.. w-I-rf 'WWW!!m 'J'nHW(Wpn Vs . r i I & I t 2 nnd, as ono Commoner reader well said, ho Will find that even though ho may have regularly par ticipated in the primaries, the very fact that ho has formally given a pledgo will do much to aid him in maintaining liis good record. The record of every man who aspires to he a delegate to dcmocralic conventions should ho carefully scruti nized and democrats should see to it that no man is sent to a democratic convention, county, state or national, who can not he depended upon to fail hf ul ly represent and defend tho opinions of the rank and file. Those who call it wisdom to accept as final the insolent boastings of commercialism and plu tocracy and who regard it as "conservatism" to permit tho representatives of those influences to frame tho policies of parties and dictate the course of nations will find food for thought in Carlisle's testimony to tho omnipotence of truth: "Hast thou considered how thought is stronger than artillery-parks, and (wore it fifty years after death and martyrdom, or were it two thousand years) writes and un writes acts of parliament, removes mountains, models the world like soft clay? Also how tho beginning of all thought worth the name is lovo; and tho wise head never yet was, without first tho generous heart? Tho heavens ceaso not their bounty; they send us generous hearts into every generation. And now what generous heart can pretend to itself, or be hoodwinked into be lieving, that loyalty to the money bag is a noble loyalty? Mammon, cries the generous heart out of all ages and countries, is the basest of known gods, ovon of known devils. In him what glory is there, that ho should worship him? No glory dis cernible; not even terror; at best, detestability, ill-matched with despicability!" If the democratic party is to build upon a permanent foundation, it must recognize the fact that truth alono can give to the party hope of perpetuity; and that back of all thought must bo lovo. Deep love for tho common people and belief in human brotherhood will make the demo cratic party an invincible force. Unless the party is an exponent of thought and truth; unless it is built upon love not self-love, but brotherly love it can not hopo for more than temporary and trif ling success. Democracy when rightly under stood is a religion, for it is founded upon the doc trmo of equal and inalienable rights. A party founded upon that doctrine is entitled to tho best service of Its members. JJJ THE REFERENDUM MOVEMENT Tho referendum movement is growing. Tho Montana legislature has decided to submit to the people of that state a constitutional amendment providing for tho initiative and referendum. This has been the result of a contest which hegan with the people and has finally resulted in the capture of tho legislature. Montana will be the fifth state to vote on this subject. The other states are South Dakota, Utah, Oregon and Illinois The SfJ Nevada legislature voted to submits con stitutional amendment providing for a direct in itiative but as it requires two legislatures to act favorably on such an amendment it goes over to the next legislature. In Utah two republican leg islatures have refused to put a constUutional amendment into operation. In South Dakota the republican legislature has shown a disposition to SitllGnPrOVlslons of the referendum amend ment, but tho cause of direct legislation is ctow tag. Those who helleve in bringing The govern ment nearer to the people will support it when thoy understand it. i'vun it when JJJ THE MYSTERIOUS STRANGER afSEXS aCitvUlhaVe een f Sected!yHisS SS?eh may toff i """"V Would indicate that ho Sy.ne'saidf0"11 elemmt in tho "PnMlcaS tho 2ifffSl0W Citlzens' l have matched somewhat the fight in your municipalitythe snmA Jw are having across tho line-the samf fw that we having in the nation today VaJSK We are has made the fight of tl 7nnnn? J reSVnt mayor tions. Will you stand by him? VSi,nBt QV0T!l' haiter. I do not envy the mn ? ,no political only the envy that I do nS? piaSsa !? Tft want to say tonight that tho grea auoJL ?? l tho American people that li crasum w ti "5 b.foro ests and time is the conflict SetwiSn 1Gir Inter' and the encroachments of tw the peoi)l0 their unlawful eSSSia 0 theh"nTaUns m wealth. Now, you, my fellow cl "TOted Christian statesman, TZ $ The Commoner. that you are with him in the fight. Do not he misled." , . , He recognizes that the great question before the American people is the conflict "between the people and tho encroachmnts of the corporations.' He has diagnosed the case properly and he has a great work before him if he tries to restore to the people their rights. He commends Kansas for Its fight against the Standard Oil company and he will have a chance in Washington to make good his words. Let us hope that Missouri's "Mys terious Stranger" will earn a foremost place among republican reformers. JJJ A TERRIBLE INDICTMENT That fine old republican paper, the Chicago Chronicle, is indignant because the congregational ministers at Boston protested against the accept ance by the American hoard of commissioners for foreign missions of a gift of $100,000 offered hy John D. Rockefeller. The Chronicle is particularly indignant because these clergymen said: The Standard Oil company, of which Mr. Rockefeller is the head, stands before the pub lic under repeated and recent formidable in- dictments in specific terms for methods which are morally iniquitous and socially destructive, and tho acceptance of such gift involves the constituents of the hoard in a relation imply ing honor toward the donor and subjects the board to the charge of ignoring the moral is sues involved. The Chronicle denounces these clergymen as "a lot of Pharisees" and declares that "Judas Iscariot would make a white mark on some of them." Then the Chronicle rushes to the defense of the Rockefellers in this eloquent way: The Standard Oil company does business on the same principles as any other business company or person has done it ever since the days of Adam, and the only reason that it attracts the attention and excites the hatred of Pharisees is that it does business on such a large scale. The complaint is just as illogical as would he a complaint against an oak tree on ac count of its bark when every rose bush has a bark also in proportion to its size, or against a great bakery on account of the smoke it makes when every private kitchen is making a smoke also in proportion to the amount of cooking it does. Nobody but a pharisee could be so inconsistent. Admitting, as it must admit, that "the Stand ard Oil trust stands before the public under re peated and recent formidable indictments in spe cific terms for methods which are morally iniqui tous and socially destructive," the Chronicle says that that great trust "does business on the same principles as any other business company or per son has done it ever since the days of Adam " According to the Chronicle, all business con cerns and all individuals engaged in business em ploy the same iniquitous methods for which the Standard Oil trust has become notorious and the en y reason that the iniquity of the Standard Oil trust "attracts the attention and excites tho hatred of Pharisees, is that it does business Sn such a large scale." That is a terrible inSctment to bring against the business men of this cSS' arraieV? " Chr0nlcle's P Oil us? -M San not consent to the charge that Whn'i is 2W figurG Chronicle's serious accusation if1?3 ihat th ness men of the count?? Tas ?nrS,n8t the busi H is, indeed, anTteresUng S ie TF the greatest of trusts nmi nn ,,o nerhaps of the trust system generaliv I f ,ng defense as a defense for ovTS&nlZ0' also It would serve as justlSnfinn f WOrld s hlstory and if that view should hJ ?n fr eTery evil deed; the rising yne7aCIdherI SSukTS for the future of our country 7 SmaU hopo JJJ TEACHING MONARCHICAL DOCTRINE has 2& S instructor, Mich., an address in wWehhf ml?1 at Detro" -nt in favor of mr VoiJME 6, NUMBER U ngainst representative-government. Ex.Pn man Lucking of the Detroit district was if? audience (the address was delivered at nn 9 meeting of the Cosmopolitan club) and roniin0?? the nrofeasor. nolntincr nut fbnf , .. ., ., Iuiel to monarchical lo-nmTs really an attack upon our theory of govern? The professor admitted this and attempted tW fy himself by saying that President RoosovSm li' said to him, "Ytm will never hear me quotinff !?d the Declaration of Independence." He -Usn i scribed a visit to the white house about Christm ' time, when he declares he saw on the walk gift from the German emperor." According tn ,a Detroit Tribune he describes tho gift as follow "There was a golden frame and within it wn?o crown, and during- the several days after Chrkt mas when I called upon the president ho C entwined about the cr6wn the American holly was a beautiful suggestion, the crown and t American holly." " u l If the president is correctly quoted, the Har vard professor can certainly feel that ho has hich authority to support him" In his attack upon tho Declaration of Independence and our theory of government, but let us hope that he did not cor. rcctly understand the president. He may have been overwhelmed by his reception at the white house, and so agitated as not to have compre hended the president's language. Let us even hope that his eyes deceived him when he saw what he describes as a -crown entwined with holly. A crown, even in a frame, would hardly he regarded as the proper ornament for the white house, unless it was a. captured, crown. But while the professor may have misrepre sented the president's position; he certainly speaka with authority as to his own position, and what shall we think of the propriety of the employment by a great American college of a professor who feels it his duty to belittle our principles of gov ernment and to praise monarchy? Is it strange that our .heiresses are-seeking titles abroad, when American colleges employ exponents of European ideas to instruct American youths? JJJ WASHINGTON AND ROOSEVELT Several newspapers are giving Mr. Roosevelt considerable' trouble just now with respect to his quotations.' It does not seem exactly fair to hold to a strict accountability on this line one who is required to deliver as many addresses as are de manded of the president. It is true, however, that men should be very careful in. using the language of others, particularly when that language is em ployed by way of justifying 'the orator s course. A writer in Harper's Weekly directs atten tion to the interesting criticism made of Mr. Roosevelt on this line. Mr. Roosevelt said that among the maxims bequeathed by George Wash ington in his farewell address was the following: "To be prepared for war is the most effectivo means to promote peace." The New York Sun points out that nothing of this kind appears in the farewell address and that no unqualified statement to the effect indicated by Mr. Roosevelt is discoverable in any of his extant utterances. The Sun says: "The nearest thing to it is the qualified, assertion made in Washington's first annual address, or message, sent to congress on January 8, 1790. Then ho suggested that 'to be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of perserving peace.' " The Sun adds: "Cautious as the statement is, it is scarcely consistent with the conviction at which Washington arrived near the close of his life, and which found earnest expression in the following words: My first wish is to see this plague to mankind war banished from the earth, and the sons and daughters of this world employed in more pleasing and in nocent amusements than in preparing imple ments and exercising them for the destruction of mankind.'" A Quaker correspondent of the Philadelphia Public Ledger directs attention to the fact that the modern battleship is clearly, nay, preeminent' ly, ono of the "implements" coming under tho above category. IIXT Mr- Roosevelt is also quoted as saying: Never since tho beginning of our country's his; tory has the navy been used In an unjust war. Tho New York Evening Post reminds the president that the navy was used in the Moxican war, which General Grant pronounced one of tho most unjust ever waged by a stronger against a weaker nation. Assuming that Mr. Roosevelt may decline to take his opinions second-hand from Gen eral Grant, Harper's Weekly says that he cannot, with any show of consistoncv, dissent from the judgment rendered by himself in his "Life of Benton," when ho spoke of the Mexican war as t