' n iiJHiyiH.iiJ'WVmi1HIWHWIilWPM - nr'pBV lPRIL 7, 1905 A LESSON FROM RUSSIA jThe Democrats of Russia aro de- landing a voice in the affairs of gov- rnment. They are opposed to central isation; they aro opposed to taxation rithout representation; they are op- osed to one-man rule; they are op Dsed to "administrative arbitrariness." They are in favor of a Government If the people by the people, for the leople; they are In favor of the unre- Itricted expression of public opinion, if freedom of conscience and speech ind of the press and also freedom of leeting and association. They hold The Commdner. 11 that "Belf-reliance is tho chief condi tion of tho proper and successful de velopment of tho political and econo mic life of a country" and therefore they aro in favor of the greatest pos sible liberty to tho individual consis tent with good government, law and or der. They are in favor of equal rights and opportunities to all and special rights and opportunities to none; that every other man may have the same rights that every other man has to im prove his condition and pursue happi ness. To state it all in a sentence they are asking for themselves those "inalien able rights' which tho Democrats of tho United States enjoy, and there is a lesson in this plea of the Russian Democrats for "the Democrats of the United States. Wo arc enjoying the blessings which they so eagerly desire, and by contrasting our situation with theirs Svo should have c keener appre ciation of our blessings, and we should be all the more careful and diligent in maintaining them. They are ours by inheritance. They have come to us through lae blood and sacrifice of our forefathers, and wo aro apt to take WWiiW WiiWM 'MW,4 WWMiWWtViwnrtYlV The Primary Pledge Organize Now. 68-Page Book and Trial Free Cures Uric Acid Dlseasts---Kidneys, Bladder, Rheumatism y Froo Troalmoni Provoa tho Cure: Fri II luatrntod Dook Tolls All Abeut !(--Send For Them Doth Today. To Readers or the Commoner: If you or any one yon Know of is surferlng from a disease of the kidneys, thu bladder oruny form of rheuma tism, you are urgently invited to Hend name and address to got u free tritil treatment of tkwon derf ul non-alcoholic ril'(fnveryh the celebrated Kidney Disease Bladder Trouble f I :Rheumfctisrri iwHuiwwwfciMHinmm iMm -.,- -.,.-, .V'vrrruwiwmu). 'enfcftrtMw&xWit From The Commoner, Lincoln, Nebraska, March 17, 1905 Newspapersfavoring the plan outlined are requested to re produce this editorial together with the primary pledge as it appears below. They may re quest their readers to sign this pledge and forward the same either to The Commoner or to the office of their local democratic paper, in the lat ter event these pledges may be then forwarded in bulk to The Commoner office where they will be duly recorded. J & M & & & '&&&&&&&&&&&, The Pledge Outlined The following editorial appeared in I, The Commoner of March 17: "Mr. Bryan has been In receipt of a multitude of letters since the elec tion urging organization for the cam paign of 1908. The rank and file of fcthe party are ready to begin the fight; they only await a plan of co-operation.- This plan has been under considera tion for some weeks and is herewith submitted. 1 "Let each democrat pledge himself rto attend all of tho primaries of his f' party to ho held between now and the 'next democratic national convention, unless unavoidably prevented, and to use his influence to secure a clear, hon est and straightforward declaration of the party's position on every question upon which the voters of tho party desire to speak. "This plan does not involve the writing of a platform in advance of the primaries ; it does not rest upon the paramount importance of any one issue. It recognizes the right of the democratic voters to control the policy of the democratic party, and to deter mine its position upon public ques tions. It also recognizes the import ance of honesty and sincerity in poli tics. "This proposition will appeal to all who believe in the rule of the people to all who are willing that the ma jority shall govern in party manage ment and in the nation. It does not mean that those who exert themselves to secure a good platform will be bound to support a had platform that is a question which each must deter mine for himself but it does mean that the democratic platform shall give voice to the prevailing sentiment of tho democratic party, and that the party shall take the country Into its confidence. The pledge proposed is a primary pledge because the people speak at the primaries. The national convention is attended by delegates and each delegate represents tens of thousands of democrats. The state con vention" is also attended by delegates, and these represent thousands of dem ocrats. The county conventions are, as a rule, attended by delegates, and these in turn represent hundreds of democrats. At the primary the voters speak for themselves; there democ racy has its citadel. "When the work of organization is sufficiently advanced, a time can he set for the meeting of the members in their various localities. The mem bers of this organization, while pledged to but one thing namely, at tendance upon the primaries aro urged to co-operate among themselves for the support of every effort put forth to eliminate corruption in poli tics. No cause can prosper perma nently that does not appeal to the moral sense of tho country, and the moral sense of the country is now be ing awakened to tho importance of purifying politics. "Tho Commoner will do its part in aiding every movement that has for its object the ascertainment of the will of tho people and tho scrupulous en forcement of that will. "The Commoner will also furnish all the information that it can upon the questions which aro before tho public to the end that its readers may be pre pared to render the maximum of as sistance to every worthy cause." "Who will be the first to make this pledge? A record will be Jtept in The Commoner office of tho name and ad dress of each person who enters into this movement. Those who desire to be enrolled pan either wiite approv ing the object of the organization, and asking to have their names entered on the roll, or they can fill out and mail the blank which is printed below. "The Commoner will be pleased to publish a limited number of brief let ters on this subject. Mr. Bryan Is encouraged by his correspondence to believe that there will be a prompt and hearty response to the above proposi rirb i i TBMilH I I fPi&fiii3lB t THE PRIMARY PLEDGE ; ; ; 5. V I promise to attend all the primaries of my party to be held between now and the next demo cratic national convention, unless unavoidably prevented, and to use my influence to secure a clear, honest and straightforward declaration of the party's position on every question upon which the voters of the party desire to speak. Street, Signed PoBtoflice State, : County ; . . . . Voting precinct or ward Fill out blanks and mall to Commoner Office, Lincoln, Neb. Aro you in tlio grip ofn Urlo Acid nincaief TkH will t'uro you provo It free. French-American specialist, Dr. Edwin Tur nock, by which you can cure yourself of any Uric Acid Ul.scn.se In a short time In vour own home and save the necessity of an operation anu ine expense or doctors and druggists. H Is not n cure-all but a spccllc cure for uric acid diseases, so send for Jt if you have a urlo acid uflllctlon like Urlght's disease, diabetes, dropsy, gravel, weak back, stone In the bladder, enlarg ed prostrate, frequent desire to urinate, pains In the back, legs, sides and over the kidneys, swelling of the feet and ankles, retention of urine, wotting the bed. or such lhcumatle affec tion as chronic, muscular or Inllammatory rhcu mutism, sciatica, rheumatic neuralgia, lumbiv Bo, gout, etc." It will promptly Temove ever trace of uric acid poison and its complications stop all rheumatic aches, pains and swellings strengthen the kidneys and the hluddcrso that they will become normal again, and so revita lize and build up the entire constitution as tc make you feel us healthy and strong us in youi prime. It did this for legions ot others, among them such well-known persons usMrs. L. Clark, Chand ler, Texas: '3. CI Hector. Mursbull. N. C: Mrs. MuckDcvean.Noank. Conn.; Archibald Kltchle, Mt. Forrest, Ont.. Can.: Mrs. C. If. Sweetland, Hamburg, Iowa;Fh. J. Urown, Kallspcll, Mont., and It will surely do It for you. "Write to the Turnock Medical Co.v2(M5Hush Temple, Chica go, 111., and since every free treatment is ac companied by u (18-pugc illustrated book going fully Into all the details, It behooves you to send your namejind address promptly for these free offerings. Do ho today sure, for you cannot justly say you arc incurable until y6u have tiled this really remarkable treatment and oh nelthermoneynor even stamps are asked for. you should certainly make a free test of it at once. them for granted. But it is always to be remembered that these blessings will remain to us only so long as wo ourselves maintain 'them. "Eternal vigilance Is the price of liberty.'' Richmond Times- Dispatch. ffffffffff BOTH Isidor Raynor, the new senator from Maryland, lias been a leading lawyer in that state for thirty years. He was in congress while the McKinley tariff bill Was under discussion. One day, while arguing an amendment, he caus ually remarked that "everything Is either a luxury or a necessity." Here he was interrupted with a question from a member who generally, kept himself in most unkempt condition. "1 understand you to say that everything is either a luxury or 'a necessity," said the disheveled member; "now, I have just taken a bath. Which wouldj you call that?" Angered at such a trivial interruption, Mr. Raynor re plied, icily: "In your case it is both a necessity and a luxury; a necessity because you need it so badly, and a luxury because you take it go rarely." i 1 -. 1 m J The Argonaut. ii i it tihm 'ww.; Hinted Br 4