And no man knows another way to do
ft. Any drug that kills germs is a poi
son, and it can not be taken internally.
For that reason, medicine is almost
helpless in any germ disease.
Liquozone is a germicide so certain
that we publish on every bottle an of
fer of $1,000 for a disease germ that it
can not kill. Yet it is not, only harm
less but of wonderful benefit better
tain, depending on the patient's con
dition. A cure is always doubtful when
drugs are used, and some of these dis
eases medicine never cures.
Liquozone alone can destroy the
cause of these troubles. It goes wher
ever the blood goes, so that no germ
can escape it. The results are almost
inevitable. Diseases which have re
sisted medicine for years yield at once
to Liquozone. "Incurable" diseases
are cured by it. In any stage of any
disease in this list the results are so
certain that we will gladly send to any
patient who asks it an absolute guaranty.
All dlBeases that begin withfovera-all inflamma
tion all catarrh all contagious diseases all
tho results ol'impure.or poisoned blood.
In nervous debility Liquozone acts as a vitali
ze accomplishing what no drugs can da
First Bottle Free
If you need Liquozone, and have
never used it, please send us the cou
pon below. We will then send you an
order on a local druggist for a full
sized bottle a 50c bottle and will
pay the druggist ourselves for it. This
applies only to the first bottle, of
course to those who have never used
The acceptance of this off er, places
you under no obligations. We simply
wish to convince you; to let the prod
uct itself show you what it can do.
Then you can judge by results as to
whether you wish to continue.
This offer itself should convince you
that Liquozone does as we claim. We
would certainly not buy a bottle and
give It to you, if there was. any doubt
of results. You want these results;
you want to be well and to keep well.
Then be fair enough to yourself to ac
cept our offer today. Let us show you,
at our expense, what this wonderful
product means to you.
Liquozone costs 60c and -$1.
eases. It is now used by the sick of than anything else in the world for
Abscess Anccmla
Blood Poison
Brlght's Disease
Bowel Troubles
Coughs Colds
Colic Croup
Catarrh Cancer
Dysentery Diarrhea
Dandruff Dropsy
Hay Fever Influonza
Kidney Diseases
La Grippe
Liver Troubles
Malaria Neuralgia
Many Heart Troubles
Pleurisy Quinsy
Skin Diseases
'Btomach Troubles
Throat Trouble
for this offer mav not appear aualn. Fill ont
the blanks and mall it to Tho Liquozone
Company, 458-164 Wabash Ave, Chicago.
My disease is
I have never tried LIquozono, ut If you
will supply me a 60c bottle froo I will tako It
W201 ;...
.Give -full address write .plainly.
Any physician or hospital not yol using LIqu
zone will bo gladly supplied for a test