The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 24, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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feCH 24, 1905
' yuaMfi ,' "WgWllL' H "' '
1 $
with respect to tho impositions of other
liiu linnn nriyttAntrt1 Iw rifVini nonnlfi Tlllf.
. 11UO UUUU WUOlUtlUU UJ VWMV jl.w4w. -
rboint does not anDear to he considered by
mL ...... m . i . ..
PPr' of tllG Judges; and who would nave tno
ferity to criticise the conduct of a Judge since
have so often been told, particularly in tho
jign of 1896, that the courts were abovecrit-
IThe Commoner is called upon to chronicle
death of two illustrious democrats, men emi-
both in statecraft arid in party service men
the editor of The Commoner was pleased
Kbunt within the circle of his personal friends.
Kludge John H. Reagan of Texas was the last
rivor of the cabinet officers of the confederacy,
-mWKR as sucn nau a warm piace m me ueiiria ui.
,', JTirWLMMM. i'cujnw jl liiu uuui, uui mo bciviud in mo
m was even more conspicuous than his serv-
fto the confederacy. As a member of the
tted States senate he was largely instrumental
Securing the passage of the interstate commerce
Pie was a firm supporter of the doctrine that
government has, and should exercise, the
pht to regulate the railroads, and, on retiring
the senate, he accepted a position as railway
imissioner of his state, a position which he oc-
templed until his death. He was a notable figure
y,i!the national conventions of his party and was
a uy an wno Knew mm. jtie uiea iuu ot nuuura
the world seems darker because his light has
e out.
Senator Bate of Tennessee, whose death has
t been announced, was in the same class with
dge Reagan. He went from the military service
the confederacy into official life, first in his
,te and afterwards in the nation. His was a
e combination of modesty and strength of
eetness of disposition and force of character.
f was not prominent in debate but he had an
iincu ior tne rignt, anu unaouDiea courage,
was always faithful to the people.
Judge Reagan and Senator Bate were splendid
resentatives sof the highest type of the public
ant alert, able, steadfast and faithful. The
ocratic party and the nation suffer irreparable
tin. their death.
5 jjj
The members of the Brooklyn Bar Association
,,jj .recently greeted with applause the following state-
jnttut, luuuo iii uu. auuicaa uy r aiuci uuwaiu. vv.
'Aggregations of capital have fastened
themselves like filthy toads upon the hand
some face of our glorious country. They
threaten the manhood of America, and when
we can say with truth that corporate interest
can throttle legislation, both in state and na
tion, then is the future of America in peril. .
Even today, in trying to shake off its poisonous
t nests from the nation's face, we can see indica-
IS 4-t.M v 4-1s MAn-wn llrvrt f Irvr 4-1io4 l"r1rc? IIIrA Am-
pire. After all, if we have to make a choice be-
$" tween Caesar and Washington and corpora
te tions here and there over the land, is it not
V. better that we have Caesar, especially if there
f be red blood in his veins, which is not true of
corporations? But we want neither Caesar nor
the corporations, and we appeal to your proies-
sion, gentlemen, to save us from both.".
The Wall Street Journal declares that it does
int. know whether to be more surprised "by such
language from a man of 'Father McCarty's char
la cter, scholarship and eloquence, than at the fact
M-Tinf -Mio mom'hfirn nf thn hfir flRKOO.iaLion greeted
hrHt with loud applause." The Journal says that
'Father Mccarty may safely ue trusteu in nis own
rcalling, but when he undertakes to discuss politi
co! onnnnmv a ennn frata intn Wfttors tOO A&&n for
K;J. VVVUVUtJ MW WWW QWVW ww v. w - j.-
Mum." if Fatner Mcuarty nas arawn a laxny uu-
curate picture, then who will say that it is not tne
''duty of the pulpit, as well as of the press and of
tell goodcitizens, to protest?
i! The Journal intimates thatt this clergyman
I Stated the case too strongly. But did he state it
fniore stronclv than it was described by David J.
pBrewer, associate justice of the United States su
preme court? When in referring to tne power
and influence whicli tnese vast aggregations ojl
F.wealth are wielding in public affairs- Justice Brew
er used language almost identical wiui tnat em
ployed by Father McCarty, to whose remarks the
'Journal takes exception. '
Distinguished clergymen have repeatedly de-feni-ifid
trusts. Thev have reDeatedly championed,
I from their pulpits, the policies advocated by the
trusts and the candidates nominated uy tne, trusts.
Yet, unless memory is at fault, tho Journal has
not rebuked these clergymen. The Journal has not
insisted that these men refrafn from discussing
questions of a political character. But when, as
occasionally and sad to say not rrequently a
clergyman speaks out in protest against these
powerful interests that are proying upon tho nec
essities of tho people, they are reminded that
"the shoemaker must stick to his last."
When a man whose life has been dedicated to
the service of the Master speaks in behalf of an
oppressed people, he is "in his own calling," and
such "waters" are never too "deep" for any one
who has taken to his heart the great principles
taught by the Nazarene.
The Philadelphia North American says that
intimations have been given that the senators
who are hostile to railroad reform believe the
public demand for such, legislation will have lost
its ferver before autumn comes. But the North
American reminds these gentlemen that:
"The day has come when tho railroads,
creatures of the state, do actually in many
states control their creators; and there is no
hope for redress unless the people use the
powers of their own government at Washing
ton. This they are resolute to do. The mat
ter will not blow over. The campaign is not
ended. The railroads, In one way or another,
this year or next year, are going to be put into
the place of servants, instead of remaining
masters of the people."
Of course the "campaign is not ended," but
these "hostile senators" know just as every other
intelligent man knows, that the railroads or
the trusts, will not be put "into the place of ser
vants" so long as the people elect to office can
didates chosen by the corporations. They know
that these men will remain "masters of the peo
ple" so long as they are masters of the people's
The North American has made some strong
protests between election days. If it would make
its unquestioned power felt, let it employ its
great ability during a political campaign against
the party that derives its campaign funds from
the trusts and is therefore under pledge to .carry
out the decrees of the trust magnates.
Of all the vices that afflict the race it is doubt
ful if .any vice is more demoralizing than the vice
of gambling for it impoverishes the mind and
the morals as well as the purse. A press dispatch
tells of a raid recently made on a New York pool
room in which some twenty women were found
.among the patrons. They are described as "well
dressed," "most of them married," "one a white-
, haired grandmother" and one "the wife of a mil
lionaire." It happens to be women this time,
but the papers are full of such items in which men
are the principals. Until a few years ago lotteries
were chartered in some of the states and per
mitted to use the malls, and it is but a few months
since the guessing contest was prohibited. Even
now lotteries are licensed in some European na
tions and in some of the republics of South and
Central America ' Missouri has just put an end to
licensed betting on horse racing and Ohio did the
same thing a year earlier. The stock exchanges
are still permitted to rob the unwary but recent
investigations are awakening the ' public consci
ence and these exchanges will sooner or later bo
compelled to purge themselves of their specula
tive features.
The evil of gambling, in whatever form it
may appear, is that it cultivates a desire to get
something for nothing and substitutes the law
of chance for God's law of "reward earned by
service." Some bad habits effect only the body;
at least in their beginning, but gambling imme
diately attacks the will and undermines the char-
acter.- It is a heart disease and paralyzes one's
energy. The man who becomes addicted to this
vice soon ceases to be a producer because he
can not content himself with the slow returns of
legitimate effort; then he neglects those dependent
upon him and wastes that which he has already
accumulated. By this time he is ready to go a
step further and use trust funds and cheat those
whom he entices into a game. Some times tho
cheating is done with loaded dice or marked
cards; some times by shells and slight of hand;
some times it is done on a. larger scale by grain
corners, wash-sales or by tho manipulation of
stocks. Af ter swindling comes disgrace and often
suicide. Nothing but a higher ideal will prevent
one's falling into the habit and nothing but moral
regeneration will rostoro ono who has fallen into
tho habit. No malady is so difficult to euro as
one that attacks tho will. Parents ought to warn
their children against gambling; ministers ought
to warn tholr congregations against it, and npws
papers ought to point out its evils to their readers.
Only when ono is willing to give to society a dol
lar's worth of sorvlco for a dollar's "Worth of pay
and Is as careful to glvo good measure as ho Is
to demand good raeasuro is ho on solid ground.
An honest purpose begets honest methods and tho
two give peaco of mind and tho best assurance of
success in every walk of life.
. - JJJ
The Wall Street Journal expresses the opinion
that If tho senate's railroad investigating commit
tee "starts out with tho Idea of obtaining reasons
why there should bo no rate regulation, Its Inves
tigation will be colored by tho motive which in
spires it."
Has the Journal forgotten that old story
wherein Pat took MIko to a cathedral and sought
to impress upon him the beauties of tho structure?
Mike, duly impressed, exclaimed: "Pat, this
bates tho divil."
Pat replied: "Suro, that's what it's intlnded
If anyone has any idea that the investigation
refered to will not bo "colored by the motivo
which inspires it," he has studied to poor advan
tage tho methods of corporation-owned public of
ficials and tho results of "Investigations" inspired
by such officials.
Every mail shows substantial results from Tho
Commoner's special subscription offer. Many let
ters arrive at Tho Commoner office every day
showing tho great Interest tho readers of this
publication have in increasing its circulation and
thereby widening its sphere of. influence.
A Lamar, Mo., reader writes: "Enclosed find
draft for $12.G0 for which send Commoner one
year to the following twenty-one names."
A Nowata, I. T reader, undor date of March
1, writes: "Herewith I hand you $3 to pay for tho
enclosed list of five subscribers. This makes
twenty-five subscribers I have sent you."
An Ellwood, Ind., reader, under date of March
2, writes: "Your twenty blank subscription cards
were received yesterday morning and with very
little effort, I have been able to sell all of them
at sixty cents each and herewith enclose draft
for $12 in settlement, together with twenty cards
filled out. If I had tho time I am sure I could
sell more than a hundred at the same rate. I
also inclose list of persons whom I believe can
be procured as subscribers. With wishes for your
continued success and a wider field of usefulness
for The Commoner, I beg to remain, etc."
According to the terms of tho special sub
scription offer, cards, each good for jsuo year's
subscription to The Commoner, will be furnished
in lots of five, at the rate of $3 per lot. This
places, the yearly subscription rate at CO cents.
Anyone -ordering these cards may sell them
for $1,00 .each, thus earning a commission of $2.00
on each lot sold, or he may sell them at the cost
price and find compensation in the fact that ho
has contributed to the educational campaign.
These cards may be paid for when ordered, or
they may bo ordered and remittance made after
they have been sold. A coupon is printed below
for the convenience of those who desire to partici
pate in this effort to increase The Commoner's
Application for Subf eriptlM Cardj
Fnblluher Commoner; I am Interacted In la
crc&sing The Commoner's circulation, and de
lro yon to send me & supply of subscription
cards. I agree to use my utmost endeavor to sell
the cards, and will remit for them af the rate of
CO cents each, when sold.
Box, or Btreet No.
P. O. .Btate
Indlcato the nnirber of cards wanted by mark
)ng X opposite one of the numbers printed on
end ot this blank.
Jf you believe the 'paper U doing aicork that merili
encouragement, JfU out the above eoupon and maUW
to The Commoner, Lincoln, Neb.
. . ..